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Peroxisomes perform a range of different functions, dependent upon organism, tissue type, developmental stage or environmental conditions, many of which are connected with lipid metabolism. This review summarises recent research on ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters of the peroxisomal membrane (ABC subfamily D) and their roles in plants, fungi and animals. Analysis of mutants has revealed that peroxisomal ABC transporters play key roles in specific metabolic and developmental functions in different organisms. A common function is import of substrates for beta-oxidation but much remains to be determined concerning transport substrates and mechanisms which appear to differ significantly between phyla.  相似文献   
CD100, a member of the semaphorin family, is a costimulatory molecule in adaptive immune responses by switching off CD72's negative signals. However, CD100's potential pathogenetic effects in damaging immune responses remain largely unexplored. We tested the hypothesis that CD100 plays a pathogenetic role in experimental immune complex glomerulonephritis. Daily injection of horse apoferritin for 14 days induced immune complex formation, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and proteinuria in CD100-intact (CD100+/+) BALB/c mice. CD100-deficient (CD100-/-) mice were protected from histological and functional glomerular injury. They exhibited reduced deposition of Igs and C3 in glomeruli, reduced MCP-1 and MIP-2 intrarenal mRNA expression, and diminished glomerular macrophage accumulation. Attenuated glomerular injury was associated with decreased Ag-specific Ig production, reduced CD4+ cell activation and cytokine production. Following Ag injection, CD4+ cell CD100 expression was enhanced and dendritic cell CD86 expression was up-regulated. However, in CD100-/- mice, dendritic cell CD86 (but not CD80) up-regulation was significantly attenuated. Following i.p. immunization, CD86, but not CD80, promotes early Ag-specific TCR-transgenic DO11.10 CD4+ cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production, suggesting that CD100 expression enables full expression of CD86 and consequent CD4+ cell activation. Transfer of CD100+/+ DO11.10 cells into CD100-/- mice resulted in decreased proliferation demonstrating that CD100 from other sources in addition to CD100 from Ag-specific CD4+ cells plays a role in initial T cell proliferation. Although T cell-B cell interactions also may be relevant, these studies demonstrate that CD100 enhances pathogenetic humoral immune responses and promotes the activation of APCs by up-regulating CD86 expression.  相似文献   
We present a new concept of synthesis for preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers using a functionalized initiator to replace the traditional functional monomer. Using propranolol as a model template, a carboxyl-functionalized radical initiator was demonstrated to lead to high-selectivity polymer particles prepared in a standard precipitation polymerization system. When a single enantiomer of propranolol was used as template, the imprinted polymer particles exhibited clear chiral selectivity in an equilibrium binding experiment. Unlike the previous molecular imprinting systems where the active free radicals can be distant from the template-functional monomer complex, the method reported in this work makes sure that the actual radical polymerization takes place in the vicinity of the template-associated functional groups. The success of using functional initiator to synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers brings in new possibilities to improve the functional performance of molecularly imprinted synthetic receptors.  相似文献   
Low-magnitude high-frequency mechanical vibration induces biological responses in many tissues. Like many cell types, osteoblasts respond rapidly to certain forms of mechanostimulation, such as fluid shear, with transient elevation in the concentration of cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i). However, it is not known whether vibration of osteoblastic cells also induces acute elevation in [Ca2+]i. To address this question, we built a platform for vibrating live cells that is compatible with microscopy and microspectrofluorometry, enabling us to observe immediate responses of cells to low-magnitude high-frequency vibrations. The horizontal vibration system was mounted on an inverted microscope, and its mechanical performance was evaluated using optical tracking and accelerometry. The platform was driven by a sinusoidal signal at 20–500 Hz, producing peak accelerations from 0.1 to 1 g. Accelerometer-derived displacements matched those observed optically within 10%. We then used this system to investigate the effect of acceleration on [Ca2+]i in rodent osteoblastic cells. Cells were loaded with fura-2, and [Ca2+]i was monitored using microspectrofluorometry and fluorescence ratio imaging. No acute changes in [Ca2+]i or cell morphology were detected in response to vibration over the range of frequencies and accelerations studied. However, vibration did attenuate Ca2+ transients generated subsequently by extracellular ATP, which activates P2 purinoceptors and has been implicated in mechanical signaling in bone. In summary, we developed and validated a motion-control system capable of precisely delivering vibrations to live cells during real-time microscopy. Vibration did not elicit acute elevation of [Ca2+]i, but did desensitize responses to later stimulation with ATP.  相似文献   
