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Synopsis The non-enzyme histochemistry of the closely related parathyroid and ultimobranchial glands of the domestic fowl has been studied.The parathyroid cells and the ultimobranchial C cells gave only weakly positive reactions in tests for specific amino-acid residues. The rather stronger reactions found in the C cells were probably related to their content of polypeptide secretory granules. Carbohydrate and lipid stains also gave only negative or weakly positive reactions although the parathyroid cells did contain some free lipid.The lining cells of the ultimobranchial vesicles may be either actively secreting or inactive and cystic. Active cells contain large numbers of granules that are composed of large amounts of sulphated acid mucopolysaccharides, moderate amounts of mucoproteins and small amounts of neutral mucopolysaccharides and glycogen. Both the granular and colloidal secretions of these cells appeared to be identical in composition to the intracellular granules. The vesicular lining cells and their secretions showed strong but variable reactions for sulphydryl, disulphide and amino groups.The intermediate cell strands, which connect the ultimobranchial parathyroid foci with the vesicles, showed a range of reactions intermediate between those exhibited by parathyroid and vesicular cells.The results are discussed in relation to the structure and function of the various cell types.  相似文献   
Cytochemical studies concerning the presence and distribution of various enzymes in the tissue stages of the life cycle of Eimeria acervulina and E. necatrix have been undertaken.Acid and alkaline phosphatases as well as ATPase (pH 7·2) were found to be present in all the stages of the life cycles examined, the latter enzyme being very strong in the plastic granules of the macrogametocytes and in the inner membrane of the oocyst wall. The reaction for all three enzymes was observed in the cytoplasm but not the nucleus. Non-specific esterase and glucose-6-phosphatase were also found in all stages examined, the latter occurring in greater amounts in stages where deposition of glycogen (amylopectin) was pronounced. Succinic dehydrogenase occurred only in the second generation schizonts and merozoites of E. necatrix and in the formed oocysts of both species. No reaction for β-glucuronidase or leucine naphthylamidase was apparent in any stage, although a slight reaction for leucine naphthlyamidase was seen in the second generation merozoites of E. necatrix lying free in the intestinal lumen.The presence and distribution of these enzymes and their possible function were discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of the hydrophobicity and the distribution of hydrophobic residues on the surfaces of some designed alpha-helical transmembrane peptides (acetyl-K2-L(m)-A(n)-K2-amide, where m + n = 24) on their solution behavior and interactions with phospholipids were examined. We find that although these peptides exhibit strong alpha-helix forming propensities in water, membrane-mimetic media, and lipid model membranes, the stability of the helices decreases as the Leu content decreases. Also, their binding to reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography columns is largely determined by their hydrophobicity and generally decreases with decreases in the Leu/Ala ratio. However, the retention of these peptides by such columns is also affected by the distribution of hydrophobic residues on their helical surfaces, being further enhanced when peptide helical hydrophobic moments are increased by clustering hydrophobic residues on one side of the helix. This clustering of hydrophobic residues also increases peptide propensity for self-aggregation in aqueous media and enhances partitioning of the peptide into lipid bilayer membranes. We also find that the peptides LA3LA2 [acetyl-K2-(LAAALAA)3LAA-K2-amide] and particularly LA6 [acetyl-K2-(LAAAAAA)3LAA-K2-amide] associate less strongly with and perturb the thermotropic phase behavior of phosphatidylcholine bilayers much less than peptides with higher L/A ratios. These results are consistent with free energies calculated for the partitioning of these peptides between water and phospholipid bilayers, which suggest that LA3LA2 has an equal tendency to partition into water and into the hydrophobic core of phospholipid model membranes, whereas LA6 should strongly prefer the aqueous phase. We conclude that for alpha-helical peptides of this type, Leu/Ala ratios of greater than 7/17 are required for stable transmembrane associations with phospholipid bilayers.  相似文献   
Although neural transplantation has made a relatively successful transition from the animal laboratory to human neurosurgery for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, the use of human embryonic brain tissue as the source of transplants raises difficult ethical and practical problems. These are likely to impede the widespread use of this otherwise promising therapy across the range of types of brain damage to which the results of animal experiments suggest its potential applicability. Various alternative approaches are reviewed briefly, aimed at developing sources of tissue for transplantation that can be maintained in vitro until needed, so obviating the requirement for fresh embryonic tissue at each occasion of surgery. Particularly promising are conditionally immortalized neuroepithelial stem cell lines in which the immortalizing gene is downregulated upon transplantation into a host brain. We describe experiments from our laboratory with the use of cells of this kind, the multipotent MHP clonal cell lines, derived from the developing hippocampus of a transgenic mouse harbouring a temperature-sensitive oncogene. Implanted