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Pen I  Kerth G 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(22):R927-R929
Groups of female greater horseshoe bats share more than just caves. A long-term study has revealed that female relatives share males as well, but the adaptive significance of this family-wide mate fidelity remains obscure.  相似文献   
We investigate the conflict between queen and worker over sex allocation, specifically the allocation of the queen's eggs between workers and reproductives and the allocation of the reproductive eggs between male and female. In contrast to previous models, we allow workers to observe and use information about the strategy of the queen. We consider three conflict models: simultaneous (no information exchange), sequential (a one-way information exchange) and negotiated (an iterated two-way information exchange). We find that the first model produces sex ratios intermediate between the classic queen (1:1) and worker (1:3) optima. The second model, in which the worker has information about the queen's decisions, produces a different result and one that is somewhat counter-intuitive in that the sex ratios are less female-biased than for the other two models, and in fact are often male-biased. The third model predicts sex ratios intermediate between the first two models. We discuss how these findings may shed new light on observed sex allocation patterns in social insects and we suggest some experimental tests.  相似文献   
Sex ratio theory allows unparalleled opportunities for testing how well animal behavior can be predicted by evolutionary theory. For example, Hamilton's theory of local mate competition (LMC) is well understood and can explain variation in sex allocation across numerous species. This allows more specific predictions to be developed and tested. Here we extend LMC theory to a situation that will be common in a range of species: asymmetrical LMC. Asymmetrical LMC occurs when females lay eggs on a patch asynchronously and male offspring do not disperse, leading to relatively weaker LMC for males emerging from later broods. Varying levels of LMC then lead to varying optimal sex ratios for females, depending on when and where they oviposit. We confirm the assumptions of our theory using the wasp Nasonia vitripennis and then test our predictions. We show that females adjust their offspring sex ratios in the directions predicted, laying different sex ratios on different hosts within a patch. Specifically, there was a less female-biased sex ratio when ovipositing on an unparasitized host if another host on the patch had previously been parasitized and a less female-biased sex ratio on parasitized hosts if females also oviposited on an unparasitized host.  相似文献   
We review some recent theoretical and empirical developments in the study of sex allocation in birds. The advent of reliable molecular sexing techniques has led to a sharp increase in the number of studies that report biased offspring sex ratios in birds. However, compelling evidence for adaptive sex allocation in birds is still very scant. We argue that there are two reasons for this: (i) standard sex allocation models, very helpful in understanding sex allocation of invertebrates, do not sufficiently take the complexities of bird life histories and physiology into account. Recent theoretical work might bring us a step closer to more realistic models; (ii) experimental field and laboratory studies on sex allocation in birds are scarce. Recent experimental work both in the laboratory and in the field shows that this is a promising approach.  相似文献   
本文建立了测定血浆中胱氨酸、蛋氨酸的方法,探讨了胱氨酸、蛋氨酸与脑卒中的关系,旨在对脑卒中的发病机理,临床诊断,以及防治对策提供有益效果。  相似文献   
Using CD spectroscopy, guanine tetraplex formation was studied with short DNA fragments in which cytosine residues were systematically added to runs of guanine either at the 5' or 3' ends. Potassium cations induced the G-tetraplex more easily with fragments having the guanine run at the 5' end, which is just an opposite tendency to what was reported for (G+T) oligonucleotides. However, the present (G+C) fragments simultaneously adopted other conformers that complicated the analysis. We demonstrate that repeated freezing/thawing, performed at low ionic strength, is a suitable method to exclusively stabilize the tetraplex in the (G+C) DNA fragments. In contrast to KCl, the repeated freeze/thaw cycles better stabilized the tetraplex with fragments having the guanine run on the 3' end. The tendency of guanine blocks to generate the tetraplex destabilized the d(G5).d(C5) duplex whose strands dissociated, giving rise to a stable tetraplex of (dG5) and single-stranded (dC5). In contrast to d(G3C3) and d(G5C5), repeated freezing/thawing induced the tetraplex even with the self-complementary d(C3G3) or d(C5G5); hence the latter oligonucleotides preferred the tetraplex to the apparently very stable duplex. The tetraplexes only included guanine blocks while the 5' end cytosines interfered neither with the tetraplex formation nor the tetraplex structure.  相似文献   
Phytase from Aspergillus niger increases the availability of phosphorus from feed for monogastric animals by releasing phosphate from the substrate phytic acid. A phytase cDNA was constitutively expressed in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. Secretion of the protein to the extracellular fluid was established by use of the signal sequence from the tobacco pathogen-related protein S. The specific phytase activity in isolated extracellular fluid was found to be approximately 90-fold higher than in total leaf extract, showing that the enzyme was secreted. This was confirmed by use of immunolocalization. Despite differences in glycosylation, specific activities of tobacco and Aspergillus phytase were identical. Phytase was found to be biologically active and to accumulate in leaves up to 14.4% of total soluble protein during plant maturation. Comparison of phytase accumulation and relative mRNA levels showed that phytase stably accumulated in transgenic leaves during plant growth.  相似文献   
