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Background  In Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA), decision makers are often faced with tradeoffs between current and future impacts. One typical example is waste incineration, where immediate emissions to the air from the incineration process have to be weighted against future emissions of slag landfills. Long-term impacts are either completely taken into account or they are entirely disregarded in case of a temporal cut-off. Temporal cutoffs are a special case of discounting. Objective  In this paper, discounting is defined as valuing damages differently at different points of time using a positive or negative discount rate. Apart from temporal cut-offs, discounting has rarely been applied in LCA so far. It is the goal of this paper to discuss the concept of discounting and its applicability in the context of LCA. Methods  For this purpose, we first review the arguments for discounting and its principles in economic sciences. Discounting in economics can be motivated by pure time preference, productivity of capital, diminishing marginal utility of consumption, and uncertainties. The nominal discount rate additionally includes changes in the price level. These arguments and their justification are discussed in the context of environmental impacts harming future generations. Results and Discussion  It is concluded that discounting across generations because of pure time preference contradicts fundamental ethical values and should therefore not be applied in LCA. However, it has to be acknowledged that in practice decision makers often use positive discount rates because of pure time preference — either because they might profit from imposing environmental damage on others instead of themselves or because people in the far future are not of immediate concern to them. Discounting because of the productivity of capital assumes a relationship between monetary values and environmental impact. If such a relationship is accepted, discounting could be applied. However, future generations should be compensated for the environmental damage. It is likely that they would demand a higher compensation if the real per capita income increases. As both the compensation and the discount rate are related to economic growth, the overall discount rate might be close to zero. It is shown that the overall discount rate might even be negative considering that the required compensation could increase (even to infinite) if natural assets remain scarce, whereas the utility of consumption diminishes with increasing income. Uncertainties could justify both positive and negative discount rates. Since the relationship between uncertainties and the magnitude of damage is generally not exponential, we recommend to model changes in the magnitude of damage in scenario analysis instead of considering it in discounting (which requires an exponential function of time in the case of a constant discount rate). We investigated the influence of discounting in a case study of heavy metal emissions from slag landfills. It could be shown that even small discount rates of less than 1 % lead to a significant reduction of the impact score, whereas negative discount rates inflate the results. Conclusions and Recommendations  Discounting is only applicable when temporally differentiated data is available. In some cases, such a temporal differentiation is necessary to take sound decisions, especially when long emission periods are involved. An example is the disposal of nuclear or heavy metal-containing waste. In these cases, the results might completely depend on the discount rate. This paper helps to structure arguments and thus to support the decision about whether or not discounting should be applied in an LCA.  相似文献   
An increasing number of software tools support designers and other decision makers in making design, production, and purchasing decisions. Some of these tools provide quantitative information on environmental impacts such as climate change, human toxicity, or resource use during the life cycle of these products. Very little is known, however, about how these tools are actually used, what kind of modeling and presentation approaches users really want, or whether the information provided is likely to be used the way the developers intended. A survey of users of one such software tool revealed that although users want more transparency, about half also want an easy-to-use tool and would accept built-in assumptions; that most users prefer modeling of environmental impacts beyond the stressor level, and the largest group of respondents wants results simultaneously on the stressor, impact potential, and damage level; and that although many users look for aggregated information on impacts and costs, a majority do not trust that such an aggregation is valid or believe that there are tradeoffs among impacts. Further, our results show that the temporal and spatial scales of single impact categories explain only about 6% of the variation in the weights between impact categories set by respondents if the weights are set first. If the weights are set after respondents specify temporal and spatial scales, however, these scales explain about 24% of the variation. These results not only help method and tool developers to reconsider some previous assumptions, but also suggest a number of research questions that may need to be addressed in a more focused investigation.  相似文献   
Enantiomer separation of amino acids in immunoaffinity micro LC-MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chiral immunoaffinity microbore columns were directly interfaced with MS detection, and the effect of column length and temperature on the enantiomer separation of a number of underivatized aromatic and aliphatic amino acids was investigated utilizing an antibody chiral stationary phase that had been prepared by immobilizing a monoclonal anti-D-amino acid antibody onto silica. The stronger affinity of the antibody towards aromatic and bulky amino acids allowed separation of such analytes in a 0.75 x 150 mm column, while an increase in column length enabled separation of more weakly bound compounds. The strength of interaction between chiral selector and analytes could be modulated conveniently by lowering the temperature. For the first time, simultaneous enantiomer separation of mixtures of amino acids was achieved on antibody-based chiral stationary phases using extracted ion chromatograms.  相似文献   
SV40 small t-antigen (ST) collaborates with SV40 large T-antigen (LT) and activated rasv12 to promote transformation in a variety of immortalized human cells. A number of oncogenes or the disruption of the general serine-threonine phosphatase protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) can replace ST in this paradigm. However, the relationship between these oncogenes and PP2A activity is not clear. To address this, we queried the connectivity of these molecules in silico. We found that p27 was connected to each of those oncogenes that could substitute for ST. We further determined that p27 loss can substitute for the expression of ST during transformation of both rodent and human cells. Conversely, knock-in cells expressing the degradation-resistant S10A and T187A mutants of p27 were resistant to the transforming activities of ST. This suggests that p27 is an important target of the tumor-suppressive effects of PP2A and likely an important target of the multitude of cellular oncoproteins that emulate the transforming function of ST.  相似文献   