into the hippocampus of rats and marmosets with damage to the CA1 cell field, the MHP36 line gave rise to healthy surviving grafts and to essentially complete recovery of cognitive function. Postmortem study of the implanted rat brains indicated that MHP36 cells migrate to the region of damage, adopt both neuronal (pyramidal) and glial phenotypes in vivo, and reconstitute the normal laminated appearance of the CA1 cell field. We have previously shown that, when primary differentiated foetal tissue is used as the source of grafts in rats with CA1 damage, there is a stringent requirement for replacement with homotypic CA1 cells. We interpret our results as showing that the MHP36 cell line responds to putative signals associated with damage to the hippocampus and takes up a phenotype appropriate for the repair of this damage; they therefore open the way to the development of a novel strategy with widespread applicability to the treatment of the diseased or damaged human brain.  相似文献   
Understanding population dynamics requires reliable estimates of population density, yet this basic information is often surprisingly difficult to obtain. With rare or difficult‐to‐capture species, genetic surveys from noninvasive collection of hair or scat has proved cost‐efficient for estimating densities. Here, we explored whether noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) also offers promise for sampling a relatively common species, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus Erxleben, 1777), in comparison with traditional live trapping. We optimized a protocol for single‐session NGS sampling of hares. We compared spatial capture–recapture population estimates from live trapping to estimates derived from NGS, and assessed NGS costs. NGS provided population estimates similar to those derived from live trapping, but a higher density of sampling plots was required for NGS. The optimal NGS protocol for our study entailed deploying 160 sampling plots for 4 days and genotyping one pellet per plot. NGS laboratory costs ranged from approximately $670 to $3000 USD per field site. While live trapping does not incur laboratory costs, its field costs can be considerably higher than for NGS, especially when study sites are difficult to access. We conclude that NGS can work for common species, but that it will require field and laboratory pilot testing to develop cost‐effective sampling protocols.  相似文献   
Abstract 1 Attack by Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) on the maize and cassava stored by small‐holder farmers in Africa is sporadic, varying considerably within and between years. The risk that food in store will become infested is related to the number of beetles dispersing by flight. A means of predicting years with high dispersal rates is needed to warn farmers when to be vigilant. 2 The relationship between climatic variables and pheromone trap catches was observed in a forest‐savannah transition zone in Ghana. These observations were used to devise a model using a mix of biological and empirical rules that operate on temperature and humidity data. The predicted and actual trap catch deviated by only +5% to ?1% in years when there were high dispersal rates. 3 The first part of the model estimates the numbers of beetles with potential for dispersal. The second part predicts the proportion likely to disperse. This is based on the apparent effect that those P. truncatus developing under low temperature conditions (about 24 °C) have a lowered propensity for flight, a response previously observed in a related species. 4 The model was validated using climate data and trap catches from a woodland–savannah zone and a short grass steppe zone. With minor adjustment, the model worked well for these two habitats.  相似文献   
Our aim was to determine the frequency and characteristics of a fractionated pattern of diaphragm and upper airway muscle activity and airflow during wakefulness and sleep in adult goats. A fractionated breath (FBr) was defined as three or more brief (40-150 ms) interruptions in the diaphragm activity not associated with multiple swallows, eructation, mastication, or movement. During a FBr, the discharge pattern in the diaphragm and upper airway muscles showed complete cycles of inspiration and expiration. Whereas the interval between peak diaphragm activity of the breath preceding the FBr to the first diaphragm peak of the FBr was 15-20% less than the average interval of the preceding five control breaths, the breath-to-breath interval of the five breaths after a FBr did not differ from the control breaths before the FBr event. In normal goats, FBr was evident in only 4 of 18 (22%) awake goats and in only one of these goats during non-rapid eye movement sleep. In 35 goats with implanted microtubules in the medulla, FBr were present in 14 (40%) goats. In these goats with FBr, 78% (11 of 14) had one or more implantations into or near the facial, vestibular, or raphe nuclei. The effect of perturbations in these nuclei is probably nonspecific, because injections into these nuclei with mock cerebrospinal fluid or excitatory amino acid-receptor agonist or antagonist produced both increases and decreases in the frequency of the FBr while not altering their characteristics. Finally, a swallow occurred at the termination or during the first breath after 60% of the FBr. We speculate that the FBr manifest 1) the disruption of a neuronal network, which coordinates breathing and other functions (such as swallowing), utilizing the same anatomic structures, and/or 2) transient changes in synaptic inputs that increase the rate of the normal respiratory rhythm generator or allow an ectopic, anomalous generator to become dominant.  相似文献   
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