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Diarthrodial joints are freely moveable joints containing synovial fluid (SF) within a connective tissue joint capsule that allows for low-friction and low-wear articulation of the cartilaginous ends of long bones. Biomechanical cues from joint articulation regulate synoviocyte and cartilage biology via joint capsule strain, in turn altering the composition of SF. Joint flexion is clinically associated with pain in knees with arthritis and effusion, with the nociception possibly originating from joint capsule strain. The hypothesis of this study was that knee fluid volume distribution and joint capsule strain are altered with passive flexion in the rabbit model. The aims were to (a) determine the volume distribution of fluid in the joint at different total volumes and with flexion of rabbit knees ex vivo, (b) correlate the volume distribution for the ex vivo model to in vivo data, and (c) determine the strains at different locations in the joint capsule with flexion. During knee flexion, ~20% of anteriorly located joint fluid moved posteriorly, correlating well with the fluid motion observed in in vivo joints. Planar joint capsule principal strains were ~100% (tension) in the proximal-distal direction and ~-40% (shortening) in the circumferential direction, relative to the femur axis and 30° strain state. The joint capsule strains with flexion are consistent with the mechanics of the tendons and ligaments from which the capsule tissue is derived. The movement and mixing of SF volume with flexion determine the mechanical and biological fluid environment within the knee joint. Joint fluid movement and capsular strains affect synovial cell biology and likely modulate trans-synovial transport.  相似文献   
Although perturbed lipid metabolism can often lead to skin abnormality, the role of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) in skin homeostasis is poorly understood. In the present study we found that group X-secreted PLA(2) (sPLA(2)-X) was expressed in the outermost epithelium of hair follicles in synchrony with the anagen phase of hair cycling. Transgenic mice overexpressing sPLA(2)-X (PLA2G10-Tg) displayed alopecia, which was accompanied by hair follicle distortion with reduced expression of genes related to hair development, during a postnatal hair cycle. Additionally, the epidermis and sebaceous glands of PLA2G10-Tg skin were hyperplasic. Proteolytic activation of sPLA(2)-X in PLA2G10-Tg skin was accompanied by preferential hydrolysis of phosphatidylethanolamine species with polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as elevated production of some if not all eicosanoids. Importantly, the skin of Pla2g10-deficient mice had abnormal hair follicles with noticeable reduction in a subset of hair genes, a hypoplasic outer root sheath, a reduced number of melanin granules, and unexpected up-regulation of prostanoid synthesis. Collectively, our study highlights the spatiotemporal expression of sPLA(2)-X in hair follicles, the presence of skin-specific machinery leading to sPLA(2)-X activation, a functional link of sPLA(2)-X with hair follicle homeostasis, and compartmentalization of the prostanoid pathway in hair follicles and epidermis.  相似文献   
Although the secreted phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) family has been generally thought to participate in pathologic events such as inflammation and atherosclerosis, relatively high and constitutive expression of group X sPLA(2) (sPLA(2)-X) in restricted sites such as reproductive organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and peripheral neurons raises a question as to the roles played by this enzyme in the physiology of reproduction, digestion, and the nervous system. Herein we used mice with gene disruption or transgenic overexpression of sPLA(2)-X to clarify the homeostatic functions of this enzyme at these locations. Our results suggest that sPLA(2)-X regulates 1) the fertility of spermatozoa, not oocytes, beyond the step of flagellar motility, 2) gastrointestinal phospholipid digestion, perturbation of which is eventually linked to delayed onset of a lean phenotype with reduced adiposity, decreased plasma leptin, and improved muscle insulin tolerance, and 3) neuritogenesis of dorsal root ganglia and the duration of peripheral pain nociception. Thus, besides its inflammatory action proposed previously, sPLA(2)-X participates in physiologic processes including male fertility, gastrointestinal phospholipid digestion linked to adiposity, and neuronal outgrowth and sensing.  相似文献   
