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The effects of the availability of light (high, medium and low) and soil water (wet and dry) on morphological and physiological traits responsible for whole plant carbon gain and ramet biomass accumulation were examined in a splitter-type clonal herbaceous species Primula sieboldii, a spring plant inhabiting broad range of light environments including open grassland and oak forest understory. Growth experiments were conducted for three genets originated from natural microhabitats differing in light and soil water availability. Ramets of a genet from high light and wet microhabitat, which were grown in low light (relative photon flux density: R-PPFD of 5%) showed 41% less light-saturated photosynthetic rate, 50% less dark respiration rate and earlier defoliation than the ramets in high light (R-PPFD of 61%). The estimation of daily photosynthesis revealed that the light acclimation response in leaf gas exchange contributes to efficient carbon gain of whole plants, irrespective of experimental light conditions. Water stress increased root weight ratio, decreased ramet leaf area, petiole length and photosynthetic capacity. These morphological effects of water stress were larger in high and medium light regimes than in low light regime. The consequence of the above responses was recognized in the relative growth rate of the ramets. The relative growth rate of the ramets in high light with wet regime was four-fold of that in low light plus wet regime, and was 1.5-fold of that in high light plus dry regime. However, even in low light and/or dry regimes, ramets kept positive relative growth rates and produced gemma successfully. We could not detect significant variation in growth responses among genets. The high photosynthetic plasticity revealed in the present study should enable Primula sieboldii to inhabit in a broad range of light and soil water availability.  相似文献   
Bordetella bronchiseptica is a pathogenic bacterium causing respiratory infections in a broad range of mammals. Recently, we determined the whole genome sequence of B. bronchiseptica S798 strain isolated from a pig infected with atrophic rhinitis and found four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at positions -129, -72, +22, and +38 in the region upstream of dnt encoding dermonecrotic toxin (DNT), when compared with a rabbit isolate, RB50. DNT is known to be involved in turbinate atrophy observed in atrophic rhinitis. Immunoblotting, quantitative real-time PCR, and β-galactosidase reporter assay revealed that these SNPs resulted in the increased promoter activity of dnt and conferred the increased ability to produce DNT on the bacteria. Similar or identical SNPs were also found in other pig isolates kept in our laboratory, all of which produce a larger amount of DNT than RB50. Our analysis revealed that substitution of at least two of the four bases, at positions -72 and +22, influenced the promoter activity for dnt. These results imply that these SNPs are involved in the pathogenicity of bordetellae specific to pig diseases.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are versatile regulators of gene expression and undergo complex maturation processes. However, the mechanism(s) stabilizing or reducing these small RNAs remains poorly understood. Here we identify mammalian immune regulator MCPIP1 (Zc3h12a) ribonuclease as a broad suppressor of miRNA activity and biogenesis, which counteracts Dicer, a central ribonuclease in miRNA processing. MCPIP1 suppresses miRNA biosynthesis via cleavage of the terminal loops of precursor miRNAs (pre-miRNAs). MCPIP1 also carries a vertebrate-specific oligomerization domain important for pre-miRNA recognition, indicating its recent evolution. Furthermore, we observed potential antagonism between MCPIP1 and Dicer function in human cancer and found a regulatory role of MCPIP1 in the signaling axis comprising miR-155 and its target c-Maf. These results collectively suggest that the balance between processing and destroying ribonucleases modulates miRNA biogenesis and potentially affects pathological miRNA dysregulation. The presence of this abortive processing machinery and diversity of MCPIP1-related genes may imply a dynamic evolutional transition of the RNA silencing system.  相似文献   
