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The presence of myofibroblasts has been elucidated in neoplastic capsules of various organs. In the present article, we examine the presence of myofibroblasts in the capsule of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and discuss the origin of the myofibroblasts. Nineteen renal tumors (conventional RCC, n=17; chromophobe RCC, n=2) with evident and totally surrounded fibrous capsule were selected. Abundant myofibroblasts were immunohistochemically observed in the capsule of the RCCs. These findings were confirmed by electron and immunoelectron microscopic studies of three conventional RCCs. Type III and I collagens were predominant in the outer and inner layers of the RCC capsule, respectively. The cytoplasm of the tubular epithelial cells in the tissue surrounding the neoplastic capsule stained positively for transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1. In situ hybridization detected type I collagen mRNA in myofibroblasts of the capsule. Myofibroblasts may participate in the capsular formation of conventional and chromophobe RCCs through the collagen production.  相似文献   
The relationship between the cell cycle and Fas-mediated apoptosis was investigated using Jurkat cells. Analysis of the inducibility of apoptosis by anti-Fas antibody during the cell cycle synchronized by the thymidine double-block method, showed that apoptosis was induced in only 50% of the G2/M phase cells, while most of cells in the other phases underwent apoptosis. These observations indicate that G2/M phase cells are more resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis than cells in other phases. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of G2/M phase found that only 20–30% of the cells underwent apoptosis 12 h after the removal of the second thymidine block (pre-G2/M phase). This suggests that Fas-mediated apoptosis is potently suppressed during the pre-G2/M phase. A possible explanation for the observation that cells in the pre-G2/M phase are less sensitive to anti-Fas antibody is lower expression level of Fas. To test this possibility, Fas expression levels on the cell surface during the cell cycle were examined. The content of Fas on the cell surface, however, did not change appreciably during the cell cycle. Thus, the suppression of apoptosis in the pre-G2/M phase is determined downstream after the receipt of the apoptotic signal through Fas.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to estimate the structure of the lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residue and to prove the presence of the adducts in vivo. The reaction of lipid hydroperoxide toward the lysine moiety was investigated employing N-benzoyl-glycyl-L-lysine (Bz-Gly-Lys) as a model compound of Lys residues in protein and 13-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HPODE) as a model of the lipid hydroperoxides. One of the products, compound X, was isolated from the reaction mixture of 13-HPODE and Bz-Gly-Lys and was then identified as N-benzoyl-glycyl-Nepsilon-(hexanonyl)lysine. To prove the formation of Nepsilon-(hexanonyl)lysine, named HEL, in protein exposed to the lipid hydroperoxide, the antibody to the synthetic hexanonyl protein was prepared and then characterized in detail. Using the anti-HEL antibody, the presence of HEL in the lipid hydroperoxide-modified proteins and oxidized LDL was confirmed. Furthermore, the positive staining by anti-HEL antibody was observed in human atherosclerotic lesions using an immunohistochemical technique. The amide-type adduct may be a useful marker for the lipid hydroperoxide-derived modification of biomolecules.  相似文献   
In recent years, the concept of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has been established. Chromophobe RCCs account for about 4-6% of all renal tumors. Macroscopically, the cut surface of the tumor is generally grey-beige in color. Histologically, there are two variants (typical and eosinophilic). In the typical variant, large tumor cells with architecture of a compact tubulo-cystic pattern proliferate. The cytoplasm is abundant and shows a fine reticular translucent pattern. The cell border is thick, prominent and eosinophilic. In the eosinophilic variant, tumor cells are smaller and markedly eosinophilic, and a perinuclear halo is often seen. Histochemically, the tumor cells generally show a diffuse and strong reaction for Hale's colloidal iron staining. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells contain many cytoplasmic microvesicles (150-300 nm). In chromosomal analysis, a low chromosome number is characteristic of chromophobe RCCs, due to the frequent occurrence of a combined loss of chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, and 21. In differential diagnosis, histological distinction from oncocytomas, which share a common phenotype (intercalated cells of the collecting duct system), is most important. In this diagnostic setting, recent studies have given rise to several problems. Firstly, some cases of coexistent chromophobe RCC and oncocytoma (so-called renal oncocytosis) or cases of oncocytoma with metastasis have recently been reported. Secondly, the existence of chromophobe adenoma, which is the benign counterpart of chromophobe RCC, and an oncocytic variant of chromophobe RCC has recently been suggested. Therefore, further studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between chromophobe RCCs and oncocytomas, to confirm whether chromophobe adenoma actually exists or not, and to identify the key gene that causes chromophobe RCCs.  相似文献   
