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The presence of anti-CCR5 and anti-HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (ENV) gp41 antibodies (Abs) at sites of HIV-1 exposure was effective in preventing its transmission to HIV-1-exposed seronegative (ESN) subjects. Here, we design an immunogen that can induce Abs against CCR5 and SIVmac239 ENV simultaneously and show that bovine alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (bAHSG) functions as a booster antigen for efficiently stimulating humoral immune responses to CCR5 and ENV. Initially, we generated a rhesus CCR5-derived cyclopeptide (cDDR5) conjugated with a recombinant trimeric SIVmac239 Env. When inguinally administered to rhesus macaques, the immunogen simultaneously induced both anti-CCR5 and anti-ENV Abs in sera, and the purified serum IgG fraction exerted an inhibitory effect on SIVmac239 infection in vitro. When further boosted with bAHSG, the responses of both Abs were significantly enhanced. To examine the cross-reactivity of bAHSG, it was administered to naïve cynomolgus macaques. The results showed a statistically significant increase in IgG response against cynomolgus CCR5 and SIVmac239 ENV, and the induction of neutralizing activity against SIVmac239. These findings suggest that bAHSG is useful for immune strategies aimed at generating Abs against CCR5 and ENV simultaneously to confer HIV-protective immunity.  相似文献   
The viability or developmental ability of porcine embryos after slow-freezing and thawing differs depending on the embryonic stage or the batch, which is defined as a group of embryos obtained from one donor at one time. We froze porcine blastocysts in batches and assessed their cryotolerance by using two expanded blastocysts (EBs) as samples to predict the developmental potential of other blastocysts from the same batch at different stages. Two EBs from the same batch that had been separately frozen were thawed and cultured in vitro for 48 h to examine their in vitro ability to develop to the hatched blastocyst stage. Thereafter, each batch was assigned to Grade A, B, or C according to the viability of the two EBs, i.e., 100% viability (2/2: number of hatched blastocysts/number of cultured EBs) was Grade A; 50% (1/2) was Grade B; and 0% (0/2) was Grade C. The viability of EBs after freeze-thawing and in vitro culture varied depending on the batch and was lower (31.0+/-10.2%, mean+/-S.E.M.; P<0.01) than that of unfrozen controls (96.8+/-2.3%). The viability of frozen-thawed hatched blastocysts (HBs) did not differ among the graded batches, but the blastocyst diameter decreased (from 409 to 326 microm) as the batch grade decreased (from A to C). When both EBs and HBs from batches of the same grade were transferred to recipients (average 11.7 EBs and 16.0 HBs per recipient), the rate of pregnancy and farrowing in recipients decreased (from 77.8% to 0%) and the number of piglets obtained decreased (from 15.3 to 0) as the batch grade decreased. However, when not only frozen-thawed EBs from Grade B or C batches, but also four helper embryos at the morula to early blastocyst stage (which were expected to support the pregnancy) were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from EBs from Grade B batches (16.0) than from EBs from Grade C batches (0.0). When frozen-thawed HBs and helper embryos were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from HBs from Grade B batches (12.7) than that from HBs from Grade C batches (1.9). After slow-freezing of porcine blastocysts, their rate of survival to the piglet stage differs batchwise, and in vitro viability assessment of sample EBs after freezing and thawing may help in assessing the post-freezing and post-thawing developmental potential of other blastocysts at different stages from the same batch.  相似文献   
We have recently purified and characterized a truncated soluble form of furin from which the predicted transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail were deleted (Hatsuzawa, K., Nagahama, M., Takahashi, S., Takada, K., Murakami, K., and Nakayama, K. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 16094-16099). Our results showed that furin resembles the yeast Kex2 protease with respect to both its enzymic properties and substrate specificity. Here we demonstrate that the soluble form of furin is capable of converting the precursors of albumin and the third component of complement (proalbumin and pro-C3, respectively) in vitro to mature proteins. Thus furin mimics the Ca(2+)-dependent proalbumin and pro-C3 convertases found in the Golgi membranes (Brennan, S. O., and Peach, R. J. (1988) FEBS Lett. 229, 167-170; Oda, K. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 17465-17471). Furthermore we show that the variant alpha 1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh, which is a specific inhibitor of the Golgi proalbumin convertase, inhibits not only the Golgi pro-C3 convertase, but also the soluble furin. These results suggest a role for furin in the cleavage of proproteins transported via the constitutive pathway.  相似文献   
The ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae lives in the extreme environment of acidic hot springs and is thought to retain primitive features of cellular and genome organization. We determined the 16.5-Mb nuclear genome sequence of C. merolae 10D as the first complete algal genome. BLASTs and annotation results showed that C. merolae has a mixed gene repertoire of plants and animals, also implying a relationship with prokaryotes, although its photosynthetic components were comparable to other phototrophs. The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been used as a model system for molecular biology research on, for example, photosynthesis, motility, and sexual reproduction. Though both algae are unicellular, the genome size, number of organelles, and surface structures are remarkably different. Here, we report the characteristics of double membrane- and single membrane-bound organelles and their related genes in C. merolae and conduct comparative analyses of predicted protein sequences encoded by the genomes of C. merolae and C. reinhardtii. We examine the predicted proteins of both algae by reciprocal BLASTP analysis, KOG assignment, and gene annotation. The results suggest that most core biological functions are carried out by orthologous proteins that occur in comparable numbers. Although the fundamental gene organizations resembled each other, the genes for organization of chromatin, cytoskeletal components, and flagellar movement remarkably increased in C. reinhardtii. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggested that the tubulin is close to plant tubulin rather than that of animals and fungi. These results reflect the increase in genome size, the acquisition of complicated cellular structures, and kinematic devices in C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   
Yip1p/Yif1p family proteins are five-span transmembrane proteins localized in the Golgi apparatus and the ER. There are nine family members in humans, and YIPF5 and YIF1A are the human orthologs of budding yeast Yip1p and Yif1p, respectively. We raised antisera against YIPF5 and YIF1A and examined the localization of endogenous proteins in HeLa cells. Immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis suggested that YIPF5 and YIF1A are not restricted to ER exit sites but also localized in the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and some in the cis-Golgi at steady state. Along with ERGIC53, YIPF5 and YIF1A remained in the cytoplasmic punctate structures after brefeldin A treatment, accumulated in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi after treatment with AlF4- and accumulated in the ER when ER to Golgi transport was inhibited by Sar1(H79G). These results supported the localization of YIPF5 and YIF1A in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi, and strongly suggested that they are recycling between the ER and the Golgi apparatus. Analysis by blue native PAGE and co-immunoprecipitation showed that YIPF5 and YIF1A form stable complexes of three different sizes. Interestingly, the knockdown of YIPF5 or YIF1A caused partial disassembly of the Golgi apparatus suggesting that YIPF5 and YIF1A are involved in the maintenance of the Golgi structure.  相似文献   
Our previous study demonstrated that the immunization with a cycloimmunogen derived from extracellular loop-2 (ECL-2) of CCR5 (cDDR5) attenuated acute phase of CCR5-tropic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)SF162P3 replication in vivo. Although the study showed that the antisera raised against cDDR5 reacted with cell-expressed CCR5, we have not yet demonstrated whether the antisera can react with virion-incorporated CCR5. Here, we show that rhesus cDDR5 (rcDDR5)-specific antibodies react with not only cell-expressed but also virion-incorporated simian CCR5s (siCCR5s), but may predominantly exert their inhibitory effects on simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection by the binding of cell-expressed rather than virion-incorporated CCR5s. These results suggest that the virion-incorporated CCR5 may contribute to the reactivation of the anti-rcDDR5 antibody-producing B-cells by SIV particles after rcDDR5 immunization, although the binding of anti-rcDDR5 antibody to virion-incorporated CCR5 results in a partial inhibitory effect on SIV infection.