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Collaborative experiments were conducted to determine whether microbial populations associated with plant roots may artifactually affect the rates of Fe uptake and translocation from microbial siderophores and phytosiderophores. Results showed nonaxenic maize to have 2 to 34-fold higher Fe-uptake rates than axenically grown plants when supplied with 1 μM Fe as either the microbial siderophore, ferrioxamine B (FOB), or the barley phytosiderophore, epi-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA). In experiments with nonsterile plants, inoculation of maize or oat seedlings with soil microorganisms and amendment of the hydroponic nutrient solutions with sucrose resulted in an 8-fold increase in FOB-mediated Fe-uptake rates by Fe-stressed maize and a 150-fold increase in FOB iron uptake rates by Fe-stressed oat, but had no effect on iron uptake by Fe-sufficient plants. Conversely, Fe-stressed maize and oat plants supplied with HMA showed decreased uptake and translocation in response to microbial inoculation and sucrose amendment. The ability of root-associated microorganisms to affect Fe-uptake rates from siderophores and phytosiderophores, even in short-term uptake experiments, indicates that microorganisms can be an unpredictable confounding factor in experiments examining mechanisms for utilization of microbial siderophores or phytosiderophores under nonsterile conditions.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the sequence organization of the central spacer region of the extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA from two strains of the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum. It had been inferred previously from electron microscopy that this region, which comprises about one third of the 60 kb3 palindromic rDNA, contains a complex series of inverted repetitious sequences. By partial digestion of end-labeled fragments isolated from purified rDNA and from rDNA fragments cloned in Escherichia coli, we have constructed a detailed restriction map of this region. The 11 kb of spacer DNA of each half molecule of rDNA contains the following elements: (a) two separate regions, one of 1.1 kb and one of 2.1 kb, composed of many direct repeats of the same 30 base-pair unit; (b) a region of 4.4 kb composed of a complex series of inverted repeats of a 310 base-pair unit; (c) another region of 1.6 kb composed of inverted repeats of the same 310 base-pair unit located directly adjacent to the center of the rDNA; (d) two copies of a unique sequence of 0.85 kb, which probably contains a replication origin. Some of the CpG sequences in the spacer resist cleavage by certain restriction endonucleases and thus appear to be methylated. The lack of perfect symmetry about the central axis and the arrangement of inverted repeated sequences explain the complex pattern of branches and forks of the fold-back molecules previously observed by electron microscopy. Comparison of the rDNA restriction maps from the two strains of Physarum suggests that the repeat units in the spacer are undergoing concerted evolution. We propose a model to explain the evolutionary origin of the several palindromic axes in the Physarum rDNA spacer.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen zur sozialen Organisation wurden in einer Bienenfresserkolonie (16 Paare) in Nordost-Griechenland von April bis August 1979 vorgenommen:Die zeitliche Abstimmung der Brutaktivitäten wurde während der einzelnen Stadien des Brutzyklus ermittelt. Die Synchronisation verbesserte sich signifikant zwischen der Fertigstellung der Höhle und dem Beginn der Eiablage.Balzfütterungen und Kopulationen häufen sich wenige Tage vor der Eiablage, werden gegen Ende der Eiablage wieder seltener und treten danach nicht mehr auf.Jedes Paar verteidigt einen Abschnitt der Uferböschung, obwohl es darin nur die Höhle und wenige Sitzplätze benutzt. Territoriale Auseinandersetzungen treten vor allem zwischen angesiedelten Paaren und Neuankömmlingen auf. Obwohl die Angriffe um ein Mehrfaches häufiger von den Territoriumsbesitzern ausgehen, ziehen sich diese später aus einem Teil des Territoriums zurück, und ein neues Paar rückt nach. Diese Streitigkeiten halten nur wenige Tage an.
On the social organization of the European Bee-eater(Merops apiaster)
Summary Several aspects of the social organization have been studied in a breeding colony (16 pairs) in North-eastern Greece from April until August 1979:Colony synchronization was measured at the beginning and at the end of nest-hole excavation, egg-laying and incubation. The degree of synchrony increased between the end of excavation and the onset of laying.The rates of courtship-feeding and copulation increased a few days before the first egg was layed and decreased again at the end of the laying period.Every pair defended a part of the river bank although it only used the burrow and one or some perches there. Territorial conflicts especially appeared between a settled and an intruding pair. Although the attacks were performed several times more frequently by the territory owners, that pair withdrew from a part of its territory and the other moved up. These territorial conflicts only lasted a few days.
