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The breeding sites of Styan's grasshopper warblers are restricted to small islands and distributed discretely. The study on the marked population was conducted on two islets, Okitsu-jima and Ohtsukue-jima, located near Fukuoka, Japan, from 1981 to 1989. About 20 and 70 birds bred on the two islets, respectively, and the mean density of breeding pairs was 25.5 ha−1. The dispersal pattern and population, structure were examined. Adult birds returned to the same breeding site. Males always reoccupied the same territory as in previous years but females not. Males were more philopatric and only female yearlings dispersed over long distances and moved between the breeding sites in Hakata Bay. The returning rate was 0.57 for adults, and 0.21 for juveniles. The age distribution of birds at Ohtsukue-jima was almost stable, while that at Okitsu-jima was unstable because it was a marginal habitat for the birds. Estimating from the dispersal pattern and age structure of this warbler the population near Fukuoka consists of only four islets and is almost stable.  相似文献   
Telomere formation of the normal and broken chromosomes of common wheat,Triticum aestivum, was investigated byin situ hybridization using the biotin-labeled probe of telomere repetitive sequences (pAtT4) ofArabidopsis thaliana with subsequent amplification by an antibody. After double and triple amplification, prominent signals appeared at all the telomeric regions of the normal chromosomes. Prominent signals also emerged at the broken ends of the telocentric and deletion chromosomes that had passed through more than one generation since the appearance. However, broken ends that had passed through only the stages of gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis and root development did not show complete signals such as found in normal telomeres. These findings indicate that a certain time or stage is required for synthesis of the telomeric repetitive sequences with a complete length. Nevertheless, because the broken ends without complete telomere sequences were also healed, restoration of the normal complement of telomere sequences is not necessary for healing of broken ends.  相似文献   
Catalases purified from endosperm glyoxysomes and non-specializedmicrobodies from hypocotyls of castor bean seedlings differedin their specific activity [90–164 and 0.89–4.9kunits (mg protein)–1, respectively] and in their constituentsubunits [two subunits of 54 and 56 kDa for the endosperm enzymeand only one of 56 kDa for the hypocotyl enzyme]. Immunoblotanalysis also showed that particulate fractions from the endospermsand from etiolated and green cotyledons contained two catalasesubunits of 54 and 56 kDa, whereas such fractions from the hypocotylsand roots contained only the 56-kDa subunit. Leaf peroxisomesfrom green leaves had two catalase subunits of around 55 kDaeach. Results of translation in vitro indicated that the 54-and 56-kDa subunits were translated from distinct mRNAs andlevels of both mRNAs increased in the endosperms during germination,prior to increases in levels of catalase proteins. In the hypocotyls,the 56-kDa subunit seemed to be synthesized constitutively. 1Present addresses: YO, Toyota Central Institute, 31-9 Musashizuka,Nagabuchi, Nagakute, Aichi 480-11, Japan  相似文献   
It is much easier to find extraterrestrial intelligence than to detect simple organisms living on other planets. However, it is hard to communicate with such intelligence without the mutual understanding of inter-stellar communication protocol. The radio SETI (The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) was initiated with the pioneering work of F. Drake in 1960, one year after the historical SETI paper by Cocconi and Morrison. This talk explains that SETI evolves with two bases of science; the understanding of our universe and the development of technology. Since SETI has had strong connection with radio astronomy from its early beginning, the impacts of radio astronomical findings and technological breakthrough can be seen in many aspects of the SETI history. Topics of this talk include the detection of microwave 3 K background radiation in the universe. Interstellar atomic and molecular lines found in radio-wave spectra provide the evidence of pre-biotic chemical evolution in such region. Radio telescope imaging and spectral technique are closely associated with methodology of SETI. Topics of the talk extend to new Allen Telescope Array and projected Square Kilometer Array. Recent optical SETI and the discoveries of extra solar planets are also explained. In the end, the recent understanding of our universe is briefly introduced in terms of matter, dark matter and dark energy. Even our understanding of the universe has been evolutionarily revolved and accumulated after 1960, we must recognize that our universe is still poorly understood and that astronomy and SETI are required to proceed hand in hand.  相似文献   
Suprapta  Dewa Ngurah  Arai  Kei  Iwai  Hisashi 《Mycoscience》1996,37(1):105-107
Parasitic specialization ofGeotrichum candidum citrus race, the causal agent of citrus sour rot, was investigated. Of seven isolates tested for pathogenecity, all could infect ten species of citrus fruits and edible parts of five species of noncitrus crops. Only one isolate (Ap2), isolated from soil of an apple orchard, could infect apple fruit.  相似文献   
