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Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the pig pancreas is localized to nerves, many of which travel along the pancreatic ducts. VIP stimulates pancreatic fluid and bicarbonate secretion like secretin. Electrical vagal stimulation in the pig causes an atropine-resistant profuse secretion of bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice. In an isolated perfused preparation of the pig pancreas with intact vagal nerve supply, electrical vagal stimulation caused an atropine-resistant release of VIP, which accurately parallelled the exocrine secretion of juice and bicarbonate. Perfusion of the pancreas with a potent VIP-antiserum inhibited the effect of vagal stimulation on the exocrine secretion. It is concluded, that VIP is responsible for (at least part of) the neurally controlled fluid and bicarbonate secretion from the pig pancreas.  相似文献   
After acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Vibrio cholerae strain H11 (non-O1), a tetrasaccharide was obtained, the structure of which was determined by quantitative and methylation analyses, periodate oxidation, one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, and fast-atom-bombardment and four-sector tandem mass spectrometry as beta-D-GalANGro-(1-3)-beta-D-QuiNAc-(1-4)-alpha-D-GalANGr o-(1-4)-NeuAc, in which GalANGro is N-galacturonoyl-2-aminoglycerol and QuiN 2-amino-2,6-dideoxy-glucopyranose. In addition, the trisaccharide beta-D-GalANGro-(1-3)-beta-D-QuiNAc-(1-4)-D-altro-hept ulose and the disaccharide alpha-D-GalANGro-(1-4)-NeuAc were isolated from acid-degraded lipopolysaccharide; the occurrence of sedoheptulose in lipopolysaccharide has not been described before. Based on the result of methylation analysis showing that galacturonic acid was the terminal sugar of the polysaccharide chain, and on the assumption that the tri- and the disaccharide represented the reducing and the non-reducing ends of the polysaccharide, respectively, the chemical structure of the O-specific chain of V. cholerae H11 is proposed as alpha-D-GalANGro-(1-4)-alpha-NeuAc-(2-3)-beta-D-GalANGro-(1- 3)-beta-D-QuiNAc- (1-[4)-alpha-D-GalANGro-(1-4)-alpha-NeuAc-(2-3)-beta-D-GalANGro -(1-3)-beta-D- QuiNAc-(1-]n-(1-4)-D-altro-heptulose. However, other possible structures can not be ruled out since the tri- and the disaccharide could be localised at different positions.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of the highly purified gut peptide glicentin on the glucose production and cyclic AMP accumulation of isolated rat hepatocytes. Glicentin at 2.10(-7) mol/l had the same effect on glucose production as maximally effective concentrations of glucagon, but did not stimulate cyclic AMP to the same extent; furthermore, glicentin apparently had only 1/100 of the potency of glucagon on glucose production. During incubation with hepatocytes glicentin was degraded to low molecular weight fragments one of which were chromatographically very similar to fragments of glucagon. It is suggested that glicentin exerts its glucagon-like effects on hepatocytes only after degradation to glucagon-like fragments. The results also demonstrate that the coupling between cyclic AMP accumulation and glucose production depends on the nature of the stimulatory peptide.  相似文献   
Levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol-17 beta and progesterone were determined by specific radioimmunoassays in sera obtained from Beagle bitches during proestrus, estrus and diestrus. Concentrations of LH (expressed as NIH-LH-SI equivalents) were 2.8 plus or minus 0.1 ng/ml in proestrus, 35.5 plus or minus 10.0 ng/ml during early estrus and 2.2 plus or minus 0.1 ng/ml in early diestrus. Peak levels of estradiol-17beta (68.9 plus or minus 11.0 ng/ml) were detected 24 hr prior to the LH peak, declined rapidly and reached basal levels (17.8 plus or minus 6.3 ng/ml) by five days following the LH peak. Levels of progesterone were 1.7 plus or minus 0.3 ng/ml during proestrus, 3.5 plus or minus 0.3 ng/ml during early estrus and 23.3 plus or minus 2.8 ng/ml on day 5 after the LH peak . Progesterone levels remained elevated through day 28 of diestrus and pregnancy. A significant decrease (p smaller than 0.05) in levels of prosgesterone occurred between day 28 of pregnancy and one day prior to shelping (3.3 plus or minus 1.2 ng/ml, with a further decrease on the day of whelping (1.1 plus or minus 0.2 ng/ml). Levels of estradiol-17beta and LH did not change significantly (p smaller than 0.0k) during diestrus or pregnancy.