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Characteristics and occurrence of cytochrome c-552 from an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans, were described.Relative molecular mass of the cytrochrome was 13.5 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and 15,000 by gel filtration. This cytochrome was a acidic protein having a pI of 5.6 and Em was +215 mV at pH 7.0. Absorption peaks were at 278, 408 and 524 nm in the oxidized form and 416, 523 and 552 nm in the reduced form.Amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence of cytochrome c-552 determined for 24 residues had low similarities to those of cytochrome c-551 of this bacterium, which is homologous to cytochrome c 2, although the physico-chemical properties of these two cytochromes were similar to each other.Cytochrome c-552 was maximally synthesized in the light under aerobic conditions but not in the dark. The synthesis also occurred in the presence of alternative acceptors such as trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) and nitrate under anaerobic conditions. Our results suggest that cytochrome c-552 is involved in TMAO respiration and denitrification in R. denitrificans, although the effect of light remains to be solved.Abbreviations Em Midpoint redox potential - PAGE Polyacrylamide ge electrophoresis - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TMAO Trimethylamine N-oxide  相似文献   
Characteristics of specific125I-omega-conotoxin (-CgTX) binding were systematically investigated in crude membranes from rat whole brain. Kd and Bmax Values for the binding were 49.7 pM and 181.5 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. The effects of various types of Ca channel antagonists on the binding were investigated. Dynorphin A (1–13), in particular, specifically inhibited125I--CgTX binding, but not that of [3H](+)PN200-110. Spider venom fromPlectreurys tristes did not specifically inhibit specific binding of125I--CgTX, because the venom also inhibited the binding of [3H](+)PN200-110 to a similar degree. The amount of specific binding of125I--CgTX was less in the cerebellum than that in any other area of whole brain. The cross-linker disuccinimidyl suberate did not label with125I--CgTX and its binding sites in rat whole brain, although it did in chick whole brain, which was used as a positive control. These findings suggested that dynorphine A (1–13) was a selective blocker of -CgTX-sensitive Ca channels in crude membranes from rat whole brain and that -CgTX-sensitive Ca channels were mainly present a rat brain except cerebellum.  相似文献   
The permanent pancreas carcinoma cell line, PCI-24, was developed in order to analyse cytokine regulation on pancreas carcinoma and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell interaction. PCI cells expressed ICAM-1 and HLA-ABC, but not HLA-DR antigens. PCI cells showed augmented ICAM-1 and HLA-ABC expression when incubated with interferon (IFN) and tumour necrosis factor . A similar but weak augmentary effect on the HLA-ABC and ICAM-1 surface expression was seen with interleukin-1 treatment. Natural attachment of LAK to PCI cells was augmented by recombinant IFN in close association with ICAM-1 up-regulation on PCI cells. In addition, natural attachment was significantly inhibited by anti-LFA-1 and anti-ICAM-1 antibody treatments. Cytotoxicity of the LAK cells against PCI cells was also significantly inhibited with the same treatment. Thus, the attachment of LAK cells to PCI cells through LFA-1/ICAM-1 molecules appeared to be essential for the cytotoxicity for PCI cells. Pretreatment of PCI cells, but not of LAK cells, with IFN or other cytokines resulted in a decrease of susceptibility for LAK cell cytotoxicity. The decreased susceptibility inversely correlated with HLA-ABC expression on the PCI cells. The collective evidence indicates that, although LAK cell attachment to pancreas carcinoma cells through the LFA-1/ICAM-1 molecule is augmented by IFN, IFN treatment of pancreas carcinoma cells reduces LAK cell cytotoxicity possibly through an increase in HLA-ABC or a regulation of molecules closely associated to HLA-ABC expression.  相似文献   
Feeding experiments with tritium- and deuterium-labeled castasterone (CS) were conducted with three cell lines of Catharanthus roseus, including crown gall cells and nontransformed cells. In all three cell lines, the conversion of CS to brassinolide (BL) was observed and unequivocally confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). This is the first conclusive evidence that CS is the biosynthetic precursor of BL.Biosynthesis of brassinosteroids in Catharanthus roseus. Part II. Part I of this series: Yokota et al. (1990a).  相似文献   
