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To a large extent, the mutual affinities of the mammalian orders continue to puzzle systematists, even though comparative anatomy and amino acid sequencing offer a massive data base from which these relationships could potentially be adduced. In the present paper the consistency index--the number of character states less the number of characters in a data set, divided by the total number of changes in the character states on a cladogram--was used to examine the relative resolving powers of recently published morphological and molecular- sequence data. Consistency indices were calculated for previously published alpha crystallin A chain and myoglobin amino acid-sequence cladograms and for four original amino acid-sequence cladograms (alpha crystallin A, myoglobin, and alpha and beta hemoglobin); these were found to be comparable to the consistency indices of morphologically based cladograms. Qualitative comparisons between the morphologically based and molecularly based trees were also made; only moderate congruence between the two was observed. Moreover, there was a general lack of congruence between the cladograms specified by each of the four proteins. Amino acid-sequence and morphological data agreed on the placement of edentates as an early eutherian offshoot and on the grouping of hyracoids, proboscideans, and sirenians. Otherwise there was only limited congruence: morphology strongly supported the grouping of lagomorphs and rodents and the alliance of pholidotes and edentates, but sequence analyses did not. The placement of tubulidentates differed widely among proteins. Morphology indicated the close association of sirenians with proboscideans; proteins suggested a pairing of sirenians with hyracoids. Sequence data did not identify many (morphologically well-diagnosed) orders as monophyletic (e.g., Lagomorpha).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)   相似文献   
The mechanisms by which phenotypic and genetic divergence may occur among sympatric, conspecific populations have been widely discussed but are still not well understood. Possible mechanisms include assortative mating based on morphology or variation in the reproductive behaviour of phenotypes, and both have been suggested to be relevant to the differentiation of salmonid populations in post-glacial lakes. Here, we studied Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in Windermere, where putative populations are defined by spatial and temporal variation in spawning. Genetic differentiation was assessed based on nine microsatellite loci, and phenotypic variation was assessed from morphometric characters. We test hypotheses about the relative role of morphology, spawning season and spawning habitat in the evolution of genetic divergence among these populations. Distinct from other lake systems, we find that both morphological and genetic differentiation are restricted primarily to one of two interconnecting basins, that genetic and morphological differentiation are decoupled in this lake and that both phenotype and environment have changed over the last 20 years. The implication is that breeding habitat plays a primary role in isolating populations that differentiate by drift and that phenotypically plastic changes, potentially related to foraging specializations, have either become secondarily decoupled from the genetically defined populations or were never fundamental in driving the evolution of genetic diversity in the Windermere system.  相似文献   
Damaliscus pygargus is an endemic species in South Africa belonging to the contemporary antelope tribe Alcelaphine. The species has been subdivided into two subspecies based upon phenotypic differences and historical geographic isolation. We found D. p. pygargus (bontebok) and D. p. phillipsi (blesbok) to be significantly differentiated based on microsatellite and mtDNA control region markers. Bontebok genetic diversity was depauperate with just one mtDNA haplotype, not found in blesbok populations, and reduced heterozygosity and polymorphism at microsatellite DNA loci compared to the blesbok. Erosion of molecular genetic variation in bontebok may have been due to anthropogenic impact causing isolation and reduced population size. Our data based on 34 bontebok and 42 blesbok indicate that the classification of alpha taxonomy should be reconsidered in this genus (in support of earlier similar suggestions), and that careful management should seek to avoid hybridization and retain the remaining diversity in the bontebok.  相似文献   
Population bottlenecks and founder events reduce genetic diversity through stochastic processes associated with the sampling of alleles at the time of the bottleneck, and the recombination of alleles that are identical by descent. At the same time bottlenecks and founder events can structure populations through the stochastic distortion of allele frequencies. Here we undertake an empirical assessment of the impact of two independent bottlenecks of known size from a known source, and consider inference about evolutionary process in the context of simulations and theoretical expectations. We find a similar level of reduced variation in the parallel bottleneck events, with the greater impact on the population that began with the smaller number of females. The level of diversity remaining was consistent with model predictions, but only if re-growth of the population was essentially exponential and polygeny was minimal at the early stages. There was a high level of differentiation seen compared to the source population and between the two bottlenecked populations, reflecting the stochastic distortion of allele frequencies. We provide empirical support for the theoretical expectations that considerable diversity can remain following a severe bottleneck event, given rapid demographic recovery, and that populations founded from the same source can become quickly differentiated. These processes may be important during the evolution of population genetic structure for species affected by rapid changes in available habitat.  相似文献   
