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Streptococcus oralis is the predominant aciduric nonmutans streptococcus isolated from the human dentition, but the role of this organism in the initiation and progression of dental caries has yet to be established. To identify proteins that are differentially expressed by S. oralis growing under conditions of low pH, soluble cellular proteins extracted from bacteria grown in batch culture at pH 5.2 or 7.0 were analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Thirty-nine proteins had altered expression at low pH; these were excised, digested with trypsin using an in-gel protocol, and further analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. The resulting fingerprints were compared with the genomic database for Streptococcus pneumoniae, an organism that is phylogenetically closely related to S. oralis, and putative functions for the majority of these proteins were determined on the basis of functional homology. Twenty-eight proteins were up-regulated following growth at pH 5.2; these included enzymes of the glycolytic pathway (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase), the polypeptide chains comprising ATP synthase, and proteins that are considered to play a role in the general stress response of bacteria, including the 60-kDa chaperone, Hsp33, and superoxide dismutase, and three distinct ABC transporters. These data identify, for the first time, gene products that may be important in the survival and proliferation of nonmutans aciduric S. oralis under conditions of low pH that are likely to be encountered by this organism in vivo.  相似文献   
Fluorescent proteins are useful reporter molecules for a variety of biological systems. We present an alternative strategy for cloning reporter genes that are regulated by the nisin-controlled gene expression (NICE) system. Lactoccocus lactis was genetically engineered to express green fluorescent protein (GFP), mCherry or near-infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP). The reporter gene sequences were optimized to be expressed by L. lactis using inducible promoter pNis within the pNZ8048 vector. Expression of constructions that carry mCherry or GFP was observed by fluorescence microscopy 2 h after induction with nisin. Expression of iRFP was evaluated at 700 nm using an infrared scanner; cultures induced for 6 h showed greater iRFP expression than non-induced cultures or those expressing GFP. We demonstrated that L. lactis can express efficiently GFP, mCherry and iRFP fluorescent proteins using an inducible expression system. These strains will be useful for live cell imaging studies in vitro or for imaging studies in vivo in the case of iRFP.  相似文献   
Intraspecific sequence variation in the D-loop region of mtDNA in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), a relict North American fish species, was examined in 27 individuals from populations of the Columbia and Fraser rivers. Thirty-three varied nucleotide positions were present in a 462-nucleotide D-loop sequence, amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. Bootstrapped neighbor-joining and maximum- parsimony trees of sequences from 19 haplotypes suggest that the two populations have recently diverged. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the Columbia River, a Pleistocene refugium habitat, was the source of founders for the Fraser River after the last glacial recession. On the basis of a divergence time of 10-12 thousand years ago, the estimated substitution rate of the white sturgeon D-loop region is 1.1-1.3 x 10(-7) nucleotides/site/year, which is comparable to rates for hypervariable sequences in the human D-loop region. Furthermore, the ratio of mean percent nucleotide differences in the D- loop (2.27%) to that in whole mtDNA (0.54%, as estimated from restriction-enzyme data) is 4.3, which is similar to the fourfold-to- fivefold-higher substitution rate estimated for the human D-loop. The high nucleotide substitution rate of the hypervariable region indicates that the vertebrate D-loop has potential as a genetic marker in molecular population studies.   相似文献   
Paralogous genes from several families were found in four human chromosome regions (4p16, 5q33-35, 8p12-21, and 10q24-26), suggesting that their common ancestral region underwent several rounds of large- scale duplication. Searches in the EMBL databases, followed by phylogenetic analyses, showed that cognates (orthologs) of human duplicated genes can be found in other vertebrates, including bony fishes. In contrast, within each family, only one gene showing the same high degree of similarity with all the duplicated mammalian genes was found in nonvertebrates (echinoderms, insects, nematodes). This indicates that large-scale duplications occurred after the echinoderms/chordates split and before the bony vertebrate radiation. It has been suggested that two rounds of gene duplication occurred in the vertebrate lineage after the separation of Amphioxus and craniate (vertebrates + Myxini) ancestors. Before these duplications, the genes that have led to the families of paralogous genes in vertebrates must have been physically linked in the craniate ancestor. Linkage of some of these genes can be found in the Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans genomes, suggesting that they were linked in the triploblast Metazoa ancestor.   相似文献   
The endogenous Cl- conductance of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells was studied 20-35 h after plating out of either uninfected cells or cells infected by a baculovirus vector carrying the cloned beta-galactosidase gene (beta-Gal cells). With the cation Tris+ in the pipette and Na+ in the bath, the reversal potential of whole-cell currents was governed by the prevailing Cl- equilibrium potential and could be fitted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation with similar permeabilities for uninfected and beta-Gal cells. In the frequency range 0.12 < f < 300 Hz, the power density spectrum of whole-cell Cl- currents could be fitted by three Lorentzians. Independent of membrane potential, >50% of the total variance of whole-cell current fluctuations was accounted for by the low frequency Lorentzian (fc = 0.40 +/- 0.03 Hz, n = 6). Single-Cl- channels showed complex gating kinetics with long lasting (seconds) openings interrupted by similar long closures. In the open state, channels exhibited fast burst-like