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A method was developed where soybean seedlings were grown without roots to study the influence of hormones of root origin on shoot growth. Excision of the root resulted in inhibition of apical section growth and DNA synthesis and inhibited elongating section growth. A synthetic cytokinin restored DNA synthesis in the apical section, but did not influence growth in either the apical or elongating sections. Low concentrations of gibberellin with the cytokinin restored growth in the apical section. Gibberellin alone was sufficient to restore growth in the elongating section.An inhibitor of DNA synthesis, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, inhibited the increase in apical section DNA without inhibiting control or gibberellin-induced growth in the elongating section. Experiments with (14)C-thymidine resulted in no DNA labeling differences in the elongating section under conditions where gibberellin-induced elongation varied from 50% to 73% above controls. It was concluded that gibberellin-induced elongation in soybean hypocotyl occurred in the absence of DNA synthesis. Gibberellin does stimulate DNA synthesis in the apical tissue apart from its effect on cell elongation.Excised soybean hypocotyl elongated maximally at 10(-6)m auxin. At higher auxin concentrations, fresh weight and ethylene production increased, but elongation was reduced. Addition of GA to the higher auxin concentrations resulted in a 50% inhibition in auxin-induced ethylene production and resumption in maximal elongation. Added ethylene inhibited elongation 30% at 2 mul/l. Addition of up to 100 mul/l ethylene did not inhibit elongation with GA present in the incubation medium. Thus GA may counteract ehtylene inhibition of cell elongation in addition to inhibiting ethylene production in auxin-treated tissues.  相似文献   
1. The effects of ATP, PP(i) and EDTA on the skeletal-muscle pyruvate kinase reaction at various concentrations of magnesium (where ;magnesium' refers to total Mg(2+), both free and in the form of complexes) were investigated. The reaction rate was determined as the amount of pyruvate formed in a recorded time of incubation. 2. At 44mm-magnesium the K(m) values for ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate were unaltered by the presence of ATP up to 6.8mm in systems buffered with either tris-hydrochloric acid or glycylglycine-sodium hydroxide, but the K(m) values were different in these systems. The K(m) for one substrate was independent of the concentration of the second substrate. 3. At 10mm-magnesium in the tris-hydrochloric acid system ATP inhibited the reaction competitively with respect to ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate. In the glycylglycine-sodium hydroxide system the inhibition appeared to be non-competitive. At 10mm-magnesium the K(m) values were lower than at 44mm-magnesium and dependent on the system used. 4. In the tris-hydrochloric acid system the reaction rate rose with increasing magnesium concentration up to a maximum at a concentration 10-20 times that of ADP. Further increase inhibited the reaction and at 44mm-magnesium the rate was 25-50% of its maximum. This inhibition paralleled that produced by increasing trimethylammonium chloride concentrations and was not due to a specific effect of the Mg(2+) ion. 5. In the presence of 6.8mm-ATP no reaction occurred below 4-6mm-magnesium, and further increase apparently abolished the inhibition as the reaction rate increased and became equal to those obtained in the absence of ATP at 10-25mm-magnesium. Further increase in magnesium concentration gave reaction rates that were slightly higher in the presence of ATP than in its absence. The maximal rate in the presence of ATP was distinctly lower than in its absence. When 6.8mm-PP(i) or 6.8mm-EDTA was present the variations in reaction rate with rising magnesium concentration were similar to that obtained in the presence of ATP below 6-8mm-magnesium but further increase in the magnesium concentration resulted in an increase in the rate up to a maximum comparable with that of the control. The effect of pure chelation was thus a displacement of the reaction maximum to higher magnesium concentrations without changing the maximal rate. When correction had been made for this effect, ATP gave inhibition at 44mm-magnesium that was competitive with respect to ADP (K(i) 2.1x10(-2)m). This degree of inhibition is far less than was reported earlier and its importance for the mechanism of the pyruvate kinase reaction is discussed.  相似文献   