The growth, age composition, reproductive biology and diet of Galaxiella nigrostriata in seasonal water bodies in south-western Australia are described and compared with G. munda and G. pusilla . Like the other two Galaxiella species, G. nigrostriata has a 1 year life cycle. The mean length attained by female G. nigrostriata at sexual maturity is approximately 37 mm, compared with about 47 and 28 mm for G. munda and G. pusilla , respectively. Like G. munda, G. nigrostriata is a multiple spawner. Although all three Galaxiella species breed mainly in winter and early spring, spawning occurs earlier in G. nigrostriata than in the other two species. An early production of offspring enables the young females and males of this species to reach approximately 78 and 88%, respectively, of their ultimate body length by early summer. Such a prolonged period of early and relatively rapid growth is advantageous to G. nigrostriata , since this species lives in water bodies that often dry up during the summer and early autumn and thus cannot grow during this period. The gonads start to undergo rapid development in autumn, when the pools begin to fill with water following the onset of the seasonal rains. All three Galaxielta species are carnivores. Galaxiella nigrostriata mainly takes prey from the water column and the water surface, G. pusilla focuses on prey in the water column and benthos, and G. munda feeds widely on prey on the water surface, throughout the water column and from the benthos. The prevalence of small prey, such as cladocera and calanoid copepods, is greater in the diets of G. nigrostriata and G. pusilla than in that of G. munda .  相似文献   
Synopsis The breadth, correspondence and overlap of the diets of the small and large size classes of the three native species (Galaxias occidentalis, Bostockia porosa and Edelia vittata) and two introduced species (Gambusia holbrooki and Perca fluviatilis) of fishes found in the shallows of the main channel and in the tributary creeks of a south-western Australian river have been compared in each season. Classification and ordination were used to examine the overall interrelationships of the diets across species, size groups, seasons and the location where the fish were caught (channel or creek). The smaller fish had a narrower dietary breadth than larger fish in the spring and summer, presumably reflecting the size limit imposed on prey size by their possession of a relatively small mouth in these seasons. Intraspecific dietary overlap between large and small size classes was usually high in G. occidentalis, but generally low in G. holbrooki and P. fluviatilis, and also in B. porosa and E. vittata when the difference between the lengths of the two size groups was greatest. Dietary overlap was least in autumn when the main prey taxa were most abundant. During winter, the diets of the three native species in the tributaries converged, probably reflecting a relatively low faunal diversity in these highly seasonal water bodies. The only relatively consistent interspecific overlap in diet was between B. porosa and E. vittata. Classification and ordination of the dietary samples separated G. occidentalis (which fed extensively on terrestrial organisms from the water surface) from the smaller P. fluviatilis (that concentrated on copepods in the plankton) and from B. porosa and E. vittata (which ingested primarily benthic organisms). Furthermore, B. porosa tended to ingest larger prey taxa than E. vittata. The diet of Gambusia holbrooki is sometimes dominated by terrestrial insects and at other times by benthic organisms, demonstrating that this species is an opportunistic carnivore. It is concluded that food partitioning by the three native and two introduced fish species in the Collie River is likely to be one of the principal factors facilitating the coexistence of substantial populations of these species in this system.  相似文献   
When blood pressure is measured in the finger using the volume clamp method the value at which the vascular volume is clamped is of crucial importance. Since the discovery of the method, several criteria of finding a correct set point have been elaborated: 1. The volume oscillations reach their maximum amplitude at cuff pressure equalling mean blood pressure. 2. The form of the diastolic portion of volume pulsations changes if the cuff pressure moves around the mean blood pressure. 3. The set point can be positioned at one third of the arterial volume. 4. The dynamic vascular compliance (DVC) may be continuously measured as the instantaneous amplitude of vascular volume oscillations is elicited by a relatively small and rapid vibration of the cuff pressure. The shape of the DVC pulse characteristically depends on the transmural pressure (TP): at negative TP (cuff pressure exceeding the blood pressure) it shows a distinct positive systolic peak, at positive TP the polarity of the DVC pulse is reversed. In contrast to the first three ways to find the set point, the last one may operate even in closed-loop performance, i.e. during the blood pressure measurement.  相似文献   
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