Five patients with common variable immunodeficiency treated in our hospital between December 1979 and December 1990 were given six kinds of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations (pepsin treated, S-sulfonated, polyethylene glycol treated, pH4 treated, alkylated, and pH4.25 formulation preparation) for replacement therapy. Duration of the therapy ranged from 7.6 to 11 years. Incidences of fever and acute infections were variable among patients, but no significant differences were seen in the incidences among periods given each preparation. Three cases revealed abnormal pulmonary functions in tests. Adverse reactions were rarely seen in our study periods, and no severe reactions were observed. No significant differences were seen in incidences of adverse reactions. Postinfusion levels of serum complement slightly decreased from preinfusion levels. However, the decrease in complement was not related to any adverse reaction. No long-term complications such as transmission of hepatitis have been observed. Our data suggest that no obvious differences exist between the efficacy and safety of each IVIG preparation. Differences of efficacy of IVIG replacement therapy may be due to the variable pathophysiology of each patient.Abbreviations CVID common variable immunodeficiency - IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin  相似文献   
The involvement of anti-gravitational polysaccharides in gravity resistance, one of two major gravity responses in plants, was discussed. In dicotyledons, xyloglucans are the only cell wall polysaccharides, whose level, molecular size, and metabolic turnover were modified under both hypergravity and microgravity conditions, suggesting that xyloglucans act as anti-gravitational polysaccharides. In monocotyledonous Poaceae, (1-->3),(1-->4)-beta glucans, instead of xyloglucans, were shown to play a role as anti-gravitational polysaccharides. These polysaccharides are also involved in plant responses to other environmental factors, such as light and temperature, and to some phytohormones, such as auxin and ethylene. Thus, the type of anti-gravitational polysaccharides is different between dicotyledons and Poaceae, but such polysaccharides are universally involved in plant responses to environmental and hormonal signals. In gravity resistance, the gravity signal may be received by the plasma membrane mechanoreceptors, transformed and transduced within each cell, and then may modify the processes of synthesis and secretion of the anti-gravitational polysaccharides and the cell wall enzymes responsible for their degradation, as well as the apoplastic pH, leading to the cell wall reinforcement. A series of events inducing gravity resistance are quite independent of those leading to gravitropism.  相似文献   
The virulent phenotype of Shigella requires loci on the chromosome as well as on the large virulence plasmid, and is regulated via a complex web of interactions amongst various chromosomal and large plasmid genes. To further investigate the role of chromosomal loci in virulence, we performed random Tn 10 mutagenesis in Shigella flexneri YSH6000T, and isolated an avirulent mutant (V3404) incapable of spreading throughout an epithelial cell monolayer. Although V3404 initially spread intercellularly at the same rate as the wild-type, it gradually slowed down and ceased spreading as a result of increasing defects in cell division, leading to the formation of long filamentous bacteria lacking septa, trapped within cells. In addition, the mutation affected the ability of V3404 to polymerize actin, a prerequisite for intra- and inter-cellular spreading ability. Sequencing of Tn 10 -flanking DNA revealed that the mutated gene, designated ispA (intracellular septation), was equivalent to a previously sequenced but uncharacterised gene of Escherichia coli located between trp and tonB . Using E. coli sequence data, we cloned the ispA gene from the YSH6000T chromosome and found that it complemented the V3404 mutation. Nucleotide sequencing and in vitro expression experiments revealed that ispA coded for a small (21 kDa), very hydrophobic protein. These results thus show that ispA is an essential virulence gene affecting several functions of the virulence process.  相似文献   
