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Resistance to the foxglove-aphid (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) has been demonstrated in some inbred geranium lines (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey). To establish more definitively the cause/effect relationship between tall glandular trichome exudate and resistance, an intact plant bioassay was performed comparing a resistant plant line, a resistant plant line from which the tall glandular trichome exudate had been removed using a basic buffer solution, a susceptible line and a susceptible line treated with the buffer wash. After 5 days of isolation on the respective surfaces, the number of surviving adult aphids as well as the number of nymphs produced and remaining alive were determined. Aphids on the buffer washed, resistant line exhibited mortality and fecundity which was not significantly different from that produced by the susceptible line. In contrast, the untreated resistance line was clearly resistant with lower adult survival and fewer living nymphs. The tall glandular trichome exudate must therefore be a critical factor in geranium resistance to the foxglove aphid.
Zusammenfassung Widerstandsfähigkeit dem Fingerhut-Blattlaus (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) gegenüber wurde in einigen durch Inzucht erzeugten Pelargonie-Linien (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey) gezeigt. Um das Verhältnis von Ursache und Wirkung zwischen dem hochgewachsenen glandulären Trichom-Exudat und Widerstandsfähigkeit genauer zu bestimmen, wurde eine Bio-Untersuchung an intakten Pflanzen unternommen. Dabei wurden eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, von der das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat durch eine basische Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, eine anfällige Linie und eine mit Pufferlösung behandelte Linie verglichen. Zwei erwachsene weibliche Blattläuse wurden fünf Tage durch ein engmaschiges Netz auf den zu untersuchenden dritten und vierten Knotenblättern eingesperrt. Bei jeder Pflanze wurde die Untersuchung an einem nichtbehandelten Blatt und an einem Blat, von dem das Exudat durch Waschen mit der Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, durchgeführt. Für jede Linie wurden fünf Pflanzen gebraucht, und der ganze Versuch wurde sechsmal wiederholt. Nach einer fünftägigen Isolierung auf den jeweiligen Oberflächen wurden die Blätter von der Pflanze entfernt, und sowohl die Zahl der überlebenden erwachsenen Blattläuse wie auch die der produzierten und noch am Leben gebliebenen Nymphen festgestellt. Mit einer niedrigeren Überlebensrate der Erwachsenen und weniger noch lebenden Nymphen war die nichtbehandelte widerstandsfähige Linie deutlich widerstandsfähig. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten die Blattläuse auf der mit Puffer gewaschenen widerstandsfähigen Linie eine Sterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeit, die nicht erheblich höher waren, als die auf der anfälligen Linie, was beweist, daß das Waschen mit der Pufferlösung den Widerstandsfaktor entfernt hatte. Das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat muß deshalb ein kritischer Faktor in der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Pelargonie-Schädlinge sein.
