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Abaristophora sachalinensis Michailovskaya is reviewed based on Japanese materials. Its male genitalia are compared with those of the genus Borophaga, which is a genus in a group of the related genera, the Borophaga subgroup. A synapomorphic character of the Borophaga subgroup including Abaristophora, the left flattened arm derived from the posterodorsal margin of the hypandrium being broadened at the base, is confirmed in A. sachalinensis. Morphology of the aedeagus in A. sachalinensis is complex and extremely asymmetric, and very similar to that of species of the genus Borophaga, but the characters observed in this study are not regarded as synapomorphic for the Borophaga subgroup.  相似文献   
We identified three species of fungivorous scuttle fly –Megaselia flava, M. kanekoi and M. gotoi– from eight fruit bodies of a fungus, Amanita ibotengutake, which has not previously been recorded as the host of these flies.  相似文献   
The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway plays an important role in various biological processes, including pattern formation, cell fate determination, proliferation, and differentiation. Hh function is mediated through its membrane receptor Patched. Herein, we have characterized a novel Patched-domain containing gene Ptchd3 in mouse. Messenger RNA of Ptchd3 was exclusively detected in the testis, and existed in two isoforms Ptchd3a and Ptchd3b. The expression of these two mRNA isoforms was shown to be developmentally regulated in testes, and specifically found in male germ cells. Further analysis revealed that the Ptchd3 protein was located on the midpiece of mouse, rat and human sperm. Collectively, these results indicate that Ptchd3 is a novel male germ cell-specific gene and may be involved in the Hh signaling to regulate sperm development and/or sperm function.  相似文献   
The cancer stem cell theory suggests that chemoresistance and recurrence of tumors are often due to the similarity of stem cell properties between normal and cancer cells. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) has poor prognosis, suggesting that ATLL cells possess common stem cell properties. We analyzed side population (SP), a characteristic stem cell phenotype, and CD markers in ATLL cell lines. We found that several lines contained SP with expressions of some hematopoietic stem cell markers. On the other hand, treatment with interferon (IFN)-α is sometimes effective in ATLL, particularly combined with other drugs. We examined its effect on ATLL cells and found that IFN-α significantly reduced the SP proportion. Moreover, CD25-positive cells and phosphorylation of STAT1/5 and ERK were upregulated during this process. These data suggest that their stem cell properties render ATLL cells therapy-resistant, and IFN-α exerts its clinical effect through a reduction of the SP cell population.  相似文献   

Key message

The black locust is adapted to elevated [CO 2 ] through changes in nitrogen allocation characteristics in leaves.