closures. Since the patches normally contained more than a single channel, it was not possible to measure open and closed dwell-time distributions for comparing single-Cl- channel activity with the kinetic features of whole-cell currents. However, the power density spectrum of Cl- currents of cell-attached and excised outside-out patches contained both high and low frequency Lorentzian components, with the corner frequency of the slow component (fc = 0.40 +/- 0.02 Hz, n = 4) similar to that of whole-cell current fluctuations. Chloride channels exhibited multiple conductance states with similar Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz-type rectification. Single-channel permeabilities covered the range from approximately 0.6.10(-14) cm5/s to approximately 6.10(-14) cm3/s, corresponding to a limiting conductance (gamma 150/150) of approximately 3.5 pS and approximately 35 pS, respectively. All states reversed near the same membrane potential, and they exhibited similar halide ion selectivity, P1 > PCl approximately PBr. Accordingly, Cl- current amplitudes larger than current flow through the smallest channel unit resolved seem to result from simultaneous open/shut events of two or more channel units.  相似文献   
Cotyledons of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) synthesize large amounts of the reserve protein phaseolin. The polypeptides are synthesized on membrane-bound polysomes, pass through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and accumulate in protein bodies. For a study of the biosynthesis and processing of phaseolin, developing cotyledons were labeled with radioactive amino acids, glucosamine and mannose, and isolated fractions (polysomal RNA, polysomes, and rough ER) were used for in vitro protein synthesis. Newly synthesized phaseolin present in the ER of developing cotyledons can be fractioned into four glycopolypeptides by SDS PAGE. In vitro synthesis with polysomal RNA results in the formation of two polypeptides by polysome run-off shows that glycosylation is a co-translational event. The two unglycosylated polypeptides formed by polysome run-off are slightly smaller than the two polypeptides formed by in vitro translation of isolated RNA, indicating that a signal peptide may be present on these polypeptides. Run-off synthesis with rough ER produces a pattern of four polypeptides similar to the one obtained by in vivo labeling. The two abundant glycopolypeptides formed by polysome run-off. This result indicates the existence of a second glycosylation event for the abundant polypeptides. Inhibition of glycosylation by Triton X-100 during chain-completion with rough ER was used to show that these two glycosylation steps normally occur sequentially. Both glycosylation steps are inhibited by tunicamycin. Analysis of carhohydrate to protein ratios of the different polypeptides and of trypsin digests of polypeptides labeled with [(3)H]glucosamine confirmed the conclusion that some glycosylated polypeptides contain two oligosaccharide chains, while others contain only one. An analysis of tryptic peptide maps shows that each of the unglycosylated polypeptides is the precursor for one glycosylated polypeptide with one oligosaccharide chain and one with two oligosaccharide chains.  相似文献   
A random walk model of capillary tracer transit times is developed that treats simulataneously: plug flow in the capillary, radial and axial diffusion in the capillary cylinder and tissue annulus, and endothelial barriers to solute transport. The mean transit time is simply the volume of distribution divided by blood flow. Variance of transit times has additive terms for radial, axial, and barrier influences that are reduceable to variances of simpler models of capillary exchange. The dependence of variance on the solute diffusion coefficient is not monotonic, but has a minimum near 0·5 × 10?6 cm2/s for reasonable parameters and no barrier, Small molecules like inert gases are expected to have larger variances with higher diffusion coefficients, while larger molecules and barrier limited solutes will have the reverse dependence. Available literature data indicates that capillary heterogeneity will have a major influence on whole-body variance of transit times.  相似文献   
In the renal glomerulus, the narrow slits between adjacent epithelial podocytes are bridged by a diaphragm (2, 8, 11). In rat and mouse kidneys fixed by perfusion with tannic acid and glutaraldehyde (TAG), it has recently been discovered that this diaphragm has a highly ordered, isoporous substructure (9). It consists of a regular array of alternating cross bridges extending from the podocyte plasma membranes to a centrally running filament. This zipperlike pattern results in two rows of rectangular pores, approximately 40 X 140 A in cross section, dimensions consistent with the proposed role of the diaphragm as an important filtration barrier to plasma proteins (6). In the present study, we found in freeze-cleaved and in freeze-etched normal rat glomeruli that the surface of the slit diaphragm has an appearance conforming to the pattern found in sectioned material.  相似文献   
Decrements in vital capacity (% delta VC) were proposed by the Pennsylvania group in the early 1970s as an index of O2-induced lung damage. These workers used the combined effects of PO2 and time of exposure to develop recommendations to limit expected % delta VC. Adopting this general approach, we fitted human pulmonary O2 toxicity data to the hyperbolic equation % delta VC = Bs.(PO2 - B1).(time)B3 using a nonlinear least squares analysis. In addition to the data considered in 1970, our analysis included new data available from the literature. The best fit was obtained when 1) an individual slope parameter, Bs, was estimated for each subject instead of an average slope; 2) PO2 asymptote B1 = 0.38 ATA; and 3) exponent B3 = 1.0. Wide individual variation imposed large uncertainty on any % delta VC prediction. A 12-h exposure to a PO2 of 1 ATA would be expected to yield a median VC decrement of 4%. The 80% confidence limits, however, included changes from +1.0 and -12% delta VC. Until an improved index of pulmonary O2 toxicity is developed, a simplified expression % delta VC = -0.011.(PO2 - 0.5).time (PO2 in ATA and time in min) can be used to predict a median response with little loss in predictability. The limitations of changes in VC as an index are discussed.  相似文献   
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