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The processes and mechanisms underlying the diversification of host–microbe endosymbiotic associations are of evolutionary interest. Here we investigated the bacteriocyte-associated primary symbionts of weevils wherein the ancient symbiont Nardonella has experienced two independent replacement events: once by Curculioniphilus symbiont in the lineage of Curculio and allied weevils of the tribe Curculionini, and once by Sodalis-allied symbiont in the lineage of grain weevils of the genus Sitophilus. The Curculioniphilus symbiont was detected from 27 of 36 Curculionini species examined, the symbiont phylogeny was congruent with the host weevil phylogeny, and the symbiont gene sequences exhibited AT-biased nucleotide compositions and accelerated molecular evolution. These results suggest that the Curculioniphilus symbiont was acquired by an ancestor of the tribe Curculionini, replaced the original symbiont Nardonella, and has co-speciated with the host weevils over evolutionary time, but has been occasionally lost in several host lineages. By contrast, the Sodalis-allied symbiont of Sitophilus weevils exhibited no host–symbiont co-speciation, no AT-biased nucleotide compositions and only moderately accelerated molecular evolution. These results suggest that the Sodalis-allied symbiont was certainly acquired by an ancestor of the Sitophilus weevils and replaced the original Nardonella symbiont, but the symbiotic association must have experienced occasional re-associations such as new acquisitions, horizontal transfers, replacements and/or losses. We detected Sodalis-allied facultative symbionts in populations of the Curculionini weevils, which might represent potential evolutionary sources of the Sodalis-allied primary symbionts. Comparison of these newcomer bacteriocyte-associated symbiont lineages highlights potential evolutionary trajectories and consequences of novel symbionts after independent replacements of the same ancient symbiont.  相似文献   
Neural stem cells (NSCs) possess high proliferative potential and the capacity for self-renewal with retention of multipotency to differentiate into neuronal and glial cells. NSCs are the source for neurogenesis during central nervous system development from fetal and adult stages. Although the human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate epitope is expressed predominantly in the nervous system and involved in intercellular adhesion, cell migration, and synaptic plasticity, the expression patterns and functional roles of HNK-1-containing glycoconjugates in NSCs have not been fully recognized. We found that HNK-1 was expressed in embryonic mouse NSCs and that this expression was lost during the process of differentiation. Based on proteomics analysis, it was revealed that the HNK-1 epitopes were almost exclusively displayed on an extracellular matrix protein, tenascin-C (TNC), in the mouse embryonic NSCs. Furthermore, the HNK-1 epitope was found to be present only on the largest isoform of the TNC molecules. In addition, the expression of HNK-1 was dependent on expression of the largest TNC variant but not by enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of HNK-1. By knocking down HNK-1 sulfotransferase or TNC by small interfering RNA, we further demonstrated that HNK-1 on TNC was involved in the proliferation of NSCs via modulation of the expression level of the epidermal growth factor receptor. Our finding provides insights into the function of HNK-1 carbohydrate epitopes in NSCs to maintain stemness during neural development.  相似文献   
Genetic analyses have contributed to improvements of economically important traits derived from adipose tissue such as fatty acid composition in beef. Elongation of very long chain fatty acids (ELOVL) genes encode for the enzymes that play an important role in elongation of long-chain fatty acids. In this study, we aimed to discover genetic polymorphisms of ELOVL gene family in cattle populations to develop genetic markers. As a result, five synonymous mutations were detected in the coding regions of the ELOVL1, ELOVL2, ELOVL3 and ELOVL5 genes. In addition, six mutations were identified in promoter region of the ELOVL5. Two of five mutations in the promoter region of ELOVL5 were expected to alter the ELOVL5 expression and influence the economic traits, because of the high synteny of the region which was essential for activation of Elovl5 in mouse. Therefore, we performed association analysis between the genotypes and traits and our result revealed that T allele of g.-110T>C in ELOVL5 gene promoter indicated significantly thinner subcutaneous fat thickness (TT, 2.39 cm; CT, 2.35 cm) than that of C allele (CC, 2.68 cm) in a Japanese Black population. Our results suggest that the g.-110T>C is a useful genetic marker for the breeding in beef cattle.  相似文献   
Drosophila ananassae and D. pallidosa are closely related, sympatric species that lack postmating isolation. Sexual isolation has been considered important in maintaining them as independent species. To clarify the behavioral processes leading to sexual isolation, we analyzed behavioral sequences and examined the effect of courtship song on mating success and on behaviors of both sexes by surgically removing male wings (song generators), female aristae (song receivers), or female wings (means of fluttering). We found that heterospecific courtship songs evoked female wing fluttering, whereas conspecific courtship song did not. Furthermore, female wing fluttering made courting males discontinue courtship. These findings suggest that strong sexual isolation is achieved through the following behavioral sequence: heterospecific song→female wing fluttering→courtship discontinuation.  相似文献   