Murine bone marrow macrophages grown on Teflon-coated petri dishes for a period of 8–16 days can be removed with a yield of 90–95% and a viability greater than 95% following incubation in 1 mM EDTA. Bone marrow cells cultured on Teflon-coated dishes did not differ in their replication rate, peroxidase and nonspecific esterase content, pinocytosis, secretion of lysozyme and neutral proteinases from bone marrow cells cultured on plastic dishes. Murine bone marrow macrophages were found to be sensitive indicator cells for mouse migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Large numbers of cells for the MIF assay can be obtained, since their yield is 10–15 times higher than the yield of oil-induced peritoneal exudate macrophages from the same number of mice.  相似文献   
The HAV nonstructural protein 2C is essential for virus replication; however, its precise function remains elusive. Although HAV 2C shares 24–27% sequence identity with other 2Cs, key motifs are conserved. Here, we demonstrate that HAV 2C is an ATPase but lacking helicase activity. We identified an ATPase-independent nuclease activity of HAV 2C with a preference for polyuridylic single-stranded RNAs. We determined the crystal structure of an HAV 2C fragment to 2.2 Å resolution, containing an ATPase domain, a region equivalent to enterovirus 2C zinc-finger (ZFER) and a C-terminal amphipathic helix (PBD). The PBD of HAV 2C occupies a hydrophobic pocket (Pocket) in the adjacent 2C, and we show the PBD–Pocket interaction is vital for 2C functions. We identified acidic residues that are essential for the ribonuclease activity and demonstrated mutations at these sites abrogate virus replication. We built a hexameric-ring model of HAV 2C, revealing the ribonuclease-essential residues clustering around the central pore of the ring, whereas the ATPase active sites line up at the gaps between adjacent 2Cs. Finally, we show the ribonuclease activity is shared by other picornavirus 2Cs. Our findings identified a previously unfound activity of picornavirus 2C, providing novel insights into the mechanisms of virus replication.  相似文献   
Bacillus cereus is believed to be a soil bacterium, but studied solely in laboratory culture media. The aim of this study was to assess the physiology of B. cereus growing on soil organic matter by a proteomic approach. Cells were cultured to mid-exponential phase in soil extracted solubilized organic matter (SESOM), which mimics the nutrient composition of soil, and in Luria-Bertani broth as control. Silver staining of the two-dimensional gels revealed 234 proteins spots up-regulated when cells were growing in SESOM, with 201 protein spots down-regulated. Forty-three of these differentially expressed proteins were detected by Colloidal Coomassie staining and identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS of tryptic digests. These differentially expressed proteins covered a range of functions, primarily amino acid, lipid, carbohydrate and nucleic acid metabolism. These results suggested growth on soil-associated carbohydrates, fatty acids and/or amino acids, concomitant with shifts in cellular structure.  相似文献   
Potentilla anserina L. (Rosaceae) is known for its beneficial effects of prevention of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). For this reason P. anserina is processed into many food supplements and pharmaceutical preparations. Here we analyzed hydroalcoholic reference extracts and compared them with various extracts of different pharmacies using an integrative metabolomics platform comprising GC-MS and LC-MS analysis and software toolboxes for data alignment (MetMAX Beta 1.0) and multivariate statistical analysis (COVAIN 1.0). Multivariate statistics of the integrated GC-MS and LC-MS data showed strong differences between the different plant extract formulations. Different groups of compounds such as chlorogenic acid, kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside, acacetin 7-O-rutinoside, and genistein were reported for the first time in this species. The typical fragmentation pathway of the isoflavone genistein confirmed the identification of this active compound that was present with different abundances in all the extracts analyzed. As a result we have revealed that different extraction procedures from different vendors produce different chemical compositions, e.g. different genistein concentrations. Consequently, the treatment may have different effects. The integrative metabolomics platform provides the highest resolution of the phytochemical composition and a mean to define subtle differences in plant extract formulations.  相似文献   
Discovery of the CYP107Z subfamily of cytochrome P450 oxidases (CYPs) led to an alternative biocatalytic synthesis of 4'-oxo-avermectin, a key intermediate for the commercial production of the semisynthetic insecticide emamectin. However, under industrial process conditions, these wild-type CYPs showed lower yields due to side product formation. Molecular evolution employing GeneReassembly was used to improve the regiospecificity of these enzymes by a combination of random mutagenesis, protein structure-guided site-directed mutagenesis, and recombination of multiple natural and synthetic CYP107Z gene fragments. To assess the specificity of CYP mutants, a miniaturized, whole-cell biocatalytic reaction system that allowed high-throughput screening of large numbers of variants was developed. In an iterative process consisting of four successive rounds of GeneReassembly evolution, enzyme variants with significantly improved specificity for the production of 4'-oxo-avermectin were identified; these variants could be employed for a more economical industrial biocatalytic process to manufacture emamectin.  相似文献   
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