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In order to evaluate the impact of the lesser weever on the ecosystem of the southern North Sea, geographical distribution, density, growth, production and food requirements have been estimated. High densities were found on and around the Brown Ridge, an area with high tidal current velocities, medium grain-size of the sediment and a poor benthic fauna. Growth is restricted to the months of June October. During the winter cessation of growth a considerable loss of weight (about 20%) takes place. Mortality has been estimated by using the average size frequency distribution of all catches made from 1972 to 1984. The resulting convex type of survival curve indicates a high survival rate of the II to IV-group fishes. The production (estimated with Allen's graphical method) of a population of 100 individuals including all age groups (0-VI) amounts to 123.7 g AFDW-year'. In areas with highest densities, consequently, production amounts to 0.018–0.078 g AFDW-m2 -year-1. With an assumed transfer efficiency of 10% through the year, food requirements amounts to 0.18–0.78 g AFDW-m 2 -year -1. Since the lesser weever feeds mainly on fish (85.6%), almost exclusively on gobies (Pomatoschistus sp.), and with an assumed transfer efficiency of approximately 10%, the indirect predatory pressure exerted by it may amount to 1.6 6.7g AFDW-m 2.year -1. A possible feeding by gobies on pelagic organisms (calanoids, mysids) is discussed.  相似文献   
Propulsion of micro-organisms by three-dimensional flagellar waves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hydrodynamic effects of non-uniformities in cross-section and wavelength of three-dimensional flagellar waveforms are investigated. Estimates of propulsive velocity obtained by the use of mean constant wave parameters are close to the more precise calculations except where the wavelength varies more than twofold during wave propagation. Energy expenditures against external viscous forces are appreciably greater than the estimates based on mean wave parameter assumptions. Rotation of an inert head attached to a flagellum contributes a significant proportion of the total power dissipation. Energy requirements of an individual bull spermatozoon are greater than previous estimates. There is little difference between the energy supplies necessary to propel bacteria by rotating rigid flagellar helices or by propagation of helical waves.  相似文献   
Hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH-A2; beta-D-glucose:NAD(P)+ oxido-reductase; E.C. of the teleost Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) shows clinal allelic variation along the east coast of North America. Three of the major allelic isozymes have been purified and compared for native molecular weight, subunit molecular weight, isoelectric point, thermal stability, and steady-state kinetic properties (pH 8.0 and 25 degrees C). Significant differences were found among the allelic isozymes for isoelectric point, thermal stability, and some kinetic parameters. The predominant allelic isozyme in northern populations (H6PDH-AcAc) was found to be more sensitive to heat denaturation than were the predominant homozygous allelic isozymes isolated from southern populations (H6PDH-AaAa and H6PDH-AbAb). The H6PDH-AcAc allelic isozyme had both a significantly greater Km for glucose-6-phosphate than did either of the southern phenotypes and a significantly greater Km for NADP+ and Ki of NAD+ than did one of the southern phenotypes (H6PDH-AaAa). While the allelic isozymes are functionally nonequivalent, it is not yet known whether these differences are reflected at higher levels of biological organization.   相似文献   
An analysis of hypothetical flagellar waveforms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The behaviour of bioaerosol particles in industrial and health-careapplications may be most effectively understood once they have beenquantitatively assessed using well-characterised sampling and assaytechniques. However, the large number of different conditions possiblein this wide range of applications makes the assessment of bioaerosolparticles very difficult. In addition to the effects of differentsampling and assay technologies, the mechanism of aerosolisation andenvironmental conditions can influence bioaerosol behaviour. The effectsof sampler selection and suspension aerosolisation on bioaerosolviability were reported earlier as ``Part I' of two papers, and theeffects of the environment on the culturability of three different typesof microorganism are reported here as ``Part II'. The environmentalrelative factors considered in the present study are: relativehumidity (RH), aerosol-age, and a number of gaseous pollutants. A smallnumber of additional tests, examining the effects of aerosolisationmethod on culturability, are also reported. A combination of anenvironmentally controlled Bioaerosol Test Chamber and Goldberg RotatingDrum were shown to be an appropriate facility to carry out the study.Changing RH was shown to have a considerable effect on the culturablefraction of aerosolised Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells but notPenicillium expansum spores or Bacillus subtilis var.niger spores. In this text, ``culturable fraction' is definedas the fraction of the total number of microorganisms in a sample thatwill form colonies (i.e. grow and reproduce) on a suitably preparedculture plate under optimum conditions for the species of microorganismunder consideration. After the initial shock of aerosolisation, theculturable fraction of S. cerevisiae cells and P.expansum spores is not further affected by increasing aerosol age.Results from an earlier study have shown spray suspension and collectedaerosol age also have no effect on culturability of P. expansumspores. The effects of gaseous pollutants are reflected in the reductionin culturability of P. expansum spores following exposure tosulphur dioxide, ozone and ozone hydrocarbon cocktail. This reductionwas never to less than 30% of the unpolluted control. All thetests show that P. expansum spores are fairly robust andbiologically stable. Examination of the effects of aerosolisationtechnique on the culturability of S. cerevisiae shows theCollison nebuliser produces aerosols with the highest culturabilitycompared with either a plain glass atomiser or a Unimed nebuliser usedin these tests.  相似文献   
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