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A 13C-NMR study of the biosynthesis of dothistromin by Dothistroma pini was undertaken. The biosynthetic labelling pattern in this bistetrahydr  相似文献   
There is a need for safe medications that can effectively support recovery by treating symptoms of protracted abstinence that may precipitate relapse in alcoholics, e.g. craving and disturbances in sleep and mood. This proof-of-concept study reports on the effectiveness of gabapentin 1200 mg for attenuating these symptoms in a non-treatment-seeking sample of cue-reactive, alcohol-dependent individuals. Subjects were 33 paid volunteers with current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV alcohol dependence and a strength of craving rating 1 SD or greater for alcohol than water cues. Subjects were randomly assigned to gabapentin or placebo for 1 week and then participated in a within-subjects trial where each was exposed to standardized sets of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant visual stimuli followed by alcohol or water cues. Gabapentin was associated with significantly greater reductions than placebo on several measures of subjective craving for alcohol as well as for affectively evoked craving. Gabapentin was also associated with significant improvement on several measures of sleep quality. Side effects were minimal, and gabapentin effects were not found to resemble any major classes of abused drugs. Results suggest that gabapentin may be effective for treating the protracted abstinence phase in alcohol dependence and that a randomized clinical trial would be an appropriate next step. The study also suggests the value of cue-reactivity studies as proof-of-concept screens for potential antirelapse drugs.  相似文献   
Corn plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in the field on two soils. On a droughty soil, water was withheld from some plants during the grain-filling period while other plants were irrigated. Carbon-14 was fed to the leaves, and translocation to different plant parts was determined. Translocation appeared to be more sensitive to moisture stress than was photosynthesis. More radioactive carbon was retained in both the fed portion and the nonfed portion of the leaf of stressed plants than in nonstressed plants. The stalk segment between the treated leaf and ear-node also contained less radioactivity in stressed plants than in nonstressed plants. On a soil with higher water-holding capacity, moisture stress was imposed on plants by root pruning. Plants under severe stress continued to translocate photosynthetically assimilated 14C nearly as well as nonstressed plants for 90 minutes. Between 90 and 120 minutes after labeling, there was a major reduction in amount translocated in stressed plants compared to the nonstressed plants. At longer translocation times the rates of translocation appeared again to be more nearly equal.  相似文献   
Endogenous ethylene of Poa pratensis leaves infected by Bipolaris sorokiniana was evaluated as a factor in leaf chlorosis during pathogenesis. Detectable increases in endogenous ethylene of leaves of intact plants under normal ambient pressure occurred 12 hours after inoculation and was maximum at 48 hours; from 48 to 96 hours the ethylene progressively decreased. Necrotic lesions surrounded by chlorotic halos occurred on infected leaves between 24 and 48 hours. Midvein chlorosis interconnecting individual lesions and complete chlorosis of all tissues not directly affected by the lesions occurred between 72 and 96 hours, after maximum production of ethylene at 48 hours. The chlorophyll loss in infected leaves by 96 hours was 44% compared with controls.

Subjecting inoculated leaves of intact plants to a controlled atmospheric-environmental system with an atmospheric pressure of 233 millibars and O2 and CO2 partial pressures adjusted to approximately that of normal ambient pressure during infection and disease development prevented most midvein chlorosis and complete chlorosis, but did not prevent necrotic lesion or chlorotic halo development. Under the hypobaric conditions, chlorophyll loss during disease development was reduced to 22% compared with controls at 96 hours. The observations suggest that ethylene may function late in pathogenesis of this host-pathogen interaction and is responsible for much of the chlorophyll loss after its maximum production at 48 hours.

The study aimed to explore the suicidal process, suicidal communication and psychosocial situation of young suicide attempters in a rural community in Hanoi, Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, in a community setting, with 19 suicide attempters aged 15-24 who had been consecutively hospitalized in an intensive care unit. In 12 of 19 cases, the first pressing, distinct and constant suicidal thoughts appeared less than one day before the suicide attempt in question. However, distress and mild, fleeting suicidal thoughts had been present up to six months before the suicide attempt in 16 cases. Five respondents had a suicide plan one to three days before attempting suicide. Altogether, 13 engaged in some form of suicidal communication before their attempt. This communication was, however, difficult for outsiders to interpret. Twelve of the respondents were victims of regular physical abuse and 16 had suffered psychological violence for at least one year before attempting suicide. Eighteen of the respondents used pesticides or raticides in their suicide attempts. None sought advice or consultation in the community despite long-standing psychosocial problems. The strategy of reducing the availability of suicide means (e.g., pesticides or raticides) in Asian countries should be complemented with a long-term suicide-preventive strategy that targets school dropouts and domestic violence, and promotes coping abilities and communication about psychological and social problems as well as recognition of signs of distress and suicidal communication.  相似文献   
Seasonal breeding in primates is related to the degree of environmental seasonality, particularly the availability and predictability of food. Southeast Asian species in general show moderate birth seasonality due to either low environmental seasonality or unpredictable fluctuations of mast-fruiting food resources. One Southeast Asian primate, the simakobu (Simias concolor), however, has been reported to be a strict seasonal breeder with births occurring in June and July only. It is unclear whether these observations are characteristic of the species or result from a sampling bias. To address this question, we documented the annual distribution of 11 births in eight groups of simakobu over two consecutive years at Pungut, an undisturbed site on Siberut Island, Indonesia. We assessed annual variation in ecology and reproduction via rainfall, temperature, food availability, feeding time, physical condition, conceptions, and births. Mean monthly temperature was nearly constant (26.3–27.1?°C), and monthly precipitation always high (219–432?mm). Although simakobu foods were abundant year-round, there were two fruit-feeding peaks in June and September. In contrast to previous reports, we documented births in 7?mo. Most births occurred in October (45?%), the wettest month of the year, and most conceptions in March and April, following a peak in unripe fruit availability. Although sample sizes are very small, females seemed to conceive when their physical condition was best, suggesting that simakobu time conceptions flexibly to the recovery of energy reserves. Across study sites, births occurred in 10 calendar months, indicating that simakobu reproduction is not strictly seasonal.  相似文献   


