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Development of fin-supports and fin-rays was observed in larval and juvenileChanos chanos, Chondrification of the caudal complex started at 4.70 mm SL. Ossification of the caudal elements started at 7.80 mm SL and was nearly completed at about 30 mm SL. Cartilaginous fusion of caudal elements, which occurs in hypurals of higher teleostean fishes but is not seen in lower teleosts, was observed between the neural arch of the preural centrum 1 and that of the ural centrum 1 via a small cartilage bridging the distal tips of the two arches. Caudal finrays began to develop at 6.60 mm SL, and an adult complement of principal rays was attained at 7.35 mm SL. Dorsal and anal pterygiophore elements were first evident at 6.70 mm and 6.65 mm SL, respectively. All proximal radiais were formed at 8.15 mm SL in both fins. Formation of dorsal and anal fin-rays started simultaneously at 8.60 mm SL, and adult fin-ray complements were attained at 10,00 mm and 10.70 mm SL, respectively. In the pectoral fin, the cleithrum, coraco-scapular cartilage and blade-like cartilage (fin plate) had already been formed at 4.65 mm SL. The mesocoracoid was observed to originate from the coraco-scapular cartilage and become detached from it in the course of ossification. Pectoral fin-ray formation started at 13.80 mm SL and was completed in number of rays at 20.00 mm SL. In the pelvic fin, the basipterygium was first evident at 13.00 mm SL. Pelvic fin-rays appeared at 13.80 mm SL and attained their adult count at 17.15 mm SL.  相似文献   
Summary A Na+-sensitive uptake of 3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MG), a nonmetabolized sugar, was characterized in frog skeletal muscle. A removal of Na+ from the bathing solution reduced 3-O-MG uptake, depending on the amount of Na+ removed. At a 3-O-MG concentration of 2mm, the Na+-sensitive component of uptake in Ringer's solution was estimated to be about 26% of the total uptake. The magnitude of Na+-sensitive component sigmoidally increased with an increase of 3-O-MG in bathing solution, whereas in Na+-free Ringer's solution the uptake was proportional to the concentration. The half saturation of the Na+-sensitive component was at a 3-O-MG concentration of about 13mm, and the Hill coefficient was 1.4 to 1.6. Phlorizin (5mm), a potent inhibitor specific for Na+-coupled glucose transport, reduced the uptake in a solution containing Na+ to the level in Na+-free Ringer's solution. Glucose of concentrations higher than 20mm suppressed 3-O-MG uptake to a level slightly lower than that in Na+-free Ringer's solution. These observations indicate that there are Na+-coupled sugar transport systems in frog skeletal muscle which are shared by both glucose and 3-O-MG.  相似文献   
Summary In order to determine the active site of penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli (PBP3), the serine residue at position 307 was replaced with alanine, threonine or cysteine by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. Since a unique BanII site exists at the position corresponding to serine-307, BanII digestion of the plasmid DNA after mutagenesis resulted in significant enrichment of the mutant plasmids. For mutagenesis, the gene coding for PBP3 (ftsI) was inserted into the expression cloning vector pIN-IIB. The hybrid protein produced was able to bind penicillin while mutant PBP3 in which serine-307 was replaced with either alanine or threonine did not lead to any detectable binding. However, contrary to the report of Broome-Smith et al. (1985) thiol-penicillin-binding protein 3, in which serine-307 was replaced with cysteine, was still able to bind penicillin. Replacement of serine-445 with an alanine residue had no effect on penicillin binding to PBP3.  相似文献   
The dependence of membrane potentials on changes in the extra-cellularK+ concentration [K+]e was investigated in potato tuber sliceswith dripping perfusion, and in growing Vigna hypocotyl segmentswith pressurized intra-organ perfusion methods. Only under anoxiawere the membrane potential of potato tuber slices and the electricpotential difference between the parenchyma symplast and xylem(Vpx) of Vigna hypocotyl segments depolarized markedly (46 mVand 42 mV/log[K+]e unit, respectively) with increasing [K+]eabove the critical values. The electric potential differencebetween the parenchyma symplast and organ surface (Vps of thehypocotyl segments remained nearly unchanged up to 30 mEq [K+]e.Under highly aerobic conditions the membrane potentials wererelatively independent of [K+]e except at very high K+ concentrations.Vps showed even hyperpolarization with the increasing KCl concentrationin the perfusion solution that is not in direct contact withthe surface membrane of the parenchyma symplast. The respiration-dependentelectrogenic components of the membrane potentials regularlyincreased with the increasing [K+]e. A voltage-dependent homeostaticcontrol of membrane potential is discussed. (Received August 13, 1984; Accepted December 21, 1984)  相似文献   