We have cloned a novel cDNA (Spa-1) which is little expressed in the quiescent state but induced in the interleukin 2-stimulated cycling state of an interleukin 2-responsive murine lymphoid cell line by differential hybridization. Spa-1 mRNA (3.5 kb) was induced in normal lymphocytes following various types of mitogenic stimulation. In normal organs it is preferentially expressed in both fetal and adult lymphohematopoietic tissues. A Spa-1-encoded protein of 68 kDa is localized mostly in the nucleus. Its N-terminal domain is highly homologous to a human Rap1 GTPase-activating protein (GAP), and a fusion protein of this domain (SpanN) indeed exhibited GAP activity for Rap1/Rsr1 but not for Ras or Rho in vitro. Unlike the human Rap1 GAP, however, SpanN also exhibited GAP activity for Ran, so far the only known Ras-related GTPase in the nucleus. In the presence of serum, stable Spa-1 cDNA transfectants of NIH 3T3 cells (NIH/Spa-1) hardly overexpressed Spa-1 (p68), and they grew as normally as did the parental cells. When NIH/Spa-1 cells were serum starved to be arrested in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle, however, they, unlike the control cells, exhibited progressive Spa-1 p68 accumulation, and following the addition of serum they showed cell death resembling mitotic catastrophes of the S phase during cell cycle progression. The results indicate that the novel nuclear protein Spa-1, with a potentially active Ran GAP domain, severely hampers the mitogen-induced cell cycle progression when abnormally and/or prematurely expressed. Functions of the Spa-1 protein and its regulation are discussed in the context of its possible interaction with the Ran/RCC-1 system, which is involved in the coordinated nuclear functions, including cell division.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the re-epithelialization process during wound healing, the hair on the back of guinea pigs was shaved and then excisional wounds were made through the entire thickness of the skin. Histological changes were observed and changes in the expression of different cytokeratin polypeptides were examined using an immunohistochemical technique. Immunohisto chemical study revealed that the proliferating and migrating keratinocytes expressed the same cytokeratins as the basal cells of normal epidermis. In addition, the entire epidermis of fairly remote areas from the edges of the wound where no thickening was observed showed a temporarily abnormal staining pattern. The suprabasal cells in the regenerating epidermis temporarily expressed cytokeratins not only specific for suprabasal cells but also specific for basal cells. The cytokeratins expressed in normal basal keratinocytes were also present in the thickened granular layers. These data indicate that the expression of cytokeratins in the epidermal keratinocytes (even in fairly remote areas from the wound edges) changes during wound healing, that the origin of the migrating keratinocytes from the remaining epidermis seems to be the basal cells in the epidermis, and that the appearance of keratohyalin granules is not related to changes in cytokeratin expression.  相似文献   
The merozoite cap protein-1 (MCP-1) of Plasmodium falciparum follows the distribution of the moving Junction during invasion of erythrocytes. We have cloned the gene encoding this protein from a cDNA library using a monoclonal antibody. The protein lacks a signal sequence and has no predicted trans-membrane domains; none of the antisera reacts with the surfaces of intact merozoites, indicating that the cap distribution is submembranous. MCP-1 is divided into three domains. The N-terminal domain includes a 52-amino-acid region that is highly conserved in a large family of bacterial and eukaryotic proteins. Based on the known functions of two proteins of this family and the pattern of amino acid conservation, it is predicted that this domain may possess oxido-reductase activity, since the active cysteine residue of this domain is invariant in all proteins of the family. The other two domains of MCP-1 are not found in any other members of this protein family and may reflect the specific function of MCP-1 in invasion. The middle domain is negatively charged and enriched in glutamate; the C-terminal domain is positively charged and enriched in lysine. By virtue of its positive charge, the C-terminal domain resembles domains in some cytoskeleton-associated proteins and may mediate the interaction of MCP-1 with cytoskeleton in Plasmodium.  相似文献   
Stimulation of synovial cell prostaglandin production by a factor obtained from casein-induced peritoneal polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells has been investigated. Both the extract and short time cultured medium of rat peritoneal PMN cells stimulate prostaglandin (PG)E2 production as well as collagenase production in the culture of rat synovial cells. PGE2 production by the cells in the presence of the PMN factor is much faster (5 to 24 hr) than collagenase production (24 hr or later, Biomedical Res. 3, 506-516, 1982). This stimulating factor is confirmed to be derived from PMN cells, based on the purification of the cells from peritoneal exudate cells by the Ficoll-Urographin method. Elution profile of the factor on gel filtration has indicated that both PGE2 and collagenase productions by synovial cells are stimulated by the same effluent fractions corresponding to molecular weights of 15,000 - 20,000 daltons and 30,000 - 40,000 daltons. These results suggest that PMN cells are involved in PG production as well as collagenase production in the inflamed tissue by stimulating connective tissue cells such as synovial cells.  相似文献   
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