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The mechanisms that control the wound-induced expression of the prxC2 gene for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been investigated. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5′-deleted promoters showed that a positive element involved in the response to wounding was located between −307 and −99 bp from the site of initiation of translation. In in vitro binding assays of tobacco nuclear proteins and DNA fragments of prxC2 promoter, the binding site was the Box 1 from −296 to −283 containing the CACGTG motif. To identify the functional role of Box 1, the prxC2 promoter that has been digested from the 5′ end to −289 with a disrupted Box 1 was fused to a reporter gene for β-glucuronidase (GUS). No induction of GUS activity was observed in transgenic tobacco plants with the prxC2(−289)/GUS construct. These data indicated that the expression of prxC2 in response to wounding required the Box 1 sequence from −296 to −283. Furthermore, a tobacco cDNA expression library was screened and a cDNA clone for a protein, designated TFHP-1, that bound specifically to the Box 1 sequence was identified. The putative TFHP-1 protein contains a basic region and leucine zipper (bZip) motif and a helix—loop—helix (HLH) motif. The mRNA for TFHP-1 was abundant in roots and stems, and it was not induced by wounding in leaves. In tobacco protoplasts, antisense TFHP-1 suppressed the expression of prxC2 (−529)/GUS.  相似文献   
We evaluated antibody-coated bacteria (ACB) in expectorated sputum to discriminate contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens. We examined 60 expectorated sputum samples from 51 patients with lower respiratory infections (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 25, pneumonia 20, purulent tracheobronchitis 6). All samples were examined with quantitative culture and immunofluorescent demonstration of ACB. From the results of quantitative culture, we divided specimens into pathogen-isolated and pathogen-free samples. Among pathogen-isolated samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogenic organisms at ≥ 107 colony-forming units per ml, 16 of 23 samples were ACB-positive (69.5%). In contrast, among pathogen-free samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogens at < 107 colony forming units per ml or only upper respiratory flora, only 3 of 37 samples were ACB-positive (8.1%). The ACB-positive rate was significantly higher in pathogen-isolated than in pathogen-free samples (P < 0.001). Consequently, detecting ACB in expectorated sputum shows good potential as another criterion for distinguishing contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens.  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects of exercise on aortic wall elasticity and elastic components, young male rats underwent various exercise regimes for 16 weeks. In the exercised rats, the aortic incremental elastic modulus decreased significantly when under physiological strain. The aortic content of elastin increased significantly and the calcium content of elastin decreased significantly in the exercised group. The accumulated data from the exercised and sedentary groups revealed that the elastin calcium content was related positively to the incremental elastic modulus. We concluded that physical exercise from an early age decreases the calcium deposit in aortic wall elastin and that this effect probably produced in the exercised rats a distensible aorta.  相似文献   
Fossil wood assemblages deposited during 6.300–3.000 yBP, are studied at the Akayama Site, central Japan. Layer III containing fossil woods was divided into three subunits according to intercalating tephras, and total 3618 fossil woods were studied. In the composition, deciduous broad-leaved trees dominated, accompanied by some evergreen conifers. In the diameter distribution, nine taxa accounted for nearly 90% of individuals exceeding 10 cm in diameter. Spatial distribution of nine major and three minor taxa and that of thick individuals clarified the following points: 1)Fraxinus established a lowland forest during 5,000–4,500 yBP, accompanied byAlnus sect.Gymnothyrsus, Acer andAesculus turbinata; 2) small trees ofAlnus sect.Gymnothyrsus extensively intermingled in the lowlandFraxinus forest during 4,500–3,000 yBP; 3)Quercus sect.Prinus and Castanea crenata constituted escarpment forests during 6,300–3,000 yBP; 4)Carpinus sect.Eucarpinus became a major component during 5,000–4,500 yBP, andOstrya japonica replacedCastanea crenata during 4,500–3,000 yBP. Comparison with the other five contemporaneous fossil wood assemblages shows prevalence ofFraxinus-dominant forests during the Late to Latest Jomon Periods in the southern part of the Kanto Plain.  相似文献   
The expression and promoter activity of genes for isozymes ofhorseradish peroxidase, namely, prxCla, prxClb, prxC2 and prxC3,were studied. Organ-specific expression of these genes in horseradishplants was examined by Northern blot analysis. The group ofprxCl genes was expressed mostly in stems, while prxC2 and prxC3were expressed to a greater extent in roots. Hardly any expressionof any of the genes was detected in leaves. In transient-expressionassays with tobacco protoplasts, about 500 bp of the 5'-noncodingregions of each of the genes, ligated to the gene for ß-glucuronidase(GUS), exhibited significant promoter activity. In particular,the fragments extending from the initiation codon of the prxC2gene to –529 bp and –1 kbp supported high levelsof GUS activity, which were 4.4 and 11.4 times respectively,the activity observed under control of the 35S promoter fromcauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV). Conserved enhancer sequencesof human genes were found in the 5'-flanking region of prxC2,and deletion of the regions that contained the enhancer sequencesreduced the GUS activity. High levels of GUS activity were observedin transgenic tobacco plants that contained 1 kbp of the 5'flanking region of prxC2 fused to the GUS gene. GUS activitywas diminished when deletion from the 5' end extended as faras the CAAT box. No significant organ-specific expression ofGUS was observed with any such deletion. (Received April 15, 1992; Accepted September 11, 1992)  相似文献   
Manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) were produced by growing a white-rot fungusBjerkandera adusta statically, on a wood meal/wheat bran culture in flasks. MnP and LiP reached their maximum activity after 6 and 19 days of inoculation, respectively. Both MnP and LiP are thought to be important enzymes in lignin biodegradation byB. adusta. Ion exchange chromatography showed thatB. adusta produced a single LiP and a single MnP enzyme in wood meal/wheat bran culture. These enzymes were separated and characterized. The molecular weight of MnP was 46,500 with a pl of 3.9. The molecular weight of LiP was estimated to be 47,000 with a pl of 3.5. Spectral analysis demonstrated that both enzymes are heme proteins. Production of these enzymes was also achieved using a rotarysolid culture fermenter. MnP, LiP and veratryl alcohol oxidase were produced byB. adusta in the fermenter.  相似文献   
The electrical potential distribution has been measured preciselyaround the root surface of the bean sprout Vigna mungo (L) Hepper.A large negative potential well was found at the growth portionof the root tip. Also, in the matured region of the root, wefound a negative potential well at an unspecified position inspite of the fact that nothing was detected on the smooth surface.A lateral root emerge was found to have initiated after 15–20hours just at the position corresponding to the potential well.With the expectation that these potentials can be elucidatedbased on the transport of ions which are released or absorbedby the root as a result of cell activity, we precisely measuredthe concentrations of major ion species (K+, H+, and Cl)around the root. The theoretical potential distribution curvesobtained by putting all the concentration data into the Henderson'sEquation for a liquid junction (diffusion) potential coincidedwell with the experimental curves. (Received October 24, 1994; Accepted March 24, 1995)  相似文献   
Maeda, Seiji, Takashi Miyauchi, Michiko Sakane, MakotoSaito, Shinichi Maki, Katsutoshi Goto, and Mitsuo Matsuda. Does endothelin-1 participate in the exercise-induced changes of blood flowdistribution of muscles in humans? J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1107-1111, 1997.Endothelin-1(ET-1) is an endothelium-derived potent vasoconstrictor peptide thatpotentiates contractions to norepinephrine in human vessels. Wepreviously reported that the circulating plasma concentration of ET-1is significantly increased after exercise (S. Maeda, T. Miyauchi, K. Goto, and M. Matsuda. J. Appl.Physiol. 77: 1399-1402, 1994). Tostudy the roles of ET-1 during and after exercise, we investigatedwhether endurance exercise affects the production of ET-1 in thecirculation of working muscles and nonworking muscles. Male athletesperformed one-leg cycle ergometer exercise of 30-min duration atintensity of 110% of their individual ventilatory threshold. Plasmaconcentrations of ET-1 in both sides of femoral veins (veins in theworking leg and nonworking leg) and in the femoral artery (artery inthe nonworking leg) were measured before and afterexercise. The plasma ET-1 concentration in the femoralvein in the nonworking leg was significantly increased after exercise,whereas that in femoral vein in the working leg was not changed. Thearteriovenous difference in ET-1 concentration was significantlyincreased after exercise in the circulation of the nonworking leg butnot of the working leg, which suggests that the production of ET-1 wasincreased in the circulation of the nonworking leg by exercise. Thepresent study also demonstrated that the plasma norepinephrineconcentrations were elevated by exercise in the femoral veins of boththe working and nonworking legs, suggesting that the sympathetic nerveactivity was augmented in both legs during exercise. Therefore, thepresent study demonstrates the possibility that the increase inproduction of ET-1 in nonworking muscles may cause vasoconstriction andhence decrease blood flow in nonworking muscles through its directvasoconstrictive action or through an indirect effect of ET-1 toenhance vasoconstrictions to norepinephrine and that these responsesmay be helpful in increasing blood flow in workingmuscles. We propose that endogenous ET-1 contributes tothe exercise-induced redistribution of blood flow in muscles.

The replication origin of the broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains 3.5 copies of a 20mer iteron sequence that bind specifically to the plasmid-encoded initiator, RepC. Here we demonstrated that even a single iteron was bent upon binding of RepC. Moreover, the bending angle seems to become larger along with the increment of the number of iterons. In a mutational analysis of the iteron sequence, we isolated seven kinds of base-substitution mutants of iterons, and estimated the replication activity of these mutants in vivo. We found that each of the subsections in the 20mer iteron sequence made a distinct contribution to the initiation of RSF1010 DNA replication. With the binding assay of RepC and mutated iterons in vitro, we found that the formation of a productive RepC-iteron complex was required for the initiation of plasmid DNA replication.  相似文献   
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