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Variation in the distribution of trace elements in hepatoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are many reports of reduction of zinc level and rise of copper level in serum of patients with liver disease. However, there are a few reports that compare the trace elements in tumor tissues and nontumor tissues of the liver with hepatoma. We studied trace element distribution in tumor tissues and nontumor tissues of liver with hepatoma and compared them with data from normal liver tissues. Zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and iron (Fe) were chosen as the trace elements to be observed. We observed falls of Zn, Cd, and Hg levels in tumor tissues and the rise of Cu level as a result of this investigation. Zn, Cd, and Hg levels in tumor tissues were significantly lower than those in nontumor tissues and Zn, Cd, and Hg levels in nontumor tissues were significantly lower than in normal liver tissues. This tendency was clearer for Cd and Hg than for Zn. Although the distribution of Cu was not significant, a distribution contrary to that of Zn was shown. These findings indicate that the distribution of Zn, Cd, and Hg can serve as supportive evidence that could be useful as a tumor marker. Selenium showed almost the same accumulation tendency among tumor tissues, nontumor tissues, and normal livers. Although correlation was observed among most metals in the normal liver, there was almost no correlation in tumor tissues.  相似文献   
TNFalpha, which activates three different MAPKs [ERK, p38, and jun amino terminal kinase (JNK)], also induces insulin resistance. To better understand the respective roles of these three MAPK pathways in insulin signaling and their contribution to insulin resistance, constitutively active MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK)1, MAPK kinase (MKK6), and MKK7 mutants were overexpressed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes using an adenovirus-mediated transfection procedure. The MEK1 mutant, which activates ERK, markedly down-regulated expression of the insulin receptor (IR) and its major substrates, IRS-1 and IRS-2, mRNA and protein, and in turn reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of IR as well as IRS-1 and IRS-2 and their associated phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity. The MKK6 mutant, which activates p38, moderately inhibited IRS-1 and IRS-2 expressions and IRS-1-associated PI3K activity without exerting a significant effect on the IR. Finally, the MKK7 mutant, which activates JNK, reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IRS-2 and IRS-associated PI3K activity without affecting expression of the IR, IRS-1, or IRS-2. In the context of our earlier report showing down-regulation of glucose transporter 4 by MEK1-ERK and MKK6/3-p38, the present findings suggest that chronic activation of ERK, p38, or JNK can induce insulin resistance by affecting glucose transporter expression and insulin signaling, though via distinctly different mechanisms. The contribution of ERK is, however, the strongest.  相似文献   
Metabolic stabilization of the chemical lead 1, which is a structurally novel inhibitor of TNF-alpha production, was accomplished by introducing a (1S)-methyl group into the optically active backbone. As a result, 2, 3 and 4 were identified as drug candidates and evaluated pharmacologically. The analysis of an active conformer was also carried out.  相似文献   
Discovery of new chemical leads of inhibitors for TNF-alpha production starting from the chemical modification of 1 is reported. Further biological studies of 1 to disclose the site of its action strongly suggested that 1 inhibits LPS-induced TNF-alpha expression in the liver and spleen of mice. Structure-activity relationships (SARs) are also discussed and full details including the chemistry are reported.  相似文献   
The restriction endonucleaseSmaI has been used for the diagnosis of neurogenic muscle weakness, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa disease or Leigh's disease, caused by the Mt8993TG mutation which results in a Leu156Arg replacement that blocks proton translocation activity of subunit a of F0F1-ATPase. Our ultimate goal is to applySmaI to gene therapy for this disease, because the mutant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coexists with the wild-type mtDNA (heteroplasmy), and because only the mutant mtDNA, but not the wild-type mtDNA, is selectively restricted by the enzyme. For this purpose, we transiently expressed theSmaI gene fused to a mitochondrial targeting sequence in cybrids carrying the mutant mtDNA. Here, we demonstrate that mitochondria targeted by theSmaI enzyme showed specific elimination of the mutant mtDNA. This elimination was followed with repopulation by the wild-type mtDNA, resulting in restoration of both the normal intracellular ATP level and normal mitochondrial membrane potential. Furthermore, in vivo electroporation of the plasmids expressing mitochondrion-targetedEcoRI induced a decrease in cytochromec oxidase activity in hamster skeletal muscles while causing no degenerative changes in nuclei. Delivery of restriction enzymes into mitochondria is a novel strategy for gene therapy of a special form of mitochondrial diseases.  相似文献   
While screening for novel IL-6 inhibitors, we synthesized 20S,21-epoxy-resibufogenin-3-acetate (ERBA). ERBA dose-dependently suppressed IL-6-induced cell growth with an IC(50) value of 5.3 microM and caused a parallel rightward shift of dose-response curves to IL-6. Analysis of data yields a pA2 of 5.83 and a slope of 0.99. ERBA did not affect IL-2-, IL-3-, and GCSF-dependent cell growth, or tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced growth suppression, nor did ERBA affect osteoclast formation induced by IL-11, leukemia inhibitory factor, and 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3). Receptor assay showed that ERBA dose-dependently suppressed IL-6 binding to IL-6 receptor (IL-6R). Furthermore, no band existing at the position of IL-6R in Western blots of ERBA-treated cells when stimulated with IL-6:ERBA suppresses IL-6 activity by blocking the binding of IL-6 to IL-6R. In an experimental model of colon 26-induced cancer cachexia, ERBA markedly inhibited body weight loss. ERBA is a specific small molecule with IL-6R-antagonist activity.  相似文献   
