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Diechodactylus joaberi n. g., n. sp. is described from the body surface of the banded knifefish Gymnotus carapo L. (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae) from southeastern Brazil. The new genus is proposed to accommodate species with five pairs of hooks in anterior bilateral clusters on the haptor, three pairs of hooks in a single cluster on the posterior margin of the haptor, sclerites R1 associated with the superficial bar, and confluent intestinal caeca. The presence of five pairs of hooks in two bilateral clusters anterior in the haptor permits the differentiation of species of Diechodactylus from species of all known genera of the Gyrodactylidae. The genus is likely a member of a clade of the Gyrodactylidae comprising genera with a similar hook distribution.  相似文献   
Haemosporida is a large group of vector-borne intracellular parasites that infect amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This group includes the different malaria parasites (Plasmodium spp.) that infect humans around the world. Our knowledge on the full life cycle of these parasites is most complete for those parasites that infect humans and, to some extent, birds. However, our current knowledge on haemosporidian life cycles is characterized by a paucity of information concerning the vector species responsible for their transmission among vertebrates. Moreover, our taxonomic and systematic knowledge of haemosporidians is far from complete, in particular because of insufficient sampling in wild vertebrates and in tropical regions. Detailed experimental studies to identify avian haemosporidian vectors are uncommon, with only a few published during the last 25 years. As such, little knowledge has accumulated on haemosporidian life cycles during the last three decades, hindering progress in ecology, evolution, and systematic studies of these avian parasites. Nonetheless, recently developed molecular tools have facilitated advances in haemosporidian research. DNA can now be extracted from vectors' blood meals and the vertebrate host identified; if the blood meal is infected by haemosporidians, the parasite's genetic lineage can also be identified. While this molecular tool should help to identify putative vector species, detailed experimental studies on vector competence are still needed. Furthermore, molecular tools have helped to refine our knowledge on Haemosporida taxonomy and systematics. Herein we review studies conducted on Diptera vectors transmitting avian haemosporidians from the late 1800s to the present. We also review work on Haemosporida taxonomy and systematics since the first application of molecular techniques and provide recommendations and suggest future research directions. Because human encroachment on natural environments brings human populations into contact with novel parasite sources, we stress that the best way to avoid emergent and reemergent diseases is through a program encompassing ecological restoration, environmental education, and enhanced understanding of the value of ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Sexual coevolution in morphological and behavioral traits has rarely been studied. Using phylogenetic analyses, we explore relationships between sexual characters based on a new molecular phylogeny of 33 opisthobranch taxa (Aglajidae and Gastropteridae). Our measurements of these simultaneous hermaphrodites include male and female reproductive anatomy, mating behavior, and spatial gregariousness. After phylogenetic correction, we found evidence for correlated evolution between male and female reproductive organs such as the size of the seminal fluid producing prostate gland and that of the sperm digesting bursa copulatrix. Our findings suggest that reproductive trait variation is mediated by sexual coevolution, where putatively manipulative male organs evolved in association with female organs involved in sperm selection. Furthermore, low gregariousness was associated with long, reciprocal copulations. We interpret this result as an adaptation to infrequent mate encounters, where it pays to mate longer with and presumably transfer more sperm to a rare partner. Several complex reproductive traits were repeatedly gained or lost across our phylogeny. This pattern is consistent with a scenario in which sexual selection generates dynamic coevolutionary cycles similar to those expected under sexual antagonism. We finally outline approaches for experimentally assessing the proposed functional links that underlie the evolutionary correlations revealed by our study.  相似文献   
The patterns of genetic variation in a fragment of the cytochrome b mtDNA gene in 130 individuals of the fat snook (Centropomus parallelus) did not show evidence of genetic differentiation along the Brazilian coast as shown in F‐statistics and AMOVA analyses, indicating the existence of high gene flow among the studied populations. In addition, the study of the evolutionary demography of the species using mismatch distribution analysis and statistical tests such as Tajima’s D and Fu’s F indicate that it experienced a pattern of population expansion during its recent evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Viviparous gyrodactylids are remarkable monogenoid ectoparasites, not only because of their speciousness, but also due to their unusually wide range of hosts. Although many factors have been proposed to determine the location where gyrodactylids attach to their hosts, little is known about how their preference for specific host body regions changes over the course of infection. In this study, we investigate the dynamics of topographical specialization of the parasite Gyrodactylus anisopharynx on 2 of its natural freshwater fish hosts (Corydoras paleatus and C. ehrhardti), as well as a na?ve host (C. schwartzi). We recorded the spatial location of this parasite from the foundation of the infrapopulation to its extinction to assess how topographical specialization is affected by host species, the size and the age of the infrapopulation, and the possibility of transmission among hosts. Our results indicate that topographical specialization is negatively correlated with infrapopulation size and only marginally affected by infrapopulation age. Also, the degree of specialization was different among host species, but seemed unaffected by the possibility of transmission among hosts. Therefore, observed changes in spatial specialization of G. anisopharynx do not appear to represent adaptive responses to maximize their transmission. Rather, mechanisms such as increased competition and/ or local immune responses might cause parasites to occupy less favorable regions of the body of their hosts with increasing density.  相似文献   
In this study, the competing hypotheses of single vs. double colonisation events for freshwater Pachyurinae (Sciaenidae) in South America is tested and the historical biogeography of the expansion of this clade within the continent is reconstructed based on phylogenetic analysis. Parsimony and Bayesian inference (BI) for 19 marine and freshwater species assigned to Sciaenidae, Haemulidae and Polypteridae were determined based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S and cytochrome b genes and fragments of the nuclear Tmo‐4C4 and rhodopsin genes. A parsimonious ancestral character reconstruction of euryhalinity was performed on a clade of families of closely related fishes to evaluate the role of ecological fitting in the colonisation of freshwater by a marine sciaenid. The parsimony and BI phylogenetic hypotheses for the concatenated sequences supported the monophyly of the freshwater Sciaenidae. Divergence of the two freshwater clades of Sciaenidae, Pachyurinae and Plagioscion, occurred within the Amazon Basin. Within Pachyurinae, two clades were recovered: one composed of species from the Amazon and the Paraná Basin and a second with representatives from the São Francisco and south‐eastern Atlantic basins. The results were compatible with the hypothesis of a single colonisation event of South American freshwater habitats by a marine lineage. The hypothesis of gradual adaptation to freshwater was rejected in favour of the hypothesis of ecological fitting. Sciaenidae, or a subordinate lineage within the family, is ancestrally capable of withstanding exposure to low‐salinity habitats, which putatively facilitated the colonisation of freshwater habitats. The subsequent diversification and expansion of Pachyurinae across South America followed this colonisation and replicated the general pattern of the area relationships of South American river basins for several other fish groups.  相似文献   
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