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The survival, growth, and egg-laying capacity of young adult Angiostrongylus cantonensis, surgically transferred from intracranial sites into pulmonary arteries, were studied. A variety of experimental animals (rats, guinea pigs, mice, and mastomys) were chosen as donor animals and as recipient hosts (rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits). These species were specifically chosen to span the spectrum of host permissiveness relative to worm development in an attempt to understand the mechanisms which underlie species-dependent resistance. Recipient animals were monitored not only for the development of parasites per se but also for antibody production and histopathologic changes. The results indicated that these procedures were technically feasible, with good worm development following intra-rat transfers, as early as 15 days after initial exposure. Studies were performed to analyze the constraints of development both on initial, i.e., prelung and subsequent i.e., postlung development. When worms were obtained from permissive species such as rat or mastomys, transfer into rats resulted in good growth and development; however, worms which developed initially in exposed mice or guinea pigs developed less well in the rat. Conversely, worms which developed initially in permissive host such as the rat, when transferred into a variety of less permissive hosts such as the guinea pig and rabbit, apparently did not survive and caused significant morbidity and mortality within the nonpermissive host. Histopathologic evaluation revealed a strong eosinophilic perivascular and peribronchiolar infiltration as well as granulomatous reactions surrounding the worms in the lungs of recipient guinea pigs and rabbits, changes not observed in the lungs of permissive rat recipients. As reaginic antibody responses were also more prominent in nonpermissive than in permissive animals, it is possible that IgE responses may be more directly related to the phenomenon of morbidity and/or permissiveness than are other aspects of immune response. In support of this contention was the finding of nearly equivalent hemagglutinating antibody production between permissive rats and nonpermissive guinea pigs and rabbits.  相似文献   
p97 is a human tumor-associated Ag present on most melanoma cells that represents a possible target for immunologic attack. To evaluate the capacity of T cells reactive with this protein to promote elimination of melanoma cells expressing p97, a murine model was developed by transfecting a C3H/HeN melanoma with the p97 cDNA, generating p97-specific CD4+ T cells by in vivo immunization of C3H/HeN mice with a vaccinia/p97 recombinant virus followed by in vitro cloning with soluble p97 protein, and determining whether these CD4+ T cells could mediate rejection of pulmonary metastases. Characterization of the T cell clones demonstrated the presence of both I-Ak and I-Ek-restricted clones, although the majority of clones recognized p97 in the context of I-Ek. Analysis of clonal specificity using truncated p97 proteins revealed that at least three epitopes were immunogenic, and further studies with overlapping 15-amino acid peptides from a region of the p97 molecule defined by these truncated proteins identified an immunodominant epitope responsible for the majority of the I-Ek response. The T cell clones were not capable of directly recognizing the p97-expressing melanoma cells but responded to the tumor if syngeneic APC were present to process the tumor-derived p97 Ag. The therapeutic efficacy of these CD4+ T cell clones was evaluated in an adoptive therapy model in which mice bearing metastatic pulmonary lesions were treated by i.v. administration of the p97-specific cells. Despite the inability of the CD4+ clones to directly respond to or lyse the tumor cells, the clones were effective in promoting tumor eradication. In vitro studies demonstrated that this may have reflected secretion of lymphokines that activated macrophages to lyse the tumor. The results suggest that noncytolytic p97-specific CD4+ T cell clones can be effective in therapy of pulmonary melanoma metastases. Moreover, if human T cells reactive with the p97 protein could be generated, the expression of this tumor-associated Ag in melanoma cells might be adequate for such T cells to mediate a therapeutic antitumor response.  相似文献   
Eggs of the hermaphrodite, self-sterile ascidian, Ciona intestinalis , were washed with acid seawater (pH 3.2), and the washing solution was then adjusted to pH 8.2. This solution was found to inhibit only the binding of non-autologous sperm to the vitelline coat (VC) of eggs, indicating that it contained self-nonself recognition activity. This activity was heat-stable and insensitive to trypsin, but was destroyed by V-8 protease and α-glucosidase. Both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic components of a lyophilized powder of the extract showed allo-recognizing activity. On TLC, the hydrophobic components gave a major spot of glucose (Glc) and a peptide spot(s) containing mainly glutamic acid and/or glutamine (Glx). The glucosyl conjugate was purified by HPLC and shown to block sperm-egg binding to various extents. Individual peptide subfractions had no inhibitory activity, but in combination they showed inhibitory activity. These findings suggest that the acid extract of Ciona eggs contains a Glc-enriched nonspecific inhibitor of sperm-egg binding, which could be the primary effector of self-incompatibility, and Glx-enriched modulators, which serve as acceptors of allo-sperm. The cooperative interactions of these components may be responsible for the diversity of allo-recognition in Ciona gametes.  相似文献   
Outer and inner follicle cell-enclosed oocytes (oocyte complexes) of Halocynthia roretzi underwent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) within 2 hr when transferred from ovaries to normal seawater of pH 8 (NSW). Extrusion of test cells (TC) into the perivitelline space and elevation of the chorion also occurred. This phenomenon was designated as spontaneous oocyte maturation.
Seawater of low pH, protease inhibitors such as leupeptin or soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI), and calcium deficiency inhibited the spontaneous maturation only when introduced to the NSW during the first 10 minutes of incubation. GVBD-blocked complexes underwent GVBD after addition of trypsin regardless of pH or the absence of calcium ions. The oocytes from which follicle cells were removed with glycosidase did not undergo GVBD in NSW, but addition of trypsin triggered GVBD in these defolliculated oocytes (TC oocytes). Furthermore, incubation media in which spontaneous maturation had occurred, induced GVBD in the TC oocytes. This GVBD-inducing activity was heat-labile and was inhibited by leupeptin.
