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Plant water transport occurs through interconnected xylem conduits that are separated by partially digested regions in the cell wall known as pit membranes. These structures have a dual function. Their porous construction facilitates water movement between conduits while limiting the spread of air that may enter the conduits and render them dysfunctional during a drought. Pit membranes have been well studied in woody plants, but very little is known about their function in more ancient lineages such as seedless vascular plants. Here, we examine the relationships between conduit air seeding, pit hydraulic resistance, and pit anatomy in 10 species of ferns (pteridophytes) and two lycophytes. Air seeding pressures ranged from 0.8 ± 0.15 MPa (mean ± sd) in the hydric fern Athyrium filix-femina to 4.9 ± 0.94 MPa in Psilotum nudum, an epiphytic species. Notably, a positive correlation was found between conduit pit area and vulnerability to air seeding, suggesting that the rare-pit hypothesis explains air seeding in early-diverging lineages much as it does in many angiosperms. Pit area resistance was variable but averaged 54.6 MPa s m−1 across all surveyed pteridophytes. End walls contributed 52% to the overall transport resistance, similar to the 56% in angiosperm vessels and 64% in conifer tracheids. Taken together, our data imply that, irrespective of phylogenetic placement, selection acted on transport efficiency in seedless vascular plants and woody plants in equal measure by compensating for shorter conduits in tracheid-bearing plants with more permeable pit membranes.Water transport in plants occurs under tension, which renders the xylem susceptible to air entry. This air seeding may lead to the rupture of water columns (cavitation) such that the air expands within conduits to create air-vapor embolisms that block further transport. (Zimmermann and Tyree, 2002). Excessive embolism such as that which occurs during a drought may jeopardize leaf hydration and lead to stomatal closure, overheating, wilting, and possibly death of the plant (Hubbard et al., 2001; Choat et al., 2012; Schymanski et al., 2013). Consequently, strong selection pressure resulted in compartmentalized and redundant plant vascular networks that are adapted to a species habitat water availability by way of life history strategy (i.e. phenology) or resistance to air seeding (Tyree et al., 1994; Mencuccini et al., 2010; Brodersen et al., 2012). The spread of drought-induced embolism is limited primarily by pit membranes, which are permeable, mesh-like regions in the primary cell wall that connect two adjacent conduits. The construction of the pit membrane is such that water easily moves across the membrane between conduits, but because of the small membrane pore size and the presence of a surface coating on the membrane (Pesacreta et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2012), the spread of air and gas bubbles is restricted up to a certain pressure threshold known as the air-seeding pressure (ASP). When xylem sap tension exceeds the air-seeding threshold, air can be aspirated from an air-filled conduit into a functional water-filled conduit through perhaps a large, preexisting pore or one that is created by tension-induced membrane stress (Rockwell et al., 2014). Air seeding leads to cavitation and embolism formation, with emboli potentially propagating throughout the xylem network (Tyree and Sperry, 1988; Brodersen et al., 2013). So, on the one hand, pit membranes are critical to controlling the spread of air throughout the vascular network, while on the other hand, they must facilitate the efficient flow of water between conduits (Choat et al., 2008; Domec et al., 2008; Pittermann et al., 2010; Schulte, 2012). Much is known about such hydraulic tradeoffs in the pit membranes of woody plants, but comparatively little data exist on seedless vascular plants such as ferns and lycophytes. Given that seedless vascular plants may bridge the evolutionary transition from bryophytes to woody plants, the lack of functional data on pit membrane structure in early-derived tracheophytes is a major gap in our understanding of the evolution of plant water transport.In woody plants, pit membranes fall into one of two categories: the torus-margo type found in most gymnosperms and the homogenous pit membrane characteristic of angiosperms (Choat et al., 2008; Choat and Pittermann, 2009). In conifers, water moves from one tracheid to another through the margo region of the membrane, with the torus sealing the pit aperture should one conduit become embolized. Air seeding occurs when water potential in the functional conduit drops low enough to dislodge the torus from its sealing position, letting air pass through the pit aperture into the water-filled tracheid (Domec et al., 2006; Delzon et