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of two stereotypic patterns, wire-gnawing and jumping, was studied in 24 laboratory mice: six males and six females each of two closely related outbred strains, kept under standard housing conditions, a conventional albino strain (ICR) and a nude, athymic mutant (ICR nu; hereafter: NU). All 24 individuals developed wire-gnawing after weaning at 20 d of age. In ICR one female and in NU five males and three females additionally developed jumping. ICR developed wire-gnawing between the age of 20 and 30 d, in NU jumping started at the age of 20 d, but intense jumping and wire-gnawing comparable to that of ICR did not develop in NU before the age of 40–50 d. Within each strain there was no significant difference between males and females with respect to the development of stereotypic behaviour. By contrast, ICR showed significantly more wire-gnawing but less jumping than NU. Stereotypy level increased with age up to a mean of 10.7 % of total activity in ICR and up to 7.4 % in NU at 100 d of age. However, there was huge inter- and intra-individual variability with respect to all parameters assessed in this study, i.e. total duration, number of bouts and bout length of the two stereotyped patterns. Wire-gnawing developed from outside-directed explorative climbing at the cage lid, whereas the source behaviour pattern (Mason 1991 a, Anim. Behav. 41, 1015–1037) of jumping was outside-directed explorative rearing at the cage wall. At 20 d of age, before the onset of stereotypy development, ICR showed significantly more climbing but less rearing than NU. Physical retardation of NU at weaning may account for decreased climbing ability during early ontogeny, and hence for the retarded development of wire-gnawing. The difference in early experience with either of the two patterns rather than genetic effects may be responsible for the qualitative difference between the strains with respect to the form of later stereotypy.  相似文献   
Structure–function studies are frequently practiced on the very diverse group of natural carbohydrate-binding modules in order to understand the target recognition of these proteins. We have taken a step further in the study of carbohydrate-binding modules and created variants with novel binding properties by molecular engineering of one such molecule of known 3D-structure. A combinatorial library was created from the sequence encoding a thermostable carbohydrate-binding module, CBM4-2 from a Rhodothermus marinus xylanase, and the phage-display technology was successfully used for selection of variants with specificity towards different carbohydrate polymers (birchwood xylan, Avicel?, ivory nut mannan and recently also xyloglucan), as well as towards a glycoprotein (human IgG4). Our work not only generated a number of binders with properties that would suite a range of biotechnological applications, but analysis the selected binders also helped us to identify residues important for their specificities.  相似文献   
Cancer is a leading cause of death and alterations of glycosylation are characteristic features of malignant cells. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and its exact causes and biology are not yet well understood. Here, we compared glycosylation profiles of colorectal tumor tissues and corresponding control tissues of 13 colorectal cancer patients to contribute to the understanding of this cancer. Using MALDI-TOF(/TOF)-MS and 2-dimensional LC-MS/MS we characterized enzymatically released and 2-aminobenzoic acid labeled glycans from glycosphingolipids. Multivariate data analysis revealed significant differences between tumor and corresponding control tissues. Main discriminators were obtained, which represent the overall alteration in glycosylation of glycosphingolipids during colorectal cancer progression, and these were found to be characterized by (1) increased fucosylation, (2) decreased acetylation, (3) decreased sulfation, (4) reduced expression of globo-type glycans, as well as (5) disialyl gangliosides. The findings of our current research confirm former reports, and in addition expand the knowledge of glycosphingolipid glycosylation in colorectal cancer by revealing new glycans with discriminative power and characteristic, cancer-associated glycosylation alterations. The obtained discriminating glycans can contribute to progress the discovery of biomarkers to improve diagnostics and patient treatment.Worldwide, cancer is a leading cause of death. With estimated 1.2 million diagnoses in 2008, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world and the fourth most common cause of death with an annual mortality of ∼600 000 (1). The exact causes of colorectal cancer are unknown, but different risk factors such as age, polyps, personal and family history, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn''s colitis have been proposed (2). Standard screening procedures include flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and immunological fecal occult blood testing. Each of them has its advantages and drawbacks such as invasiveness or low sensitivity and specificity (3). The method of choice for the treatment of colorectal cancer is surgery and therapeutic decisions are based on the tumor, lymph node, and metastasis staging-system as a prognostic factor (4). Current research has led to improved treatment strategies of colorectal cancer, however, the clinical outcome, the progression of the disease, and the response to the treatment remain variable among individuals. The heterogeneity of colorectal cancer at the molecular level—caused by accumulation of multiple genetic changes—may be one of the main reasons for this variability (5). Genetic factors such as instabilities, but also expression levels (6) can explain part of the cancer biology, but glycomics is gaining importance to complement the overall picture as aberrant