Abstract The cytochrome b556 -deficient mutant Escherichia coli K12 strain TK3D11 [7] could not grow with succinate as the sole carbon source, but could grow well on dl -lactate. This finding suggested that cytochrome b556 is primarily responsible for oxidative metabolism and utilization of succinate. 24 Amino acid residues at the amino-terminal of purified cytochrome b556 were determined. This sequence coincided completely with amino acid residues 4 to 27, predicted from the DNA sequence of the sdhC gene, one of the unassigned open reading frames of the sdh gene cluster recently reported by Wood et al. [16]. Based on these and other results, we concluded that cybA , the gene for cytochrome b556 , is assignable as sdhC .  相似文献   
Evidence from morphology and anatomy (including embryology), as well as from palynology, chemistry and cytology, indicates thatHydrastis is quite divergent from Ranunculaceae (in which the genus has been most often included) as well as from both Glaucidiaceae and Berberidaceae. Distinctive features ofHydrastis, which demarcate it from Ranunculaceae but which are sometimes shared by Berberidaceae, are: the unique mode of origin of the vascular supply to stamens and carpels; the micropyle being formed by both integuments; the xylem not V-shaped in cross section; scalariform vessel perforations present; haploid chromosome number 13; pollen tectum consisting of a compound layer of striae; leaf mesophyll not differentiated; the unique course of stem medullary bundles; D-galactose present. Its distinctive higher haploid chromosome number, as well as its many less-specialized character states (in floral structure, leaf anatomy, and xylem and vessel morphology), suggest thatHydrastis is a relictual primitive group which diverged early from a common ancestral stock of Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae and probably of Circaeasteraceae; at least some of the features shared byHydrastis and one or another of the families concerned seem to be a heritage from their common ancestor. We propose a reestablishment of a monotypic family, Hydrastidaceae.  相似文献   
Summary Immunohistochemically, nerve fibers and terminals reacting with anti-N-terminal-specific but not with anti-C-terminal-specific glucagon antiserum were observed in the following rat hypothalamic regions: paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, anterior hypothalamus, arcuate nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and median eminence. Few fibers and terminals were demonstrated in the lateral hypothalamic area and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus. Radioimmunoassay data indicated that the concentration of gut glucagon-like immunoreactivity was higher in the ventromedial nucleus than in the lateral hypothalamic area. In food-deprived conditions, this concentration increased in both these parts. This was also verified in immunostained preparations in which a marked enhancement of gut glucagon-like immunoreactivity-containing fibers and terminals was observed in many hypothalamic regions. Several immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei of starved rats. Both biochemical and morphological data suggest that glucagon-related peptides may act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators in the hypothalamus and may be involved in the central regulatory mechanism related to feeding behavior and energy metabolism.  相似文献   
Summary The vacuolar system in the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut was studied by rapid freeze-substituted and cytochemical techniques. The apical cytoplasm of the absorptive cells contained two types of vacuoles: endosomes and lysosomes. The former were characterized by an absence of acid phosphatase activity, a dot-like distribution of material at the peripheral rim, the labelling of the inner surface with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and by frequent connections to cytoplasmic tubules (CT), which were also free of acid phosphatase activity. The latter vacuole was preferentially located in the deeper cytoplasm and was characterized by the presence of acid phosphatase activity, an electron-dense interior matrix, a peripheral electron-lucent region (a halo), and by the detachment of HRP from the inner surface. Connections between CTs and these latter vacuoles were rarely seen. In the deeper cytoplasm, fusion between endosomes and lysosomes was sometimes observed. These results suggest that the vacuoles which are associated with CTs are endosomes, but not lysosomes, and that internalized materials are transported through the endosome-lysosome system to a giant food vacuole in the cell.  相似文献   
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