Morphometric analyses of marine pelagic fishes have generally been conducted for stock identification rather than for ecomorphological understanding. Many papers on stock identification of Trachurus japonicus reported polymorphisms in the Japanese Islands waters. However, none of them has found polymorphism in fish less than 100 mm standard length (SL), despite the environmental differences experienced by juvenile cohorts. The objective of this study was to detect ecomorphological polymorphism of juvenile T. japonicus (<100 mm SL) in Wakasa Bay, Japan, where multiple juvenile cohorts appear. From analyses of size frequency distributions and otolith microstructure, five cohorts were recognized in the bay from September 2003 to August 2004. We then compared 17 morphometric characters on body, fin, and otolith morphology, and found cohort-specific and roughly dimorphic pattern (a streamlined morph and a compressed morph). The dimorphism was markedly observed in 50–70 mm SL, and was regarded as specific to the juvenile stage by comparison with the senior dimorphisms (≥100 mm SL). Referring to the literatures on functional morphology, the streamlined morph and the compressed morph were considered to be suitable to body and caudal fin (BCF) periodic propulsion and BCF transient propulsion, respectively. The juvenile dimorphism was interpreted as adaptive in its developmental environments (i.e., ecomorphological dimorphism) by relating the functional differences to the inferred ecological differences: the streamlined morph is adaptive to feed on larval Engraulis japonicus in coastal waters, whereas the compressed morph is adaptive to associate with jellyfishes in offshore waters.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that alterations in the intrinsic circadian clock and sleep might affect the aging process. The rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) provides unique opportunities to explore the role of the clock in successful and unsuccessful physiological and cognitive aging in a diurnal primate with consolidated nighttime sleep, complex cognitive functions, long life span, and phylogenetic proximity to humans. A longitudinal study was conducted to characterize the effects of aging on the entrained and intrinsic circadian rhythms of activity, polysomnographic sleep patterns, and melatonin production in unrestrained male rhesus monkeys [6-9 (n=6) and 24-28 (n=4) years of age]. An age-dependent decline was found in the stability of circadian rhythms of activity and in peak melatonin levels. The range of individual intrinsic circadian periods (τ) is not age-dependent. Aged monkeys do not display clearly defined "morningness-eveningness" chronotypes and, unlike the young, show no correlation between the chronotype under entrained conditions and the length of intrinsic circadian period. The daily activity period (α) is reduced with age and this is associated with high day-to-day variability in sleep quantity and quality, fragmentation of nighttime sleep and daytime wakefulness, increased daytime sleep time, overall increase in stage 1 sleep, and reduced time spent in rapid-eye movement and slow-wave sleep. In the absence of environmental time cues, age-dependent changes in sleep and circadian rhythms are exacerbated and circadian patterns of sleep in young rhesus monkeys start resembling those in aged animals, together suggesting important role of circadian regulation in aging sleep phenotype. This first characterization of age-dependent changes in the intrinsic rhythms and sleep in rhesus monkeys, demonstrating major similarities to human aging phenotype, should assist in the search for the mechanisms involved and for effective prophylactic and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) is an enzyme with a role in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis by catalyzing the interconversion between glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. This enzyme has been used as a target in endoparasite drug development. In this work we cloned, expressed, purified and studied kinetic and structural characteristics of TIM from tick embryos, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (BmTIM). The Km and Vmax of the recombinant BmTIM with glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate as substrate, were 0.47 mM and 6031 ??mol min−1 mg protein−1, respectively. The resolution of the diffracted crystal was estimated to be 2.4 Å and the overall data showed that BmTIM is similar to other reported dimeric TIMs. However, we found that, in comparison to other TIMs, BmTIM has the highest content of cysteine residues (nine cysteine residues per monomer). Only two cysteines could make disulfide bonds in monomers of BmTIM. Furthermore, BmTIM was highly sensitive to the action of the thiol reagents dithionitrobenzoic acid and methyl methane thiosulfonate, suggesting that there are five cysteines exposed in each dimer and that these residues could be employed in the development of species-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   