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas is an unicellular green alga that contains one cup-shaped chloroplast with about 60 copies of cpDNA. Chloroplasts (cp) multiply in the cytoplasm of the plant cell by binary division, with multiple copies of cpDNA transmitted and maintained in successive generations. The effect of cpDNA copy number on cell proliferation and aging was investigated using a C. reinhardtii moc mutant, which has an undispersed cp-nucleoid and unequal segregation of cpDNA during cell division. When the mother cell divided into four daughters, one moc daughter cell chloroplast contained about 60 copies of cpDNA, and the chloroplasts in the three other daughter cells contained the 4–7 copies of cpDNA. In liquid medium, the number of moc cells at the period of stationary phase was about one-third that of the wild type. To observe the process of proliferation and aging in the mother cell, we used solid medium. Three out of four moc cell spores were preferentially degenerated 60 days after cell transfer. To confirm this, wild-type and moc mother cells containing four daughter cells were treated with novobiocin to inhibit cpDNA replication. Cell degeneration increased only in the moc strain following novobiocin introduction. In total, our results suggest that cells possessing smaller amounts of cpDNA degenerate and age more rapidly. Received 7 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 14 February 2001  相似文献   
Mouthparts of Leptotrombidium larvae (Acariformes: Trombiculidae), potential vectors of tsutsugamushi disease agents, were studied in detail using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The mouthparts incorporated within the pseudotagma gnathosoma are composed of the infracapitulum ventrally and the chelicerae dorsally. The ventral wall of the infracapitulum is formed by a wide mentum posteriorly and a narrowed malapophysis anteriorly. The malapophysis firmly envelops the distal cheliceral portions by its lateral walls. The lateral lips of the malapophysis are flexible structures hiding the cheliceral blades in inactive condition and turning back forming a type of temporary sucker closely applied to the host skin during feeding. The roof of the infracapitulum is formed by a weakly sclerotized labrum anteriorly and a cervix with the capitular apodemes extending posteriorly. The labral muscles are lacking. The capitular apodemes serve as origin for pharyngeal dilators running to the dorsal wall of the pharynx fused with the bottom of the infracapitulum. The basal cheliceral segments are separated from each other besides the very posterior portions where they are movably joined by the inner walls. The sigmoid pieces serve for insertion of the cheliceral elevators originating at the posterior portions of the basal segments. The movable digits reveal the solid basal sclerite and the cheliceral blade curved upward with a tricuspid cap on its tip. Dendrites of nerve cells run along the digits to their tips. The ganglia are placed within the basal segments just behind the movable digits. The chelicerae also reveal well developed flexible fixed digits overhanging the basal portions of the blades. The gnathosoma possesses several sets of extrinsic muscles originating at the scutum and at the soft cuticle behind it. Laterally, the gnathosoma bears five‐segmented palps with a trifurcate palpal claw. J. Morphol. 277:424–444, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Betanodaviruses cause massive mortality in marine fish species with viral nervous necrosis. The structure of a T = 3 Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle (GNNV-LP) is determined by the ab initio method with non-crystallographic symmetry averaging at 3.6 Å resolution. Each capsid protein (CP) shows three major domains: (i) the N-terminal arm, an inter-subunit extension at the inner surface; (ii) the shell domain (S-domain), a jelly-roll structure; and (iii) the protrusion domain (P-domain) formed by three-fold trimeric protrusions. In addition, we have determined structures of the T = 1 subviral particles (SVPs) of (i) the delta-P-domain mutant (residues 35−217) at 3.1 Å resolution; and (ii) the N-ARM deletion mutant (residues 35−338) at 7 Å resolution; and (iii) the structure of the individual P-domain (residues 214−338) at 1.2 Å resolution. The P-domain reveals a novel DxD motif asymmetrically coordinating two Ca2+ ions, and seems to play a prominent role in the calcium-mediated trimerization of the GNNV CPs during the initial capsid assembly process. The flexible N-ARM (N-terminal arginine-rich motif) appears to serve as a molecular switch for T = 1 or T = 3 assembly. Finally, we find that polyethylene glycol, which is incorporated into the P-domain during the crystallization process, enhances GNNV infection. The present structural studies together with the biological assays enhance our understanding of the role of the P-domain of GNNV in the capsid assembly and viral infection by this betanodavirus.  相似文献   
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