A full understanding of the patterns and processes of biological diversification requires the dating of evolutionary events, yet the fossil record is inadequate for most lineages under study. Alternatively, a molecular clock approach, in which DNA or amino acid substitution rates are calibrated with fossils or geological/climatic events, can provide indirect estimates of clade ages and diversification rates. The utility of this approach depends on the rate constancy of molecular evolution at a genetic locus across time and across lineages. Although the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (nrITS) is increasingly being used to infer clade ages in plants, little is known about the sources or magnitude of variation in its substitution rate. Here, we systematically review the literature to assess substitution rate variation in nrITS among angiosperms, and we evaluate possible correlates of the variation.  相似文献   
There have been several reports that individuals with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and animal models of FXS have communication deficits. The present study utilized two different call classification taxonomies to examine the sex‐specificity of ultrasonic vocalization (USV) production on postnatal day (PD8) in the FVB strain of Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. One classification protocol requires the investigator to score each call by hand, while the other protocol uses an automated algorithm. Results using the hand‐scoring protocol indicated that male Fmr1 KO mice exhibited longer calls (P = .03) than wild types on PD8. Male KOs also produced fewer complex, composite, downward, short and two‐syllable call‐types, as well as more frequency steps and chevron call‐types. Female heterozygotes exhibited no significant changes in acoustic or temporal aspects of calls, yet showed significant changes in call‐type production proportions across two different classification taxonomies (P < .001). They exhibited increased production of harmonic and frequency steps calls, as well as fewer chevron, downward and short calls. According to the second high‐throughput analysis, female heterozygotes produced significantly fewer single‐type and more multiple‐type syllables, unlike male KOs that showed no changes in these aspects of syllable production. Finally, we correlated both scoring methods and found a high level of correlation between the two methods. These results contribute further knowledge of sex differences in USV calling behavior for Fmr1 heterozygote and KO mice and provide a foundation for the use of high‐throughput analysis of neonatal USVs.  相似文献   
BackgroundLymphatic filariasis (LF) is targeted for elimination in Sierra Leone. Epidemiological coverage of mass drug administration (MDA) with ivermectin and albendazole had been reported >65% in all 12 districts annually. Eight districts qualified to implement transmission assessment survey (TAS) in 2013 but were deferred until 2017 due to the Ebola outbreak (2014–2016). In 2017, four districts qualified for conducting a repeat pre-TAS after completing three more rounds of MDA and the final two districts were also eligible to implement a pre-TAS.Methodology/Principal findingsFor TAS, eight districts were surveyed as four evaluation units (EU). A school-based survey was conducted in children aged 6–7 years from 30 clusters per EU. For pre-TAS, one sentinel and one spot check site per district (with 2 spot check sites in Bombali) were selected and 300–350 persons aged 5 years and above were selected. For both surveys, finger prick blood samples were tested using the Filariasis Test Strips (FTS).For TAS, 7,143 children aged 6–7 years were surveyed across four EUs, and positives were found in three EUs, all below the critical cut-off value for each EU. For the repeat pre-TAS/pre-TAS, 3,994 persons over five years of age were surveyed. The Western Area Urban had FTS prevalence of 0.7% in two sites and qualified for TAS, while other five districts had sites with antigenemia prevalence >2%: 9.1–25.9% in Bombali, 7.5–19.4% in Koinadugu, 6.1–2.9% in Kailahun, 1.3–2.3% in Kenema and 1.7% - 3.7% in Western Area Rural.Conclusions/SignificanceEight districts in Sierra Leone have successfully passed TAS1 and stopped MDA, with one more district qualified for conducting TAS1, a significant progress towards LF elimination. However, great challenges exist in eliminating LF from the whole country with repeated failure of pre-TAS in border districts. Effort needs to be intensified to achieve LF elimination.  相似文献   
Many food webs are affected by bottom‐up nutrient addition, as additional biomass or productivity at a given trophic level can support more consumers. In turn, when prey are abundant, predators may converge on the same diets rather than partitioning food resources. Here, we examine the diets and habitat use of predatory and omnivorous birds in response to biosolids amendment of northern grasslands used as grazing range for cattle in British Columbia, Canada. From an ecosystem management perspective, we test whether dietary convergence occurred and whether birds preferentially used the pastures with biosolids. Biosolids treatments increased Orthoptera densities and our work occurred during a vole (Microtus spp.) population peak, so both types of prey were abundant. American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) consumed both small mammals and Orthoptera. Short‐eared Owls (Asio flammeus) and Long‐eared owls (Asio otus) primarily ate voles (>97% of biomass consumed) as did Northern Harriers (Circus hudsonius, 88% vole biomass). Despite high dietary overlap, these species had minimal spatial overlap, and Short‐eared Owls strongly preferred pastures amended with biosolids. Common Ravens (Corvus corax), Black‐billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), and American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) consumed Orthoptera, Coleoptera, vegetation, and only a few small mammals; crows avoided pastures with biosolids. Thus, when both insect and mammalian prey were abundant, corvids maintained omnivorous diets, whereas owls and Harriers specialized on voles. Spatial patterns were more complex, as birds were likely responding to prey abundance, vegetation structure, and other birds in this consumer guild.  相似文献   
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