al., 2010; Pittermann et al., 2010; Schulte, 2012; but see Jansen et al., 2012). Across north-temperate conifer species, larger pit apertures correlate with lower pit resistance to water flow (rpit; MPa s m−1), but it is the ratio of torus-aperture overlap that sets a species cavitation resistance (Pittermann et al., 2006, 2010; Domec et al., 2008; Hacke and Jansen, 2009). A similar though mechanistically different tradeoff exists in angiosperm pit membranes. Here, air seeding reflects a probabilistic relationship between membrane porosity and the total area of pit membranes present in the vessel walls. Specifically, the likelihood of air aspirating into a functional conduit is determined by the combination of xylem water potential and the diameter of the largest pore and/or the weakest zone in the cellulose matrix in the vessel’s array of pit membranes (Wheeler et al., 2005; Hacke et al., 2006; Christman et al., 2009; Rockwell et al., 2014). As it has come to be known, the rare-pit hypothesis suggests that the infrequent, large-diameter leaky pore giving rise to that rare pit reflects some combination of pit membrane traits such as variation in conduit membrane area (large or small), membrane properties (tight or porous), and hydrogel membrane chemistry (Hargrave et al., 1994; Choat et al., 2003; Wheeler et al., 2005; Hacke et al., 2006; Christman et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2012; Plavcová et al., 2013; Rockwell et al., 2014). The maximum pore size is critical because, per the Young-Laplace law, the larger the radius of curvature, the lower the air-water pressure difference under which the contained meniscus will fail (Jarbeau et al., 1995; Choat et al., 2003; Jansen et al., 2009). Consequently, angiosperms adapted to drier habitats may exhibit thicker, denser, smaller, and less abundant pit membranes than plants occupying regions with higher water availability (Wheeler et al., 2005; Hacke et al., 2007; Jansen et al., 2009; Lens et al., 2011; Scholz et al., 2013). However, despite these qualitative observations, there is no evidence that increased cavitation resistance arrives at the cost of higher rpit. Indeed, the bulk of the data suggest that prevailing pit membrane porosity is decoupled from the presence of the single largest pore that allows air seeding to occur (Choat et al., 2003; Wheeler et al., 2005 Hacke et al., 2006, 2007).As water moves from one conduit to another, pit membranes offer considerable hydraulic resistance throughout the xylem network. On average, rpit contributes 64% and 56% to transport resistance in conifers and angiosperms, respectively (Wheeler et al., 2005; Pittermann et al., 2006; Sperry et al., 2006). In conifers, the average rpit is estimated at 6 ± 1 MPa s m−1, almost 60 times lower than the 336 ± 81 MPa s m−1 computed for angiosperms (Wheeler et al., 2005; Hacke et al., 2006; Sperry et al., 2006). Presumably, the high porosity of conifer pits compensates for the higher transport resistance offered by a vascular system composed of narrow, short, single-celled conduits (Pittermann et al., 2005; Sperry et al., 2006).Transport in seedless vascular plants presents an interesting conundrum because, with the exception of a handful of species, their primary xylem is composed of tracheids, the walls of which are occupied by homogenous pit membranes (Gibson et al., 1985; Carlquist and Schneider, 2001, 2007; but see Morrow and Dute, 1998, for torus-margo membranes in Botrychium spp.). At first pass, this combination of traits appears hydraulically maladaptive, but several studies have shown that ferns can exhibit transport capacities that are on par with more recently evolved plants (Wheeler et al., 2005; Watkins et al., 2010; Pittermann et al., 2011, 2013; Brodersen et al., 2012). Certainly, several taxa possess large-diameter, highly overlapping conduits, some even have vessels such as Pteridium aquilinum and many species have high conduit density, all of which could contribute to increased hydraulic efficiency (Wheeler et al., 2005; Pittermann et al., 2011, 2013). But how do the pit membranes of seedless vascular plants compare? Scanning electron micrographs of fern and lycopod xylem conduits suggest that they are thin, diaphanous, and susceptible to damage during specimen preparation (Carlquist and Schneider 2001, 2007). Consistent with such observations, two estimates of rpit imply that rpit in ferns may be significantly lower than in angiosperms; Wheeler et al. (2005) calculated rpit in the fern Pteridium aquilinum at 31 MPa s m−1, while Schulte et al. (1987) estimated rpit at 1.99 MPa s m−1 in the basal fern Psilotum nudum. The closest structural analogy to seedless vascular plant tracheids can be found in the secondary xylem of the early-derived vesselless angiosperms, in which tracheids possess homogenous pit membranes with rpit values that at 16 MPa s m−1 are marginally higher than those of conifers (Hacke et al., 2007). Given that xylem in seedless vascular plants is functionally similar to that in vesselless angiosperms, we expected convergent rpit values in these two groups despite their phylogenetic distance. We tested this hypothesis, as well as the intrinsic cavitation resistance of conduits in seedless vascular plants, by scrutinizing the pit membranes of ferns and fern allies using the anatomical and experimental approaches applied previously to woody taxa. In particular, we focused on the relationship between pit membrane traits and cavitation resistance at the level of the individual conduit.  相似文献   
