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张文吉  程会文 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):257-265
采用敏感家蝇(Musca domestica vicina L.)及由5种不同光学异构体组成的氯氰菊酯选育的抗性家蝇中胸足离体标本,观测五种药剂对足感觉神经纤维冲动发放的影响。各种异构体组成的氯氰菊酯均可引起感觉神经纤维发放的增加,然后逐渐降低,直至完全阻断。以阻断时间和加药剂量为参数,求出神经敏感度。结果表明:五种药剂作用于敏感家蝇的神经敏感度与室内生物测定的LD50值(μg/头)无相关性,而与供试药剂中反α体与顺α体的比例有关,反α体所占比例越多的药物,神经敏感度越高。抗性家蝇的神经敏感度与敏感 家蝇相比大幅度下降,可以认为神经敏感度降低是家蝇对氯氰菊酯产生抗性的主要机制。抗性家蝇中,氯氰菊酯品系(RC1)的抗生水平最高,但它的神经敏感度较其它抗性品系也高,由此推测,RC1,的抗性机制与其它晶系有所不同。  相似文献   
异源八倍体小冰麦体细胞无性系的建立及其染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从5个异源八倍体小冰麦(Triticum -Agropyron)的叶片、幼穗及成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,建立体细胞无性系,获得大量再生植株。附加一个冰草染色体组的异源八倍体小冰麦杂种无性系中37.5% 表现变异,其中非整倍体植株变异较多,很多变异的再生植株形态与小麦近似,同时出现一定数量染色体重排、交换、易位、断裂、融合等变异。结果表明,通过杂种无性系变异进行染色体基因转化及遗传修饰是一条可行的途径。实验还观察了小冰麦愈伤组织分化过程中绿点的形成过程,首次提出两种类型绿点,即芽绿点和根绿点,并描述了两者的差异  相似文献   
应用同工酶分析方法,测定北京市东灵山区两个分别代表干旱和湿润生境的辽东栋(QuercusliaotungensisKoiz.)群体的遗传结构。共分析统计了13 个酶系统30 个位点。结果表明:辽东栎群体内部存在丰富的遗传变异(多态位点百分率为86.6% ,等位基因平均数为2.25)。两群体遗传结构的相似性程度很高(D= 0.029, GST= 0.048);但在个别位点上仍存在较大差异,这些差异的产生可能与对小生境的适应有关。对不同年龄段的初步分析结果显示,基因频率的动态变化可能有其适应意义  相似文献   
四个籼稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种幼苗经1℃黑暗或光照250 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1处理后,抗冷的“桂山矮选3”比不抗冷的“青华6 号”幼苗存活率高,其子代是以“桂山矮选3”为母本的比“青华6 号”为母本的存活率较高。抽穗期剑叶经光照低温处理12、24 和36 h 后,光合作用是“桂山矮选3”和以“桂山矮选3”为母本的子代比“青华6 号”和以“青华6 号”为母本的子代下降较少。呼吸作用是前者比后者在处理12 h 时有明显升高现象。荧光参数Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm比值在处理24 h 时前者比后者下降明显,但在常温下恢复则是前者比后者明显较快。自然低温(寒露风)对叶绿素荧光的影响亦有相似的规律。对水稻后代的抗冷性倾向于母本进行了讨论  相似文献   
Seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) were stored hermetically at 35 °C with 11 differentmoisture contents between 1·3 and 6·9%, and between1·3 and 7·1% of fresh mass, respectively. Germinationand vigour (mean germination time, root length, seedling dryweight) were determined after storage for 0, 8, or 16 weeks(sunflower) or 0, 8, 16, or 48 weeks (lettuce) in these environmentsfollowed by various humidification treatments (to avoid imbibitioninjury). The range of seed storage moisture contents over whichdeterioration was minimized depended upon the criterion of deteriorationused, and varied somewhat between species. Comparison of theseranges for seeds stored for the longest durations showed thatfor some criteria seed performance was poorer (P < 0·05)at both the lowest and highest moisture contents investigatedthan at certain of the intermediate storage moisture contents(e.g, most rapid germination occurred in sunflower followingstorage at 2·2-4·7% moisture content), whereasfor other criteria all the drier storage moisture contents weresuperior to the more moist (e,g. greatest seedling growth occurredin sunflower following storage at 1·3-5·1% moisturecontent). But none of these results suggested that lettuce andsunflower seeds stored hermetically at 2·5-3·0%or 2·2-2·5% moisture content, respectively, wereless vigorous than at any other moisture content tested. Inboth species, these storage moisture contents are in equilibriumwith about 8-10% relative humidity (r.h.) at 20 °C, whichis similar to and indeed marginally less than the 10-13% r.h.recommended following earlier studies on the longevity