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Typhoid is a systemic infection caused by Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A, human-restricted bacteria that are transmitted faeco-orally. Salmonella Typhi and S. Paratyphi A are clonal, and their limited genetic diversity has precluded the identification of long-term transmission networks in areas with a high disease burden. To improve our understanding of typhoid transmission we have taken a novel approach, performing a longitudinal spatial case-control study for typhoid in Nepal, combining single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and case localization via global positioning. We show extensive clustering of typhoid occurring independent of population size and density. For the first time, we demonstrate an extensive range of genotypes existing within typhoid clusters, and even within individual households, including some resulting from clonal expansion. Furthermore, although the data provide evidence for direct human-to-human transmission, we demonstrate an overwhelming contribution of indirect transmission, potentially via contaminated water. Consistent with this, we detected S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A in water supplies and found that typhoid was spatially associated with public water sources and low elevation. These findings have implications for typhoid-control strategies, and our innovative approach may be applied to other diseases caused by other monophyletic or emerging pathogens.  相似文献   
Understanding the factors that influence successful colonization can help inform ecological theory and aid in the management of invasive species. When founder populations are small, individual fitness may be negatively impacted by component Allee effects through positive density dependence (e.g., mate limitation). Reproductive and survival mechanisms that suffer due to a shortage of conspecifics may scale up to be manifest in a decreased per-capita population growth rate (i.e., a demographic Allee effect). Mean-field population level models are limited in representing how component Allee effects scale up to demographic Allee effects when heterogeneous spatial structure influences conspecific availability. Thus, such models may not adequately characterize the probability of establishment. In order to better assess how individual level processes influence population establishment and spread, we developed a spatially explicit individual-based stochastic simulation of a small founder population. We found that increased aggregation can affect individual fitness and subsequently impact population growth; however, relatively slow dispersal—in addition to initial spatial structure—is required for establishment, ultimately creating a tradeoff between probability of initial establishment and rate of subsequent spread. Since this result is sensitive to the scaling up of component Allee effects, details of individual dispersal and interaction kernels are key factors influencing population level processes. Overall, we demonstrate the importance of considering both spatial structure and individual level traits in assessing the consequences of Allee effects in biological invasions.  相似文献   
This study describes the impact of the first passage of two types of bottom-towed fishing gear on rare protected shellfish-reefs formed by the horse mussel Modiolus modiolus (L.). One of the study sites was trawled and the other was scallop-dredged. Divers collected HD video imagery of epifauna from quadrats at the two study sites and directed infaunal samples from one site.The total number of epifaunal organisms was significantly reduced following a single pass of a trawl (90%) or scallop dredge (59%), as was the diversity of the associated community and the total number of M. modiolus at the trawled site. At both sites declines in anthozoans, hydrozoans, bivalves, echinoderms and ascidians accounted for most of the change. A year later, no recovery was evident at the trawled site and significantly fewer infaunal taxa (polychaetes, malacostracans, bivalves and ophuroids) were recorded in the trawl track.The severity of the two types of impact reflected the undisturbed status of the habitats compared to previous studies. As a ‘priority habitat’ the nature of the impacts described on M. modiolus communities are important to the development of conservation management policy and indicators of condition in Marine Protected Areas (EU Habitats Directive) as well as indicators of ‘Good Environmental Status’ under the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive.Conservation managers are under pressure to support decisions with good quality evidence. Elsewhere, indirect studies have shown declines of M. modiolus biogenic communities in fishing grounds. However, given the protected status of the rare habitat, premeditated demonstration of direct impact is unethical or illegal in Marine Protected Areas. This study therefore provides a unique opportunity to investigate the impact from fishing gear whilst at the same time reflecting on the dilemma of evidence-based conservation management.  相似文献   


Scabies is a disease of worldwide significance, causing considerable morbidity in both humans and other animals. The scabies mite Sarcoptes scabiei burrows into the skin of its host, obtaining nutrition from host skin and blood. Aspartic proteases mediate a range of diverse and essential physiological functions such as tissue invasion and migration, digestion, moulting and reproduction in a number of parasitic organisms. We investigated whether aspartic proteases may play role in scabies mite digestive processes.

Methodology/Principle Findings

We demonstrated the presence of aspartic protease activity in whole scabies mite extract. We then identified a scabies mite aspartic protease gene sequence and produced recombinant active enzyme. The recombinant scabies mite aspartic protease was capable of digesting human haemoglobin, serum albumin, fibrinogen and fibronectin, but not collagen III or laminin. This is consistent with the location of the scabies mites in the upper epidermis of human skin.