The anti-HLA-DQ3 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) KS13, SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, and SO5 recognize spatially close but distinct antigenic determinants, since they crossinhibit each other in their binding to HLA-DQ3 antigens, but do not share idiotopes recognized in their antigen combining site by syngeneic and anti-id antisera and mAb. Furthermore, mAb SO1, SO3, SO4, and SO5 react also with HLA-DQ allospecificities other than HLA-DQ3. Sequence analysis of the heavy (V H ) and light (V L ) chain variable region of the six mAb revealed preferential usage of V H 36–60 and V K 12/13 gene families. However, the individual V H and V L germline gene usage by the six mAb is diverse and the utilization of D, J H , and J L gene segments is heterogeneous. The diverse usage of V H and V L gene segments and heterogeneous amino acid sequences of V H and V L CDR, together with the heterogeneous idiotypic profile, may reflect the complexity of the determinants recognized by the six mAb on HLA-DQ3 antigens. The results we have presented provide for the first time information about the structural basis of the diversity of antibodies recognizing human histocompatibility antigens.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this Papershave been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers L20499, L20957, L20961, L24557, L24558 and L20962, respectively, for V H region genes, and L20956, L20958, L24555, L24556, L20959, and L20960, respectively, for V L region genes  相似文献   
Changes in the activity of UDP-galactose:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase(UDGT), a key enzyme in galactolipid biosynthesis, during germinationwere investigated in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Aonagajibai)seedlings. After germination, UDGT activity increased duringgrowth in darkness for 4 days, reaching 10 times the activityin ungerminated seeds. Illumination of 4-day-old dark-grownseedlings strongly stimulated the activity. By contrast, inseedlings grown continuously in darkness, the increase in UDGTactivity ceased after 4 days and the activity remained constantthereafter. A similar increase in the specific activity of UDGTwas observed i n the envelope fraction from seedlings, indicatingthat the increase in the enzymatic activity preceded synthesisof other proteins in the envelope membrane. Coincident withthe change in the enzymatic activity, here was an increase inlevels of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), two major constituents of chloroplastmembrane lipids, in the germinated seedlings. Cycloheximideinhibited the light-mediated increase in the enzymatic activityby illumination of 4-day-old dark-grown seedlings, and, as aconsequence, it inhibited the accumulation of MGDG and DGDG.It was clear, therefore, that protein synthesis was necessaryduring this activation. Addition of a cytokinin, benzyladenine(BA), stimulated the increase in the UDGT activity. The increasein the UDGT activity caused by BA was accompanied by the accumulationof galactolipids, as in the case of the activation by light.These results suggest that activation of the final reactionin the synthesis of MGDG, which is catalyzed by the galactosyl-transferase,contributes to the accumulation of galactolipids during thedevelopment of the chloroplast membrane. (Received December 3, 1994; Accepted July 3, 1995)  相似文献   
Abstract: We previously reported that a variant with extra amino acid residues exists in the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5). Either of the two isoforms, named mGluR5b and mGluR5a for the isoforms with and without the inserted sequence, respectively, generated Ca2+-activated Cl current when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We herein report that these two isoforms are produced by the alternative splicing of the exon skipping type. When examined during the course of postnatal development, the major mGluR5 isotype mRNA was observed to switch from mGluR5a to mGluR5b in the rat hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. We also investigated two cell lines that could be differentiated into neuron-like cells in vitro. Whereas the mGluR5b mRNA was hardly detectable in either undifferentiated or differentiated NG108-15 cells, the relative amounts of the two variant mRNAs changed after the induction of differentiation in the P19 cells. An extracellular application of trans - d,l -1-amino-1,3-cyclopentanedicarboxylate on the neuron-like P19 cells induced intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, thus suggesting that the cells could express functional mGluR(s) coupled to phospholipase C and other components that could mediate the signal transduction pathway. This cell line may thus provide a model system for studying both mGluR5 expression and other mGluR-induced phenomena at the molecular level.  相似文献   
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