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) binding to human intestinal cells triggers the formation of disease-associated actin rich structures called pedestals. The latter process requires the delivery, via a Type 3 secretion system, of the translocated Intimin receptor (Tir) protein into the host plasma membrane where binding of a host kinase-modified form to the bacterial surface protein Intimin triggers pedestal formation. Tir-Intimin interaction recruits the Nck adaptor to a Tir tyrosine phosphorylated residue where it activates neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP); initiating the major pathway to actin polymerization mediated by the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex. Previous studies with Nck-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) identified a key role for Nck in pedestal formation, presumed to reflect a lack of N-WASP activation. Here, we show the defect relates to reduced amounts of Tir within Nck-deficient cells. Indeed, Tir delivery and, thus, pedestal formation defects were much greater for MEFs than HeLa (human epithelial) cells. Crucially, the levels of two other effectors (EspB/EspF) within Nck-deficient MEFs were not reduced unlike that of Map (Mitochondrial associated protein) which, like Tir, requires CesT chaperone function for efficient delivery. Interestingly, drugs blocking various host protein degradation pathways failed to increase Tir cellular levels unlike an inhibitor of deacetylase activity (Trichostatin A; TSA). Treatments with TSA resulted in significant recovery of Tir levels, potentiation of actin polymerization and improvement in bacterial attachment to cells. Our findings have important implications for the current model of Tir-mediated actin polymerization and opens new lines of research in this area.  相似文献   
Ecological, environmental, and geographic factors all influence genetic structure. Species with broad distributions are ideal systems because they cover a range of ecological and environmental conditions allowing us to test which components predict genetic structure. This study presents a novel, broad geographic approach using molecular markers, morphology, and habitat modeling to investigate rangewide and local barriers causing contemporary genetic differentiation within the geographical range of three white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies: Z. l. gambelii, Z. l. oriantha, and Z. l. pugetensis. Three types of genetic markers showed geographic distance between sampling sites, elevation, and ecosystem type are key factors contributing to population genetic structure. Microsatellite markers revealed white‐crowned sparrows do not group by subspecies, but instead indicated four groupings at a rangewide scale and two groupings based on coniferous and deciduous ecosystems at a local scale. Our analyses of morphological variation also revealed habitat differences; sparrows from deciduous ecosystems are larger than individuals from coniferous ecosystems based on principal component analyses. Habitat modeling showed isolation by distance was prevalent in describing genetic structure, but isolation by resistance also had a small but significant influence. Not only do these findings have implications concerning the accuracy of subspecies delineations, they also highlight the critical role of local factors such as habitat in shaping contemporary population genetic structure of species with high dispersal ability.  相似文献   