In this study we reconstruct phylogenies for deep sea amphipods from the North Atlantic in order to test hypotheses about the evolutionary mechanisms driving speciation in the deep sea. We sequenced five genes for specimens representing 21 families. Phylogenetic analyses showed incongruence between the molecular data and morphological taxonomy, with some morphologically distinct taxa showing close molecular similarity. Approximate dating of nodes based on available calibration suggested adaptation to the deep sea around the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary, with three identified lineages within the deep-sea radiation dating to the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Two of those lineages contained species currently classified in multiple families. We reconstructed ancestral nodes based on the mouthpart characters that define trophic guilds (also used to establish the current taxonomy), and show a consistent transition at the earliest node defining the deep-sea lineage, together with increasing diversification at more recent nodes within the deep-sea lineage. The data suggest that the divergence of species was adaptive, with successive diversification from a non-scavenging ancestor to ‘opportunistic’, ‘obligate’ and ‘specialised’ scavengers. We propose that the North Atlantic species studied provide a strong case for adaptive evolution promoted by ecological opportunity in the deep sea.  相似文献   


G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are important drug targets and a better understanding of their molecular mechanisms would be desirable. The crystallization rate of GPCRs has accelerated in recent years as techniques have become more sophisticated, particularly with respect to Class A GPCRs interacting with G-proteins. These developments have made it possible for a quantitative analysis of GPCR geometrical features and binding-site conformations, including a statistical comparison between Class A GPCRs in active (agonist-bound) and inactive (antagonist-bound) states.


Here we implement algorithms for the analysis of interhelical angles, distances, interactions and binding-site volumes in the transmembrane domains of 25 Class A GPCRs (7 active and 18 inactive). Two interhelical angles change in a statistically significant way between average inactive and active states: TM3-TM6 (by -9°) and TM6-TM7 (by +12°). A third interhelical angle: TM5-TM6 shows a trend, changing by -9°. In the transition from inactive to active states, average van der Waals interactions between TM3 and TM7 significantly increase as the average distance between them decreases by >2 Å. Average H-bonding between TM3 and TM6 decreases but is seemingly compensated by an increase in H-bonding between TM5 and TM6. In five Class A GPCRs, crystallized in both active and inactive states, increased H-bonding of agonists to TM6 and TM7, relative to antagonists, is observed. These protein-agonist interactions likely favour a change in the TM6-TM7 angle, which creates a narrowing in the binding pocket of activated receptors and an average ~200 Å3 reduction in volume.


In terms of similar conformational changes and agonist binding pattern, Class A GPCRs appear to share a common mechanism of activation, which can be exploited in future drug development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0567-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
We describe here a new method for specific staining of mast cells using ferroin. Different hamster tissues were fixed in 4% formalin and processed for paraffin embedding. Sections were stained with hematoxylin followed by ferroin acidified with 2.5 N sulfuric acid to pH 4.0. Mast cells stained an intense orange color that contrasted markedly with bluish violet nuclei. High contrast was also observed when ferroin colored sections were counterstained with light green instead of hematoxylin. To evaluate the specificity of the stain, hamster cheek pouch sections were stained with toluidine blue, alcian blue-safranin O, and ferroin. Quantitative evaluation of mast cells stained with the three techniques showed no statistical difference. The simplicity and selectivity of this method is sufficient for image analysis of mast cells.  相似文献   
Environmental change drives demographic and evolutionary processes that determine diversity within and among species. Tracking these processes during periods of change reveals mechanisms for the establishment of populations and provides predictive data on response to potential future impacts, including those caused by anthropogenic climate change. Here we show how a highly mobile marine species responded to the gain and loss of new breeding habitat. Southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, remains were found along the Victoria Land Coast (VLC) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, 2,500 km from the nearest extant breeding site on Macquarie Island (MQ). This habitat was released after retreat of the grounded ice sheet in the Ross Sea Embayment 7,500–8,000 cal YBP, and is within the range of modern foraging excursions from the MQ colony. Using ancient mtDNA and coalescent models, we tracked the population dynamics of the now extinct VLC colony and the connectivity between this and extant breeding sites. We found a clear expansion signal in the VLC population ~8,000 YBP, followed by directional migration away from VLC and the loss of diversity at ~1,000 YBP, when sea ice is thought to have expanded. Our data suggest that VLC seals came initially from MQ and that some returned there once the VLC habitat was lost, ~7,000 years later. We track the founder-extinction dynamics of a population from inception to extinction in the context of Holocene climate change and present evidence that an unexpectedly diverse, differentiated breeding population was founded from a distant source population soon after habitat became available.  相似文献   