An endocrine disruptor chemical, bisphenol-A (BPA), is reported to have several short-term actions in various tissues and/or cells; however, the mechanisms of these actions have not been fully elucidated. We investigated short-term actions evoked by BPA in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. BPA elicited dopamine release in PC12 cells in a dose-dependent manner. A selective N-type calcium channel antagonist (omega-conotoxin GVIA) and a ryanodine receptor blocker (ryanodine) inhibited the BPA-induced dopamine release. The expression of ryanodine receptor mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in PC12 cells. Subsequently, in order to prove whether membrane receptors participate in BPA-evoked dopamine release, a guanine nucleotide-binding protein inhibitor [guanosine 5'-(beta-thio) diphosphate], cyclic AMP antagonist (Rp-cAMPS) or protein kinase A inhibitor (H7 or H89) was added to PC12 cells prior to BPA-treatment. All of these agents suppressed BPA-evoked dopamine release, indicating that multiple signaling pathways may be involved in BPA-evoked dopamine release in PC12 cells. In conclusion, we demonstrated that BPA induced dopamine release in a non-genomic manner through guanine nucleotide-binding protein and N-type calcium channels. These findings illustrate a novel function of BPA and suggest that exposure to BPA influences the function of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   


Hatching enzyme, belonging to the astacin metallo-protease family, digests egg envelope at embryo hatching. Orthologous genes of the enzyme are found in all vertebrate genomes. Recently, we found that exon-intron structures of the genes were conserved among tetrapods, while the genes of teleosts frequently lost their introns. Occurrence of such intron losses in teleostean hatching enzyme genes is an uncommon evolutionary event, as most eukaryotic genes are generally known to be interrupted by introns and the intron insertion sites are conserved from species to species. Here, we report on extensive studies of the exon-intron structures of teleostean hatching enzyme genes for insight into how and why introns were lost during evolution.  相似文献   
Female reproductive organs show remarkable cyclic changes in morphology and function in response to a combination of hormones. Evidence has accumulated suggesting that phosphoinositide turnover and the consequent diacylglycerol (DG) protein kinase C (PKC) pathway are intimately involved in these mechanisms. The present study has been performed to investigate the gene expression, cellular localization, and enzymatic activity of the DG kinase (DGK) isozymes that control the DG-PKC pathway. Gene expression for DGK, -, -, and - was detected in the ovary and placenta. Intense expression signals for DGK and - were observed in the theca cells and moderate signals in the interstitium and corpora lutea of the ovary. On the other hand, signals for DGK were seen more intensely in granulosa cells. In the placenta, signals for DGK and - were observed in the junctional zone, whereas those for DGK were detected in the labyrinthine zone. At higher magnification, the signals for DGK were mainly discerned in giant cytotrophoblasts, and those for DGK were found in small cytotrophoblasts of the junctional zone. DGK signals were observed in all cellular components of the labyrinthine zone, including mesenchyme, trabecular trophoblasts, and cytotrophoblasts. DGK signals were detected in the junctional zone on day 13 and 15 of pregnancy and were diffusely distributed both in the labyrinthine and junctional zones at later stages. The present study reveals distinct patterns of mRNA localization for DGK isozymes in the rat ovary and placenta, suggesting that each isozyme plays a unique role in distinct cell types in these organs.This work was supported by Grants-in-Aids from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, the ONO Medical Research Foundation, the Ciba-Geigy Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science, the Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation, and the Yamagata Health Support Foundation (to K.G.).  相似文献   
To investigate the involvement of the yolk-sac membrane in ion absorption, developmental changes in whole-body cation contents, cellular localization of vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase), and size and density of pavement and chloride cells in the yolk-sac membrane were examined in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) larvae in fresh water (FW) and those transferred to seawater (SW) at 2 days before hatching (day-2). The whole-body content of Na(+) in embryos and larvae adapted to both FW and SW increased constantly from day-2 to day 10, although they were not fed through the experiment. The yolk-sac membrane of FW larvae at days 0 and 2 showed V-ATPase immunoreactivity in pavement cells, but not in chloride cells. No positive immunoreactivity was detected in SW larvae. Whole-mount immunocytochemistry showed that some pavement cells were intensively immunoreactive, whereas others were less or not immunoreactive. Electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed that V-ATPase immunoreactivity was present in the apical regions of pavement cells in FW larvae, especially in their ridges. The pavement cells in FW larvae were significantly smaller in size but higher in density than those in SW. These results suggest that pavement cells are the site of active Na(+) uptake in exchange for H(+) secretion through V-ATPase in FW-adapted tilapia during early life stages.  相似文献   
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