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The cell hybridization technique was used for the production of 12 monoclonal antibodies against H-2Kk, H-2Db, I-Ak and I-Ek antigens. The strain distribution pattern indicated that three antibodies reacted with new H-2 and Ia determinants, respectively, while the majority of determinants defined by the monoclonal antibodies showed good correlation with H-2 and Ia determinants described by conventional alloantisera.Monoclonal Ia antibodies showed strong reactivity with about 90% of surface IgM positive B cells, but not with T cells. In double fluorescence studies, both I-A and I-E determinants were always found to be coexpressed on the same B cells. When the high sensitivity of the fluorescence activated cell sorter was utilized, about 30 to 40% of purified lymph node T cells were found to carry both I-A and I-E antigens, although in a much lower density than B cells. In conclusion, monoclonal Ia antibodies appear to display the same serological and cellular reactivity pattern as do conventional antisera.  相似文献   
Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
In many marine environments, a voltage gradient exists across the water sediment interface resulting from sedimentary microbial activity. Here we show that a fuel cell consisting of an anode embedded in marine sediment and a cathode in overlying seawater can use this voltage gradient to generate electrical power in situ. Fuel cells of this design generated sustained power in a boat basin carved into a salt marsh near Tuckerton, New Jersey, and in the Yaquina Bay Estuary near Newport, Oregon. Retrieval and analysis of the Tuckerton fuel cell indicates that power generation results from at least two anode reactions: oxidation of sediment sulfide (a by-product of microbial oxidation of sedimentary organic carbon) and oxidation of sedimentary organic carbon catalyzed by microorganisms colonizing the anode. These results demonstrate in real marine environments a new form of power generation that uses an immense, renewable energy reservoir (sedimentary organic carbon) and has near-immediate application.  相似文献   
Rab GTPases and SNARE fusion proteins direct cargo trafficking through the exocytic and endocytic pathways of eukaryotic cells. We have used steady state mRNA expression profiling and computational hierarchical clustering methods to generate a global overview of the distribution of Rabs, SNAREs, and coat machinery components, as well as their respective adaptors, effectors, and regulators in 79 human and 61 mouse nonredundant tissues. We now show that this systems biology approach can be used to define building blocks for membrane trafficking based on Rab-centric protein activity hubs. These Rab-regulated hubs provide a framework for an integrated coding system, the membrome network, which regulates the dynamics of the specialized membrane architecture of differentiated cells. The distribution of Rab-regulated hubs illustrates a number of facets that guides the overall organization of subcellular compartments of cells and tissues through the activity of dynamic protein interaction networks. An interactive website for exploring datasets comprising components of the Rab-regulated hubs that define the membrome of different cell and organ systems in both human and mouse is available at http://www.membrome.org/.  相似文献   
We describe a novel and noninvasive, microscopy-based method for visualizing the structure and dynamics of microbial biofilms, individual fluorescent microbial cells, and inorganic colloids within a model porous medium. Biofilms growing in flow cells packed with granules of an amorphous fluoropolymer could be visualized as a consequence of refractive index matching between the solid fluoropolymer grains and the aqueous immersion medium. In conjunction with the capabilities of confocal microscopy for nondestructive optical sectioning, the use of amorphous fluoropolymers as a solid matrix permits observation of organisms and dynamic processes to a depth of 2 to 3 mm, whereas sediment biofilms growing in sand-filled flow cells can only be visualized in the region adjacent to the flow cell wall. This method differs fundamentally from other refractive index-matching applications in that optical transparency was achieved by matching a solid phase to water (and not vice versa), thereby permitting real-time microscopic studies of particulate-containing, low-refractive-index media such as biological and chromatographic systems.  相似文献   
