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After the observation that human mAb 32-27M reacts only with melanoma and astrocytoma cells cultured in the presence of fetal bovine serum, a novel pathway for the uptake of exogenous gangliosides, their further biosynthesis, and expression at the cell surface as novel Ag has been elucidated. The addition of fetal bovine serum to melanoma and astrocytoma cells growing in synthetic medium (insulin-transferrin-selenium) resulted in reactivity with Ab32-27M. As antibody 32-27M detects N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc)-containing gangliosides, the effect of adding a number of different gangliosides to melanoma and astrocytoma cells cultured in the synthetic medium was studied. Only the addition of NeuGc-GM3 resulted in the development of Ab32-27M reactivity. The identity of the antigenic structures developed after addition of fetal bovine serum or NeuGc-GM3 was determined by analysis of the gangliosides from both samples. The major component detected in melanoma cell lines was shown to be N-acetylneuraminic acid-NeuGc-GD3. Another, slower moving component, present in some melanomas and in astrocytomas may be N-acetylneuraminic acid-NeuGc-GD2. The cell type specificity for these processes can be most readily explained by postulating that all cells can take up exogenous gangliosides but only melanoma and astrocytoma cells have sufficiently high levels of GM3 alpha 2----8-sialyltransferase for the conversion of added NeuGc-GM3 to disialogangliosides to be effective. These results demonstrate a novel pathway for exogenous glycolipid processing that can lead to novel Ag expression but may also play a role in normal glycolipid metabolism and function.  相似文献   
The present study was carried out mainly to clarify whether the two amphetamine metabolites, p-hydroxyamphetamine (P-OHA) and p-hydroxynorephedrine (p-OHN) are taken up by mouse brain 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) nerve terminals to inhibit type A monoamine oxidase (MAO-A) and then potentiate the abnormal behavior, head-twitch. Of the two metabolites, only intracerebroventricular p-OHA, at 80 μg/mouse, sufficient to cause a head-twitch response (HTR), appreciably inhibited MAO-A activity without affecting MAO-B activity in homogenates of the mouse striatum, hypothalamus and the rest of the forebrain; and p-OHN did not inhibit either type of MAO at the dose tested. Estimation of intra- and extrasynaptosomal MAO-A activity showed that both metabolites significantly inhibited only the intrasynaptosomal deamination of 5-HT by MAO-A with p-OHA being more potent. Taken together with our previous findings, these present results clearly indicate that p-OHA may accumulate in the 5-HT nerve terminals through the uptake system, and concomitantly inhibit MAO-A activity. These actions of p-OHA may increase intraneuronal 5-HT levels and then potentiate 5-HT release to cause interaction with the post-synaptic 5-HT receptors.  相似文献   
Abstract Vibrio cholerae strain TSI-4 was incubated in an M9 salt solution at 15 °C for more than 100 days. The plate counts showed no viable cells on day 30, but a broth culture from that day showed the growth of bacteria. However, after 35 days the bacteria entered the nonculturable state, based on the assessment of both the plate counts and broth culture. A portion of the culture was heated at 45 °C for 1 min in a water bath and subsequently plated onto a nutrient agar plate. More than 1000 colonies were recovered after this heat-shock treatment. The recovered cells showed the same chromosomal DNA pattern in the restriction map and the same outer membrane protein pattern in SDS-PAGE. Recovery of viable cells by heat-shock was achieved in cultures grown on M9 salt but not from cultures grown in phosphate-buffered saline. This suggests that the presence of NH4Cl in the M9 salt solution may support the growth of the bacteria in a low nutrient medium, while also playing an important role in resuscitation.  相似文献   
Summary Transgenic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants were successfully obtained from hypocotyl explants inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which harbored a binary vector plasmid with NOS-nptII, CaMV 35S-I-gus and CaMV 35S-hph genes. Acetosyringone enhanced the efficiency of transformation at the cut surface cells of hypocotyl explants during five days of co-cultivation. Transformed cells were more effectively selected using 20–30 mg/l hygromycin B than using 50–100 mg/l kanamycin. Shoot regeneration occurred within 4–6 wks, and 12 of 21 regenerated plantlets displayed strong GUS expression in the very young leaves. All of 8 GUS-positive R0 plants examined showed single or a few positive bands by Southern blot analysis. The expression of the CaMV 35S-I-gus gene was observed in various tissues and organs of R0 and R1 transgenic cucumber plants.  相似文献   
For the purpose of studying a role of immediate early genes in psychotomimetic-induced behavioral excitation, we experimentally enhanced the locomotor activity of mice by acute administration of phencyclidine and examined the expression and localization of the c-Fos-like and c-Jun-like immunoreactivities in brain regions. A single injection of phencyclidine (5.0 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly increased not only the locomotor activity but also the expression of c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in several brain regions, particularly in the parietal cortex, hippocampal dentate gyrus, piriform cortex and hypothalamus. Interestingly, the c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the parietal cortex continued to increase for 1 week after the phencyclidine injection. These results indicate that phencyclidine, even injected only once, can induce the persistent expression of c-Fos or c-Fos-related protein(s) in the mouse brain, and also suggest the possibility that such a c-Fos expression may underlie the behavioral and/or psychotomimetic effects of phencyclidine.  相似文献   
In a study of various phytopathogenic fungi, we found that fungithat belong to the genus Rhizoctonia produce IAA efficientlyfrom tryptophan. R. solani Kühn MAFF-305219, in particular,produced large amounts of tryptophol (Tol), which was assumedto be a specific by-product of the indole-3-pyruvate (IPy) pathway,in addition to IAA. Therefore, this fungus seemed suitable foranalysis of the function and the regulation of the biosynthesisof auxin by a fungal pathogen. Under normal aerobic conditions,the ratio of IAA to Tol synthesized by this strain was higherthan that under less aerobic conditions. In metabolic studieswith various indole derivatives, R. solani converted L-tryptophanand indole-3-acetaldehyde to IAA and Tol, but other indole derivativeswere scarcely metabolized. These results suggest that both IAAand Tol are synthesized from tryptophan through the IPy pathwayin Rhizoctonia. (Received May 27, 1996; Accepted July 8, 1996)  相似文献   
A bacterial strain which could be grown in a medium containing organic solvents and which could secrete lipolytic enzyme was isolated. The stability of the lipolytic activity of the supernatant of the culture increased significantly in the presence of organic solvents such as toluene, cyclohexane, ethanol, and acetone.  相似文献   
Engineering of hybrid gene clusters between the toluene metabolic tod operon and the biphenyl metabolic bph operon greatly enhanced the rate of biodegradation of trichloroethylene. Escherichia coli cells carrying a hybrid gene cluster composed of todC1 (the gene encoding the large subunit of toluene terminal dioxygenase in Pseudomonas putida F1), bphA2 (the gene encoding the small subunit of biphenyl terminal dioxygenase in Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707), bphA3 (the gene encoding ferredoxin in KF707), and bphA4 (the gene encoding ferredoxin reductase in KF707) degraded trichloroethylene much faster than E. coli cells carrying the original toluene dioxygenase genes (todC1C2BA) or the original biphenyl dioxygenase genes (bphA1A2A3A4).  相似文献   
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