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It has previously been reported that endophytic diazotrophic bacteria contribute significantly to the nitrogen budgets of some graminaceous species. In this study the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation to the N-budget of a South African sugarcane cultivar was evaluated using 15N natural abundance, acetylene reduction and 15N incorporation. Plants were also screened for the presence of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria using acetylene reduction and nifH-gene targeted PCR with the pure bacterial strains. 15N natural abundance studies on field-grown sugarcane indicated that the plants did not rely extensively on biological nitrogen fixation. Furthermore, no evidence was found for significant N2-fixation or nitrogenase activity in field-grown or glasshouse-grown plants using 15N incorporation measurements and acetylene reduction assays. Seven endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from glasshouse-grown and field-grown plants and cultured on N-free medium. The diazotrophic character of these seven strains could not be confirmed using acetylene reduction and PCR screening for nifH. Thus, although biological nitrogen fixation may occur in South African sugarcane varieties, the contribution of this N-source in the tested cultivar was not significant.  相似文献   
In this paper we introduce discriminant Q2 (DQ2) as an improvement for the Q2 value used in the validation of PLSDA models. DQ2 does not penalize class predictions beyond the class label value. With rigorous Monte Carlo simulations we show that when DQ2 is used, a smaller effect can be found statistically significant than when the standard Q2 is used.  相似文献   
Affinity maturation is an evolutionary process by which the affinity of antibodies (Abs) against specific antigens (Ags) increases through rounds of B-cell proliferation, somatic hypermutation, and positive selection in germinal centres (GC). The positive selection of B cells depends on affinity, but the underlying mechanisms of affinity discrimination and affinity-based selection are not well understood. It has been suggested that selection in GC depends on both rapid binding of B-cell receptors (BcRs) to Ags which is kinetically favourable and tight binding of BcRs to Ags, which is thermodynamically favourable; however, it has not been shown whether a selection bias for kinetic properties is present in the GC. To investigate the GC selection bias towards rapid and tight binding, we developed an agent-based model of GC and compared the evolution of founder B cells with initially identical low affinities but with different association/dissociation rates for Ag presented by follicular dendritic cells in three Ag collection mechanisms. We compared an Ag collection mechanism based on association/dissociation rates of B-cell interaction with presented Ag, which includes a probabilistic rupture of bonds between the B-cell and Ag (Scenario-1) with a reference scenario based on an affinity-based Ag collection mechanism (Scenario-0). Simulations showed that the mechanism of Ag collection affects the GC dynamics and the GC outputs concerning fast/slow (un)binding of B cells to FDC-presented Ags. In particular, clones with lower dissociation rates outcompete clones with higher association rates in Scenario-1, while remaining B cells from clones with higher association rates reach higher affinities. Accordingly, plasma cell and memory B cell populations were biased towards B-cell clones with lower dissociation rates. Without such probabilistic ruptures during the Ag extraction process (Scenario-2), the selective advantage for clones with very low dissociation rates diminished, and the affinity maturation level of all clones decreased to the reference level.  相似文献   
The USH2A gene is mutated in patients with Usher syndrome type IIa, which is the most common subtype of Usher syndrome and is characterized by hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa. Since mutation analysis by DNA sequencing of exons 1-21 revealed only ~63% of the expected USH2A mutations, we searched for so-far-uncharacterized exons of the gene. We identified 51 novel exons at the 3' end of the gene, and we obtained indications for alternative splicing. The putative protein encoded by the longest open reading frame harbors, in addition to the known functional domains, two laminin G and 28 fibronectin type III repeats, as well as a transmembrane region followed by an intracellular domain with a PDZ-binding domain at its C-terminal end. Semiquantitative expression profile analysis suggested a low level of expression for both the long and the short isoform(s) and partial overlap in spatial and temporal expression patterns. Mutation analysis in 12 unrelated patients with Usher syndrome, each with one mutation in exons 1-21, revealed three different truncating mutations in four patients and two missense mutations in one patient. The presence of pathogenic mutations in the novel exons indicates that at least one of the putative long isoforms of the USH2A protein plays a role in both hearing and vision.  相似文献   
The ZPT2-2 gene belongs to the EPF gene family in petunia (Petunia hybrida), which encodes proteins with TFIIIA-type zinc-finger DNA-binding motifs. To elucidate a possible function for ZPT2-2, we analyzed its pattern of expression in relation to different developmental and physiological stress signals. The activity of the ZPT2-2 promoter was analyzed using a firefly luciferase (LUC) reporter gene, allowing for continuous measurements of transgene activity in planta. We show that ZPT2-2::LUC is active in all plant tissues, but is strongly modulated in cotyledons upon germination, in leaves in response to desiccation, cold treatment, wounding, or ultraviolet-B light, and in petal tissue in response to pollination of the stigma. Analysis of mRNA levels indicated that the modulations in ZPT2-2::LUC expression reflect modulations in endogenous ZPT2-2 gene expression. The change in ZPT2-2::LUC activity by cold treatment, wounding, desiccation, and ultraviolet-B light suggest that the phytohormones ethylene and jasmonic acid are involved in regulating the expression of ZPT2-2. Although up-regulation of expression of ZPT2-2 can be blocked by inhibitors of ethylene perception, expression in plants is not induced by exogenously applied ethylene. The application of jasmonic acid does result in an up-regulation of gene activity and, thus, ZPT2-2 may play a role in the realization of the jasmonic acid hormonal responses in petunia.  相似文献   
Multivariate paired data analysis: multilevel PLSDA versus OPLSDA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolomics data obtained from (human) nutritional intervention studies can have a rather complex structure that depends on the underlying experimental design. In this paper we discuss the complex structure in data caused by a cross-over designed experiment. In such a design, each subject in the study population acts as his or her own control and makes the data paired. For a single univariate response a paired t-test or repeated measures ANOVA can be used to test the differences between the paired observations. The same principle holds for multivariate data. In the current paper we compare a method that exploits the paired data structure in cross-over multivariate data (multilevel PLSDA) with a method that is often used by default but that ignores the paired structure (OPLSDA). The results from both methods have been evaluated in a small simulated example as well as in a genuine data set from a cross-over designed nutritional metabolomics study. It is shown that exploiting the paired data structure underlying the cross-over design considerably improves the power and the interpretability of the multivariate solution. Furthermore, the multilevel approach provides complementary information about (I) the diversity and abundance of the treatment effects within the different (subsets of) subjects across the study population, and (II) the intrinsic differences between these study subjects.  相似文献   
Cyclins are indispensable elements of the cell cycle and derangement of their function can lead to cancer formation. Recent studies have also revealed more mechanisms through which cyclins can express their oncogenic potential. This review focuses on the aberrant expression of G1/S cyclins and especially cyclin D and cyclin E; the pathways through which they lead to tumour formation and their involvement in different types of cancer. These elements indicate the mechanisms that could act as targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
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