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Cells in the pacemaker region of toad (Bufo marinus) sinus venosus had spontaneous rhythmic action potentials. The rate of firing of action potentials, the rate of diastolic depolarization and the maximum rate of rise of action potentials were reduced by TTX (10 nm to 1 m). Currents were recorded with the whole cell, tight seal technique from cells enzymatically dissociated from this region. Cells studied were identified as pacemaker cells by their characteristic morphology, spontaneous rhythmic action potential activity that could be blocked by cobalt but not by TTX and lack of inward rectification. When calcium, potassium and nonselective cation currents (If) activated by hyperpolarization were blocked, depolarization was seen to generate transient and persistent inward currents. Both were sodium currents: they were abolished by tetrodotoxin (10 to 100 nm), their reversal potential was close to the sodium equilibrium potential and their amplitude and reversal potential were influenced as expected for sodium currents when extracellular sodium ions were replaced with choline ions. The transient sodium current was activated at potentials more positive than –40 mV while the persistent sodium current was obvious at more negative potentials. It was concluded that, in toad pacemaker cells, TTX-sensitive sodium currents contributing both to the upstroke of action potentials and to diastolic depolarization may play an important role in setting heart rate.We thank the Australian National Heart Foundation for their support. D.A.S. is an NHMRC Senior Research Officer.  相似文献   


The selection of the most accurate protein model from a set of alternatives is a crucial step in protein structure prediction both in template-based and ab initio approaches. Scoring functions have been developed which can either return a quality estimate for a single model or derive a score from the information contained in the ensemble of models for a given sequence. Local structural features occurring more frequently in the ensemble have a greater probability of being correct. Within the context of the CASP experiment, these so called consensus methods have been shown to perform considerably better in selecting good candidate models, but tend to fail if the best models are far from the dominant structural cluster. In this paper we show that model selection can be improved if both approaches are combined by pre-filtering the models used during the calculation of the structural consensus.  相似文献   
EpsinR is an adaptor for the SNARE protein Vti1b   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
EpsinR is a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV)-associated protein that binds to vti1b, suggesting that it may be a vti1b-selective adaptor. Depletion of epsinR to undetectable levels in HeLa cells using siRNA causes vti1b to redistribute from the perinuclear region to the cell periphery, but vti1a also redistributes in epsinR-depleted cells, and both vti isoforms redistribute in AP-1–depleted cells. As a more direct assay for epsinR function, we isolated CCVs from control and siRNA-treated cells and then looked for differences in cargo content. In clathrin-depleted cells, both coat and cargo proteins are greatly reduced in this preparation. Knocking down epsinR causes a ~50% reduction in the amount of AP-1 copurifying with CCVs and vice versa, indicating that the two proteins are dependent on each other for maximum incorporation into the coat. In addition, vti1b, but not vti1a, is reduced by >70% in CCVs from both epsinR- and AP-1–depleted cells. Because AP-1 knockdown reduces the amount of epsinR in CCVs, it is possible that its effect on vti1b may be indirect. These findings provide in vivo evidence that epsinR is an adaptor for vti1b, and they also show that CCV isolation can be used as an assay for adaptor function.  相似文献   
Cholera toxin (Ctx) and the closely related Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (Etx) not only act as mediators of diarrhoeal disease but also exert potent immunomodulatory properties on mammalian immune systems. The toxins normally exert their diarrhoeagenic effects by initiating receptor-mediated uptake into vesicles that enter a retrograde trafficking pathway, circumventing degradative compartments and targeting them to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endoplasmic reticulum. Here, we examine whether receptor-mediated binding and cellular entry by the toxin B-subunits also lead to concomitant changes in uptake and trafficking of exogenous antigens that could contribute to the potent immunomodulatory properties of these toxins. Treatment of the macrophage (J774.2) cell line with Etx B-subunit (EtxB) resulted in EtxB transport to the TGN and also led to the formation of large, translucent, non-acidic, EtxB-devoid vacuoles. When exogenous antigens were added, EtxB-treated cells were found to be proficient in both internalization of ovalbumin (OVA) and phagocytosis of bacterial particles. However, the internalized OVA, instead of trafficking along a lysosome-directed endocytic pathway via acidified endosomes, persisted in a non-acidic, light-density compartment that was distinct from the translucent vacuoles. The rerouted OVA did not co-localize with the endosomal markers rab5 or rab11, nor with EtxB, but was retained in a transferrin receptor-positive compartment. The failure of OVA to enter the late endosomal/lysosomal compartments correlated with a striking inhibition of OVA peptide processing and presentation to OVA-responsive CD4+ T-cells. CtxB also modulated OVA trafficking and inhibited antigen presentation. These findings demonstrate that the B-subunits of Ctx and Etx alter the progression of exogenous antigens along the endocytic processing pathway, and prevent or delay efficient epitope presentation and T-cell stimulation. The formation of such 'antigen depots' could contribute to the immunomodulatory properties of these bacterial virulence determinants.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart is a complicated multisubunit, membrane-bound assembly. Seven subunits are encoded by mitochondrial DNA, and the sequences of 36 nuclear encoded subunits have been described. The subunits of complex I and two subcomplexes (Ialpha and Ibeta) were resolved on one- and two-dimensional gels and by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed two previously unknown subunits in complex I, named B14.7 and ESSS, one in each subcomplex. Coding sequences for each protein were identified in data bases and were confirmed by cDNA cloning and sequencing. Subunit B14.7 has an acetylated N terminus, no presequence, and contains four potential transmembrane helices. It is homologous to subunit 21.3b from complex I in Neurospora crassa and is related to Tim17, Tim22, and Tim23, which are involved in protein translocation across the inner membrane. Subunit ESSS has a cleaved mitochondrial import sequence and one potential transmembrane helix. A total of 45 different subunits of bovine complex I have now been characterized.  相似文献   