The origin of the long-wavelength chlorophyll (Chl) absorption (peak > 680 nm) and fluorescence emission (peak > 685 nm) has been investigated on Scenedesmus mutants (C-2A-series, lacking the ability to synthesize chlorophyll in the dark) grown at 0.3 (LL), 10 (ML) and 240 µE s–1 m–2(HL). LL cells are arrested in an early greening state; consequently, Chl availability determines the phenotype. LL thylakoids are totally lacking long-wavelength Chl; nonetheless, PS I and PS II are fully functional. Gel electrophoresis and Western blots indicate that four out of seven resolved LHC polypeptides seem to require a high Chl availability for assembly of functional chlorophyll-protein complexes. The PS I core-complex of ML and HL thylakoids contains long-wavelength chlorophylls, but in the PS I core-complex of LL thylakoids these pigments are lacking. We conclude that long-wavelength pigments are only present in the PS I core in the case of high Chl availability. The following hypothesis is discussed: Chl availability determines not only the LHC polypeptide pattern, but also the number of bound Chl molecules per individual pigment-protein complex. Chl-binding at non-obligatory, peripheral sites of the pigment-protein complex results in long-wavelength Chl. In the case of low Chl availability, these sites are not occupied and, therefore, the long-wavelength Chl is absent.  相似文献   
The genetic accessibility of selected acidophilic bacteria was investigated to evaluate their applicability to degrading pollutants in acidic environments. The IncP1 antibiotic resistance plasmids RP4 and pVK101 and the phenol degradation-encoding plasmid pPGH11 were transferred from neutrophilic bacteria into the extreme acidophilic eubacterium Acidiphilium cryptum at frequencies of 1.8 x 10(-2) to 9.8 x 10(-4) transconjugants per recipient cell. The IncQ antibiotic resistance plasmid pSUP106 was mobilizable to A. cryptum by triparental matings at a frequency of 10(-5) transconjugants per recipient cell. In the transconjugants, antibiotic resistances and the ability to degrade phenol were expressed. A. cryptum AC6 (pPGH11) grew with 2.5 mM phenol at a doubling time of 12 h and a yield of 0.52 g (dry cell weight) per g of phenol. A. cryptum harbored five native plasmids of 255 to 6.3 kb in size. Plasmids RP4 and pVK101 were transferred from Escherichia coli into Acidobacterium capsulatum at frequencies of 10(-3) and 2.3 x 10(-4) and to the facultative autotroph Thiobacillus acidophilus at frequencies of 1.1 x 10(-5) and 2.9 x 10(-6) transconjugants per recipient cell, respectively. Plasmid pPGH11 could not be transferred into the latter strains. T. acidophilus wild type contained six so far cryptic plasmids of 220 to 5 kb.  相似文献   
Chromatin undergoes a rapid ATP-dependent, ATM and H2AX-independent decondensation when DNA damage is introduced by laser microirradiation. Although the detailed mechanism of this decondensation remains to be determined, the kinetics of decondensation are similar to the kinetics of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. We used laser microirradiation to introduce DNA strand breaks into living cells expressing a photoactivatable GFP-tagged histone H2B. We find that poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation mediated primarily by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) is responsible for the rapid decondensation of chromatin at sites of DNA damage. This decondensation of chromatin correlates temporally with the displacement of histones, which is sensitive to PARP inhibition and is transient in nature. Contrary to the predictions of the histone shuttle hypothesis, we did not find that histone H1 accumulated on poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) in vivo. Rather, histone H1, and to a lessor extent, histones H2A and H2B were rapidly depleted from the sites of PAR accumulation. However, histone H1 returns to chromatin and the chromatin recondenses. Thus, the PARP-dependent relaxation of chromatin closely correlates with histone displacement.  相似文献   
A glycosyltransferase was identified in the 174 000 · g membrane pellet and the supernatant from extracts of cell suspensions of Daucus carota L. The enzyme from the supernatant was enriched 475-fold, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and fluorography of this purified sample showed that the only enriched protein band (40 000 Da) was simultaneously an enzyme and a glucose-acceptor. Gel filtration and electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions proved that in vivo this protein provides the subunits for a very large molecule. Radio-gas-liquid chromatography demonstrated that only one glucosyl moiety was transferred from UDP-glucose to the protein.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - GT IsU glycosyltransferase I, soluble, substrate UDPglucose - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
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