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During metamorphosis, the frog intestine goes through a dramatic shortening with extensive apoptosis and regeneration in the epithelial layer and connective tissue. Our aim was to study changes in the enteric nervous system represented by one inhibitory (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; VIP) and one excitatory (substance P, neurokinin A; SP/NKA) nerve population and concomitant changes in neurotrophin receptor occurrence during this development in the gut of Xenopus laevis adults and tadpoles at different stages of metamorphosis (NF stages 57–66). Sections were incubated with antibodies against the neurotrophin Trk receptors and p75NTR, and the neurotransmitters VIP and SP/NKA. Trk-immunoreactive nerves increased dramatically but transiently in number during early metamorphic climax. Nerves immunoreactive for p75NTR were present throughout the gut, decreased in number in the middle intestine during climax, and increased in the large intestine during late metamorphosis. The percentage of VIP-immunoreactive nerves did not change during metamorphosis. SP/NKA-immunoreactive nerves were first apparent at NF stages 61–62 in the middle intestine and increased in the stomach and large intestine during metamorphosis. Endocrine cells expressing SP/NKA increased in number in stomach, proximal, and middle intestine during metamorphic climax. Thus, neurotrophin receptors are expressed transiently in neurons of the enteric nervous system during metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis and SP/NKA innervation is more abundant in the intestine of the postmetamorphic frog than in the tadpole.This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council to S. Holmgren  相似文献   
Glutaredoxins (Grx) are small (approximately 12kDa) proteins which catalyze thiol disulfide oxidoreductions involving glutathione (GSH) and disulfides in proteins or small molecules. Here, we present data which demonstrate the ability of glutaredoxins to catalyze the reduction of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) by dihydrolipoamide (DHL), an important biological redox catalyst and synthetic antioxidant. We have designed a new assay method to quantify the rate of reduction of GSSG and other disulfides by reduced lipoamide and have tested a set of eight recombinant Grx from human, rat, yeast, and E. coli. Lipoamide dependent activity is highest with the large atypical E. coli Grx2 (k(cat)=3.235 min(-1)) and lowest for human mitochondrial Grx2a (k(cat)=96 min(-1)) covering a wider range than k(cat) for the standard reduction of hydroxyethyldisulfide (HED) by GSH (290-2.851 min(-1)). The lipoamide/HED activity ratio was highest for yeast Grx2 (1.25) and E. coli Grx2 and lowest for E. coli Grx1 (0.13). These results suggest a new role for Grxs as ancillary proteins that could shunt reducing equivalents from main catabolic pathways to recycling of GSSG via a lipoyl group, thus serving biochemical functions which involve GSH but without NAD(P)H consumption.  相似文献   
New studies are showing that the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has major implications for the functioning of different ecosystems, ranging from deserts to tropical rain forests. ENSO-induced pulses of enhanced plant productivity can cascade upward through the food web invoking unforeseen feedbacks, and can cause open dryland ecosystems to shift to permanent woodlands. These insights suggest that the predicted change in extreme climatic events resulting from global warming could profoundly alter biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in many regions of the world. Our increasing ability to predict El Ni?o effects can be used to enhance management strategies for the restoration of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   
The Hedgehog (Hh) signal is transduced via Cubitus interruptus (Ci) to specify cell fates in the Drosophila wing. In the absence of Hh, the 155 kDa full-length form of Ci is cleaved into a 75 kDa repressor. Hh inhibits the proteolysis of full-length Ci and facilitates its conversion into an activator. Recently, it has been suggested that Hh promotes Ci nuclear import in tissue culture cells. We have studied the mechanism of Ci nuclear import in vivo and the relationship between nuclear import, stabilization and activation. We found that Ci rapidly translocates to the nucleus in cells close to the anteroposterior (AP) boundary and this rapid nuclear import requires Hh signaling. The nuclear import of Ci is regulated by Hh even under conditions in which Ci is fully stabilized. Furthermore, cells that exhibit Ci stabilization and rapid nuclear import do not necessarily exhibit maximal Ci activity. It has been previously shown that stabilization does not suffice for activation. Consistent with this finding, our results suggest that the mechanisms regulating nuclear import, stabilization and activation are distinct from each other. Finally, we show that cos2 and pka, two molecules that have been characterized primarily as negative regulators of Ci activity, also have positive roles in the activation of Ci in response to Hh.  相似文献   
