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Effective bioterrorism planning, prevention, and response require information sharing between various entities, ranging from public health authorities and health-care workers to national security and law enforcement officials. While the source of much information exchanged may be nonidentifiable, many entities legitimately need access to personally identifiable health information (or "protected health information" [PHI]) in planning for and responding to a bioterrorism event. The HIPAA Privacy Rule allows for essential exchanges of health data during a public health emergency while protecting against unnecessary disclosures of PHI. In the event of a bioterrorist attack, the Privacy Rule allows covered entities to disclose PHI without individual authorization in the following instances: (1) for treatment by health-care providers, (2) to avert a serious threat to health or safety, (3) to public health authorities for public health purposes, (4) to protect national security, (5) to law enforcement under certain conditions, and (6) for judicial or administrative proceedings. Despite these favorable disclosure provisions, some privacy challenges remain. The flow of PHI may be slowed by misunderstandings of the Privacy Rule's accounting requirement. In addition, in a bioterrorism scenario, nontraditional entities may find themselves acting as health-care providers, triggering Privacy Rule provisions. Finally, the potential for de facto disclosures of individuals' disease or exposure status increases where conspicuous treatment methods, isolation, or quarantine are implemented without additional measures to protect privacy. Understanding the Privacy Rule's impact on bioterrorism planning and response ensures that various entities can conduct their activities with needed information while still protecting individual privacy.  相似文献   
The chemokine receptor CCR9 is expressed on most small intestinal lamina propria and intraepithelial lymphocytes and on a small subset of peripheral blood lymphocytes. CCR9-expressing lymphocytes may play an important role in small bowel immunity and inflammation. We studied the phenotype and functional characteristics of CCR9(+) lymphocytes in blood from normal donors. A subset of CCR9(+) T cells have a phenotype of activated cells and constitutively express the costimulatory molecules CD40L and OX-40. In contrast to CCR9(-), CCR9(+)CD4(+) peripheral blood T cells proliferate to anti-CD3 or anti-CD2 stimulation and produce high levels of IFN-gamma and IL-10. IL-10-producing cells were exclusively detected within the CCR9(+) subset of CD4(+) T cells by intracellular staining and were distinct from IL-2- and IFN-gamma-producing cells. Moreover, memory CCR9(+)CD4(+) lymphocytes respond to CD2 stimulation with proliferation and IFN-gamma/IL-10 production, whereas memory CCR9(-)CD4(+) cells were unresponsive. In addition, memory CCR9(+)CD4(+) T cells support Ig production by cocultured CD19(+) B cells in the absence of prior T cell activation or addition of exogenous cytokines. Our data show that the memory subset of circulating CCR9(+)CD4(+) T cells has characteristics of mucosal T lymphocytes and contains cells with either Th1 or T-regulatory 1 cytokine profiles. Studies on the cytokine profile and Ag specificity of this cell subset could provide important insight into small intestinal immune-mediated diseases and oral tolerance in humans.  相似文献   
CD8(+) CTL play important roles against malignancy in both active and passive immunotherapy. Nonetheless, the success of antitumor CTL responses may be improved by additional therapeutic modalities. Radiotherapy, which has a long-standing use in treating neoplastic disease, has been found to induce unique biologic alterations in cancer cells affecting Fas gene expression, which, consequently, may influence the overall lytic efficiency of CTL. Here, in a mouse adenocarcinoma cell model, we examined whether exposure of these tumor cells to sublethal doses of irradiation 1) enhances Fas expression, leading to more efficient CTL killing via Fas-dependent mechanisms in vitro; and 2) improves antitumor activity in vivo by adoptive transfer of these Ag-specific CTL. Treatment of carcinoembryonic Ag-expressing MC38 adenocarcinoma cells with irradiation (20 Gy) in vitro enhanced Fas expression at molecular, phenotypic, and functional levels. Furthermore, irradiation sensitized these targets to Ag-specific CTL killing via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. We examined the effect of localized irradiation of s.c. growing tumors on the efficiency of CTL adoptive immunotherapy. Irradiation caused up-regulation of Fas by these tumor cells in situ, based on immunohistochemistry. Moreover, localized irradiation of the tumor significantly potentiated tumor rejection by these carcinoembryonic Ag-specific CTL. Overall, these results showed for the first time that 1) regulation of the Fas pathway in tumor cells by irradiation plays an important role in their sensitization to Ag-specific CTL; and 2) a combination regimen of tumor-targeted irradiation and CTL promotes more effective antitumor responses in vivo, which may have implications for the combination of immunotherapy and radiation therapy.  相似文献   
The shape and nucleation of primary conidia are important characters in the classification of the Entomophthoraceae (Zygomycetes). The five species in the genus Eryniopsis vary in the shapes of primary conidia, although within most genera in the order Entomophthorales species have the same shapes of primary conidia. Using PCR-RFLP, we investigated two species in Eryniopsis, Ery. caroliniana with oblong-ovoid primary conidia and Ery. ptychopterae with pear-shaped primary conidia, with five species of Entomophaga, all having pear-shaped conidia. Molecular results merged with morphological data indicate that Ery. ptychopterae belongs in the genus Entomophaga while Ery. caroliniana clearly differs from Entomophaga. Ery. ptychopterae and Ery. transitans are transferred to the genus Entomophaga. Our results support the idea that morphology of primary conidia is of major importance in defining entomophthoralean genera. These results also show that such studies can be conducted with species that have not been isolated, if fungal-filled cadavers can be obtained.  相似文献   