of seedsin hermetic storage at much warmer temperatures. Thus, theseresults show no evidence that the optimum seed moisture contentfor storage increases with decrease in temperature, at leastover the range 35-65 °C, as has been suggested elsewhere.We conclude that the international recommendation for the long-termseed storage for genetic conservation at 5 ± 1% moisturecontent should not be revised upwardly, and that in situationswhere refrigeration cannot be provided storage at even lowermoisture contents is worthy of further investigation for thoseseeds in which desiccation at 20 °C to equilibrium at 10%r.h. results in moisture contents well below 5%.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, desiccation, seed storage, seed vigour  相似文献   
Abstract Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been produced by immunizing BALB/C mice with whole M+ bacteria in incomplete Freund adjuvant and the resulting mAbs for M3 protein have been selected by an indirect immuno-fluorescent technique using formaldehyde-fixed M+ and M bacteria. Four mAbs reacted with a 65 kDa protein in an extract obtained from the cell wall of M+ bacteria after treatment with N -acetyl muramidase and lysozyme. The purified 65 kDa protein neutralized the phagocytic activity of rabbit anti-M3 antibody. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 65 kDa protein was identical with that of protein generated by the M3 gene which has been previously cloned and sequenced. The evidence indicates that the 65 kDa protein is M3 protein. The M3 protein bound not only human fibrinogen but also human serum albumin (HSA). When the M3 protein was purified by gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography in the absence of phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), four fragments (35 kDa, 32 kDa, 30 kDa, and 25 kDa) in addition to the intact molecule appeared. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis showed that 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments were ANAAD and DARSV, respectively, being identical at positions 1–5 and 198–202 to the M3 gene derived protein. Therefore, the 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments, which were presumed to be cleavage products, may be derived from the C-terminal part and N-terminal part of the intact molecule, respectively. When the effect of purified M3 protein in the bactericidal activity of normal human blood in the presence of M bacteria was investigated, the M3 protein was responsible for the organism's resistance to attack by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
本文记述寄生于榆绿毛萤叶甲的一种微粒子虫新种的光匀和电镜形态特征及寄生习性。并讨论了新种鉴别特性。  相似文献   
本文对高邮杂交鲫(鲫♀×白鲫♂)及其亲本血清生化组成的定量分析。结果表明,在测定的血清总蛋白、白蛋白、胆固醇、尿素氮、葡萄糖、乳酸脱氢酶、a-羟丁酸脱氢酶、a-淀粉酶和谷草转氨酶等九个生化指标中,大部分指标高邮杂交鲫与母本无显著差异,而与父本则有极显著差异。这从代谢方面论证了高邮杂交鲫是一个偏向于母本的杂交种。  相似文献   
新疆10种沙生植物旱生结构的解剖学研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
新疆10种沙生植物的形态解剖研究表明,它们为适应沙生环境形态结构发生变化。叶器官的形态呈三种类型:叶片退化成膜质或鳞片状,而由同化枝执行光合功能;叶片上下都具栅栏组织,表皮角质膜厚,表皮毛发达,气孔下陷,输导组织和机械组织都发达;叶片肉质化,叶肉组织不分化,贮水组织发达而输导组织不发达。轴器官中厚壁组织发达,围绕维管组织,维管组织内部也有发达的厚壁组织。根中普遍具有周皮,一些植物存在异常的维管组织,部分植物还具有粘液细胞或结晶。沙生植物形成各种旱生结构,以不同的方式适应沙生环境。  相似文献   
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