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The predominant cell cycle change induced by X-rays and clastogens in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is the accumulation of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. We show that this accumulation consists of cells that are either delayed or arrested within the G2 phase. Since both X-rays and DNA crosslinking chemicals are known to damage DNA, the G2 phase inhibition caused by these agents is thought to be one of the primary manifestations of (unrepaired) DNA damage. This interpretation is supported by two additional findings. (1) Older individuals have elevated baseline levels of mononuclear blood cells that are delayed and/or arrested in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. This coincides with the increased chromosomal breakage rates reported for older individuals. (2) Irrespective of their age, individuals with inherited genetic instability syndromes (such as Fanconi anemia and Bloom syndrome) exhibit elevated G2 phase cell fractions. We show that the method used to detect such induced or spontaneous cell cycle changes, viz. BrdU-Hoechst flow cytometry, is a rapid and highly sensitive technique for the assessment of genetic cell damage.Dedicated to Professor Ulrich Wolf on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is characterized by somatic overgrowth, developmental anomalies, and proneness to embryonic tumor development. The majority of cases are sporadic, but several families with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expression and reduced penetrance have been described. In three such families, BWS has been linked to DNA markers for the insulin gene (INS) and H-ras on chromosome band 11p15. Two additional families with inherited BWS are described here. Linkage analysis has been performed with a highly informative marker for the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) locus within the INS-IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor II)-TH gene cluser and confirms the previous observed linkage to this region (lod score 2.16 at = 0). Linkage analysis to TH provides a basis for informed genetic counselling and carrier detection in the hereditary form of the syndrome. Based on the hypothesis that IGF2 may be a candidate gene for BWS, we screened for mutations in the coding exons 7 and 9, but found no abnormalities in 5 unrelated BWS cases.  相似文献   
Peptide purification by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is associated with high solvent consumption, relatively large effort and lack of efficient parallelization. As an alternative, many catch-and-release (c&r) purification methods have been developed over the last decades to enable the efficient parallel purification of peptides originating from solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). However, with one exception, none of the c&r systems has been widely established in industry and academia until today. Herein, we present an entirely new chromatography-free purification concept for peptides synthesized on a solid support, termed reactive capping purification (RCP). The RCP method relies on the capping of truncation peptides arising from incomplete coupling of amino acids during SPPS with a reactive tag. The reactive tag contains a masked functionality that, upon liberation during cleavage from the resin, enables straightforward purification of the peptide by incubation with a resin-bound reactive moiety. In this work, two different reactive tags based on masked thiols were developed. Capping with these reactive tags during SPPS led to effective modification of truncated sequences and subsequent removal of the latter by chemoselective reaction with a maleimide-functionalized solid support. By introducing a suitable protecting group strategy, the thiol-based RCP method described here could also be successfully applied to a thiol-containing peptide. Finally, the purification of a 15-meric peptide by the RCP method was demonstrated. The developed method has low solvent consumption, has the potential for efficient parallelization, uses readily available reagents, and is experimentally simple to perform.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenetic studies have shown that the characters of the reduced shell of the false limpets of the genus Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823 are highly variable and often insufficient for species delimitation. The taxonomy and distribution of Siphonaria in the Indian Ocean are poorly known. We sampled Siphonaria in the Seychelles Bank to check the occurrence of recorded species using DNA sequences and to study the paths through which Siphonaria species have colonised the Seychelles Bank by reconstructing their phylogenetic relationships. Analyses of a dataset comprising 16 S rRNA gene sequences of 33 specimens from the Seychelles Bank and 300 additional Siphonaria sequences from other regions from GenBank with various methods for species delimitation resulted in 19–102 primary species hypotheses. Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning provided a conservative estimate of the species number (42) in which several indisputable species were lumped. The results of Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery depended strongly on the assumed prior maximum intraspecific divergence, whereas the tree-based methods Generalised Mixed Yule Coalescent and Poisson Tree Processes resulted in high overestimates. The specimens from the Seychelles Bank represent three clades, belonging to the Siphonaria ‘atra’ group, the Siphonaria ‘normalis’ group and a possibly undescribed species recorded previously only from Hainan. At least two of the three species recorded from the Seychelles Bank came from the east, i.e., from the Coral Triangle in the Indo-Australian Archipelago, the region with the highest marine biodiversity worldwide. A major transport mechanism across the Indian Ocean was probably the South Equatorial Current.  相似文献   