We measured ventilation (V) in seven anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, supine Wistar rats. Images of the whole lung were continuously acquired using a dynamic, flat-panel volumetric micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanner during ventilation with a xenon/oxygen (Xe-O(2)) gas mixture. Forty time-resolved volumes consisting of eighty 0.45-mm-thick slices (covering the entire lung) were acquired in 40 s, using a gantry rotation rate of one rotation per second. The animals were ventilated at a respiratory rate of 60 breaths/min, matching the gantry rotation rate, and imaged without suspending ventilation. A previously published theoretical model was modified slightly and used to calculate the whole lung ventilation from volumes of interest generated by seeded region growing. Linear regression of calculated whole lung ventilation volumes vs. expected tidal volumes yielded a slope of 1.12 +/- 0.11 (slope +/- SE) and a y-intercept of -1.56 +/- 0.42 ml (y-intercept +/- SE) with 95% confidence intervals of 0.83 to 1.40 and -2.6 to -0.5 ml, respectively. The same model was used to calculate the regional ventilation in axial slices for each animal. Voxels were fit to the model to yield a map of V, which displayed an anterior/posterior gravitational gradient of (-3.9 +/- 1.8) x 10(-6) mlxs(-1)xcm(-1) for slices immediately superior to the diaphragm and (-6.0 +/- 2.4) x 10(-6) mlxs(-1)xcm(-1) for slices at the midlevel of the heart (mean +/- SD). Thus continuous Xe-enhanced computed tomography enables the noninvasive determination of regional V with the temporal and spatial resolution necessary for rats.  相似文献   
The contribution of IFN-gamma from bone marrow (BM) and non-BM-derived cells to glomerular and cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was studied in mice. Chimeric IFN-gamma mice (IFN-gamma(+/+) BM chimera), in which IFN-gamma production was restricted to BM-derived cells, were created by transplanting normal C57BL/6 (wild-type (WT)) BM into irradiated IFN-gamma-deficient mice. BM IFN-gamma-deficient chimeric mice (IFN-gamma(-/-) BM chimera) were created by transplanting WT mice with IFN-gamma-deficient BM. WT and sham chimeric mice (WT mice transplanted with WT BM) developed crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN) with features of DTH (including glomerular T cell and macrophage infiltration) in response to an Ag planted in their glomeruli and skin DTH following subdermal Ag challenge. IFN-gamma-deficient mice showed significant protection from crescentic GN and reduced cutaneous DTH. IFN-gamma(+/+) BM chimeric and IFN-gamma(-/-) BM chimeric mice showed similar attenuation of crescentic GN as IFN-gamma-deficient mice, whereas cutaneous DTH was reduced only in IFN-gamma(-/-) BM chimeras. In crescentic GN, IFN-gamma was expressed by tubular cells and occasional glomerular cells and was colocalized with infiltrating CD8(+) T cells, but not with CD4(+) T cells or macrophages. Renal MHC class II expression was reduced in IFN-gamma(+/+) BM chimeric mice and was more severely reduced in IFN-gamma-deficient mice and IFN-gamma(-/-) BM chimeric mice. These studies show that IFN-gamma expression by both BM-derived cells and intrinsic renal cells is required for the development of crescentic GN, but IFN-gamma production by resident cells is not essential for the development of cutaneous DTH.  相似文献   
The translocation profiles of 11C-photoassimilates from eithertendrils or leaflets of the compound leaf of Pisum sativum weresimilar in shape, speed and susceptibility to blockage by chillingand heat girdling. When the feed leaf component was exposedto an anaerobic gas stream consisting of N2 gas supplementedwith 40 Pa CO2, the export of previously-fixed 11C-photoassimilatesfrom both leaflets and tendrils continued in the light, butstopped in the dark. However, in the light, translocation of11C-assimilates from the leaflet was rapidly blocked by a flowof pure N2 (i.e. anoxia). Movement of 11C-assimilates from theleaf of another C3 plant, sunflower, was similar to that fromthe pea leaflet. In contrast to both laminar leaf components,export from the tendrils was stopped under pure N2 only in thedark. Taken together the data suggest that photosynthetic O2production facilitated the movement of 11C-assimilates in theabsence of exogenous O2. The differences observed between thetendrils and the leaflets exposed to pure N2 could be attributedto the greater capacity of tendrils to produce and recycle CO2to support photosynthetic O2 production in the light. Key words: Pea, 11C-translocation, anoxia, tendril, leaflet  相似文献   
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