During early seed development, nuclear divisions in the endosperm are not followed by cell division, leading to the development of a syncytium. The simple organization of the Arabidopsis endosperm provides a model in which to study the regulation of the cell cycle in relation to development. To monitor nuclear divisions, we constructed a HISTONE 2B::YELLOW FLUORESCENT PROTEIN gene fusion (H2B::YFP). To validate its use as a vital marker for chromatin in plants, H2B::YFP was expressed constitutively in Arabidopsis. This enabled the observation of mitoses in living root meristems. H2B::YFP was expressed specifically in Arabidopsis syncytial endosperm by using GAL4 transactivation. Monitoring mitotic activity in living syncytial endosperm showed that the syncytium was organized into three domains in which nuclei divide simultaneously with a specific time course. Each mitotic domain has a distinct spatiotemporal pattern of mitotic CYCLIN B1;1 accumulation. The polar spatial organization of the three mitotic domains suggests interactions between developmental mechanisms and the regulation of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
The North American native species Drosophila pseudoobscura was first identified in New Zealand in the last few decades. Here, we have studied the genetic consequences of its spread across the Pacific Ocean. Using 10 microsatellites that are highly variable in North American populations, we found that the New Zealand population has substantially fewer alleles, a much lower average heterozygosity, and significantly different allele frequencies at these loci. We have discussed the relative sensitivity of these parameters for detecting the founding event. X-linked loci were more strongly differentiated between continents than autosomal loci, as reflected by larger changes in allele frequencies and greater reductions in numbers of alleles and average heterozygosity. The severity of the genetic diversity loss supports a scenario of a few D. pseudoobscura females being introduced to New Zealand from North America.  相似文献   
Objective : To investigate whether relative baseline leptin levels predict long-term changes in adiposity and/or its distribution. Research Methods and Procedures : In a longitudinal study of 2888 nondiabetic Mauritians aged 25 years to 74 years who participated in population-based surveys in 1987 and 1992, changes in body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio (WHR), and waist circumference were compared between “hyperleptinemic,” “normoleptinemic,” and “hypoleptinemic” groups. “Relative leptin levels” were calculated as standardized residuals from the regression of log10 leptin on baseline BMI to provide a leptin measure independent of BMI. Analyses were performed within each sex. A linear regression model was used to assess the effect of standardized residuals on changes in BMI, WHR, and waist circumference, independent of baseline BMI, age, fasting insulin, and ethnicity. Results : After adjusting for age and baseline BMI by analysis of covariance, there was no difference in changes in BMI, WHR, or waist circumference between men with low, normal, or high relative leptin levels. Among women, there was a significant difference in ΔWHR across leptin groups, such that the largest increase occurred in the “normal” leptin group. For both men and women, the linear regression models explained ?10% of variation in dependent variables, and the only significant independent variables were age, BMI, and being of Chinese origin, compared with Indian origin. Discussion : These findings do not support a role for leptin concentration in predicting weight gain or changes in fat distribution in adults over a 5-year period.  相似文献   
P Hodge  G M Perry  M Pollard 《Steroids》1974,24(1):79-94
Some intramolecular cyclisation reactions of bile acid derivatives have been studied. Photolysis of the N-iodo derivative of 5β-cholan-24-amide leads to the formation of the epimeric 5β-cholao24, 20?-lactones. The N-iodo derivative of 3α-acetoxy-5β-cholan-24-amide reacts similarly. Reaction of 3α-acetoxy-5β-cholan-24-ol with lead tetra-acetate and iodine gives the two 3α-acetoxy-20?, 24-oxido-5β-cholanes, two 3α-acetoxy-22e-iodo-20?,24-oxido-5β-cholanes, and the two 3α-acetoxy-21-iodo-20?,24-oxido-5β-cholanes. The two 3α-acetoxy-20?, 24-oxido-5β-cholanes are also obtained when 3d-acetoxy-5β-cholan-24-ol reacts with silver oxide and bromine.  相似文献   
Hypocrealean arthropod pathogenic fungi have profound impact on the regulation of agricultural and medical pests. However, until now the genetic and phylogenetic relationships among species have not been clarified, such studies could clarify host specificity relationships and define species boundaries. Our purpose was to compare the sequences of the mitochondrial SSU rDNA fragments from several mitosporic entomopathogenic Hypocreales to infer relationships among them and to evaluate the possibility to use these sequences as species diagnostic tool in addition to the more commonly studied sequences of nuclear SSU rDNA. The SSU mt-rDNA proved to be useful to help in differentiation of species inside several genera. Clusters obtained with Parsimony, Bayesian, and Maximum Likelihood analyses were congruent with a new classification of the Clavicipitaceae (Sung et al. Stud Mycol. 2007;57:5-59) in which the anamorphic genera Nomuraea and Metarhizium species remain in the Clavicipitaceae and Isaria species sequenced here are assigned to the family Cordycipitaceae. Mitochondrial genomic information indicates the same general pattern of relationships demonstrated by nuclear gene sequences.  相似文献   
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