It could be expected that the various stages of sleep were reflected in variation of the overall level of cerebral activity and thereby in the magnitude of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) and cerebral blood flow (CBF). The elusive nature of sleep imposes major methodological restrictions on examination of this question. We have now measured CBF and CMRO2 in young healthy volunteers using the Kety-Schmidt technique with 133Xe as the inert gas. Measurements were performed during wakefulness, deep sleep (stage 3/4), and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep as verified by standard polysomnography. Contrary to the only previous study in humans, which reported an insignificant 3% reduction in CMRO2 during sleep, we found a deep-sleep-associated statistically highly significant 25% decrease in CMRO2, a magnitude of depression according with studies of glucose uptake and reaching levels otherwise associated with light anesthesia. During REM sleep (dream sleep) CMRO2 was practically the same as in the awake state. Changes in CBF paralleled changes in CMRO2 during both deep and REM sleep.  相似文献   
19F NMR and x-ray absorption experiments have been performed with both the isolated FeMo cofactor and the MoFe protein of nitrogenase in search of direct evidence for substrate or inhibitor binding. Using 19F NMR as a probe and p-CF3C6H4S- as the receptor ligand, the data show that the nitrogenase inhibitors CN- and CH3NC bind to the isolated FeMo cofactor-RFS- complex in N-methylformamide with a finite formation constant. Their binding increases the electronic relaxation time of the complex and increases the life-time of the FeMo cofactor-p-CF3C6H4S- bond, Parallel molybdenum K edge and extended x-ray absorption fine structure experiments show that CH3NC does not bind to molybdenum. Although CO and N3- both relieve CN- and CH3NC inhibition of electron flow through nitrogenase, unlike the latter, they do not appear to bind to isolated FeMo cofactor. In experiments with the dithionite-reduced MoFe protein, we did not detect any changes in the molybdenum K edge or extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectra upon addition of CO, N2, C2H2, NaCN, CH3NC, or azide demonstrating that either these substrates and inhibitors do not bind to molybdenum or that the FeMo cofactor site of nitrogenase is inaccessible to substrate binding except under turnover conditions.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequence coding for the chicken brain alpha-spectrin. It is derived both from the cDNA and genomic sequences, comprises the entire coding frame, 5' and 3' untranslated sequences, and terminates in the poly(A)-tail. The deduced amino acid sequence was used to map the domain structure of the protein. The alpha-chain of brain spectrin contains 22 segments of which 20 correspond to the repeat of the human erythrocyte spectrin (Speicher, D. W., and V. T. Marchesi. 1984. Nature (Lond.). 311:177-180.), typically made of 106 residues. These homologous segments probably account for the flexible, rod-like structure of spectrin. Secondary structure prediction suggests predominantly alpha-helical structure for the entire chain. Parts of the primary structure are excluded from the repetitive pattern and they reside in the middle part of the sequence and in its COOH terminus. Search for homology in other proteins showed the presence of the following distinct structures in these nonrepetitive regions: (a) the COOH-terminal part of the molecule that shows homology with alpha-actinin, (b) two typical EF-hand (i.e., Ca2+-binding) structures in this region, (c) a sequence close to the EF-hand that fulfills the criteria for a calmodulin-binding site, and (d) a domain in the middle of the sequence that is homologous to a NH2-terminal segment of several src-tyrosine kinases and to a domain of phospholipase C. These regions are good candidates to carry some established as well as some yet unestablished functions of spectrin. Comparative analysis showed that alpha-spectrin is well conserved across the species boundaries from Xenopus to man, and that the human erythrocyte alpha-spectrin is divergent from the other spectrins.  相似文献   