Tropomyosin-specific photoaffinity adenosine triphosphate (ATP) probes have been first developed, in which a diazirine moiety is incorporated into the γ-phosphate group as a rapidly carbene-generating photophore. These probes clearly labeled tropomyosin in the presence of other actomyosin components, that is, myosin, actin, and troponins. The specific labeling of tropomyosin was easily identified by selective trapping of the photo-incorporated ATP probe on Fe3+-immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) beads. The characteristic nature of tropomyosin-specific photocross-linking was further confirmed with a biotin-carrying derivative of the ATP probe. These data suggest that the tropomyosin on the actin filament assembly is located in close proximity to the ATP binding cavity of myosin.  相似文献   
To clarify the role of p33ING1b in tumorigenesis and progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), we examined the expression and subcellular localization of p33ING1b in 214 HNSCC cases in parallel with 60 dysplasia samples and 48 normal epithelium samples by immunohistochemistry, and analyzed correlations of expression of p33ING1b in HNSCC cases with clinicopathological variables, apototic index and expression of 14-3-3η, p300, p21 and PCNA. Although 12% of HNSCC cases lost expression of p33ING1b, most cases of HNSCC retained expression of p33ING1b with levels similar to those in non-cancerous epithelia. Nuclear expression of p33ING1b was significantly decreased in HNSCC compared to normal epithelia. In contrast, cytoplasmic expression of p33ING1b was found to be significantly higher in HNSCC. An abundance of p33ING1b in cytoplasm positively correlated with poor differentiation and tumor progression. Corresponding to those clinicopathogical features, high expression of p33ING1b in the cytoplasm correlated with PCNA labelling index but in contrast, that in the nuclei correlated with apoptosis. In nuclei, p33ING1b is coexpressed with p300 and p21, implying its roles in tumor suppression. Elevated expression of 14-3-3η was associated with cytoplasmic expression of p33ING1b and immunofluorescence study suggested association of p33ING1b and 14-3-3η. Among three cell lines derived from oral SCC, poorly-differentiated SAS cells showed a relatively high expression of p33ING1b in cytoplasm with increased level of 14-3-3η. The results obtained here suggest that relocation of p33ING1b from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where the protein is tethered by 14-3-3η, participates in tumorigenesis and progression in HNSCC.  相似文献   
In the present study, to further understand the phylogenetic relationships among the Eurasian badgers (Meles, Mustelidae, Carnivora), which are distributed widely in the Palearctic, partial sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (539-545 base-pairs) as a maternal genetic marker, and the sex-determining region on the Y-chromosome gene (SRY: 1052-1058 base-pairs), as a paternal genetic marker, were examined. The present study revealed ten SRY haplotypes from 47 males of 112 individuals of the Eurasian Continent and Japan. In addition, 39 mtDNA haplotypes were identified from those animals. From the phylogeography of both the uniparentally inherited genes, four lineages were recognized as Japanese, eastern Eurasian, Caucasian, and western Eurasian. The distribution patterns of the mtDNA lineages showed the existence of a sympatric zone between the eastern and western Eurasian lineages around the Volga River in western Russia. Furthermore, the present study suggested that in the Japanese badgers, the larger genetic differentiation of the Shikoku population was attributable to geographic history in the Japanese islands.  相似文献   
Sulfotransferases catalyze the transfer of sulfate group from para-nitrophenyl sulfate (pNPS) or 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) onto acceptor molecules in the biosynthesis of sulfate esters. Human pathogenic mycobacteria are known to produce numerous sulfated molecules on their cell surface which have been implicated as important mediators in host-pathogen interactions. The open reading frame stf9, a predicted homologue of sulfotransferase in the Mycobacterium avium genomic data, was cloned and over expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant STF9 conserved the characteristic PAPS binding motif of sulfotransferase and was purified as a 44?kDa soluble protein which exhibited transfer of sulfate group from pNPS (K (m) 1.34?mM, V (max) 7.56?nmol/min/mg) onto 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphate (K (m) 0.24?mM, V (max) 10.36?nmol/min/mg). The recombinant STF9 protein was also capable of transferring sulfate group from PAPS onto certain acceptor substrates in E. coli, and showed binding affinity to the PAP-agarose resin, supporting the sulfotransferase activity of the recombinant STF9 protein. This is the first report of molecular evidence for sulfotransferase activity of a protein from M. avium. Mutation of Arg96 to Ala and Glu170 to Ala abolishes sulfotransferase activity, indicating the importance of Arg96 and Glu170 in STF9 activity catalysis.  相似文献   
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