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Microtubules (MTs) and microfilaments (MFs) are known to modulate mitochondrial morphology, distribution and function. However, little is known evidence about the role of intermediate filaments (IFs) in modulating mitochondria except desmin. To investigate whether or not the IFs regulate mitochondrial morphology, distribution, and function, we manipulated the IFs of cultured epithelial cells to express a mutant keratin 18 (K18). In contrast to the filamentous expression of wild K18, mutant K18 induced aggregation of K8/18, showing no fine IF network in the cells. In mutant K18-transfected cells, the mitochondria were fragmented into small spheroids, although they were observed as mitochondrial fibers in un-transfected or wild K18-transfected cells. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of fluorescence-labeled mitochondria was markedly less in the mutant K18-transfected cells, although a significant recovery was confirmed in wild K18-transfected cells. These findings suggest that the IFs are important for the maintenance of normal mitochondrial structures.  相似文献   
The relationship between electrical activity and spike‐induced Ca2+ increases in dendrites was investigated in the identified wind‐sensitive giant interneurons in the cricket. We applied a high‐speed Ca2+ imaging technique to the giant interneurons, and succeeded in recording the transient Ca2+ increases (Ca2+ transients) induced by a single action potential, which was evoked by presynaptic stimulus to the sensory neurons. The dendritic Ca2+ transients evoked by a pair of action potentials accumulated when spike intervals were shorter than 100 ms. The amplitude of the Ca2+ transients induced by a train of spikes depended on the number of action potentials. When stimulation pulses evoking the same numbers of action potentials were separately applied to the ipsi‐ or contra‐lateral cercal sensory nerves, the dendritic Ca2+ transients induced by these presynaptic stimuli were different in their amplitude. Furthermore, the side of presynaptic stimulation that evoked larger Ca2+ transients depended on the location of the recorded dendritic regions. This result means that the spike‐triggered Ca2+ transients in dendrites depend on postsynaptic activity. It is proposed that Ca2+ entry through voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels activated by the action potentials will be enhanced by excitatory synaptic inputs at the dendrites in the cricket giant interneurons. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 234–244, 2002; DOI 10.1002/neu.10032  相似文献   
A cribriform plate, a perpendicular plate, and two lateral masses are major components of the ethmoid bone of mammals. Notwithstanding the noticeable bone, virtually sitting in the center of the skull, extensive modifications of the skull of modern cetaceans, especially odontocetes (toothed whales), and the lack of clarity as to what characteristics delimit each element of the ethmoid has made the problem of the nature of the cetacean ethmoid more complicated and elusive than in other, less modified mammals. Furthermore, contention as to whether a perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, or the mesethmoid, exists in all mammals including cetaceans has remained unsettled. In odontocetes, the mesethmoid has been variably identified not only as the osseous nasal septum but also as the mediodorsal region of the posterior wall of the nasal passage below the nasals, as a mass of bone encased by the vomer in front of the osseous nasal cavity at the base of the rostrum, and as a combination of some portions mentioned above. The presence or absence of the mesethmoid in various groups of mammals has attracted the attention of some biologists, and here, I demonstrate that cetaceans have no mesethmoid. The close inspection of the ontogenetic changes of the basicranial elements in cetaceans reveals that a mass of bone ensheathed by the vomer in front, or at the level of the osseous nasal cavity is actually the presphenoid. It is highly likely that in odontocetes the posterior wall of the nasal passages below the nasals consists of the combination of the frontal, the imperforated cribriform plate, the paired ectethmoids, and the vomer, the latter three of which partially concealing the presphenoid dorsally and laterally as the ontogeny proceeds. In contrast, mysticetes clearly display ethmoturbinates and a cribriform plate, which are morphologically similar to those in terrestrial mammals. J. Morphol. 277:1661–1674, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A temperature-sensitive mutant of adenovirus 31 was defective in formation of the DNA replication complex, suggesting the existence of a virus-coded protein necessary for the complex-formation.  相似文献   
The probes for detection of oxidized low‐density lipoprotein (ox‐LDL) in plasma and in atherosclerotic plaques are expected to facilitate the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of atherosclerosis. Recently, we have reported that a heptapeptide (Lys‐Trp‐Tyr‐Lys‐Asp‐Gly‐Asp, KP6) coupled through the ε‐amino group of N‐terminal Lys to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), (FITC)KP6, can be useful as a fluorescent probe for specific detection of ox‐LDL. In the present study, to develop a novel fluorescent peptide for specific detection of ox‐LDL, we investigated the interaction (with ox‐LDL) of an undecapeptide corresponding to positions 41 to 51 of a potent antimicrobial protein (royalisin, which consists of 51 residues; from royal jelly of honeybees), conjugated at the N‐terminus to FITC in the presence of 6‐amino‐n‐caproic acid (AC) linker, (FITC‐AC)‐royalisin P11, which contains both sequences, Phe‐Lys‐Asp and Asp‐Lys‐Tyr, similar to Tyr‐Lys‐Asp in (FITC)KP6. The (FITC‐AC)‐royalisin P11 bound with high specificity to ox‐LDL in a dose‐dependent manner, through the binding to major lipid components in ox‐LDL (lysophosphatidylcholine and oxidized phosphatidylcholine). In contrast, a (FITC‐AC)‐shuffled royalisin P11 peptide, in which sequences Phe‐Lys‐Asp and Asp‐Lys‐Tyr were modified to Lys‐Phe‐Asp and Asp‐Tyr‐Lys, respectively, hardly bound to LDL and ox‐LDL. These findings strongly suggest that (FITC‐AC)‐royalisin P11 may be an effective fluorescent probe for specific detection of ox‐LDL and that royalisin from the royal jelly of honeybees may play a role in the treatment of atherosclerosis through the specific binding of the region at positions 41 to 51 to ox‐LDL.  相似文献   
The guidelines for night and shift workers recommend that after night work, they should sleep in a dark environment during the daytime. However, staying in a dark environment during the daytime reduces nocturnal melatonin secretion and delays its onset. Daytime bright-light exposure after night work is important for melatonin synthesis the subsequent night and for maintaining the circadian rhythms. However, it is not clear whether daytime sleeping after night work should be in a dim- or a bright-light environment for maintaining melatonin secretion. The aim of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the effect of bright-light exposure during daytime sleeping on nocturnal melatonin secretion after simulated night work. Twelve healthy male subjects, aged 24.8 ± 4.6 (mean ± SD), participated in 3-day sessions under two experimental conditions, bright light or dim light, in a random order. On the first day, the subjects entered the experimental room at 16:00 and saliva samples were collected every hour between 18:00 and 00:00 under dim-light conditions. Between 00:00 and 08:00, they participated in tasks that simulated night work. At 10:00 the next morning, they slept for 6 hours under either a bright-light condition (>3000 lx) or a dim-light condition (<50 lx). In the evening, saliva samples were collected as on the first day. The saliva samples were analyzed for melatonin concentration. Activity and sleep times were recorded by a wrist device worn throughout the experiment. In the statistical analysis, the time courses of melatonin concentration were compared between the two conditions by three-way repeated measurements ANOVA (light condition, day and time of day). The change in dim light melatonin onset (ΔDLMO) between the first and second days, and daytime and nocturnal sleep parameters after the simulated night work were compared between the light conditions using paired t-tests. The ANOVA results indicated a significant interaction (light condition and3 day) (p = .006). Post hoc tests indicated that in the dim-light condition, the melatonin concentration was significantly lower on the second day than on the first day (p = .046); however, in the bright-light condition, there was no significant difference in the melatonin concentration between the days (p = .560). There was a significant difference in ΔDLMO between the conditions (p = .015): DLMO after sleeping was advanced by 11.1 ± 17.4 min under bright-light conditions but delayed for 7.2 ± 13.6 min after sleeping under dim-light conditions. No significant differences were found in any sleep parameter. Our study demonstrated that daytime sleeping under bright-light conditions after night work could not reduce late evening melatonin secretion until midnight or delay the phase of melatonin secretion without decreasing the quality of the daytime sleeping. Thus, these results suggested that, to enhance melatonin secretion and to maintain their conventional sleep–wake cycle, after night work, shift workers should sleep during the daytime under bright-light conditions rather than dim-light conditions.  相似文献   


Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) is a representative psychosomatic disorder. Several pathophysiological factors have been linked to IBS symptoms such as the modulation of gastrointestinal motility, visceral hypersensitivity, dysregulation of the gut-brain axis, genetic and environmental factors, sequelae of infection, and psychosocial disorders. It is likely that biopsychosocial aspects of IBS-C underlie its gender and age effects. However, the influence of each symptom of IBS-C by gender and age is not well understood. We hypothesized that the expression rate of each IBS-C symptom in females and in subjects aged 20–49 years was higher than that of subjects who were male and aged 50–79 years.


We conducted an internet survey of 30,000 adults from the general Japanese population. IBS-C subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire on the degree of anxiety, thoughts about bowel habits, and their dominant gastrointestinal symptoms together with exacerbation factors. The correlation between gender and age and IBS-C symptoms was analyzed.


When analyzed by gender, the expression rate of abdominal discomfort, abdominal distention, and abdominal fullness was significantly higher in female than male IBS-C subjects (66.5% vs. 58.7%, p?<?0.05; 54.7% vs. 43.6%, p?<?0.01; 18.9% vs. 9.6%, p?<?0.01, respectively). When analyzed by age, the expression rate of abdominal distention and abdominal pain was significantly higher among IBS-C subjects aged 20–49 years than those aged 50–79 years (55.7% vs. 46.8%, p?<?0.05; 36.6% vs. 20.6%, p?<?0.001, respectively). In contrast, there was no gender or age differences with regard to the most common and bothersome symptom (abdominal bloating) among IBS-C subjects.


The expression rate of some IBS-C symptoms was higher among females and those aged 20–49 years than males and those aged 50–79 years, respectively. It is important to understand the impact of symptoms by gender and age to evaluate the pathology of IBS-C from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Trial registration

Although this survey was an anonymous internet survey, we obtained informed consent for the study as an online response. The disclosure of this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine (approval number: 2015–1-405).
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