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Oxygen dependent quenching of phosphorescence allows for non-invasive measurements of oxygen in tissue. We have designed and constructed a novel multi-frequency instrument for measurement of phosphorescence lifetimes and developed algorithms for determining the distribution of oxygen (oxygen histogram) in the microvasculature of tissue with good temporal resolution (Vinogradov et al., 2002, Compar. Biochem. A, these proceedings). This technology, in combination with a new water soluble near infra red phosphor (Oxyphor G2), was used to examine the oxygenation of subcutaneous Q7 tumors grown on the flank of Buffalo rats and their response to giving the rats oxygen or carbogen to breathe. Phosphorescence was measured using excitation at 635 nm and emission at >700 nm (the phosphorescence maximum is near 800 nm). The excitation and collection light guides were placed on the surface of the skin of the anesthetized animals separated by approximately 0.8 cm. A 6 x 6 or 7 x 7 grid (approx. 4 cm x 4 cm) was drawn on the flank and oxygen histograms were measured in each square, providing 'images' of the oxygen distribution in the tissue. This procedure determines the tissue oxygen distribution at each position in the grid. Regions of relative hypoxia (associated with the tumor) can be readily localized and the extent of hypoxia quantitatively evaluated.  相似文献   
A binding event between two proteins typically consists of a diffusional search of binding partners for one another, followed by a specific recognition of the compatible binding sites resulting in the formation of the complex. However, it is unclear how binding partners find each other in the context of the crowded, constantly fluctuating, and interaction-rich cellular environment. Here we examine the non-specific component of protein-protein interactions, which refers to those physicochemical properties of the binding partners that are independent of the exact details of their binding sites, but which can affect their localization or diffusional search for one another. We show that, for a large set of high-resolution experimental 3D structures of binary, transient protein complexes taken from the DOCKGROUND database, the binding partners display a surprising, statistically significant similarity in terms of their total hydration free energies normalized by a size-dependent variable. We hypothesize that colocalization of binding partners, even within individual cellular compartments such as the cytoplasm, may be influenced by their relative hydrophilicity, potentially in response to local hydrophilic gradients.  相似文献   
Extracellular Hsp70 (eHsp70) can act as damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) via Toll-like receptors TLR2 and TLR4, and stimulate immune and inflammatory responses leading to sterile inflammation and propagation of already existing inflammation. It was found elevated in the blood of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who might suffer occasional bacterial colonizations and infections. We used a monocytic THP-1 cell line as a cellular model of systemic compartment of COPD to assess inflammatory effects of eHsp70 when present alone or together with bacterial products lypopolysaccharide (LPS) and lypoteichoic acid (LTA). THP-1 cells were differentiated into macrophage-like cells and treated with various concentrations of recombinant human Hsp70 protein (rhHsp70), LPS (TLR4 agonist), LTA (TLR2 agonist), and their combinations for 4, 12, 24, and 48 h. Concentrations of IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were determined by ELISA. Cell viability was assessed by MTS assay, and mode of cell death by luminometric measurements of caspases-3/7, -8, and -9 activities. rhHsp70 showed cell protecting effect by suppressing caspases-3/7 activation, while LPS provoked cytotoxicity through caspases-8 and -3/7 pathway. Regarding inflammatory processes, rhHsp70 alone induced secretion of IL-1α and IL-8, but had modulatory effects on release of all four cytokines when applied together with LPS or LTA. Combined effect with LPS was mainly synergistic, and with LTA mainly antagonistic, although it was cytokine- and time-dependent. Our results confirmed pro-inflammatory function of extracellular Hsp70, and suggest its possible implication in COPD exacerbations caused by bacterial infection through desensitization or inappropriate activation of TLR2 and TLR4 receptors.  相似文献   
Total laryngectomy, as a consequence of carcinoma of the larynx, results in loss of speech function. Cerebrovascular stroke is the leading cause of reduced speech production ability, and thereby communication difficulties. The case is presented of a 60-year-old male patient who suffered stroke five years after a total laryngectomy. Speech rehabilitation was hampered due to the depressive state of the patient. Although contraindicated, the secondary voice prosthesis was implanted. Only at that moment the patient showed willingness and motivation for speech rehabilitation. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate that not all neurological disorders are contraindicated for implantation of voice prostheses.  相似文献   
The clinical presentation of a subarachnoid block (SAB) is dependent upon the intrathecal spread of local anesthetic (LA). Intrathecal distribution depends on the chemical and physical characteristics of LA, puncture site, technique used, patient anatomical characteristics and hydrodynamic properties of cerebrospinal fluid. We tried to determine whether a combined glucose/LA solution can render a clinically significant difference in sensory block distribution and motor block intensity.This was a controlled, randomized and double blinded study. The surgical procedures were stripping of the great or small saphenous vein and extirpation of remaining varicose veins. The study included 110 patients distributed into two groups: Hyperbaric (7.5 mg levobupivacaine (1.5 ml 0.5% Chirocaine) + 50 microg Fentanyl (0.5 ml Fentanil) and 1 ml 10% glucose (Pliva)) vs. Hypobaric (7.5 mg levobupivacaine (1.5 ml 0.5% Chirocaine) + 50 microg Fentanyl (0.5 ml Fentanil) and 1 ml 0.9% NaCl (Pliva, Zagreb)) adding to a total volume of 3.5 ml per solution. Spinal puncture was at L3-L4 level. Spinal block distribution was assessed in five minute intervals and intensity of motor block was assessed according to the modified Bromage scale. Pain was assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale. A statistically significant difference in sensory block distribution, motor block intensity and recovery time was established between hyperbaric and hypobaric solutions. By increasing the specific density of anesthetic solution, a higher sensory block, with lesser variability, a diminished influence of Body Mass Index, decreased motor block intensity and faster recovery time may be achieved.  相似文献   