Chen T  Orr DF  Bjourson AJ  McClean S  O'Rourke M  Hirst DG  Rao P  Shaw C 《Peptides》2002,23(9):1547-1555
Bradykinin and (Thr(6))-bradykinin have been identified in the defensive skin secretion of the fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis. The homologous cDNAs for both peptides were cloned from a skin library using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy. Kininogen-1 (BOK-1) contained an open-reading frame of 167 amino acid residues encoding four repeats of bradykinin, and kininogen-2 (BOK-2) contained an open-reading frame of 161 amino acid residues encoding two repeats of (Thr(6))-bradykinin. Alignment of both precursor nucleotide and amino acid sequences revealed a high degree of structural similarity. These amphibian skin kininogens/preprobradykinins are not biologically analogous to mammalian kininogens.  相似文献   
Regenerative potentials evoked by intracellular current injection in single bundles of circular smooth muscle taken from guinea pig antrum have the characteristics of the secondary regenerative component of the slow wave occurring in the same muscle layer. Such regenerative depolarizations might result from a mechanism that responds to membrane polarization with a delayed increase in the rate of production of unitary potentials detected in this tissue. To test this possibility, a two-stage reaction leading to the formation of an intracellular messenger was proposed. The first forward reaction was voltage-dependent, in the manner described by the Hodgkin-Huxley transient Na conductance formalism, allowing simulation of anode break excitation, stimulus threshold strength-duration characteristics, and refractory behavior. A conventional dose-effect relationship was proposed to describe the dependence of the mean rate of discharge of unitary potentials on messenger concentration. Unitary potentials were modeled as unitary membrane conductance modulations with an empirically derived amplitude distribution and Poisson-distributed intervals. The model reproduces a range of spontaneous and evoked membrane potential changes characteristic of antral circular muscle bundles.  相似文献   
Heme enzymes are capable of catalyzing a range of oxidative chemistry with high specificity, depending on the surrounding protein environment. We describe here a reaction catalyzed by a mutant of cytochrome c peroxidase, which is similar but distinct from those catalyzed by nitric-oxide synthase. In the R48A mutant, an expanded water-filled cavity was created above the distal heme face. N-hydroxyguanidine (NHG) but not guanidine was shown to bind in the cavity with K(d) = 8.5 mM, and coordinate to the heme to give a low spin state. Reaction of R48A with peroxide produced a Fe(IV)=O/Trp(.+) center capable of oxidizing either NHG or N(omega)-hydroxyarginine (NHA), but not arginine or guanidine, by a multi-turnover catalytic process. Oxidation of either NHG or NHA by R48A did not result in the accumulation of NO, NO(2)(-), NO(3)(-), urea, or citrulline, but instead afforded a yellow product with absorption maxima of 257 and 400 nm. Mass spectrometry of the derivatized NHA products identified the yellow species as N-nitrosoarginine. We suggest that a nitrosylating agent, possibly derived from HNO, is produced by the oxidation of one molecule of substrate. This then reacts with a second substrate molecule to form the observed N-nitroso products. This complex chemistry illustrates how the active sites of enzymes such as nitric-oxide synthase may serve to prevent alternative reactions from occurring, in addition to enabling those desired.  相似文献   
Stimulation of protective immune responses against intracellular pathogens is difficult to achieve using non-replicating vaccines. BALB/c mice immunized by intramuscular injection with killed Francisella tularensis (live vaccine strain) adjuvanted with preformed immune stimulating complexes admixed with CpG, were protected when systemically challenged with a highly virulent strain of F. tularensis (Schu S4). Serum from immunized mice was used to probe a whole proteome microarray in order to identify immunodominant antigens. Eleven out of the top 12 immunodominant antigens have been previously described as immunoreactive in F. tularensis. However, 31 previously unreported immunoreactive antigens were revealed using this approach. Twenty four (50%) of the ORFs on the immunodominant hit list belonged to the category of surface or membrane associated proteins compared to only 22% of the entire proteome. There were eight hypothetical protein hits and eight hits from proteins associated with different aspects of metabolism. The chip also allowed us to readily determine the IgG subclass bias, towards individual or multiple antigens, in protected and unprotected animals. These data give insight into the protective immune response and have potentially important implications for the rational design of non-living vaccines for tularemia and other intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   
The adaptor appendage domains are believed to act as binding platforms for coated vesicle accessory proteins. Using glutathione S-transferase pulldowns from pig brain cytosol, we find three proteins that can bind to the appendage domains of both the AP-1 gamma subunit and the GGAs: gamma-synergin and two novel proteins, p56 and p200. p56 elicited better antibodies than p200 and was generally more tractable. Although p56 and gamma-synergin bind to both GGA and gamma appendages in vitro, immunofluorescence labeling of nocodazole-treated cells shows that p56 colocalizes with GGAs on TGN46-positive membranes, whereas gamma-synergin colocalizes with AP-1 primarily on a different membrane compartment. Furthermore, in AP-1-deficient cells, p56 remains membrane-associated whereas gamma-synergin becomes cytosolic. Thus, p56 and gamma-synergin show very strong preferences for GGAs and AP-1, respectively, in vivo. However, the GGA and gamma appendages share the same fold as determined by x-ray crystallography, and mutagenesis reveals that the same amino acids contribute to their binding sites. By overexpressing wild-type GGA and gamma appendage domains in cells, we can drive p56 and gamma-synergin, respectively, into the cytosol, suggesting a possible mechanism for selectively disrupting the two pathways.  相似文献   
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