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In a conventional protein downstream processing (DSP) scheme, chromatography is the single most expensive step. Despite being highly effective, it often has a low process throughput due to its semibatch nature, sometimes with nonreproducible results and relatively complex process development. Hence, more work is required to develop alternative purification methods that are more cost-effective, but exhibiting nearly comparable performance. In recent years, surfactant precipitation has been heralded as a promising new method for primary protein recovery that meets these criteria and is a simple and cost-effective method that purifies and concentrates. The method requires the direct addition of a surfactant to a complex solution (e.g. a fermentation broth) containing the protein of interest, where the final surfactant concentration is maintained below its critical micelle concentration (CMC) in order to allow for electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between the surfactant and the target protein. An insoluble (hydrophobic) protein–surfactant complex is formed and backextraction of the target protein from the precipitate into a new aqueous phase is then carried out using either solvent extraction, or addition of a counter-ionic surfactant. Importantly, as highlighted by past researchers, the recovered proteins maintain their activity and structural integrity, as determined by circular dichroism (CD). In this review, various aspects of surfactant precipitation with respect to its general methodology and process mechanism, system parameters influencing performance, protein recovery, process selectivity and process advantages will be highlighted. Moreover, comparisons will be made to reverse micellar extraction, and the current drawbacks/challenges of surfactant precipitation will also be discussed. Finally, promising directions of future work with this separation technique will be highlighted.  相似文献   
Leukocytes can be found in substantial numbers within the intrauterine tissues and amniotic fluid of women, and play a central role in the pathophysiology of infection-related preterm labor by their production of proinflammatory mediators. It remains unclear whether these leukocytes represent a fetal immune response, a maternal response, or a combination of the two. The objective of this study was to develop a test in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) suitable for determining the percentage of male fetal cells present in a population of leukocytes recovered from blood or amniotic fluid. We found inadequate specificity for rhesus monkey cells using commercial human Y-chromosome paint kits (fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)). Human-specific primers for the repetitive Y chromosome DYZ-1 locus employed in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produced an unacceptable percentage of false positives. However, we successfully developed a PCR-based test using rhesus-specific primers for the zinc finger Y (ZFY) locus. Densitometry of PCR products from known ratios of male and female adult peripheral leukocytes generated a linear standard curve which provided quantitative results and required only 400 cells per sample. The rhesus beta globin (RBG) gene served as an internal control. The PCR test correctly discriminated the sex of peripheral leukocytes in 20 adult males, 20 adult females, two male fetuses, and one female fetus. Serial samples of amniotic fluid from four chronically catheterized rhesus monkeys bearing male fetuses were used to confirm the utility of this assay for quantifying fetal cells in amniotic fluid. In conclusion, we have developed a PCR test which is suitable for distinguishing male from female cells in adult and fetal blood and in amniotic fluid, which lends itself to a variety of diagnostic and biologic applications in the rhesus monkey and potentially in other nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
Gabaculine (3-amino-2,3-dihydrobenzoic acid) was an inhibitor of in vivo chlorophyll biosynthesis in lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L. cv Henderson). When applied to roots of 9-day-old plants, 10 micromolar gabaculine was sufficient to terminate biosynthesis of new chlorophyll. The trifoliolate leaves which emerged after gabaculine treatment were yellow. Gabaculine-treated plants had slightly lower dry weights; yet, overall plant size showed very little change. Chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics and CO2 exchange measurements were used to monitor both immediate and long-term effects of gabaculine on photosynthesis. A lowered rate of the decline from the maximum level of fluorescence was observed after 10 hours for nitrate-supplemented plants, and all treated plants showed a slightly increased level of original fluorescence after 6 days. No change was observed in the rate of photosynthesis by unifoliolate leaves. The trifoliolate leaves, though not able to photosynthesize, were able to continue respiration. This suggested that heme biosynthesis for mitochondrial cytochromes was not abolished. In untreated lima bean, root nodules were induced by Rhizobium sp. 127E15. Following gabaculine treatment, root nodules formed, but were largely ineffective in nitrogen fixation. Nodule dry weight, nitrogen fixation activity, and leghemoglobin content were decreased by gabaculine.  相似文献   
Linear energy transfer (LET infinity) spectra of identified charge fragments and primaries, produced by nuclear interactions of 670 MeV/A neon in water, were measured along the unmodulated Bragg curve of the neon beam. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for spermatogonial cell killing, as reported on the basis of weight loss assay of mouse testes irradiated with beams of approximately constant single LET infinity, were summed over the particle LET infinity spectra to obtain an effective RBE for each charged-particle species, as a function of water absorber thickness. The resultant values of effective RBE were combined to obtain an effective RBE for the mixed radiation field. The RBE calculated in this way was compared with experimental RBEs obtained for spermatogonial cell killing in the mixed radiation field produced by neon ions traversing a thick water absorber. Discrepancies of 10-40% were observed between the calculated RBE and the RBE measured in the mixed radiation field. Part of this discrepancy can be attributed to undetected low-Z fragments, whose contribution is not included in the calculation, leading to an overestimated value for the calculated RBE. On the other hand, calculated values 10% greater than the measured RBE are explained as track structure effects due to the higher radial ionization density near neon tracks relative to the ionization density near the silicon tracks used to fit the RBE vs LET infinity data.  相似文献   
用云南山楂(Crataegus scabrifolia(Franch.)Rehd.)成年树茎尖和实生芽两种不同发育阶段的材料为外殖体,诱导它们休眠芽萌动,丛生芽条并诱导芽条生根。实验结果如下:1.以成年态的云南山楂侧芽为外植体,培养在附加IAA 0.1—0.5mg/l+6-BA 1-2mg/l的MS培养基上可诱导芽的萌发;将芽继代培养在附加0.5—1mg/l 6-BA的SH或MS培养基上,40天后芽数增殖4—6倍;将芽条截下置于1/2MS培养基上,附加不同浓度的IAA或IBA,可得到50—80%的生根率。2.以实生芽为外殖体,在相同条件下,则20天后芽数增殖便可获4—6倍;98%以上生根。结果表明:云南山楂的幼年态要比成年态易脱分化和再分化。  相似文献   
The lymphocyte-function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), the complement receptor type 3 (CR3) and the antigen p150,95 are cell-surface glycoproteins. They are heterodimeric complexes, each containing a unique alpha-subunit noncovalently associated with a common beta-subunit. We have purified the beta-subunit from human spleen and obtained limited peptide sequences. What appears to be the complete primary structure for the fully processed beta-subunit was obtained by cDNA sequencing of clones from a phorbol ester (PMA) stimulated U937 cDNA library. There are five possible glycosylation sites and a transmembrane segment. The sequence contains a high level of cysteine (7.6%), with 24 of the 57 cysteine residues being found in three repeating units each with eight residues. The entire primary structure has 47% identity to a subunit of a fibronectin binding protein from chicken fibroblasts. It seems that LFA-1, CR3 and p150,95 antigens may belong to an extended family of cell surface molecules including the fibronectin binding protein.  相似文献   
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