Bone osteoblasts and osteocytes express large amounts of connexin (Cx) 43, the component of gap junctions and hemichannels. Previous studies have shown that these channels play important roles in regulating biological functions in response to mechanical loading. Here, we characterized the distribution of mRNA and protein of Cx43 in mechanical loading model of tooth movement. The locations of bone formation and resorption have been well defined in this model, which provides unique experimental systems for better understanding of potential roles of Cx43 in bone formation and remodeling under mechanical stimulation. We found that mechanical loading increased Cx43 mRNA expression in osteoblasts and bone lining cells, but not in osteocytes, at both formation and resorption sites. Cx43 protein, however, increased in both osteoblasts and osteocytes in response to loading. Interestingly, the upregulation of Cx43 protein by loading was even more pronounced in osteocytes compared to other bone cells, with an appearance of punctate staining on the cell body and dendritic process. Cx45 was reported to be expressed in several bone cell lines, but here we did not detect the Cx45 protein in the alveolar bone cells. These results further suggest the potential involvement of Cx43-forming gap junctions and hemichannels in the process of mechanically induced bone formation and resorption.  相似文献   
Restriction enzymes have proven to be among the most valuable tools in molecular biology. In this work, we demonstrate that the cleavage of fluorescently labeled, PCR-amplified DNA can be used as a simple and highly sensitive technique for detection of sequences present in a percentage as low as 0.6% in a DNA pool. Due to the fact that fluorescent labeling of DNA fragments enables such sensitive detection and quantification of restriction enzyme cleavage, the method was further exploited in monitoring of the enzymatic digestion completeness and in determination of factors that influence restriction enzyme effectiveness. We analyzed the activity of six restriction endonucleases; the percentage of uncleaved DNA fragments predominantly ranged between 2.0 and 2.5 and the highest value was 8.00%. We conclude that, since the enzymatic digestion completeness may not always be assured, each assay based on restriction enzyme cleavage that is intended to be used in investigations of heterogeneity in a DNA pool should be constructed so that the presence of cleaved sequences is the indication of pool nonuniformity. When the presence of uncleaved sequences indicates pool heterogeneity, the results could be misleading due to possible incompleteness of enzymatic cleavage.  相似文献   
Summary The island of Cres is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. The island is built up of predominantly Cretaceous carbonates deposited in north-western part of extensive and long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Owing to the influence of synsedimentary tectonics supported by eustatic changes during the latest Albian/Early Cenomanian, different sedimentary environments were established: from shallow intraplatform basin and related slope, across basin margin to protected shallow-platform. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian rudist communities (ichthyosarcolitid/caprinid/radiolitid)flourished along a relatively high-energy intraplatform basin margin. Fair amounts of coarse-grained bioclasts, derived almost exclusively from broken rudist shells, were deposited over a marginal depocenter. Contemporaneously, pithonellid wackestone-packstones containing microbioclasts and planktonic foraminifera were deposited basinward while marginal bioclastic sediments and limestone blocks of the basin margin origin were sporadically deposited within the basin. The opening of the Cres intraplatform basin was aborted and the basin was finally filled up during the Late Cenomanian. Since the Cres intraplatform basin was established at the beginning of the Cenomanian it probably represented the initiation phase in the north-western extension of the later Adriatic Trough development.  相似文献   
Antibodies are very often used as specific cell and/or tissue markers. An example of this is anti-horseradish peroxidase (HRP), an antibody raised against a plant glycoprotein, which was shown some twenty-five years ago to specifically stain neural tissue in an animal, Drosophila melanogaster. This peculiar finding was later expanded to other invertebrate species including Caenorhabditis elegans, which were also shown to bear anti-HRP epitopes. Initial experiments indicated that the epitopes recognised by anti-HRP in invertebrates are of carbohydrate nature. Indeed, more recent experiments have characterised relevant core α1-3-fucosylated N-glycan structures that act as epitopes in various model and parasitic organisms. Moreover, a number of enzymes required for the synthesis of such structures have been identified. Over the years, medically-relevant roles of these structures have become apparent as regards allergenicity and immunoregulation. Although major advances have been made in understanding of the underlying mechanisms and structures related to the anti-HRP epitope, the in vivo role of the relevant epitopes in neural and other tissues is yet to be resolved. Current understanding of the anti-HRP epitopes synthesis and their relevance is discussed and elaborated.
Katharina PaschingerEmail:
A 3-month field study was conducted to examine the effects of Atchafalaya River discharge on nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the Fourleague Bay system, to document patterns with salinity variation, to evaluate stoichiometric nutrient ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus in the river and bay, and to examine the relationship between estuarine freshwater residence time and export of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) to the Gulf of Mexico. During spring peak discharge of the Atchafalaya River, nutrient ratios in lower Fourleague Bay indicate potential phosphorus limitation with an average dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) ratio of 32:1, primarily a result of high concentrations of nitrogen entering the northern bay from the Atchafalaya River and of fairly stable phosphorus concentrations. Ratios of DIN to phosphorus in the river were much higher (54:1), indicating a significant loss of nitrogen within the Fourleague Bay system. Freshwater residence time averaged approximately 7 days during the study and ranged from 2 to 100 days. TN export averaged 57% over the study and ranged from less than 3% at long residence times to greater than 80% at short residence times. TN export to the coastal ocean with respect to residence time is considerably less than has been shown in other studies. Nitrate + nitrite export averaged 49% for the 3-month study. Percentages of TP export were greater than TN, averaging 82% for the study period. By examining the Atchafalaya River delta as a natural analog for controlled river diversions, which are currently being used as coastal restoration tools, this study shows that discharging river water into highly productive shallow coastal estuarine and wetland systems can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen exported to the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
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