Meloidogyne mayaguensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens obtained from galled roots of eggplant, Solanum melongena L., from Puerto Rico. The perineal pattern of females is round to ovoid with fine, widely spaced striae. It has occasional breaks of striation laterally and a circular tail tip area lacking striae. The stylet, 15.8 μm long, has reniform knobs that merge gradually with the stylet shaft. Males have a high, rectangular, smooth head region, not set off from the body contour. The labial disc is continuous with the medial lips which do not slope posteriorly. The styler, 22.9 μm long, has large rounded backward sloping knobs; the shaft is of uneven diameter. Mean body length of second-stage juveniles is 453.6 μm. The truncate head region is not annulated, and the rounded, slightly raised labial disc and the crescentic medial lips form dumbbell-shaped lip structures. The stylet, 11.6 μm long, has rounded, posteriorly sloping knobs. The slender tail, 54.4 μm long, gradually tapers to a bluntly pointed tip. Tomato, tobacco, pepper, and watermelon are good hosts; cotton and peanut are not hosts. M. mayaguensis n. sp. reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis and has a somatic chromosome number of 2n = 44-45. The enzyme patterns are unique among Meloidogyne species.  相似文献   
Summary The distributions, with respect to habitat structure, of nine species of eastern-Australian cicadas have been shown to be non-random. The most striking consequence of this non-randomness is a marked inverse relationship between habitat breadth and habitat position (terms defined in text). Eight basic models and 12 derived models were used in conjunction with a canonical space to try to account for the ways in which the species of cicadas were distributed with respect to habitat. Several models produced results that were in reasonable agreement with the observed data. The most parsimonious of these corresponds to analytical results of other workers, such as Diamond's (1975) incidence curves, occurrence sequences (Schoener and Schoener 1983), and probability functions (Adler and Wilson 1985). The distributions of cicadas can be modelled by assuming that the species occupy sites independently of one another. These species of cicadas are unlikely to engage in interspecific competition, which is consistent with independence of distributions.  相似文献   
Summary Anaerobic microbial communities sampled from either a methanogenic or sulfate-reducing aquifer site have been tested for their ability to degrade a variety of groundwater pollutants, including halogenated aromatic compounds, simple alkyl phenols and tetrachloroethylene. The haloaromatic chemicals were biodegraded in methanogenic incubations but not under sulfate-reducing conditions. The primary degradative event was typically the reductive removal of the aryl halides. Complete dehalogenation of the aromatic moiety was required before substrate mineralization was observed. The lack of dehalogenation activity in sulfatereducing incubations was due, at least in part, to the high levels of sulfate rather than a lack of metabolic potential. In contrast, the degradation of cresol isomers occurred in both types of incubations but proved faster under sulfate-reducing conditions. The requisite microorganisms were enriched and the degradation pathway forp-cresol under the latter conditions involved the anaerobic oxidation of the aryl methyl group. Tetrachloroethylene was also degraded by reductive dehalogenation but under both incubation conditions. The initial conversion of this substrate to trichloroethylene was generally faster under methanogenic conditions. However, the transformation pathway slowed when dichloroethylene was produced and only trace concentrations of vinyl chloride were detected. These results illustrate that pollutant compounds can be biodegraded under anoxic conditions and a knowledge of the predominant ecological conditions is essential for accurate predictions of the transport and fate of such materials in aquifers.  相似文献   
The regulation of PAG by ammonia in whole brain (Sprague-Dawley) and regional (Fischer-344) synaptosomal preparations from adult and aged animals was assessed. Whole brain synaptosomal preparations from both age groups displayed a significant decrease in PAG activity with increasing ammonium chloride concentrations, however, the aged rats exhibited a significant attenuation in ammonia-induced PAG inhibition. PAG activity measured in synaptosomes prepared from the striatum (STR), temporal cortex (TCX) and hippocampus (HIPP) was also inhibited by ammonium chloride. The STR showed the greatest degree of ammonia-induced PAG inhibition (55%) followed by the HIPP (30–35%) and the TCX (25–30%). This reduction in PAG activity was significantly attenuated in STR from aged rats at ammonium chloride concentrations greater than 50 M and in the TCX, PAG activity was significantly attenuated in the aged rats at ammonia concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mM. Ammonia regulation of PAG activity in the HIPP appeared to be unaffected by age. Ammonium chloride concentrations up to 5 mM had no effect on GLU release from cortical slices, although GLN efflux was significantly enhanced. These findings suggest that isozymes of PAG may exist in different brain regions based on their differential sensitivity to ammonia. The attenuation of ammonia-induced PAG inhibition seen in aged rats may have deleterious effects in the aged brain.Abbreviations PAG phosphate-activated glutaminase: L-glutamine amidohydrolase; EC - STR striatum - TCX temporal cortex - HIPP hippocampus  相似文献   