Repetitive Ag encounter, coupled with dynamic changes in Ag density and inflammation, imparts phenotypic and functional heterogeneity to memory virus-specific CD8 T cells in persistently infected hosts. For herpesvirus infections, which cycle between latency and reactivation, recent studies demonstrate that virus-specific T cell memory is predominantly derived from naive precursors recruited during acute infection. Whether functional memory T cells to viruses that persist in a nonlatent, low-level infectious state (smoldering infection) originate from acute infection-recruited naive T cells is not known. Using mouse polyomavirus (MPyV) infection, we previously showed that virus-specific CD8 T cells in persistently infected mice are stably maintained and functionally competent; however, a sizeable fraction of these memory T cells are short-lived. Further, we found that naive anti-MPyV CD8 T cells are primed de novo during persistent infection and contribute to maintenance of the virus-specific CD8 T cell population and its phenotypic heterogeneity. Using a new MPyV-specific TCR-transgenic system, we now demonstrate that virus-specific CD8 T cells recruited during persistent infection possess multicytokine effector function, have strong replication potential, express a phenotype profile indicative of authentic memory capability, and are stably maintained. In contrast, CD8 T cells recruited early in MPyV infection express phenotypic and functional attributes of clonal exhaustion, including attrition from the memory pool. These findings indicate that naive virus-specific CD8 T cells recruited during persistent infection contribute to preservation of functional memory against a smoldering viral infection.  相似文献   
A method for measuring the fluidity of inner membranes of populations of endospores of Clostridium spp. with a fluorescent dye was developed. Cells of Clostridium beijerinckii ATCC 8260 and Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 7955 were allowed to sporulate in the presence of 6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (LAURDAN) on a soil-based media. Labeling of endospores with LAURDAN did not affect endospore viability. Removal of the outer membranes of endospores was done using a chemical treatment and confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two-photon confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and generalized polarization (GP) measurements were used to assess fluorescence of endospores. Lipid composition analysis of cells and endospores was done to determine whether differences in GP values are attributable to differences in membrane composition. Removal of the outer membranes of endospores did not significantly impact GP values. Decoated, labeled endospores of C. sporogenes ATCC 7955 and C. beijerinckii ATCC 8260 exhibited GP values of 0.77±0.031 and 0.74±0.027 respectively. Differences in ratios of fatty acids between cells and endospores are unlikely to be responsible for high GP values observed in endospores. These GP values indicate high levels of lipid order and the exclusion of water from within inner membranes of endospores.  相似文献   
Goal, Scope, Background  To improve the environmental performance of chemical products or services, especially via comparisons of chemical products, LCA is a suitable evaluation method. However, no procedure to obtain comprehensive LCI-data on the production of fine and speciality chemicals is available to date, and information on such production processes is scarce. Thus, a procedure was developed for the estimation of LCIs of chemical production process-steps, which relies on only a small amount of input data. Methods  A generic input-output scheme of chemical production process-steps was set up, and equations to calculate inputs and outputs were established. For most parameters in the resulting estimation procedure, default values were derived from on-site data on chemical production processes and from heuristics. Uncertainties in the estimated default values were reflected as best-case and worst-case scenarios. The procedure was applied to a case study comparing the production of two active ingredients used for crop protection. Verification and a sensitivity analysis were carried out. Results and Discussion  It was found that the impacts from the mass and energy flows estimated by the procedure represent a significant share of the impacts assessed in the case study. In a verification, LCI-data from existing processes yielded results within the range of the estimated best-case and worst-case scenarios. Note that verification data could not be obtained for all process steps. From the verification results, it was inferred that mass and energy flows of existing processes for the production of fine and speciality chemicals correspond more frequently to the estimated best-case than to the worst-case scenario. In the sensitivity analysis, solvent demand was found to be the most crucial parameter in the environmental performance of the chemical production processes assessed. Conclusion  Mass and energy flows in LCIs of production processes for fine and speciality chemicals should not be neglected, even if only little information on a process is available. The estimation procedure described here helps to overcome lacking information in a transparent, consistent way. Recommendations and Outlook  Additional verifications and a more detailed estimation of the default parameters are desirable to learn more about the accuracy of the estimation procedure. The procedure should also be applied to case studies to gain insight into the usefulness of the estimation results in different decision-making contexts.  相似文献   
Wheel running was monitored in B x D recombinant inbred (RI) mice under dark-dark (DD) conditions, and the mean circadian period was calculated for each strain. There were significant differences for this trait among B x D recombinant inbred strains (p < .0001) and a narrow-sense heritability of 21%. Analysis of strain means and variances indicates that at least four segregating loci contribute to the genetic variance for the free-running circadian period in this population. Correlation of the strain means for the circadian period of wheel running for each RI strain against the distribution of markers at over 1500 loci along the mouse genome identified a number of provisional quantitative trait loci (QTL). There were provisional QTL for wheel running at p < .001 on chromosome 11 and at p < .01 on chromosomes 1, 6, 9, 17, and 19. Most were in agreement with a second analysis done under similar conditions.  相似文献   
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