Aquaporin adipose (AQPap), which we identified from human adipose tissue, is a glycerol channel in adipocyte [Kishida et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 20896-20902]. In the current study, we determined the genomic structure of the human AQPap gene, and identified three AQPap-like genes that resembled (approximately 95%) AQPap, with little expression in human tissues. The AQPap promoter contained a putative peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) at -46 to -62, and a putative insulin response element (IRE) at -542/-536. Deletion of the PPRE abolished the pioglitazone-mediated induction of AQPap promoter activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Deletion and single base pair substitution analysis of the IRE abolished the insulin-mediated suppression of the human AQPap gene. Analysis of AQPap sequence in human subjects revealed three missense mutations (R12C, V59L and G264V), and two silent mutations (A103A and G250G). The cRNA injection of the missense mutants into Xenopus oocytes revealed the absence of the activity to transport glycerol and water in the AQPap-G264V protein. In the subject homozygous for AQPap-G264V, exercise-induced increase in plasma glycerol was not observed in spite of the increased plasma noradrenaline. We suggest that AQPap is responsible for the increase of plasma glycerol during exercise in humans.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent cells that can differentiate into cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells. Here we show, using cell sheet technology, that monolayered mesenchymal stem cells have multipotent and self-propagating properties after transplantation into infarcted rat hearts. We cultured adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells characterized by flow cytometry using temperature-responsive culture dishes. Four weeks after coronary ligation, we transplanted the monolayered mesenchymal stem cells onto the scarred myocardium. After transplantation, the engrafted sheet gradually grew to form a thick stratum that included newly formed vessels, undifferentiated cells and few cardiomyocytes. The mesenchymal stem cell sheet also acted through paracrine pathways to trigger angiogenesis. Unlike a fibroblast cell sheet, the monolayered mesenchymal stem cells reversed wall thinning in the scar area and improved cardiac function in rats with myocardial infarction. Thus, transplantation of monolayered mesenchymal stem cells may be a new therapeutic strategy for cardiac tissue regeneration.  相似文献   
Sonic hedgehog (SHH) and its signaling have been identified in several human cancers, and increased levels of its expression appear to correlate with disease progression and metastasis. However, the role of SHH in bone destruction associated with oral squamous cell carcinomas is still unclear. In this study we analyzed SHH expression and the role played by SHH signaling in gingival carcinoma-induced jawbone destruction. From an analysis of surgically resected lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma mandible samples, we found that SHH was highly expressed in tumor cells that had invaded the bone matrix. On the other hand, the hedgehog receptor Patched and the signaling molecule Gli-2 were highly expressed in the osteoclasts and the progenitor cells. SHH stimulated osteoclast formation and pit formation in the presence of the receptor activator for nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) in CD11b+ mouse bone marrow cells. SHH upregulated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, NFATc1, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and Cathepsin K expression in RAW264.7 cells. Our results suggest that tumor-derived SHH stimulated the osteoclast formation and bone resorption in the tumor jawbone microenvironment.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption (respiration activity) has been found to be the most remarkable criterion for determining the viability of an embryo produced in vitro. In this study, we propose an accurate, simple, and user-friendly device for measurement of the oxygen consumption of single mammalian embryos. An integrated electrode array was fabricated to determine the oxygen consumption of a single embryo, including the blastocyst stage, which has an inhomogeneous oxygen consumption rate, using a single measurement procedure. A single mouse embryo was positioned in a microwell at the center of an integrated electrode array, using a mouthpiece pipette, and immobilized by a cylindrical micropit with good reproducibility. The oxygen consumption of two-cell, morula, and blastocyst stages was measured amperometrically using the device. The recorded current profile was corrected to take into consideration transient background current during the measurement. A calculation method for oxygen consumption based on spherical diffusion centered on the defined point of the device was developed. This procedure is quite simple because it is not necessary to estimate the radius of the embryo being measured. The calculated values of oxygen consumption for two-cell, morula, and blastocyst stages were 1.36 ± 0.33 × 10−15 mol s−1, 1.38 ± 0.58 × 10−15 mol s−1, and 3.44 ± 2.07 × 10−15 mol s−1, respectively. The increasing pattern of oxygen consumption from morula to blastocyst agreed well with measurements obtained using conventional scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM).  相似文献   