These results indicate that in the first step of the spontaneous oocyte maturation, outer and/or inner follicle cells give a signal to the oocyte itself or TC oocyte. This signal is likely to be trypsin-like.  相似文献   
The origin of the germ cells and the development of the genital system in the annually spawning starfish, Asterina pectinifera , were studied by light and electron microscopy. Characteristic germ cells were first characterized in gonads after spawning: the gonia are larger than somatic cells, have large nuclei (with electron-lucent nucleoplasm), and show mitochondrial aggregation associated with nuage (electron-dense bodies). In young starfish without gonads similar cells were detected in the haemal sinus, where they were termed primordial germ cells (PGCs). Brachiolariae and metamorphosed juveniles had a cellular cluster in the coelomic epithelium, near the hydroporic canal. The cluster was comprised of cells endowed with the above-mentioned characteristics of the germ cells. The germ cell counts indicated that PGCs migrate from the aboral haemal sinus near the hydroporic canal, through the haemal sinus to the gonads, where they settle, proliferate, and differentiate into gonia.  相似文献   
The mer operon from a strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (C. Inoue, K. Sugawara, and T. Kusano, Mol. Microbiol. 5:2707-2718, 1991) consists of the regulatory gene merR and an operator-promoter region followed by merC and merA structural genes and differs from other known gram-negative mer operons. We have constructed four potential shuttle plasmids composed of a T. ferrooxidans-borne cryptic plasmid, a pUC18 plasmid, and the above-mentioned mer determinant as a selectable marker. Mercury ion-sensitive T. ferrooxidans strains were electroporated with constructed plasmids, and one strain, Y4-3 (of 30 independent strains tested), was found to have a transformation efficiency of 120 to 200 mercury-resistant colonies per microgram of plasmid DNA. This recipient strain was confirmed to be T. ferrooxidans by physiological, morphological, and chemotaxonomical data. The transformants carried a plasmid with no physical rearrangements through 25 passages under no selective pressure. Cell extracts showed mercury ion-dependent NADPH oxidation activity.  相似文献   
Functional involvement of P-glycoprotein in blood-brain barrier.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
P-glycoprotein, an active efflux pump of antitumor agents in multidrug-resistant tumor cells, exists in various normal tissues, including brain capillaries. To study the physiological function of P-glycoprotein expressed in brain capillary endothelium, we established nine mouse brain capillary endothelial cell (MBEC) lines and examined the transport of antitumor agents across the monolayer of MBEC epithelia. In the MBECs, the activities of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, specific markers for brain capillary endothelial cells, were about three times higher than those in other cells including human umbilical vein endothelial cells. By immunoblot analysis, P-glycoprotein was detected in all of the nine MBEC clones. The P-glycoprotein expressed in MBECs specifically bound [125I]iodoaryl azidoprazosin as that in multidrug-resistant cells, and efflux of vincristine was observed in the MBECs. When MBECs were grown on a porous filter membrane, they formed a monolayer of epithelium. By immunoelectron microscopic analysis, P-glycoprotein in MBEC epithelia was shown to be localized to the apical surface of the cells. Moreover, the unidirectional transepithelial transport of vincristine from basal side to apical side was demonstrated in vitro. These observations indicate that P-glycoprotein in brain capillary endothelium prevents vincristine from entering the central nervous system and thus may be one of the functional components of the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   
Changes in the two-dimensional SDS-electrophoretic patterns of extracts of maturing denuded oocytes of the medaka ( Oryzias latipes ) were surveyed. In oocytes without follicular constituents several proteins became detectable in the area between the acidic and slightly basic proteins on the two-dimensional electrophoretograms, while a few of the protein spots disappeared during the process of oocyte maturation. The former proteins were detected also in oocytes that were induced to mature in vivo without breakdown of the germinal vesicle. Several proteins newly observed in extracts of post-vitellogenic oocytes during maturation after breakdown of the germinal vesicle were also identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Of several proteins that exhibited noticeable changes in maturing oocytes, only one spot incorporated 14C-labeled amino acid during maturation, suggesting that post-translational modification of many proteins occurred during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   
The reactions that lead to target cell lysis by cytotoxic T cells (CTL) are despite intensive investigations poorly understood. To examine the relative roles effectors and targets play in the lytic reaction, protein synthesis in either CTL or targets was inhibited before assay of lysis. We show, in agreement with previous results, that de novo protein synthesis is not necessary in either effectors or targets during the cytolytic reaction. However, activation of CTL requires protein synthesis. Activated CTL respond to protein synthesis inhibitors with a cycling of activity, a result that is interpreted to be consistent with a stimulus secretion mechanism. Treatment of targets with protein synthesis inhibitors prior to incubation with CTL leads to a very rapid and irreversible loss of lytic susceptibility. It is shown that the decrease in lysability is not due to lack of proper CTL target interaction: MHC class I antigens are expressed on drug-treated targets and these cells serve as cold targets in competitive inhibition experiments. Moreover, drug-treated targets trigger transient Ca2+ mobilization and generation of inositol phosphates in CTL. It is therefore concluded that drug-treated targets are able to trigger CTL function but lack a component that is required for their successful lysis.  相似文献   
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