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Growth of Cyanidioschyzon merolae was inhibited depending on the cadmium(II) concentration in the culture medium. Although a lower level (0.01 mM) of Cd(II) inhibited growth by a factor of 0.5, higher levels (0.1 and 1 mM) induced lag periods of 10–14 days. Algal cells pretreated with 1 mM Cd(II) for 27 days grew steadily in 1 mM Cd(II) without the lag period, demonstrating that the cells became Cd(II) resistant (CdR). Cells remained resistant after four cycles (7 days per cycle) of washing and re-growing in medium without Cd(II), while intracellular Cd(II) decreased to undetectable levels. These results suggest that the Cd(II)-resistant phenotype is heritable. This phenomena may be attributable to the presence of genetic inhomogeneity in the wild-type cell populations or to mutagenesis caused by Cd(II) stress. Intracellular Cd(II) levels significantly decreased in the CdR phenotype compared to the wild-type cells, indicating that resistant cells may have a defective gene that codes for Cd(II)-uptake protein or the ability to secrete Cd(II).  相似文献   
Murine bone marrow stromal cells differentiate not only into mesodermal derivatives, such as osteocytes, chondrocytes, adipocytes, skeletal myocytes, and cardiomyocytes, but also into neuroectodermal cells in vitro. Human bone marrow stromal cells are easy to isolate but difficult to study because of their limited life span. To overcome this problem, we attempted to prolong the life span of bone marrow stromal cells and investigated whether bone marrow stromal cells modified with bmi-1, hTERT, E6, and E7 retained their differentiated capability, or multipotency. In this study, we demonstrated that the life span of bone marrow stromal cells derived from a 91-year-old donor could be extended and that the stromal cells with an extended life span differentiated into neuronal cells in vitro. We examined the neuronally differentiated cells morphologically, physiologically, and biologically and compared the gene profiles of undifferentiated and differentiated cells. The neuronally differentiated cells exhibited characteristics similar to those of midbrain neuronal progenitors. Thus, the results of this study support the possible use of autologous-cell graft systems to treat central nervous system diseases in geriatric patients.  相似文献   
The amylomaltase from Escherichia coli IFO 3806 was purified to homogeneity seen by SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after DEAE-Sephadex, Ultrogel AcA 44, hydroxylapatite, and 1,6- hexane-diamine-Sepharose 4B column chromatographies. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 93,000 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme was most active at pH 6.5 and at 35°C, and stable up to 45°C at pH 7.0 and from pH 6.0 —7.3 at 40°C on 30min incubation. The enzyme acted on maltotetraitol, maltopentaitol, and maltosylsucrose besides maltooligosaccharides, but did not act on maltitol, maltotriitol, glucosylsucrose, isomaltose, panose, isopanose, or isomaltosyl- maltose. This enzyme did not catalyze hydrolytic action on maltotetraitol, maltopentaitol, or maltosylsucrose.  相似文献   
In mammals, the nucleolus of full‐grown oocyte is essential for embryonic development but not for oocyte maturation. In our study, the role of the growing oocyte nucleolus in oocyte maturation was examined by nucleolus removal and/or transfer into previously enucleolated, growing (around 100 µm in diameter) or full‐grown (120 µm) pig oocytes. In the first experiment, the nucleoli were aspirated from growing oocytes whose nucleoli had been compacted by actinomycin D treatment, and the enucleolated oocytes were matured in vitro. Most of non‐treated or actinomycin D‐treated oocytes did not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD; 13% and 12%, respectively). However, the GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes significantly increased to 46%. The low GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes was restored again by the re‐injection of nucleoli from growing oocytes (23%), but not when nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes were re‐injected into enucleolated, growing oocytes (49%). When enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes were injected with nucleoli from growing or full‐grown oocytes, the nucleolus in the germinal vesicle was reassembled (73% and 60%, respectively). After maturation, the enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes injected with nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes matured to metaphase II (56%), whereas injection with growing‐oocyte nucleoli reduced this maturation to 21%. These results suggest that the growing‐oocyte nucleolus is involved in the oocyte's meiotic arrest, and that the full‐grown oocyte nucleolus has lost the ability. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:426–435, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The diversity of marine communities is in striking contrast with the diversity of terrestrial communities. In all oceans, species richness is low in tropical areas and high at latitudes between 20 and 40°. While species richness is a primary metric used in conservation and management strategies, it is important to take into account the complex phylogenetic patterns of species compositions within communities. We measured the phylogenetic skew and diversity of shark communities throughout the world. We found that shark communities in tropical seas were highly phylogenetically skewed, whereas temperate sea communities had phylogenetically diversified species compositions. Interestingly, although geographically distant from one another, tropical sea communities were all highly skewed toward requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae), hammerhead sharks (Sphyrnidae), and whale sharks (Rhincodon typus). Worldwide, the greatest phylogenetic evenness in terms of clades was found in the North Sea and coastal regions of countries in temperate zones, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, southern Australia, and Chile. This study is the first to examine patterns of phylogenetic diversity of shark communities on a global scale. Our findings suggest that when establishing conservation activities, it is important to take full account of phylogenetic patterns of species composition and not solely use species richness as a target. Protecting areas of high phylogenetic diversity in sharks, which were identified in this study, could form a broader strategy for protecting other threatened marine species.  相似文献   
Novel chitosan derivatives with UV-curable functional groups, such as 3-methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropoxy)benzyl, 3,4-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropoxy)benzyl, 3-methoxy-4-methacryloyloxybenzyl, and 3,5-dimethacryloyloxybenzyl groups, were prepared. Introduction of photosensitive functional groups to chitosan was accomplished by reductive N-alkylation via Schiff’s bases using corresponding photosensitive aldehydes. Compared to starting chitosan, UV-curable chitosan derivatives showed better solubility in several organic solvents, such as DMSO and 70% methacrylic acid. The solubility of these compounds increased with an increase in the degree of substitution of the N-alkyl side chains. After UV irradiation for 20 s under a high-pressure mercury lamp at a distance of 15 cm from the samples, acidic methanol solutions of these derivatives were transformed to gels in the presence of photo-initiator, and their dried films adsorbed palladium (II) at pH 1.1 and pH 5.3. The UV-curable chitosan derivatives were successfully used as coating materials for electroless plating on non-conductive substances.  相似文献   
Laboratory adapted and vaccine strains of measles virus (MV) induced type I IFN in infected cells. The wild-type strains in contrast induced it to a far lesser extent. We have investigated the mechanism for this differential type I IFN induction in monocyte-derived dendritic cells infected with representative MV strains. Laboratory adapted strains Nagahata and Edmonston infected monocyte-derived dendritic cells and activated IRF-3 followed by IFN-beta production, while wild-type MS failed to activate IRF-3. The viral IRF-3 activation is induced within 2 h, an early response occurring before protein synthesis. Receptor usage of CD46 or CD150 and nucleocapsid (N) protein variations barely affected the strain-to-strain difference in IFN-inducing abilities. Strikingly, most of the IFN-inducing strains possessed defective interference (DI) RNAs of varying sizes. In addition, an artificially produced DI RNA consisting of stem (the leader and trailer of MV) and loop (the GFP sequence) exhibited potential IFN-inducing ability. In this case, however, cytoplasmic introduction was needed for DI RNA to induce type I IFN in target cells. By gene-silencing analysis, DI RNA activated the RIG-I/MDA5-mitochondria antiviral signaling pathway, but not the TLR3-TICAM-1 pathway. DI RNA-containing strains induced IFN-beta mRNA within 2 h while the same recombinant strains with no DI RNA required >12 h postinfection to attain similar levels of IFN-beta mRNA. Thus, the stem-loop structure, rather than full genome replication or specific internal sequences of the MV genome, is required for an early phase of type I IFN induction by MV in host cells.  相似文献   