l-aspartate dehydrogenase (EC; l-AspDH) is a rare member of amino acid dehydrogenase superfamily and so far, two thermophilic enzymes have been reported. In our study, an ORF PA3505 encoding for a putative l-AspDH in the mesophilic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 was identified, cloned, and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The homogeneously purified enzyme (PaeAspDH) was a dimeric protein with a molecular mass of about 28 kDa exhibiting a very high specific activity for l-aspartate (l-Asp) and oxaloacetate (OAA) of 127 and 147 U mg−1, respectively. The enzyme was capable of utilizing both nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) as coenzyme. PaeAspDH showed a T m value of 48°C for 20 min that was improved to approximately 60°C by the addition of 0.4 M NaCl or 30% glycerol. The apparent K m values for OAA, NADH, and ammonia were 2.12, 0.045, and 10.1 mM, respectively; comparable results were observed with NADPH. The l-Asp production system B consisting of PaeAspDH, Bacillus subtilis malate dehydrogenase and E. coli fumarase, achieved a high level of l-Asp production (625 mM) from fumarate in fed-batch process with a molar conversion yield of 89.4%. Furthermore, the fermentative production system C released 33 mM of l-Asp after 50 h by using succinate as carbon source. This study represented an extensive characterization of the mesophilic AspDH and its potential applicability for efficient and attractive production of l-Asp. Our novel production systems are also hopeful for developing the new processes for other compounds production.  相似文献   
The mechanism of toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is thought to result from changes in gene expression via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). The induction of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) in various organs is a cardinal effect of TCDD. However, whether CYP1A is involved in endpoints of TCDD toxicity is controversial. We investigated the role of CYP1A in TCDD-induced developmental toxicities using gene knock-down with morpholino antisense oligos. Exposure of zebrafish embryos to TCDD, at concentrations eliciting the hallmark endpoints of developmental toxicity, induced CYP1A in the heart and vascular endothelium throughout the body. This induction by TCDD was markedly inhibited by morpholinos to zebrafish arylhydrocarbon receptor 2 (zfAHR2-MO) and to zebrafish CYP1A (zfCYP1A-MO). The zfAHR2-MO but not the zfCYP1A-MO inhibited zfCYP1A mRNA expression, indicating the specificities of these morpholinos. Injection of either zfAHR2-MO or zfCYP1A-MO blocked the representative signs of TCDD developmental toxicity in zebrafish, pericardial edema and trunk circulation failure. The morpholinos appeared do not affect normal development in TCDD-untreated embryos. These results suggest a mediatory role of zfCYP1A induction through zfAHR2 activation in causing circulation failure by TCDD in zebrafish. This is the first molecular evidence demonstrating an essential requirement for CYP1A induction in TCDD-evoked developmental toxicities in any vertebrate species.  相似文献   
EGFR is involved in the density-dependent inhibition of cell growth, while coexpression of EGFR with erbB2 can render normal cells transformed. In this study, we have examined the effect of a species of p185 that contains the transmembrane domain and the extracellular domain of p185(c-neu), on growth properties of a human malignant mesothelioma cell line that coexpresses EGFR and erbB2. The ectodomain form of p185(c-neu) enhanced density-dependent inhibition of cell growth and we found that p21 induction appeared to be responsible for this inhibitory effect. Previously, the extracellular domain species was shown to suppress the transforming abilities of EGFR and p185(c-neu/erbB2) in a dominant-negative manner. The ability of this subdomain to affect tumor growth is significant, as it reduced in vivo tumor growth. Unexpectedly, we found that the domain did not abrogate all of EGFR functions. We noted that EGFR-induced density-dependent inhibition of cell growth was retained. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors of EGFR did not cause density-dependent inhibition of cell growth of malignant mesothelioma cells. Therefore, simultaneously inhibiting the malignant phenotype and inducing density-dependent inhibition of cell growth in malignant mesothelioma cells by the extracellular domain of p185(c-neu) may represent an important therapeutic advance.  相似文献   
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