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Nucleotide sequence of 5.8S rRNA of the silkworm, Bombyx mori has been determined by gel sequencing methods. The 5.8S rRNA was the longest so far reported, with the 5'-terminal sequence several nucleotides longer than those of the other organisms. Upon constructing the secondary structure in accordance with the "burp gun" model (12), the Bombyx 5.8S rRNA formed a wide-open "muzzle" due to several unpaired bases at the ends. The overall structure also appeared less stable with less G . C pairs and more unpaired bases than that of the HeLa 5.8S rRNA. These structural features may be essential for those 5.8S rRNAs which interact with 28S rRNAs containing the hidden break to form a stable complex.  相似文献   
The Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA is 154 nucleotides long, the shortest so far reported except for the split 5.8S rRNAs of Diptera (m5.8S plus 2S rRNA). In this molecule several nucleotides are deleted in the helix e (GC-rich stem) region. Upon constructing the secondary structure in accordance with "burp-gun" model, the Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA forms a wide-open "muzzle" of the terminal regions due to both extra nucleotides and several unpaired bases. The aphid 5.8S rRNA consists of 161 nucleotides and can form stable helices in both terminal and helix e regions. As a whole, the secondary structure of Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA resembles that of Bombyx 5.8S molecule while the aphid 5.8S rRNA shares several structural features with the HeLa 5.8S molecule. Likely, the 5.8S rRNA attached to the 28S rRNA with the hidden break differs in structure from those interacting with the 28S partners without the break. Nucleotide sequences of 5.8S rRNA in insects as well as in protozoans are not so conservative evolutionarily as in vertebrates.  相似文献   
Zinc deficiency states were produced in rabbit erythrocytes by experimentally induced bleeding anemia and hemolytic anemia. Parallel decreases in total zinc levels and the contents for major zinc protein, carbonic anhydrase I and II isozymes were observed in the erythrocytes. During the process of the anemias the zinc status in the erythrocytes varied remarkably and the relative increase of zinc ions other than that derived from carbonic anhydrase was observed, suggesting that the former zinc ions play an important role in forming a zinc pool in the erythrocytes under the anemic conditions.  相似文献   
Several functional subclones of rat anterior pituitary cells were established from our 2A8 clone which apparently contains a heterogenous population of committed and uncommitted cells. On the basis of the hormones secreted into the culture media, as measured by radioimmunoassay, these subclones were divided into four categories, i.e., subclones which secrete (1) ACTH only, (2) prolactin only, (3) prolactin and GH or (4) ACTH, prolactin and GH. None of the subclones produced detectable amounts of thyrotrophic or gonadotrophic hormones. Subclones which secrete a single hormone have shown no change in the type of hormone produced, indicating that these subclones were each derived from a committed cell. The cells of all subclones exhibit a normal diploid karyotype and show good growth characteristics. The cells of the different subclones can be classified by phase contrast microscopy into four categories. However, no clear-cut ultrastructural features have been observed which can be correlated with the different categories of subclones. On the basis of the results a hypothesis is proposed relative to the functional cytodifferentiation of anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   
Summary In order to ascertain the frequency of chromosome aberrations among newborn infants in Japan, a chromosome survey of a large number of newborn infants is in progress. A consecutive series of 12,319 newborn babies, 6382 male and 5937 female, have been screened for clinical manifestations of autosomal aberrations and for sex chromatin and sex chromosome aberrations. Chromosome studies were carried out on 694 infants with suspected chromosome aberrations. The clinically abnormal infants were screened by conventional staining, and banding techniques have been used in the part of the study performed since 1974. Of the clincally abnormal infants, 25 had abnormal karyotypes, including two males with a 47,XXY complement, one female with a 45,X complement, three male infants with a 47,XYY complement, two with trisomy 13 syndrome, three with trisomy 18 (including one case of mosaicism), eleven with Down's syndrome (including one case of mosaicism), one with B5p partial trisomy, one with cri-du-chat syndrome, and one with Y/D translocation. The overall results are comparable to those of previous population cytogenetic studies only in the autosomal trisomies and sex chromosome abnormalities and in that the observed frequencies were comparable to those found in studies in Caucasians.To whom offprint requests should be sent  相似文献   
Summary The present study deals with cytological observations, DNA and protein synthesis in artificially activated sea urchin eggs. The eggs were activated by means of Loeb's double treatment with butyric acid and hypertonic sea water. Most of the eggs ofHemicentrotus pulcherrimus divided when the chromosomes duplicated after formation of the first monaster and other eggs divided at a later cell cycle. In the eggs ofTemnopleurus toreumaticus, however, haploid division at the first cell cycle was observed predominantly.Activated eggs that were treated for 25 min with hypertonic sea water showed a marked uptake of3H-thymidine during the two periods of 30–40 min and 90–100 min after the double treatment. These periodic changes in the3H-thymidine uptake paralleled morphological changes within the nucleus. However, these periods of increased uptake were not observed in the eggs treated with hypertonic sea water for 60 min. During exposure to hypertonic sea water, the3H-thymidine-uptake by eggs activated with butyric acid decreased gradually. When the uptake of14C-valine by eggs was measured, a very low level was seen in unfertilized eggs. The level of uptake increased strikingly when the eggs were activated with butyric acid but was suppressed by the hypertonic treatment. However, removal of the eggs to sea water allowed the uptake to return to the former high level. This pattern suggests that the hypertonic treatment has an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of protein (or enzymes) which obstruct cleavage induction.  相似文献   
The aminocyclitol antibiotic neamine has been modified by changing the configuration of one or two hydroxyl groups of the aminocyclitol moiety to elucidate the relationship between configuration and antimicrobial activity. 5-Epi-, 6-epi-, and 5,6-diepineamine have been prepared and their antimicrobial activity has been determined against several micro-organisms.  相似文献   
Embryos excised from winter wheat grains were vernalized for10–50 days with or without sugar (sucrose). Determinationswere made of fresh weight, protein-nitrogen, amino-nitrogen,RNA and DNA. There was no change in the contents of RNA of wheatembryos during the vernalization. The incorporation of 32P intonucleic acid in wheat embryos during vernalization in the presenceof sugar was much higher than that of embryos vernalized withoutsugar. From these results we assumed that RNA turnover occurredduring the vernalization. There was no significant differencein the nucleotide composition of RNA extracted between the vernalizedand unvernalized embryos. The RNA of wheat embryos was separatedinto two fractions. Proportions of these two RNA fractions variedin the course of cold treatment, and similar changes were foundin developing wheat leaves. (Received July 25, 1974; )  相似文献   
Weight-bearing bone is constantly adapting its structure and function to mechanical environments. Loading through routine exercises stimulates bone formation and prevents bone loss, but unloading through bed rest and cast immobilization as well as exposure to weightlessness during spaceflight reduces its mass and strength. In order to elucidate the mechanism underlying unloading-driven bone adaptation, ground-based in vitro and in vivo analyses have been conducted using rotating cell culturing and hindlimb suspension. Focusing on gene expression studies in osteoblasts and hindlimb suspension studies, this minireview introduces our recent understanding on bone homeostasis under weightlessness in space. Most of the existing data indicate that unloading has the opposite effects to loading through common signaling pathways. However, a question remains as to whether any pathway unique to unloading (and not to loading) may exist.  相似文献   
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