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Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite able to both promote and inhibit apoptosis. T. gondii renders infected cells resistant to programmed cell death induced by multiple apoptotic triggers. On the other hand, increased apoptosis of immune cells after in vivo infection with T. gondii may suppress the immune response to the parasite. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins dominate the surface of T. gondii tachyzoites and GPIs are involved in the pathogenicity of protozoan parasites. In this report, we determine if GPIs are responsible for inhibition or induction of host cell apoptosis. We show here that T. gondii GPIs fail to block apoptosis that was triggered in human-derived cells via extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Furthermore, characteristics of apoptosis, e.g. caspase-3/7 activity, phosphatidylserine exposition at the cell surface or DNA strand breaks, were not observed in the presence of T. gondii GPIs. These results indicate that T. gondii GPIs are not involved in survival or in apoptosis of host cells. This absence of effect on apoptosis could be a feature common to GPIs of other parasites.  相似文献   
The human gut microbiota and microbial influences on lipid and glucose metabolism, satiety, and chronic low-grade inflammation are known to be involved in metabolic syndrome. Fermentation end products, especially short chain fatty acids, are believed to engage the epigenetic regulation of inflammatory reactions via FFARs (free fatty acid receptor) and other short chain fatty acid receptors.  相似文献   
Epithelial cells act as an interface between human mucosal surfaces and the surrounding environment. As a result, they are responsible for the initiation of local immune responses, which may be crucial for prevention of invasive infection. Here we show that epithelial cells detect the presence of bacterial pore-forming toxins (including pneumolysin from Streptococcus pneumoniae, alpha-hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus, streptolysin O from Streptococcus pyogenes, and anthrolysin O from Bacillus anthracis) at nanomolar concentrations, far below those required to cause cytolysis. Phosphorylation of p38 MAPK appears to be a conserved response of epithelial cells to subcytolytic concentrations of bacterial poreforming toxins, and this activity is inhibited by the addition of high molecular weight osmolytes to the extracellular medium. By sensing osmotic stress caused by the insertion of a sublethal number of pores into their membranes, epithelial cells may act as an early warning system to commence an immune response, while the local density of toxin-producing bacteria remains low. Osmosensing may thus represent a novel innate immune response to a common bacterial virulence strategy.  相似文献   
The biogeochemistry of Ca, Mg, K, and Nawere investigated in two forested catchments in theCzech Republic, one underlain by leucogranite, theother by serpentinite. High weathering rates at theserpentinite site at Pluhv Bor resultedin Mg2+ as the dominant cation on the soilexchange complex and in drainage water. Other basiccations (Ca2+, K+, Na+) showedrelatively low concentrations and outflow instreamwater. The catchment exhibited high basesaturation in mineral soils (>70%), and nearneutral soil and stream pH, despite elevated inputsof acidic deposition. Slow growth of Norway spruceat Pluhv Bor may be caused by K deficiency, Mgoversupply and/or Ni toxicity. In contrast, thegranitic site at Lysina showed low concentrations ofbasic cations on the soil exchange complex and instreamwater. Soil and drainage water at Lysina werehighly impacted by acidic deposition. Soil pH wasextremely acidic (<4.5) throughout the soilprofile, and the base saturation of the mineral soilwas very low (<5%). Supplies of basic cationsfrom atmospheric deposition and soil processes wereless than inputs of SO2- 4 on anequivalence basis, resulting in low pH and highconcentrations of total Al in drainage water. Needle yellowing in Norway spruce was possibly theresult of Mg deficiency at Lysina. Because of theirextremely different lithologies, these catchmentsserve as valuable end-members of ecosystemsensitivity to elevated levels of acidicdeposition.  相似文献   
From 60 species of the genus Clostridium tested 26 species were able to degrade one to three of the following compounds: betaine, choline, creatine, and ethanolamine. Degradation of betaine and choline was always associated with the formation of trimethylamine as one of the products. Creatine was converted to N-methylhydantoin and with one species (Clostridium sordellii) to sarcosine in addition. The diagnostic value of the ability of clostridial species to degrade the compounds mentioned is discussed. N,N-dimethylglycine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine or sarcosine were not metabolized by the strains tested.  相似文献   
A clostridial strain has been isolated that produced n-butanol, ethanol, butyrate, and acetate as major fermentation products from glucose but no acetone. At a pH of 6.6, n-butanol was formed by this microorganism only during growth. On the basis of its physiological characteristics and DNA-DNA homology data, the strain was assigned to the “Clostridium tetanomorphum” group (S. Nakamura, I. Okado, T. Abe, and S. Nishida, J. Gen. Microbiol. 113:29-35, 1979). All members of this group were shown to produce n-butanol from glucose as the major fermentation product, whereas C. cochlearium produced it in only minor amounts.  相似文献   
Neither muramic acid and glucosamine nor d-glutamic acid or other amino acids typical of peptidoglycan were found in cell walls of two strains of Methanosarcina barkeri. The main components are galactosamine, neutral sugars and uronic acids. Therefore, the structural component of the cell wall most likely consists of an acid heteropolysaccharide, resembling that of Halococcus morrhuae. It is, however, not sulfated.  相似文献   
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