It has been known for several decades that cultured murine cells undergo a defined series of changes, i.e., anin vitro evolution, which includes crisis, spontaneous transformation (immortalization), aneuploidy, and spontaneous neoplastic transformation. These changes have been shown to be caused by thein vitro environment rather than an inherent instability of the murine phenotype or genotype. Serum amine oxidases were recently identified as a predominant cause of crisis. These enzymes generate hydrogen peroxide from polyamine substrates that enter the extracellular milieu. This finding implicates free-radical toxicity as the underlying cause ofin vitro evolution. We propose an oxyradical hypothesis to explain each of the stages ofin vitro evolution and discuss its significance for cytotechnology and long-term cultivation of mammalian cell types.ORR, CDER, FDA Mod-1, Room 2023, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel MD 20708, USA  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to elucidate the genetic fine structure of the central portion of mouse chromosome (Chr) 2. Seven Chr 2 congenic mouse strains [B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t , B10.PA(L)-pa A w , B10.PA(L)-we un a t , B10.PA(J)-pa a, B10.FS-we A w , B10.C-we A w , and B10.YBR-a] were produced. Breeding studies were carried out using strains B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t and B10.LP-H-13 b to accurately determine the recombination frequencies between marker genes pa and we (1.9%±0.3), we and un (8.8%±0.5), and un and a t (4.5%±0.4) of strain B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t . These strains and other Chr 2 congenic strains were typed for immunologically defined loci using monoclonal antibody (mAb) C23 reactive with the gene product of B2m b T-lymphocyte clone C1 reactive with the gene product of H-3 a and H-3 c , and lymphocyte clone H1.8 reactive with the gene product of Hd-1 a . B2m and H-3 typing located a recombinational event separating [pa B2m H-3] from we (the order of bracketed genes is not known). Hd-1 typing indicated that Hd-1 maps distal to [H-42, H-44] and proximal to un. The gene order [pa, B2m, H-3], we, [H-42, H-45], Hd-1, un, H-13, a t , with H-44 mapping centromeric to Hd-1, is indicated by the data. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: R. J. Graff.  相似文献   
Summary Using the broad-host-range promoter probe vector pRS201 for cloning of phage Acm1 promoters, we established a convenient vector system for expression of heterologous genes in different Gram-negative bacteria. The usefulness of this system was demonstrated by expression of the HBV core gene in Acetobacter methanolicus. Plasmids carrying the HBV core gene downstream of different Acm1-phage promoters were transferred to A. methanolicus, a new potential host for recombinant DNA expression. Using enzyme immunoassay and immunoblot techniques, the amount and composition of core antigen produced in A. methanolicus were compared with that derived from Escherichia coli. The expression of immunoreactive core antigen in A. methanolicus exceeds by sevenfold that in E. coli using an expression system with tandemly arranged promoters. Morphological observations by electron microscopy show that the HBV core gene products isolated from both hosts are assembled into regular spherical particles with a diameter of about 28 nm that are comparable to original viral nucleocapsids. Offprint requests to: R. Schröder  相似文献   
The protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are a burgeoning family of proteins, each of which bears a conserved domain of 250 to 300 amino acids capable of phosphorylating substrate proteins on tyrosine residues. We recently exploited the existence of two highly conserved sequence elements within the catalytic domain to generate PTK-specific degenerate oligonucleotide primers (A. F. Wilks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:1603-1607, 1989). By application of the polymerase chain reaction, portions of the catalytic domains of several novel PTKs were amplified. We describe here the primary sequence of one of these new PTKs, JAK1 (from Janus kinase), a member of a new class of PTK characterized by the presence of a second phosphotransferase-related domain immediately N terminal to the PTK domain. The second phosphotransferase domain bears all the hallmarks of a protein kinase, although its structure differs significantly from that of the PTK and threonine/serine kinase family members. A second member of this family (JAK2) has been partially characterized and exhibits a similar array of kinase-related domains. JAK1 is a large, widely expressed membrane-associated phosphoprotein of approximately 130,000 Da. The PTK activity of JAK1 has been located in the C-terminal PTK-like domain. The role of the second kinaselike domain is unknown.  相似文献   
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