Global losses of seagrasses and mangroves, eutrophication‐driven increases in ephemeral algae, and macrophyte invasions have impacted estuarine detrital resources. To understand the implications of these changes on benthic ecosystem processes, we tested the hypotheses that detrital source richness, mix identity, and biomass influence benthic primary production, metabolism, and nutrient fluxes. On an estuarine muddy sandflat, we manipulated the availability of eight detrital sources, including mangrove, seagrass, and invasive and native algal species that have undergone substantial changes in distribution. Mixes of these detrital sources were randomly assigned to one of 12 treatments and dried detrital material was added to seventy‐two 0.25 m2 plots (= 6 plots). The treatments included combinations of either two or four detrital sources and high (60 g) or low (40 g) levels of enrichments. After 2 months, the dark, light, and net uptake of NH4+, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and the dark efflux of dissolved organic nitrogen were each significantly influenced by the identity of detrital mixes, rather than detrital source richness or biomass. However, gross and net primary productivity, average oxygen flux, and net NOX and dissolved inorganic phosphorous fluxes were significantly greater in treatments with low than with high detrital source richness. These results demonstrate that changes in detrital source richness and mix identity may be important drivers of estuarine ecosystem performance. Continued impacts to estuarine macrophytes may, therefore, further alter detritus‐fueled productivity and processes in estuaries. Specific tests that address predicted future changes to detrital resources are required to determine the consequences of this significant environmental problem.  相似文献   
To further describe movement patterns and distribution of East Pacific green turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) and to determine threat levels for this species within the Eastern Pacific. In order to do this we combined published data from existing flipper tagging and early satellite tracking studies with data from an additional 12 satellite tracked green turtles (1996-2006). Three of these were tracked from their foraging grounds in the Gulf of California along the east coast of the Baja California peninsula to their breeding grounds in Michoacán (1337-2928 km). In addition, three post-nesting females were satellite tracked from Colola beach, Michoacán to their foraging grounds in southern Mexico and Central America (941.3-3020 km). A further six turtles were tracked in the Gulf of California within their foraging grounds giving insights into the scale of ranging behaviour. Turtles undertaking long-distance migrations showed a tendency to follow the coastline. Turtles tracked within foraging grounds showed that foraging individuals typically ranged up to 691.6 km (maximum) from release site location. Additionally, we carried out threat analysis (using the cumulative global human impact in the Eastern Pacific) clustering pre-existing satellite tracking studies from Galapagos, Costa Rica, and data obtained from this study; this indicated that turtles foraging and nesting in Central American waters are subject to the highest anthropogenic impact. Considering that turtles from all three rookeries were found to migrate towards Central America, it is highly important to implement conservation plans in Central American coastal areas to ensure the survival of the remaining green turtles in the Eastern Pacific. Finally, by combining satellite tracking data from this and previous studies, and data of tag returns we created the best available distributional patterns for this particular sea turtle species, which emphasized that conservation measures in key areas may have positive consequences on a regional scale.  相似文献   
The continental margin off the northeastern United States (NEUS) contains numerous, topographically complex features that increase habitat heterogeneity across the region. However, the majority of these rugged features have never been surveyed, particularly using direct observations. During summer 2013, 31 Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV) dives were conducted from 494 to 3271 m depth across a variety of seafloor features to document communities and to infer geological processes that produced such features. The ROV surveyed six broad-scale habitat features, consisting of shelf-breaching canyons, slope-sourced canyons, inter-canyon areas, open-slope/landslide-scar areas, hydrocarbon seeps, and Mytilus Seamount. Four previously unknown chemosynthetic communities dominated by Bathymodiolus mussels were documented. Seafloor methane hydrate was observed at two seep sites. Multivariate analyses indicated that depth and broad-scale habitat significantly influenced megafaunal coral (58 taxa), demersal fish (69 taxa), and decapod crustacean (34 taxa) assemblages. Species richness of fishes and crustaceans significantly declined with depth, while there was no relationship between coral richness and depth. Turnover in assemblage structure occurred on the middle to lower slope at the approximate boundaries of water masses found previously in the region. Coral species richness was also an important variable explaining variation in fish and crustacean assemblages. Coral diversity may serve as an indicator of habitat suitability and variation in available niche diversity for these taxonomic groups. Our surveys added 24 putative coral species and three fishes to the known regional fauna, including the black coral Telopathes magna, the octocoral Metallogorgia melanotrichos and the fishes Gaidropsarus argentatus, Guttigadus latifrons, and Lepidion guentheri. Marine litter was observed on 81% of the dives, with at least 12 coral colonies entangled in debris. While initial exploration revealed the NEUS region to be both geologically dynamic and biologically diverse, further research into the abiotic conditions and the biotic interactions that influence species abundance and distribution is needed.  相似文献   