Possibilities for early characterization of the superovulatory response were studied in 41 PMSG/PG-treated dairy heifers, of which 21 received an additional treatment of PMSG-antiserum. Plasma was obtained at 33, 36, 41, 47 and 51 h after PG for hormone analyses. After slaughter at 6 or 7 d after insemination, the number of follicles and corpora lutea (CL) were recorded, and ova were recovered for morphological evaluation. Significant correlations were demonstrated between plasma concentrations of estradiol-17beta (E2) at 33, 36 and 41 h after PG and the ovulation rate (number of CL). Each of these correlations was equal to the one found by using the peak concentration of E2 achieved during the preovulatory E2 surge. In heifers with preovulatory E2 surges, as determined with the blood sampling scheme used, both the ovarian response (number of CL and follicles) and the quality of ova recovered (number of transferable embryos) was clearly better compared to heifers without this surge. None of the parameters studied was affected significantly by treatment with PMSG-antiserum. It is concluded that plasma E2 determinations at fixed times in relation to prostaglandin treatment can be used to characterize the superovulatory response in donor cattle in terms of the ovulation rate and the quality of ova recovered. No evidence was found in favor of using PMSG-antiserum for improving either the superovulatory response or such characterization.  相似文献   
Budding methylotrophic bacteria resembling Hyphomicrobium spp. were counted for 12 months in a German sewage treatment plant by most-probable-number (MPN) methods. Influent samples contained up to 2 x 10(sup4) cells ml(sup-1), activated sludge consistently contained 1 x 10(sup5) to 5 x 10(sup5) cells ml(sup-1), and the effluent contained 1 x 10(sup3) to 4 x 10(sup3) cells ml(sup-1). The receiving lake had only 2 to 12 cells ml(sup-1). Six morphological groups with different growth requirements could be observed among 1,199 pure cultures that had been isolated from MPN dilutions. With dot blot DNA hybridizations, 671 isolates were assigned to 30 hybridization groups (HGs) and 84 could not be classified. Only HG 22 hybridized with a known species, Hyphomicrobium facilis IFAM B-522. Fourteen HGs (HGs 8 to 20 and HG 22) were specific for the lake; most others occurred only in the treatment plant. HGs 1, 3, and 26 were found in the activated sludge tank throughout the year, and HGs 27 and 28 were found for most of the year. In summary, it was demonstrated that bacteria with nearly identical and specific morphologies and nutritional types showed a high level of genetic diversity, although they were isolated under the same conditions and from the same treatment plant or its receiving lake. A directional exchange of these genetically different populations was possible but less significant, as was shown by the establishment of distinct populations in specific stations.  相似文献   
To investigate the relationship between the DNA replication apparatus and the control of telomere length, we examined the effects of several DNA replication mutations on telomere length in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report that a mutation in the structural gene for the large subunit of DNA replication factor C (cdc44/rfc1) causes striking increases in telomere length. A similar effect is seen with mutations in only one other DNA replication gene: the structural gene for DNA polymerase alpha (cdc17/pol1) (M.J. Carson and L. Hartwell, Cell 42:249-257, 1985). For both genes, the telomere elongation phenotype is allele specific and appears to correlate with the penetrance of the mutations. Furthermore, fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis reveals that those alleles that cause elongation also exhibit a slowing of DNA replication. To determine whether elongation is mediated by telomerase or by slippage of the DNA polymerase, we created cdc17-1 mutants carrying deletions of the gene encoding the RNA component of telomerase (TLC1). cdc17-1 strains that would normally undergo telomere elongation failed to do so in the absence of telomerase activity. This result implies that telomere elongation in cdc17-1 mutants is mediated by the action of telomerase. Since DNA replication involves transfer of the nascent strand from polymerase alpha to replication factor C (T. Tsurimoto and B. Stillman, J. Biol. Chem. 266:1950-1960, 1991; T. Tsurimoto and B. Stillman, J. Biol. Chem. 266:1961-1968, 1991; S. Waga and B. Stillman, Nature [London] 369:207-212, 1994), one possibility is that this step affects the regulation of telomere length.  相似文献   
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