The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is an invasive woody legume within Japan. This prolific species has a high photosynthetic rate and growth rate, and undergoes symbiosis with N2-fixing micro-organisms. To determine the effect of elevated CO2 concentration [CO2] on its photosynthetic characteristics, we studied the chlorophyll (Chl) and leaf nitrogen (N) content, and the leaf structure and N allocation patterns in the leaves and acetylene reduction activity after four growing seasons, in R. pseudoacacia. Our specimens were grown at ambient [CO2] (370 μmol mol?1) and at elevated [CO2] (500 μmol mol?1), using a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system. Net photosynthetic rate at growth [CO2] (A growth) and acetylene reduction activity were significantly higher, but maximum carboxylation rate of RuBisCo (V cmax), maximum rate of electron transport driving RUBP regeneration (J max), net photosynthetic rate under enhanced CO2 concentration and light saturation (A max), the N concentration in leaf, and in leaf mass per unit area (LMA) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RuBisCo) content were significantly lower grown at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2]. We also found that RuBisCo/N were less at elevated [CO2], whereas Chl/N increased significantly. Allocation characteristics from N in leaves to photosynthetic proteins, NL (Light-harvesting complex: LHC, photosystem I and II: PSI and PSII) and other proteins also changed. When R. pseudoacacia was grown at elevated [CO2], the N allocation to RuBisCo (NR) decreased to a greater extent but NL and N remaining increased relative to specimens grown at ambient [CO2]. We suggest that N remobilization from RuBisCo is more efficient than from proteins of electron transport (NE), and from NL. These physiological responses of the black locust are significant as being an adaptation strategy to global environmental changes.
Cyclic maltosyl-maltose [CMM, cyclo-[-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->]], a novel cyclic tetrasaccharide, has a unique structure. Its four glucose residues are joined by alternate alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 linkages. CMM is synthesized from starch by the action of 6-alpha-maltosyltransferase from Arthrobacter globiformis M6. Recently, we determined the mechanism of extracellular synthesis of CMM, but the degrading pathway of the saccharide remains unknown. Hence we tried to identify the enzymes involved in the degradation of CMM to glucose from the cell-free extract of the strain, and identified CMM hydrolase (CMMase) and alpha-glucosidase as the responsible enzymes. The molecular mass of CMMase was determined to be 48.6 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and 136 kDa by gel filtration column chromatography. The optimal pH and temperature for CMMase activity were 6.5 and 30 degrees C. The enzyme remained stable from pH 5.5 to 8.0 and up to 25 degrees C. CMMase hydrolyzed CMM to maltose via maltosyl-maltose as intermediates, but it did not hydrolyze CMM to glucose, suggesting that it is a novel hydrolase that hydrolyzes the alpha-1,6-linkage of CMM. The molecular mass of alpha-glucosidase was determined to be 60.1 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 69.5 kDa by gel filtration column chromatography. The optimal pH and temperature for alpha-glucosidase activity were 7.0 and 35 degrees C. The enzyme remained stable from pH 7.0 to 9.5 and up to 35 degrees C. alpha-Glucosidase degraded maltosyl-maltose to glucose via panose and maltose as intermediates, but it did not degrade CMM. Furthermore, when CMMase and alpha-glucosidase existed simultaneously in a reaction mixture containing CMM, glucose was detected as the final product. It was found that CMM was degraded to glucose by the synergistic action of CMMase and alpha-glucosidase.  相似文献   
Wilson disease is a genetic disorder characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body by defective biliary copper excretion. Wilson disease gene product (ATP7B) functions in copper incorporation to ceruloplasmin (Cp) and biliary copper excretion. However, copper metabolism in hepatocytes has been still unclear. Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is a lipid storage disorder and the most commonly mutated gene is NPC1 and its gene product NPC1 is a late endosome protein and regulates intracellular vesicle traffic. In the present study, we induced NPC phenotype and examined the localization of ATP7B and secretion of holo-Cp, a copper-binding mature form of Cp. The vesicle traffic was modulated using U18666A, which induces NPC phenotype, and knock down of NPC1 by RNA interference. ATP7B colocalized with the late endosome markers, but not with the trans-Golgi network markers. U18666A and NPC1 knock down decreased holo-Cp secretion to culture medium, but did not affect the secretion of other secretory proteins. Copper accumulated in the cells after the treatment with U18666A. These findings suggest that ATP7B localizes in the late endosomes and that copper in the late endosomes is transported to the secretory compartment via NPC1-dependent pathway and incorporated into apo-Cp to form holo-Cp.  相似文献   
A new species of phocoenid cetacean Haborophocoena , collected from the Early Pliocene Embetsu Formation, in the close vicinity to the site where the holotype of the type species of the genus Haborophocoena was retrieved, improves our knowledge of the anatomy of this cetacean. The new species, represented by a skull, lacking distal half of the rostrum, ear bones, and teeth, is significantly smaller than, but morphologically similar to, the type species Haborophocoena toyoshimai Ichishima and Kimura 2005 . This new record of Haborophocoena confirms the veracity of the genus Haborophocoena as a biological entity, contributes to understanding the interspecific variation, and suggests that the genus diversified in the northwestern Pacific of early Pliocene time. The adult-like degree of ossification in this small skull precludes it from being a juvenile of Haborophocoena toyoshimai . Autapomorphies of Haborophocoena minutus include narrow premaxilla on the dorsal surface of the rostrum, the anterior position of the premaxillary foramen, and a distinct ridge dividing a fossa on the lateral face of the base of the zygomatic process into the dorsal and the ventral halves, the zygomatic process rectangular in lateral profile, and its small size, which is the most compelling feature, making it a distinct species.  相似文献   
Cancer stem cell (CSC) theory suggests that only a small subpopulation of cells having stem cell-like potentials can initiate tumor development. While recent data on acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are conflicting, some studies have demonstrated the existence of such cells following CD34-targeted isolation of primary samples. Although CD34 is a useful marker for the isolation of CSCs in leukemias, the identification of other specific markers besides CD34 has been relatively unsuccessful. To identify new markers, we first performed extensive analysis of surface markers on several B-ALL cell lines. Our data demonstrated that every B-ALL cell line tested did not express CD34 but certain lines contained cell populations with marked heterogeneity in marker expression. Moreover, the CD9+ cell population possessed stem cell characteristics within the clone, as demonstrated by in vitro and transplantation experiments. These results suggest that CD9 is a useful positive-selection marker for the identification of CSCs in B-ALL.  相似文献   


Abnormal Ca2+ transients are often observed in heart muscles under a variety of pathophysiological conditions including ventricular tachycardia. To clarify whether these abnormal Ca2+ transients can be attributed to abnormal action potential generation or abnormal Ca2+ handling/excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, we developed a procedure to determine Ca2+ and action potential signals at the cellular level in isolated heart tissues.

Methodology/Principal Findings

After loading ventricular papillary muscle with rhod-2 and di-4-ANEPPS, mono-wavelength fluorescence images from rhod-2 and ratiometric images of two wavelengths of emission from di-4-ANEPPS were sequentially obtained. To mimic the ventricular tachycardia, the ventricular muscles were field-stimulated in non-flowing Krebs solution which elicited abnormal Ca2+ transients. For the failed and alternating Ca2+ transient generation, there were two types of causes, i.e., failed or abnormal action potential generation and abnormal EC coupling. In cells showing delayed initiation of Ca2+ transients with field stimulation, action potential onset was delayed and the rate of rise was slower than in healthy cells. Similar delayed onset was also observed in the presence of heptanol, an inhibitor of gap junction channels but having a non-specific channel blocking effect. A Na+ channel blocker, on the other hand, reduced the rate of rise of the action potentials but did not result in desynchronization of the action potentials. The delayed onset of action potentials can be explained primarily by impaired gap junctions and partly by Na+ channel inactivation.


Our results indicate that there are multiple patterns for the causes of abnormal Ca2+ signals and that our methods are useful for investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of heart muscle.  相似文献   
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