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Detailed zooplankton records from a 26-cm sediment core with a time resolution of approximately 3–10 years were obtained from Lake Biwa, Japan, to examine the historical variations in the zooplankton community during the 20th century. In the sediments, selected zooplankton remains have fluctuated over the years. Daphnia – large zooplankton herbivores – did not occur from 1900 to 1920, and formed a very minor component of the zooplankton community in the following 30 years, while Bosmina – small zooplankton herbivores – were common during this period. In the mid-1960s, however, when eutrophication was noticeable in this lake, Daphnia numbers increased dramatically and became the dominant zooplankton thereafter. In contrast, Difflugia brevicolla and D. biwae, two amoeboid protozoans that live in connection with the lake bottom environment, occurred abundantly until the late 1950s, but gradually decreased after the mid-1960s. In particular, D. biwae, a species peculiar to this lake, was not found in sediment dated after 1980, suggesting its extinction. These results indicate that the zooplankton community structure changed greatly in the 1960s, and suggest that the eutrophication occurring at this time altered the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up forces on the zooplankton community in Lake Biwa.  相似文献   
Endoscopic eyebrow lift was performed on 51 patients presenting with eyebrow ptosis due to facial paralysis. The resulting anthropometric measurements of eyebrow position were analyzed statistically to evaluate the effectiveness of this method. When preoperative eyebrow differences between the paralyzed and nonparalyzed sides were measured, the average difference at midpoint was 4.4 mm, and at the highest point, 4.6 mm. When the same points were measured postoperatively, the average difference at midpoint was 2.4 mm, and at the highest point, 2.3 mm. The difference in eyebrow height between the paralyzed and nonparalyzed sides correlated positively with age, both preoperatively and postoperatively. However, differences between preoperative and postoperative eyebrow height (which reflects the effectiveness of endoscopic eyebrow lift) at the highest point did not correlate with age and at the midpoint displayed a slightly negative correlation with age. These results suggest that endoscopic eyebrow lift is effective among young patients whose eyebrow ptosis is minor and is relatively ineffective among elderly patients whose eyebrow ptosis is severe. The conventional method of juxta-brow excision is indicated for elderly patients, for whom the operative scar is almost inconspicuous.  相似文献   
Ischemia limits the delivery of oxygen and glucose to cells and disturbs the maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). MMP regulates the production of high-energy phosphate and apoptotic cascading. Thus, MMP is an important parameter determining the fate of neurons. Differences in the time course of MMP according to the grading of the ischemic impact have not been clarified. MMP and intracellular ATP contents were monitored before and after short-term oxygen-glucose deprivation. A primary hippocampal culture seeded in a 35 mm fenestrated dish for fluorescence microscopy was mounted in a sealed chamber for an anaerobic incubation. A continuous flow of 100% nitrogen into the chamber and a replacement of glucose-free medium allowed the condition of oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD), thereby extrapolating ischemia. MMP was evaluated by the fluorescence of a voltage-dependent dye, JC-1, under fluorescence microscopy. The intracellular ATP content was evaluated in a hippocampal culture seeded in a 96-well plate by the luciferin-luciferase reaction after a designated period of OGD. During OGD, MMP decreased to 0.72+/-0.03 (normalized JC-1 fluorescence), then increased to the hyperpolarized level 1.99+/-0.12 during 60 min reoxygenation after 30 min OGD. MMP after 60 min OGD decreased and recovered occasionally during reoxygenation. After 90 min OGD and reoxygenation, MMP was reduced and never recovered. The intracellular ATP content was 8.1+/-6.6 and 3.2+/-1.9% after 30 min OGD and 30 min reoxygenation following 30 min OGD, respectively; 60 min OGD did not significantly change these levels (7.1+/-5.8, 2.6+/-0.5%). Hyperpolarization after OGD did not accompany ATP production. This observation suggests the inhibition of electron reentry into an inner membrane during reoxygenation and the disturbance of FoF1-ATP synthase. This pathological finding of an energy-producing system after OGD may provide a clue to explain post-ischemic energy failure.  相似文献   
Pharaonis halorhodopsin (phR) is an inward light-driven chloride ion pump from Natronobacterium pharaonis. In order to clarify the role of Ser-130(phR) residue which corresponds to Ser-115(shR) for salinarum hR on the anion-binding affinity, the wild-type and Ser-130 mutants substituted with Thr, Cys and Ala were expressed in E. coli cells and solubilized with 0.1% n-dodecyl beta-D-maltopyranoside The absorption maximum (lambda(max)) of the S130T mutant indicated a blue shift from that of the wild type in the absence and presence of chloride. For S130A, a large red shift (12 nm) in the absence of chloride was observed. The wild-type and all mutants showed the blue-shift of lambda(max) upon Cl(-) addition, from which the dissociation constants of Cl(-) were determined. The dissociation constants were 5, 89, 153 and 159 mM for the wild-type, S130A, S130T and S130C, respectively, at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. Circular dichroic spectra of the wild-type and the Ser-130 mutants exhibited an oligomerization. The present study revealed that the Ser-130 of N. pharaonis halorhodopsin is important for the chloride binding.  相似文献   