Effective disease management can benefit from mathematical models that identify drivers of epidemiological change and guide decision-making. This is well illustrated in the host–parasite system of sea lice and salmon, which has been modelled extensively due to the economic costs associated with sea louse infections on salmon farms and the conservation concerns associated with sea louse infections on wild salmon. Consequently, a rich modelling literature devoted to sea louse and salmon epidemiology has been developed. We provide a synthesis of the mathematical and statistical models that have been used to study the epidemiology of sea lice and salmon. These studies span both conceptual and tactical models to quantify the effects of infections on host populations and communities, describe and predict patterns of transmission and dispersal, and guide evidence-based management of wild and farmed salmon. As aquaculture production continues to increase, advances made in modelling sea louse and salmon epidemiology should inform the sustainable management of marine resources.  相似文献   
Constitutive activation of STAT3 is a common feature in many solid tumors including non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). While activation of STAT3 is commonly achieved by somatic mutations to JAK2 in hematologic malignancies, similar mutations are not often found in solid tumors. Previous work has instead suggested that STAT3 activation in solid tumors is more commonly induced by hyperactive growth factor receptors or autocrine cytokine signaling. The interplay between STAT3 activation and other well-characterized oncogenic "driver" mutations in NSCLC has not been fully characterized, though constitutive STAT3 activation has been proposed to play an important role in resistance to various small-molecule therapies that target these oncogenes. In this study we demonstrate that STAT3 is constitutively activated in human NSCLC samples and in a variety of NSCLC lines independent of activating KRAS or tyrosine kinase mutations. We further show that genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of the gp130/JAK2 signaling pathway disrupts activation of STAT3. Interestingly, treatment of NSCLC cells with the JAK1/2 inhibitor ruxolitinib has no effect on cell proliferation and viability in two-dimensional culture, but inhibits growth in soft agar and xenograft assays. These data demonstrate that JAK2/STAT3 signaling operates independent of known driver mutations in NSCLC and plays critical roles in tumor cell behavior that may not be effectively inhibited by drugs that selectively target these driver mutations.  相似文献   
A number of recent studies have implicated that incongruent use of hormonal contraceptives (HCs) negatively affects various aspects of women's romantic relationships. It has been suggested that women with incongruent HC use (a discrepancy in HC use status between when they first met their current partner and the time of study participation) report less sexual satisfaction and higher jealousy scores compared to women with congruent HC use. A similar effect has also been hypothesized for general relationship satisfaction, and recent findings suggest that the association between HC incongruency and women's general relationship satisfaction is moderated by third-party ratings of facial attractiveness of the women's male partners. Using a large convenience sample (N = 948) of Finnish women, we attempted to replicate previously reported findings but found no support for the HC congruency hypothesis, despite excellent statistical power (≥98.7%) to detect previously reported effect sizes. Instead, after dividing our sample into four groups based on HC congruency/incongruency, we found that the largest differences in jealousy, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction scores tended to be found between women who were consistent HC users and consistent non-users (i.e., between women with different kinds of congruent HC use). We also detected a significant main effect of current HC use on jealousy. We conclude that HC congruency effects reported in previous studies may have spuriously arisen from unequal distributions of current HC users within congruent and incongruent HC user groups.  相似文献   
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