Hirai H  Hirai Y  Domae H  Kirihara Y 《Human genetics》2007,122(5):477-483
Unlike humans, which are the sole remaining representatives of a once larger group of bipedal apes (hominins), the “lesser apes” (hylobatids) are a diverse radiation with numerous extant species. Consequently, the lesser apes can provide a valuable evolutionary window onto the possible interactions (e.g., interbreeding) of hominin lineages coexisting in the same time and place. In the present work, we employ chromosomal analyses to verify the hybrid ancestry of an individual (Larcon) produced by two of the most distant genera of lesser apes, Hylobates (lar-group gibbons) and Nomascus (concolor-group gibbons). In addition to a mixed pelage pattern, the hybrid animal carries a 48-chromosome karyotype that consists of the haploid complements of each parental species: Hylobates lar (n = 22) and Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys (n = 26). Studies of this animal’s karyotype shed light onto the processes of speciation and genus-level divergence in the lesser apes and, by extension, across the Hominoidea.  相似文献   
The dextranase gene, dex, was identified in Streptococcus criceti strain E49 by degenerate PCR and sequenced completely by the gene-walking method. A sequence of 3,960 nucleotides was determined. The dex gene encodes a 1,200-amino acid protein, which has a calculated molecular mass of 128,129.91 and pI of 4.15 and is predicted to be a cell-surface protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of dex showed homology to S. downei dextranase (63.9% identity). Phylogenetic analysis revealed the similarity of the deduced amino acid sequence of dextranases in S. criceti, S. sobrinus, and S. downei. A recombinant form of the protein with six histidine residues tagged in the C-terminus was partially purified and showed dextranase activity on blue-dextran sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BD-SDSPAGE) followed by renaturation. We also detected dextranase activity in S. criceti cell extracts and culture supernatant by renatured BD-SDS-PAGE, whereas no dextranase activity of the cells was observed on blue-dextran brain heart infusion (BD-BHI) agar plates. Furthermore, PCR-based mutations of dextranase indicated that a deletion mutant of the C-terminal region could hydrolyze blue dextrans and that the D453E mutation, W793L mutation, and double mutations (W793L and deletion of the C-terminal region) resulted in a loss of dextranase activity. These findings suggest that Asp-453 and Trp-793 residues of S. criceti dextranase are critical to the enzyme's activity.  相似文献   
What is it that defines a bone marrow‐derived chondrocyte? We attempted to identify marrow‐derived cells with chondrogenic nature and immortality without transformation, defining “immortality” simply as indefinite cell division. KUM5 mesenchymal cells, a marrow stromal cell line, generated hyaline cartilage in vivo and exhibited enchondral ossification at a later stage after implantation. Selection of KUM5 chondroblasts based on the activity of the chondrocyte‐specific cis‐regulatory element of the collagen α2(XI) gene resulted in enhancement of their chondrogenic nature. Gene chip analysis revealed that OP9 cells, another marrow stromal cell line, derived from macrophage colony‐stimulating factor‐deficient osteopetrotic mice and also known to be niche‐constituting cells for hematopoietic stem cells expressed chondrocyte‐specific or ‐associated genes such as type II collagen α1, Sox9, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein at an extremely high level, as did KUM5 cells. After cultured OP9 micromasses exposed to TGF‐β3 and BMP2 were implanted in mice, they produced abundant metachromatic matrix with the toluidine blue stain and formed type II collagen‐positive hyaline cartilage within 2 weeks in vivo. Hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis based on microarray data of the expression of cell surface markers and cell‐type‐specific genes resulted in grouping of KUM5 and OP9 cells into the same subcategory of “chondroblast,” that is, a distinct cell type group. We here show that these two cell lines exhibit the unique characteristics of hyaline cartilage formation and enchondral ossification in vitro and in vivo. J. Cell. Biochem. 100: 1240–1254, 2007. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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