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大鼠应激性胃粘膜损害与eAMPCa~2及能量代谢变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用放射免疫测定法、原子吸收光谱分析法和生化酶分析法,测定了大鼠在经受束缚加浸水急性应激四小时内,胃组织cAMP Ca~(2+)及在ATP、ADP、AMP和能量代谢的短期动态变化,同时观察了胃粘膜的损害程度。结果发现胃粘膜损害面积密度随着应激时间延长而逐渐增加;胃组织cAMP和Ca~(2+)则进行性降低;两者呈密切负相关;胃组织能量代谢却略有增强。若预先给以CaCl_2,再予应激,则有减轻应激性胃粘膜损害的作用。  相似文献   
TPA对原代白血病细胞的诱导分化作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告了TPA对32例不同类型白血病细胞的体外分化诱导结果。TPA(1.6×10~-7M)可诱导急性非淋巴细胞(ANLL)白血病细胞迅速出现单核巨噬细胞分化标志:细胞贴壁、胞浆丝状伪足形成,具有类似巨噬细胞的形态改变及相应的细胞化学反应特征。急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)和桨细胞白血病(PCL)细胞不发生上述变化,表现为细胞聚集成闭现象。慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)出现桨细胞样形态转化。初发与复发病例的诱导反应相类似。TPA体外诱导分化实验,有助于了解病人白血病细胞的分化潜能,对于鉴别粒单系和淋巴系两类白血病,尤其对于用常规方法分型困难的低分化白血病有一定的临床诊断意义。  相似文献   
一、前言哈巴德布鲁克实验林(Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest)位于美国东北部新罕布什尔州中部的白山国家森林中。该地区位于典型温带湿润气候区内,年平均降水量为129.5cm,全年月平均降水量变化不大,冬雪夏雨。蒸发蒸腾量以每年6—9月为最大(Likens等,1977;Bormann等,1979)。该实验林为北美温带落叶阔叶林,属红果云杉(Picea rubens)-阔叶林。Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study(HBES)是开始最  相似文献   
柴达木盆地荒漠土壤蓝藻群落的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了柴达木盆地东部和中部具有代表性地区的丘陵、戈壁和沙丘的蓝藻种类组成、生物量及主要的土壤化学成分;采用了模糊聚类、系统聚类及多元线性回归等方法分析藻类的群落及其与环境因子的关系。共鉴定出21种蓝藻,其中6种为国内首次报道。研究表明:土壤含磷量、总盐量及与粘性和湿度有关的土壤结构是决定柴达木盆地蓝藻群落组成的重要因素。  相似文献   
The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans, a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation. The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   
Long-term ingestion of sublethal n-butanol doses by rats led to a noteworthy increase in the resistance of in vitro brain ribosomal function to the acute inhibitory action of ethanol and isopropanol. Withdrawal of n-butanol did not change this adaptation process immediately. The step affected seems to be the elongation of polypeptide chains. The dependence of in vitro translation on incubation temperature was affected by the adaptation process, the translation system of chronic animals being less stimulatable than that of control animals at low temperature.  相似文献   
The AXB and BXA set of recombinant inbred mouse strains   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The recombinant inbred (RI) set of strains, AXB and BXA, derived from C57BL/6J and A/J, originally constructed and maintained at the University of California/San Diego, have been imported into The Jackson Laboratory and are now in the 29th to 59th generation of brother-sister matings. Genetic quality control testing with 45 proviral and 11 biochemical markers previously typed in this RI set indicated that five strains had been genetically contaminated sometime in the past, so these strains have been discarded. The correct and complete strain distribution patterns for 56 genetic markers are reported for the remaining RI strain set, which consists of 31 living strains and 8 extinct strains for which DNA is available. Two additional strains, AXB 12 and BXA 17, are living and may be added to the set pending further tests of genetic purity. The progenitors of this RI set differ in susceptibility to 27 infectious diseases as well as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, cleft palate, and hydrocephalus. Thus, the AXB and BXA set of RI strains will be useful in the genetic analysis of several complex diseases.  相似文献   
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