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Temperature effect of the photocyle of sensory rhodopsin (sR) was studied by nanosecond spectroscopy. Though the formation yield of sRM (sR370) was sharply decreased with temperature, those of sRK (sR680) and sRL were insensitive to temperature changes. These results show the existence of the branching process back to sR from sRL. The absorption maxima for sRK and sRL were 595 ± 5 and 555 ± 15 nm, respectively.  相似文献   
If the visual image and quantitative treatment of a form could be merged, the combination could become a powerful analytical method in morphology. A method is presented for creating an averaged outline. In this method, since the averaged outline is produced statistically, hypothesis testing can be performed on the visual image of the outlines. Intra- and intergroup variation of the outlines can then be assessed by taking allometry into account. This method is applied to the analysis of sexual differences in the midsagittal outline of recent (1880s-1920s) Japanese crania. The averaged outlines of both sexes showed subtle features that could not be detected by traditional measuring techniques. Because the roundness, flatness, or protrusion of specific aspects of the morphology are clearly apparent, sexual differences in this sample could be identified. Changes resulting from allometry did not seem to be present in either sex. The shape distance (DIR) introduced here matched well the visual impression derived from comparisons of the Japanese sample with a Jomon (Neolithic) male and the Broken Hill specimen.  相似文献   
Changes in Lipoxygenase Components of Rice Seedlings during Germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were followed duringthe germination of rice seeds. The enzyme activity of 3-day-oldseedlings was 20 times higher than that of ungerminated seeds.Sixty per cent of the increased activity was found in shoots.The increase in LOX activity was mainly due to an increase inlipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2), a minor component in ungerminated seeds;this increase was inhibited by cycloheximide. LOX-2 was isolatedfrom the 3-day-old seedlings and compared for its enzymologicalproperties with rice lipoxygenase-3 (LOX-3), a major componentin ungerminated seeds. Both LOX-2 and LOX-3 were stable at pH5 to 8, but LOX-2 was more heatstable than LOX-3. Apparent Kmvalues of LOX-2 and LOX-3 for linoleic acid were 170 and 59µM, and those for linolenic acid were 5,300 and 88 µM,respectively. Both LOXs were inhibited by some metal ions andantioxidants. (Received February 5, 1986; Accepted May 9, 1986)  相似文献   
A species of Daphnia, Daphnia curvirostris Eylmann, found in high mountain lakes and ponds in central Japan is described. Although there were some differences in the shape of the male rostrum and the chromosome number between European populations as described by Johnson (1952) and Trentini (1980), and Japanese ones collected from high mountain waters, Japanese specimens had many characteristics similar to the taxon D. curvirostris of Europe.  相似文献   
Summary Mouse lymphoma L1210 cells maintained in vitro at a high cell density for a certain time period adapted themselves to the in vitro environment and were able to grow indefinitely. From these adapted cells, more than 30 clones were isolated. They all had much higher activity to take up cystine than the original L1210 cells, supporting a previous view that the deficiency of the cystine uptake limits the survival and growth of L1210 cells in vitro. The cystine uptake of one cloned cell line was characterized. The enhanced uptake of cystine in these cells was mainly mediated by a Na+-independent, saturable system and was potently inhibited by glutamate and some other anionic amino acids, but less by aspartate. Such activity of cystine uptake was not observed in the original L1210 cells. The results suggest that, upon adaptation in vitro, L1210 cells acquire a new cystine transport activity necessary for survival and growth in vitro.  相似文献   
The eggs ofAlcichthys alcicornis were spawned in tank at the laboratory and reared for the studies of embryonic, larval and juvenile development. This species takes place entosomatic fertilization, and females spawn fertilized eggs after copulation. The eggs are demersal and adhesive, released as a clump forming a thin layer on the bottom of tank. There was no significant difference in embryonic development between this species and other oviparous teleostean species. Hatching occurred between 17 and 18 days after spawning at a mean water temperature of 8.5?C. The newly hatched larvae averaged 4.44 mm in body length (BL). The larvae attained to post-larval stage at 5.80 mm BL, and juvenile stage at 10.2 mm BL. A specific feature of the post-larvae was the appearance of three lines of the melanophores on the caudal part of fin fold. Carotenoid first appeared on the nape at 8.70 mm BL, heavily emerged beyond 12.9 mm BL, and turned up on the back also beyond 15.2 mm BL. Scales on the lateral line were completed by 18.5 mm BL. Three pairs of flaps were observed on the dorsal surface of the head at 37.0 mm BL. External features of adult specimens are almost completed by 52.0 mm BL, yet the tip of the first preopercular was not branched but remained simple.  相似文献   
Ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P) kinase (ATP:D-ribulose 5-phosphate1-phosphotrans- ferase; EC [EC] ), an enzyme in the reductivepentose phosphate cycle, was purified from the green alga Bryopsismaxima and its activity and peptide composition were studied.The specific activity of purified Ru5P kinase was 20 µmoleRuBP formed (mg protein)–1 min–1 corresponding toa 490-fold purification from the supernatant of chloroplasts.The Km values of Ru5P kinase for ATP and Ru5P were 69 µMand 330 µM, respectively. The molecular size of Ru5P kinase was estimated as 90 kDa bygel filtration and that of its polypeptide as 41 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. A small portion of the Ru5P kinase wasfound in a large molecular state (500 kDa) which was consideredto be an inactive form of the enzyme. Ru5P kinase activity has been reported in the pyrenoid of Eremosphaeraviridis as well as ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase(RuBisCO) and ribose 5-phosphate isomerase activity (Holdsworth1971). In Bryopsis maxima, among the pyrenoid polypeptides otherthan that of RuBisCO, we found a polypeptide of 42 kDa, similarto that of Ru5P kinase in molecular size and ratio to RuBisCO.A peptide map of the 42 kDa pyrenoid polypeptide, however, showedthat it differed from that of Ru5P kinase. In conclusion, Ru5Pkinase may be not involved in the pyrenoid of this alga. (Received January 19, 1985; Accepted May 15, 1985)  相似文献   
In order to characterize a larger form of disulfide-bonded cartilage collagen, explants of 17-day embryonic chick sterna were cultured in the presence of [3H] proline. Radioactive collagen chains and fragments that were synthesized and secreted into the culture medium were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. After limited pepsin digestion of the medium, two discrete disulfide-bonded collagen fragments were detected with Mr = 210,000 and 153,000. These fragments contained 28 and 17.5%, respectively, of the radioactivity in the alpha 1(II)-chains. The smaller fragment (called M) produced three components upon reduction (Mr = 104,000, 51,000, and 31,000) and seemed to represent the previously reported collagens, HMW and M1. The larger fragment (called N) has not been previously described and gave rise to three components upon reduction (Mr = 140,000, 69,000, and 49,000). Prolonged pepsin treatment resulted in the gradual decrease of N with a corresponding increase of M, suggesting the conversion of N to M. CNBr peptide mapping demonstrated that all M-derived peptides were present in N and that N contained extra peptides that account for its larger size. These observations suggest that N represents a larger more intact form of cartilage-derived disulfide-bonded collagen.  相似文献   
Three oleanane triterpenes were isolated from the roots of Periandra dulcis,and identified as 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-18-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid I), 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-12-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid II) and 3-oxo-25-hydroxy-olean-12-en-30-oic acid. The former two compounds (periandric acids I and II) were identical with the aglycones obtained by hydrolysis of periandrin I and II, respectively and the latter one was a new triterpene.  相似文献   
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