The development of novel therapeutics for scabies is of increasing importance given the evidence of emerging resistance to current treatments. We have shown that a scabies mite aspartic protease plays a role in the digestion of host skin and serum molecules, raising the possibility that interference with the function of the enzyme may impact on mite survival.  相似文献   
The striated muscle-specific tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins TRIM63/MURF1, TRIM55/MURF2 and TRIM54/MURF3 can function as ubiquitin E3 ligases in ubiquitin-mediated muscle protein turnover. Despite their well-characterised roles in muscle atrophy, the dynamics of MURF expression in the development and early postnatal adaptation of striated muscle is largely unknown. Here, we show that MURF2 is expressed at the very onset of mouse cardiac differentiation at embryonic day 8.5, and represents a sensitive marker for differentiating myocardium. During cardiac development, expression shifts from the 50 kDa to the 60 kDa A-isoform, which dominates postnatally. In contrast, MURF1 shows strong postnatal upregulation and MURF3 is not significantly expressed before birth. MURF2 expression parallels that of the autophagy-associated proteins LC3, p62/SQSTM1 and nbr1. SiRNA knockdown of MURF2 in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes disrupts posttranslational microtubule modification and myofibril assembly, and is only partly compensated by upregulation of MURF3 but not MURF1. Knockdown of both MURF2 and MURF3 severely disrupts the formation of ordered Z- and M-bands, likely by perturbed tubulin dynamics. These results suggest that ubiquitin-mediated protein turnover and MURF2 in particular play an unrecognised role in the earliest steps of heart muscle differentiation, and that partial complementation of MURF2 deficiency is afforded by MURF3.  相似文献   
Gene flow that hampers local adaptation can constrain species distributions and slow invasions. Predation as an ecological factor mainly limits prey species ranges, but a richer array of possibilities arises once one accounts for how predation alters the interplay of gene flow and selection. We extend previous single-species theory on the interplay of demography, gene flow, and selection by investigating how predation modifies the coupled demographic-evolutionary dynamics of the range and habitat use of prey. We consider a model for two discrete patches and a complementary model for species along continuous environmental gradients. We show that predation can strongly influence the evolutionary stability of prey habitat specialization and range limits. Predators can permit prey to expand in habitat or geographical range or, conversely, cause range collapses. Transient increases in predation can induce shifts in prey ranges that persist even if the predator itself later becomes extinct. Whether a predator tightens or loosens evolutionary constraints on the invasion speed and ultimate size of a prey range depends on the predator effectiveness, its mobility relative to its prey, and the prey's intraspecific density dependence, as well as the magnitude of environmental heterogeneity. Our results potentially provide a novel explanation for lags and reversals in invasions.  相似文献   
Variable-number tandem repeats (VNTRs) mutate rapidly and can be useful markers for genotyping. While multilocus VNTR analysis (MLVA) is increasingly used in the detection and investigation of food-borne outbreaks caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) and other bacterial pathogens, MLVA data analysis usually relies on simple clustering approaches that may lead to incorrect interpretations. Here, we estimated the rates of copy number change at each of the five loci commonly used for S. Typhimurium MLVA, during in vitro and in vivo passage. We found that loci STTR5, STTR6, and STTR10 changed during passage but STTR3 and STTR9 did not. Relative rates of change were consistent across in vitro and in vivo growth and could be accurately estimated from diversity measures of natural variation observed during large outbreaks. Using a set of 203 isolates from a series of linked outbreaks and whole-genome sequencing of 12 representative isolates, we assessed the accuracy and utility of several alternative methods for analyzing and interpreting S. Typhimurium MLVA data. We show that eBURST analysis was accurate and informative. For construction of MLVA-based trees, a novel distance metric, based on the geometric model of VNTR evolution coupled with locus-specific weights, performed better than the commonly used simple or categorical distance metrics. The data suggest that, for the purpose of identifying potential transmission clusters for further investigation, isolates whose profiles differ at one of the rapidly changing STTR5, STTR6, and STTR10 loci should be collapsed into the same cluster.  相似文献   

Key message

Diploid strawberry and potato transformed with a transposon tagging construct exhibited either global (strawberry) or local transposition (potato). An activation tagged, compact-sized strawberry mutant overexpressed the gene adjacent to Ds.


As major fruit and vegetable crops, respectively, strawberry and potato are among the first horticultural crops with draft genome sequences. To study gene function, we examined transposon-tagged mutant strategies in model populations for both species, Fragaria vesca and Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja, using the same Activation/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) construct. Early somatic transposition during tissue culture occurred at a frequency of 18.5 % in strawberry but not in potato transformants. Green fluorescent protein under a monocot promoter was a more reliable selectable marker in strawberry compared to potato. BASTA (gluphosinate herbicide) resistance served as an effective selectable marker for both species (80 and 85 % reliable in strawberry and potato, respectively), although the effective concentration differed (0.5 % for strawberry and 0.03 % for potato). Transposons preferentially reinserted within genes (exons and introns) in both species. Real-time quantitative PCR revealed enhanced gene expression (670 and 298-fold expression compared to wild type in petiole and leaf tissue, respectively) for an activation tagged strawberry mutant with Ds inserted about 0.6 kb upstream from a gene coding for an epidermis-specific secreted glycoprotein EP1. Our data also suggested that endopolyploid (diploid) cells occurring in leaf explants of monoploid potato were the favored targets of T-DNA integration during transformation. Mutants obtained in these studies provide a useful resource for future genetic studies.  相似文献   
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