glycosylation of proteins and lipids has been shown to be correlated with disease and malignancy (7, 8).Glycosylation is involved in many biological processes and especially its functional role in cellular interaction with respect to adhesion, cell growth, and signaling is prone to be affected in cancer progression, invasion, and metastasis (9). Several cancer-associated alterations in protein glycosylation have been reported: (1) increased branching of N-glycans, (2) higher density of O-glycans, and (3) incomplete synthesis of glycans. More particularly, an increased or induced expression of GlcNAc transferase V resulting in N-glycan structures with β1–6GlcNAc antennae (5, 10), and the expression of (sialyl) Tn-antigens (11) as aberrant O-glycosylation have been reported (10).Altered glycosphingolipid (GSL)1 glycosylation of the cell surface membrane during malignancy can affect cell recognition, adhesion, and signal transduction (12) and is found to reflect: (1) incomplete synthesis with or without precursor accumulation, (2) neosynthesis (9), (3) increased sialylation, and (4) increased fucosylation (13). In many cancers, including colorectal cancer, an overexpression of the (sialyl) Lewis X antigen (10, 14) and the expression of (sialyl) Lewis A (15) are considered to be related to malignant transformation—reflecting incomplete synthesis of sialyl 6-sulfo Lewis X and disialyl Lewis A (16) as well as neosynthesis (17). Studies on gangliosides showed an overexpression of these sialylated GSLs in human malignant melanoma (18). Furthermore, the involvement of gangliosides in cell adhesion and motility was reported, which contributes to tumor metastasis (19). Specifically, the gangliosides GD3 (Hex2NeuAc2ceramide) and GM2 (Hex2HexNAc1NeuAc1ceramide) have been found to be associated with tumor-angiogenesis (19). The up-regulation of fucosyltransferases in cancer was shown to cause a higher degree of fucosylation in malignant tissues (20) and Moriwaki et al. proposed that the increase in the fucosylation for GSLs was an early event in cancer (21). Misonou et al. investigated glycans derived from GSLs in colorectal cancer tissues showing aberrant glycan structures based on linkage differences as well as increased sialylation and fucosylation compared with control tissue (22), which is in line with observed changes in GSL glycosylation with regard to cancer progression (9, 13).Recently, we investigated the N-glycosylation profiles of colorectal tumors and correlating control tissues for biomarker discovery. Statistical analyses revealed an increase of sulfated glycan structures as well as paucimannosidic glycans and glycans containing sialylated Lewis type epitopes in the tumor tissue, whereas structures with bisecting GlcNAc were found to be decreased in malignancy (23). To further progress the understanding of colorectal cancer biology and the improvement of diagnostic tools and patient treatment, we complemented this recent study on N-glycosylation by an investigation of the glycosphingolipid-derived glycans (named GSL-glycans in the following) from frozen tumor tissues and corresponding control tissues from the same 13 colorectal cancer patients. GSL-glycans were enzymatically released, labeled with 2-aminobenzoic acid (AA) and analyzed by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) with fluorescence detection as well as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Employing multivariate statistical analysis, this approach revealed an intricate GSL-glycosylation pattern of tumor tissues and specific glycosylation differences in comparison to the corresponding control tissue.  相似文献   
The Guayana Highlands (GH) constitute a highly diverse, but relatively poorly studied Neotropical biome, comprised of ~50 flat-topped mountain summits (called tepuis). Previous studies based on warming forecasts for the region suggested that an upward displacement of environmental conditions of 500–700 m could occur by 2100, potentially resulting in the extinction of c. 50% of its endemic flora due to total habitat loss. To assess the ecological responses of the species to climate change, and select the appropriate conservation measures, long-term monitoring of the GH plant communities will be necessary. In this study, the baseline state for future comparisons was established for the best explored tepui in terms of its flora, Roraima-tepui (2810 m), through a floristic characterization of its different vegetation types. We also identified the environmental gradients underlying the major plant communities, and assessed the effects of human activities on the chemistry of soils and water at three field camps. Our results yielded five main community types: three meadows, one shrubland, and one forest, with their corresponding diagnostic species. The herbaceous communities were mainly influenced by the presence of flat sandy soils, with varying flooding capacity. Shrublands and forests were characterized by irregular organic soils with very low pH. Finally, pH values below 3 were measured on an organic soil of a field camp, although further studies will be necessary to attribute this deviation to human activities.  相似文献   
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