Species identification is pivotal in biodiversity assessments and proteomic fingerprinting by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry has already been shown to reliably identify calanoid copepods to species level. However, MALDI-TOF data may contain more information beyond mere species identification. In this study, we investigated different ontogenetic stages (copepodids C1–C6 females) of three co-occurring Calanus species from the Arctic Fram Strait, which cannot be identified to species level based on morphological characters alone. Differentiation of the three species based on mass spectrometry data was without any error. In addition, a clear stage-specific signal was detected in all species, supported by clustering approaches as well as machine learning using Random Forest. More complex mass spectra in later ontogenetic stages as well as relative intensities of certain mass peaks were found as the main drivers of stage distinction in these species. Through a dilution series, we were able to show that this did not result from the higher amount of biomass that was used in tissue processing of the larger stages. Finally, the data were tested in a simulation for application in a real biodiversity assessment by using Random Forest for stage classification of specimens absent from the training data. This resulted in a successful stage-identification rate of almost 90%, making proteomic fingerprinting a promising tool to investigate polewards shifts of Atlantic Calanus species and, in general, to assess stage compositions in biodiversity assessments of Calanoida, which can be notoriously difficult using conventional identification methods.  相似文献   
 Radioactive in situ hybridization techniques or enzymatic detection procedures of hapten-modified human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) probes have been widely used for studying the infection of peripheral blood leukocytes with HCMV. This report describes significant improvements in terms of signal resolution which can be obtained by applying a highly sensitive fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique in conjunction with a large subgenomic HCMV DNA probe. Three cosmid clones spanning 119.1 kb of the HCMV genome (230 kb) were used to construct the digoxigenin-11-dUTP-labeled probe which was found to be superior to a total HCMV probe representing the entire genome. Crucial hybridization parameters were analyzed systematically in order to ensure optimal resolution power and sensitivity. The protocol was successfully applied to HCMV-infected fibroblasts and peripheral blood leukocytes of 12 transplant patients and unambiguously facilitated the precise intracellular localization of HCMV genomes in infected cells. Because of its excellent resolution properties, accompanied by the virtual absence by any background staining, we recommend the use of this protocol as a sensitive approach for further virological analyses of the interactions between HCMV and peripheral blood leukocytes at the single-cell level. Accepted: 16 February 1996  相似文献   
The sulfur content of residue protein was determined for pure cultures of Nitrosococcus oceanus, Desulfovibrio salexigens, 4 mixed populations of fermentative bacteria, 22 samples from mixed natural population enrichments, and 11 nutritionally and morphologically distinct isolates from enrichments of Sargasso Sea water. The average 1.09 ± 0.14% (by weight) S in protein for 13 pure cultures agrees with the 1.1% calculated from average protein composition. An operational value encompassing all mixed population and pure culture measurements has a coefficient of variation of only 15.1% (n = 41). Short-term [35S]sulfate incorporation kinetics by Pseudomonas halodurans and Alteromonas luteoviolaceus demonstrated a rapid appearance of 35S in the residue protein fraction which was well modelled by a simple exponential uptake equation. This indicates that little error in protein synthesis determination results from isotope dilution by endogenous pools of sulfur-containing compounds. Methionine effectively competed with sulfate for protein synthesis in P. halodurans at high concentrations (10 μM), but had much less influence at 1 μM. Cystine competed less effectively with sulfate, and glutathione did not detectably reduce sulfate-S incorporation into protein. [35S]sulfate incorporation was compared with [14C]glucose assimilation in a eutrophic brackish-water environment. Both tracers yielded similar results for the first 8 h of incubation, but a secondary growth phase was observed only with 35S. Redistribution of 14C from low-molecular-weight materials into residue protein indicated additional protein synthesis. [35S]sulfate incorporation into residue protein by marine bacteria can be used to quantitatively measure bacterial protein synthesis in unenriched mixed populations of marine bacteria.  相似文献   
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