The brain is considered to be a target site of peripheral steroid hormones. In contrast to this classical concept, new findings over the past decade have established that the brain itself also synthesizes steroids de novo from cholesterol through mechanisms at least partly independent of peripheral steroidogenic glands. Such steroids synthesized de novo in the brain, as well as other areas of the nervous system, are called neurosteroids. To understand neurosteroid actions in the brain, we need data on the specific synthesis in particular sites of the brain at particular times. Therefore, our studies for this exciting area of brain research have focused on the biosynthesis and action of neurosteroids in the identified neurosteroidogenic cells underlying important brain functions. We have demonstrated that the Purkinje cell, a typical cerebellar neuron, is a major site for neurosteroid formation in the brain. This is the first observation of neuronal neurosteroidogenesis in the brain. Subsequently, genomic and nongenomic actions of neurosteroids have become clear by a series of our studies using an excellent Purkinje cellular model. On the basis of these findings, we summarize the advances made in our understanding of biosynthesis and action of neurosteroids in the cerebellar Purkinje cell.  相似文献   
A major pathogenic factor for the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the breakdown of the intestinal homeostasis between the host immune system and the luminal microenvironment. To assess the potential influence of luminal Ags on the development of IBD, we fed TCR alpha(-/-) mice an elemental diet (ED). ED-fed TCR alpha(-/-) mice showed no pathologic features of IBD, and their aberrant mucosal B cell responses were suppressed. Similar numbers of CD4(+), TCR betabeta homodimer T cells (betabeta T cells) were developed in the colonic mucosa of ED-fed mice; however, Th2-type cytokine productions were lower than those seen in diseased regular diet (RD)-fed mice. The higher cytokine production in diseased RD-fed mice could be attributed to the high incidence of Bacteroides vulgatus (recovered in 80% of these mice), which can induce Th2-type responses of colonic CD4(+), betabeta T cells. In contrast, ED-fed TCR alpha(-/-) mice exhibited a diversification of Vbeta usage of betabetaT cell populations from the dominant Vbeta8 one associated with B. vulgatus in cecal flora to Vbeta6, Vbeta11, and Vbeta14. Rectal administration of disease-free ED-fed mice with B. vulgatus resulted in the development of Th2-type CD4(+), betabeta T cell-induced colitis. These findings suggest that the ED-induced alteration of intestinal microenvironments such as the enteric flora prevented the development of IBD in TCR alpha(-/-) mice via the immunologic quiescence of CD4(+), betabeta T cells.  相似文献   
An isolate ofVerticillum dahliae Vdp-4, pathogenic to both tomato and pepper (tomato-pepper pathotype), was examined for its vegetative compatibility with testers of the Japanese vegetative compatibility group (subgroups J1, J2, and J3). Seven isolates ofV. dahliae from the same field as Vdp-4 in Misato, Nagano Pref. and two isolates from Hokkaido were separately determined as either tomato pathotype (B) or pepper pathotype (C). Isolate 5922 previously reported as tomato-pepper pathotype was also examined. Compatiblenit1 and NitM mutants were obtained from all isolates except for isolates Vdp-3 and Vdt-10. The isolate of tomato-pepper pathotype Vdp-4 showed a strong reaction with VCGJ1 and J3 and was thus assigned to J3. Seven of these isolates showed compatibility and were assigned into three provisional subgroups. The isolate 5922 was self-incompatible.  相似文献   
Innate immunity provides the first line of response to invading pathogens and a variety of environmental insults. Recent studies identified novel subsets of innate lymphoid cells that are capable of mediating immune responses in mucosal organs. In this paper, we describe a subset of lymphoid cells that is involved in innate type 2 immunity in the lungs. Airway exposure of naive BALB/c or C57BL/6J mice to IL-33 results in a rapid (<12 h) production of IL-5 and IL-13 and marked airway eosinophilia independently of adaptive immunity. In the lungs of nonsensitized naive mice, IL-33-responsive cells were identified that have a lymphoid morphology, lack lineage markers, highly express CD25, CD44, Thy1.2, ICOS, Sca-1, and IL-7Rα (i.e., Lin(-)CD25(+)CD44(hi) lymphoid cells), and require IL-7Rα for their development. Airway exposure of naive mice to a clinically relevant ubiquitous fungal allergen, Alternaria alternata, increases bronchoalveolar lavage levels of IL-33, followed by IL-5 and IL-13 production and airway eosinophilia without T or B cells. This innate type 2 response to the allergen is nearly abolished in mice deficient in IL-33R (i.e., ST2), and the Lin(-)CD25(+)CD44(hi) lymphoid cells in the lungs are required and sufficient to mediate the response. Thus, a subset of innate immune cells that responds to IL-33 and vigorously produces Th2-type cytokines is present in mouse lungs. These cells may provide a novel mechanism for type 2 immunity in the airways and induction of allergic airway diseases such as asthma.  相似文献   
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