Redox regulation by thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crystals of cytochrome bo(3) ubiquinol oxidase from E. coli diffract X-rays to 3.5 A and the structure determination is in progress. The limiting factor to the elucidation of the structural detail is the quality of the crystals; the diffraction spots from the crystals are diffused which leads to difficulties in processing the data beyond 4.0 A. Weak protein-protein contacts within the crystal lattice is assumed to be the cause of this problem. To improve these contacts, we have introduced protein Z to the C-terminal end of the subunit IV of cytochrome bo(3) and expressed both proteins as a single fusion. We have successfully obtained crystals of this fusion protein. The spot shape problem has clearly been solved in the crystals of the fusion protein although further optimization is necessary to obtain higher resolution. We also discuss the potential applications of this approach to the crystallization of membrane proteins in general.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: During mouse prenatal development, the neighbouring insulin-like growth factor II (Igf2) and H19 loci are expressed monoallelically from the paternal and maternal alleles, respectively. Identical spatiotemporal expression patterns and enhancer deletion experiments show that the Igf2 and H19 genes share a common set of enhancers. Deletion of a differentially methylated region in the 5' flank of the H19 gene partially relieves the repression of the maternal Igf2 and paternal H19 alleles in the soma. The mechanisms underlying the function of the 5' flank of the H19 gene are, however, unknown. RESULTS: Chromatin analysis showed that the 5' flank of the mouse H19 gene contains maternal-specific, multiple nuclease hypersensitive sites that map to linker regions between positioned nucleosomes. These features could be recapitulated in an episomal-based H19 minigene, which was propagated in human somatic cells. Although the 5' flank of the H19 promoter has no intrinsic silencer activity under these conditions, it unidirectionally extinguished promoter-enhancer communications in a position-dependent manner, without directly affecting the enhancer function. CONCLUSIONS: The unmethylated 5' flank of the H19 gene adopts an unusual and maternal-specific chromatin conformation in somatic cells and regulates enhancer-promoter communications, thereby providing an explanation for its role in manifesting the repressed state of the maternally inherited Igf2 allele.  相似文献   
The facile modulation of biological processes is an important goal of biological chemists. Here, a general strategy is presented for controlling the catalytic activity of an enzyme. This strategy is demonstrated with ribonuclease A (RNase A), which catalyzes the cleavage of RNA. The side-chain amino group of Lys41 donates a hydrogen bond to a nonbridging oxygen in the transition state for RNA cleavage. Replacing Lys41 with a cysteine residue is known to decrease the value of k(cat)/K(m) by 10(5)-fold. Forming a mixed disulfide between the side chain of Cys41 of K41C RNase A and cysteamine replaces the amino group and increases k(cat)/K(m) by 10(3)-fold. This enzyme, which contains a mixed disulfide, is readily deactivated by dithiothreitol. Forming a mixed disulfide between the side chain of Cys41 and mercaptopropyl phosphate, which is designed to place a phosphoryl group in the active site, decreases activity by an additional 25-fold. This enzyme, which also contains a mixed disulfide, is reactivated in the presence of dithiothreitol and inorganic phosphate (which displaces the pendant phosphoryl group from the active site). An analogous control mechanism could be installed into the active site of virtually any enzyme by replacing an essential residue with a cysteine and elaborating the side chain of that cysteine into appropriate mixed disulfides.  相似文献   
The mechanism behind amyloid formation is unknown in all types of amyloidosis. Several substances can enhance amyloid formation in animal experiments. To induce secondary systemic amyloid (AA-type amyloid) formation, we injected silver nitrate into mice together with either amyloid fibrils obtained from patients with familial polyneuropathy (FAP) type I or polyethylene glycol (PEG). Mice injected with silver nitrate only served as controls. Amyloid deposits were detectable at day 3 in animals injected with amyloid fibrils and in those injected with PEG, whereas in control mice, deposits were not noted before day 12. Our results indicate that amyloid fibrils from FAP patients and even a non-sulfate containing polysaccharide (PEG) have the potential to act as amyloid-enhancing factors.  相似文献   
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