It is a central issue to elucidate the new type of molecular recognition accompanied by a global structural change of a molecule upon binding to its targets. Here we investigate the driving force for the binding of R12 (a ribonucleic acid aptamer) and P16 (a partial peptide of a prion protein) during which P16 exhibits the global structural change. We calculate changes in thermodynamic quantities upon the R12–P16 binding using a statistical-mechanical approach combined with molecular models for water which is currently best suited to studies on hydration of biomolecules. The binding is driven by a water-entropy gain originating primarily from an increase in the total volume available to the translational displacement of water molecules in the system. The energy decrease due to the gain of R12–P16 attractive (van der Waals and electrostatic) interactions is almost canceled out by the energy increase related to the loss of R12–water and P16–water attractive interactions. We can explain the general experimental result that stacking of flat moieties, hydrogen bonding and molecular-shape and electrostatic complementarities are frequently observed in the complexes. It is argued that the water-entropy gain is largely influenced by the geometric characteristics (overall shapes, sizes and detailed polyatomic structures) of the biomolecules.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which the membrane synthetic machinery might be co‐organized with the cell‐division architecture during the bacterial cell cycle remains to be investigated. We characterized a key enzyme of phospholipid and fatty acid synthesis in Bacillus subtilis, the acyl–acyl carrier protein phosphate acyltransferase (PlsX), and identified it as a component of the cell‐division machinery. Comprehensive interaction analysis revealed that PlsX interacts with FtsA, the FtsZ‐anchoring protein. PlsX mainly localized at the potential division site independent of FtsA and FtsZ and then colocalized with FtsA. By multidirectional approaches, we revealed that the Z‐ring stabilizes the association of PlsX at the septum and pole. The localization of PlsX is also affected by the progression of DNA replication. PlsX is needed for cell division and its inactivation leads to aberrant Z‐ring formation. We propose that PlsX localization is prior to Z‐ring formation in the hierarchy of septum formation events and that PlsX is important for co‐ordinating membrane synthesis with cell division in order to properly complete septum formation.  相似文献   
Multistate Bennett acceptance ratio (MBAR) works as a method to analyze molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data after the simulations have been finished. It is widely used to estimate free-energy changes between different states and averaged properties at the states of interest. MBAR allows us to treat a wide range of states from those at different temperature/pressure to those with different model parameters. Due to the broad applicability, the MBAR equations are rather difficult to apply for free-energy calculations using different types of MD simulations including enhanced conformational sampling methods and free-energy perturbation. In this review, we first summarize the basic theory of the MBAR equations and categorize the representative usages into the following four: (i) perturbation, (ii) scaling, (iii) accumulation, and (iv) full potential energy. For each, we explain how to prepare input data using MD simulation trajectories for solving the MBAR equations. MBAR is also useful to estimate reliable free-energy differences using MD trajectories based on a semi-empirical quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) model and ab initio QM/MM energy calculations on the MD snapshots. We also explain how to use the MBAR software in the GENESIS package, which we call mbar_analysis, for the four representative cases. The proposed estimations of free-energy changes and thermodynamic averages are effective and useful for various biomolecular systems.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to participate in neurodegeneration after ischemia–reperfusion. With the aid of ROS, the calpain-induced lysosomal rupture provokes ischemic neuronal death in the cornu Ammonis (CA) 1 of the hippocampus; however, the target proteins of ROS still remain unknown. Here a proteomic analysis was done to identify and characterize ROS-induced carbonyl modification of proteins in the CA1 of the macaque monkey after transient whole-brain ischemia followed by reperfusion. We found that carbonyl modification of heat shock 70-kDa protein 1 (Hsp70-1), a major stress-inducible member of the Hsp70 family, was extensively increased before the neuronal death in the CA1 sector, and the carbonylation site was identified to be Arg469 of Hsp70-1. The CA1 neuronal death conceivably occurs by calpain-mediated cleavage of carbonylated Hsp70 that becomes prone to proteolysis with the resultant lysosomal rupture. In addition, the carbonyl levels of dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 isoform 2, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and β-actin were remarkably increased in the postischemic CA1. Therefore, ischemia–reperfusion-induced oxidative damage to these proteins in the CA1 may lead to loss of the neuroprotective function, which contributes to neuronal death.  相似文献   
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