We have reported that Arabidopsis might have genetically distinct circadian oscillators in multiple cell-types.1 Rhythms of CHLOROPHYLL A/B BINDING PROTEIN2 (CAB2) promoter activity are 2.5 h longer in phytochromeB mutants in constant red light and in cryptocrome1 cry2 double mutant (hy4-1 fha-1) in constant blue light than the wild-type.2 However, we found that cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) oscillations were undetectable in these mutants in the same light conditions.1 Furthermore, mutants of CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) have short period rhythms of leaf movement but have arrhythmic [Ca2+]cyt oscillations. More important, the timing of cab1-1 (toc1-1) mutant has short period rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity (∼21 h) but, surprisingly, has a wild-type period for circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations (∼24 h). In contrast, toc1-2, a TOC1 loss-of-function mutant, has a short period of both CAB2 and [Ca2+]cyt rhythms (∼21 h). Here we discuss the difference between the phenotypes of toc1-1 and toc1-2 and how rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations might be regulated differently.Key words: circadian rhythms, TOC1, multiple oscillators, CAB2, Ca2+ signalling, arabidopsis, circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations, aequorin, luciferase, central oscillatorThe plant circadian clock controls a multitude of physiological processes such as photosynthesis, organ and stomatal movements and transition to reproductive growth. A plant clock that is correctly matched to the rhythms in the environment brings about a photosynthetic advantage that results in more chlorophyll, more carbon assimilation and faster growth.3 One of the first circadian clock mutants to be described in plants was the short period timing of cab1-1 (toc1-1), which was identified using the rhythms of luciferase under a CHLOROPHYLL A/B BINDING PROTEIN2 (CAB2) promoter as a marker for circadian period.4Circadian rhythms of both CAB2 promoter activity and cytosolic-free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) oscillations depend on the function of a TOC1, CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (TOC1/CCA1/LHY) negative feedback loop.5 In tobacco seedlings, CAB2:luciferase (CAB2:luc) rhythms and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations can be uncoupled in undifferentiated calli.6 In Arabidopsis, we reported that toc1-1 has different periods of rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity (∼21 h) and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations (∼24 h). The mutant allele toc1-1 has a base pair change that leads to a full protein that has an amino acid change from Ala to Val in the CCT domain (CONSTANS, CONSTANS-LIKE and TOC1).7 On the other hand, the mutant toc1-2 has short period of both rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations (∼21 h).1,7 This allele has a base pair change that results in changes to preferential mRNA splicing, resulting in a truncated protein with only 59 residues.7 Thus, the mutated CCT domain in toc1-1 might lead to the uncoupling of rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations while the absence of TOC1 in toc1-2 causes the shortening of the period of both rhythms. Indeed, zeitlupe-1 (ztl-1) mutants, that have higher levels of TOC1, have long periods of both rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations.1 The biochemical function of the CCT domain is unknown but it is predicted to play an important role in protein-protein interactions8 and nuclear localization.9One model to explain the period difference of CAB2:luc expression and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillation is that the toc1-1 mutation has uncoupled two oscillators in the same cell. Uncoupled oscillators are a predicted outcome of certain mutations in the recently described three-loop mathematical model.1011 However, both rhythms of TOC1 and CCA1/LHY expression, which would be in uncoupled oscillators accordingly to the model, are described as short-period in toc1-1.5 Thus, we have favored the model in which CAB2:luc expression and circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillation are reporting cell-types with different oscillators that are affected differently by toc1-1.It is possible that TOC1 could interact with a family of cell-type specific proteins. The interaction of TOC1 with each member of the family could be affected differently by the mutation in the CCT domain (Fig. 1). Two-hybrid assays have shown that TOC1 interacts with PIF proteins (PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR3 and PIF4) and related PIL proteins (PIF3-LIKE PROTEIN 1, PIL2, PIL5 and PIL6).8 In fact, TOC1 interaction with both PIF3 and PIL1 is stronger when the N-terminus receiver domain is taken out and the CCT domain is left intact.8 Thus, it is possible that TOC1 and different