The genes encoding the catalytic domains (CD) of the three endoglucanases (EG I; Cel7B, EG II; Cel5A, and EG III; Cel12A) from Trichoderma reesei QM9414 were expressed in Escherichia coli strains Rosetta-gami B (DE3) pLacI or Origami B (DE3) pLacI and were found to produce functional intracellular proteins. Protein production by the three endoglucanase transformants was evaluated as a function of growth temperature. Maximal productivity of EG I-CD at 15°C, EG II-CD at 20°C and EG III at 37°C resulted in yields of 6.9, 72, and 50 mg/l, respectively. The endoglucanases were purified using a simple purification method based on removing E. coli proteins by isoelectric point precipitation. Specific activity toward carboxymethyl cellulose was found to be 65, 49, and 15 U/mg for EG I-CD, EG II-CD, and EG III, respectively. EG II-CD was able to cleave 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and soluble cellulose derivatives. EG III was found to be active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and xyloglucan, while EG I-CD was active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan, xyloglucan, xylan, and mannan.  相似文献   
In our previous study on discovering novel types of CCR3 antagonists, we found a fluoronaphthalene derivative (1) that exhibited potent CCR3 inhibitory activity with an IC(50) value of 20 nM. However, compound 1 also inhibited human cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) with an IC(50) value of 400 nM. In order to reduce its CYP2D6 inhibitory activity, we performed further systematic structural modifications on 1. In particular, we focused on reducing the number of lipophilic moieties in the biphenyl part of 1, using ClogD(7.4) values as the reference index of lipophilicity. This research led to the identification of N-{(3-exo)-8-[(6-fluoro-2-naphthyl)methyl]-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl}-3-(piperidin-1-ylcarbonyl)isonicotinamide 1-oxide (30) which showed comparable CCR3 inhibitory activity (IC(50)=23 nM) with much reduced CYP2D6 inhibitory activity (IC(50)=29,000 nM) compared with 1.  相似文献   
Leucines were mutated within the sequence L311ILGYTWLE319 of the extracellular loop flanking the third (M3) and fourth (M4) transmembrane segments (M3/M4 loop) of the Torpedo Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit. Replacement of Leu311 with Glu resulted in a considerable loss of Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Replacement of Leu313 with Glu shifted the equilibrium of E1P and E2P toward E1P and reduced the rate of the E1P to E2P transition. The reduction of the transition rate and stronger inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity by Na+ at higher concentrations together suggest that there is interference of Na+ release on the extracellular side in the Leu313 mutant. Thus, Leu313 could be in the pathway of Na+ exit. Replacement of Leu318 with Glu yielded an enzyme with significantly reduced apparent affinity for both vanadate and K+, with an equilibrium shifted toward E2P and no alteration in the transition rate. The reduced vanadate affinity is due to the lower rate of production of vanadate-reactive [K+ 2]E2 caused by inhibition of dephosphorylation through reduction of the K+ affinity of E2P. Thus, Leu318 may be a critical position in guiding external K+ to its binding site.  相似文献   
The study of the scale-free topology in non-biological and biological networks and the dynamics that can explain this fascinating property of complex systems have captured the attention of the scientific community in the last years. Here, we analyze the biochemical pathways of three organisms (Methanococcus jannaschii, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which are representatives of the main kingdoms Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes during the course of the biological evolution. We can consider two complementary representations of the biochemical pathways: the enzymes network and the chemical compounds network. In this article, we propose a stochastic model that explains that the scale-free topology with exponent in the vicinity of gamma approximately 3/2 found across these three organisms is governed by the log-normal dynamics in the evolution of the enzymes network. Precisely, the fluctuations of the connectivity degree of enzymes in the biochemical pathways between evolutionary distant organisms follow the same conserved dynamical principle, which in the end is the origin of the stationary scale-free distribution observed among species, from Archaea to Eukaryotes. In particular, the log-normal dynamics guarantees the conservation of the scale-free distribution in evolving networks. Furthermore, the log-normal dynamics also gives a possible explanation for the restricted range of observed exponents gamma in the scale-free networks (i.e., gamma > or = 3/2). Finally, our model is also applied to the chemical compounds network of biochemical pathways and the Internet network.  相似文献   
The density of a Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) population, which has been in stable habitat conditions and free from hunting and predation, was investigated by direct observation of serows at Kusoudomari (336 ha), Wakinosawa village, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, during 1977–89. The vegetation, composed of mature mixed forest ofThujopsis with deciduous trees (43.2%), secondary forest of deciduous trees (23.4%) and a plantation of coniferous trees (30.0%) showed little change during the study period. The serows were counted 17 times each winter for 14 consecutive years. The serow population maintained a stable density with a mean of 12.5 individuals km−2 (SD=1.4) ranging from 8.6 to 14.6 km−2. The ratio of the proportion of kids (<1 year old) to serows more than 1 year old decreased, but density did not decrease during the study period. Though extremely severe winters with heavy snowfall in 1984–86 caused a decline in serow density, the density recovered within a few years. It was considered that the stability of the serow density resulted mainly from the stable food supply and the lack of human disturbance, such as forest cutting in the habitat. Stable population density for a long period is probably related to the social organization of the serow.  相似文献   
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