PIF/PIL proteins interact to regulate the central oscillator. This interaction could be impaired by the Ala to Val change in the toc1-1 mutation, leading to the period shortening. However, lines misexpressing PIF3, PIL1 and PIL6 showed no changes in their circadian rhythms.1216Open in a separate windowFigure 1Models of how the toc1-1 mutation might differently affect cell-type specific circadian oscillators. The single mutant toc1-1 have 21 h rhythms of CAB2 promoter activity and 24 h-rhythms of [Ca2+]cyt oscillations. The toc1-1 mutation is a single amino acid change in the CCT domain. The CCT domain is involved in protein-protein interaction and/or nuclear localization. We have proposed that circadian oscillators with different periods are present in different cell-types. The luminescence generated by CAB2 promoter-drived luciferase (from the CAB2:luc) is probably originated in the epidermis and mesophyll cells. In this model, we propose that the mutation on the CCT domain impairs the mutated TOC1 interaction with the hypothetical protein Z in these cells-types. In contrast, in other cell-types, the mutated TOC1 still interacts with other hypothetical proteins (W), despite the mutation in the CCT domain. In those cell-types, the circadian oscillator could still run with a 24 h period for [Ca2+]cyt rhythms (from the 35S:AEQ construct). One possible identity for Z and W are the members of the PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) related PIF3-LIKE (PIL) family.One possible explanation for the absence of alterations in the period of circadian rhythms in lines misexpressing PIF/PIL is that they only have roles in certain cell-types. As an example, PIL6 and PIF3 are involved with flowering time and hypocotyl growth in red light1215 while PIL1 and PIL2 are involved with hypocotyl elongation in shade-avoidance responses.16 Both hypocotyl growth and flowering time require cell-type specific regulation: vascular bundle cells in the case of the flowering time17 and the cells in the shoot in the case of the hypocotyl elongation.16 If TOC1 interaction with certain PIF/PIL is indeed cell-type specific, the mutated CCT domain found in the toc1-1 mutant could affect the clock in different ways, depending on the type of PIF/PIL protein expressed in each cell-type. Therefore, a question that arises is: which cell-types are sensitive to the toc1-1 mutation?There is evidence that CAB2 and CATALASE3 (CAT3) are regulated by two oscillators that respond differently to temperature signals.18 These genes might be regulated by two distinct circadian oscillators within the same tissues or a single cell.18 Interestingly, the spatial patterns of expression of CAB2 and CATALASE3 overlap in the mesophyll of the cotyledons.18 Furthermore, rhythms of CAB2 and CHALCONE SYNTHASE (CHS) promoter activity have different periods and they are equally affected by toc1-1 mutation.19 Whereas CAB2 is mainly expressed in the mesophyll cells, CHS is mainly expressed in epidermis and root cells.19 However, rhythms of AEQUORIN luminescence, which reports [Ca2+]cyt oscillation, were insensitive to toc1-1 mutation and appear to come from the whole cotyledon.20 One cell-type which is found in the whole cotyledon but is distinct from either mesophyll or epidermis cells is the vascular tissue and associated cells.Another approach to determine which cell-types are insensitive to toc1-1 mutation is to compare the toc1-1 and toc1-2 phenotypes. The period of circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations is not the only phenotype that is different in toc1-1 and toc1-2 mutants. Rhythms in CAB2 promoter activity in constant red light are short period in toc1-1 but arrhythmic in toc1-2.21,22 COLD, CIRCADIAN RHYTHM AND RNA BINDING 2/GLYCINE-RICH RNA BINDING PROTEIN 7 (CCR2/GRP7) is also arrhythmic in toc1-2 but short period in toc1-1 in constant darkness.7,22 When the length of the hypocotyl was measured for both toc1-1 and toc1-2 plants exposed to various intensities of red light, only toc1-2 had a clear reduction in sensitivity to red light. Therefore, toc1-2 has long hypocotyl when maintained in constant red light while hypocotyl length in toc1-1 is nearly identical to that in the wild-type.22 These differences may allow us to separate which cell-types are sensitive to the toc1-1 mutation and which not.Hypocotyl growth is regulated by a large number of factors such as light, gravity, auxin, cytokinins, ethylene, gibberellins and brassinosteroids.23 There is also a correlation between the size of the hypocotyl in red light and defects in the circadian signaling network.24,25 The fact that toc1-1 has different hypocotyl sizes from toc1-2 suggests that circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations could be involved in the light-dependent control of hypocotyl growth. Circadian [Ca2+]cyt oscillations might encode temporal information to control cell expansion and hypocotyl growth.2628 toc1-1 have short-period rhythms of hypocotyl elongation, which indicates that the cells in the hypocotyl have a 21 h oscillator.29 However, toc1-1 might also have a wild-type hypocotyl length in continuous red light because cells which generate the signal to regulate hypocotyl growth might have 24 h oscillators.The toc1-1 mutation was the first to be directly associated with the plant circadian clock, revitalizing the field of study.4 Now, by either uncoupling two feedback loops or by distinct TOC1 protein-protein interaction in different cell-types, toc1-1 has shown new properties of the circadian clock that may deepen our understanding of this system.  相似文献   
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