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软骨的修复是当前医学界十分棘手的难题,人们采取若干手段均收效甚微。由于软骨缺损时,其下的软骨下骨常出现硬化、退变,而新生软骨是无法与病变的软骨下骨进行整合的,所以在修复软骨的同时,必须重视软骨下骨的修复。近十几年来,人们开始发明和利用各种骨软骨复合支架,进行同时修复软骨与软骨下骨的动物实验研究。在正常骨软骨组织中,软骨与软骨下骨被钙化层所相连,此外钙化层也将软骨与软骨下骨分隔在不同的生存环境中。根据仿生学原理,人们又设计出一种带有隔离层的新型骨软骨复合支架,并取得了较为理想的实验结果。本文就国内外骨软骨复合支架的研完进展作一综述。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Proteins of the membrane skeleton of Euglena gracilis were extensively phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro after incubation with [32P]-orthophosphate or γ-[32P] ATP. Endogenous protein threonine/serine activity phosphorylated the major membrane skeletal proteins (articulins) and the putative integral membrane protein (IP39) anchor for articulins. The latter was also the major target for endogenous protein tyrosine kinase activity. A cytoplasmic domain of IP39 was specifically phosphorylated, and removal of this domain with papain eliminated the radiolabeled phosphoamino acids and eliminated or radically shifted the PI of the multiple isoforms of IP39. In gel kinase assays IP39 autophosphorylated and a 25 kDa protein which does not autophosphorylate was identified as a threonine/serine (casein) kinase. Plasma membranes from the membrane skeletal protein complex contained threonine/serine (casein) kinase activity, and cross-linking experiments suggested that IP39 was the likely source for this membrane activity. pH optima, cation requirements and heparin sensitivity of the detergent solubilized membrane activity were determined. Together these results suggest that protein kinases may be important modulators of protein assembly and function of the membrane skeleton of these protistan cells.  相似文献   
Colonies of hydroids exhibit periodic biological patterns. Polyps form on stolons at fixed distances, obeying distinct rules. The spacing mechanism is based on inhibition emanating from existing polyps, predominantly from the head of the polyp. Removal of polyps from young colonies reduces the distance between initiating polyps and newly formed polyps to 50% of the normal values. Head removal suffices to obtain an almost identical reduction. Polyp enlargement which increases the distance between the inhibition-emitting head and the stolon tissue reduces the intrastolonal range of inhibition. In the stolon tissue, decrease of inhibitory activity occurs. An increase in the stolon/polyp ratio of a colony reduces bud distances. The decay is, in part, due to loss of inhibitory activity into the external medium: if colonies are incubated in conditioned culture medium derived from crowded colonies having normally large interpolyp distances, bud distances increase in test colonies. The effectiveness of transfer of inhibitory activity from tissue into the medium depends on culture conditions. If convection is increased by agitation of the culture medium, the distances between polyp and bud decreases; viscosity enhancement of the culture medium reduces convection and bud distances become larger. This effect is compensated for by additional agitation of the viscosity enhanced culture medium. Our results support the idea that a lateral inhibition mechanism controls polyp spacing in the stolon and that inhibition is based on diffusible inhibitory compounds.  相似文献   
上海环城林带景观美学评价及优化策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张凯旋  凌焕然  达良俊 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5521-5531
选取上海环城林带7种植物群落,采用美景度评判法,从林内景观和林外景观2个空间层次和春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,应用数量化理论Ⅰ建立了美景度和各景观因子类目之间的景观评价与预测的多元回归模型,分析了群落的结构特征和季相特征对林内景观以及外貌特征对林外景观的影响,并提出相应的优化对策。结果表明:(1)群落结构特征对林内景观的影响主要因子为胸径(平均胸径和胸径变异系数)、郁闭度和疏透度。在春季,林内美景度随着树木胸径增大而增加;在夏季,郁闭度增大会提升林内美景度;在秋季,胸径变异小的群落具有更高的林内观赏性;在冬季,疏透度对林内景观美景度影响最大。(2)群落季相特征对林内景观的影响,在各季节表现亦不同。在春季,黄色、紫色等明度较高的色相和开花量适中的群落美景度最佳;在夏季,生长势好、林冠层变化小以及树干清晰度高的群落具较高的美景度,且观花可显著提高夏季林内美景度;在秋季,色彩越纯美景度越高;而在冬季,树皮颜色深的群落美景度高。(3)群落外貌特征对林外景观有显著影响,其中林冠线对林外景观美景度影响最大,其次为林缘线。具有起伏不大林冠线和自然流畅林缘线的植物群落美景度高。旨在通过对典型植被群落不同季相的美景度评价,对上海环城林带的群落景观进行定量的评价,进而为不同情景下的群落结构优化提出相应的对策,为城市森林的群落建构与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
【目的】揭示盐碱土壤微生物量与土壤因子间的关系。【方法】选择河西走廊不同盐碱程度的11个样点在春季进行采样,研究了土壤的微生物数量、酶活和理化性质,并对其进行方差分析、简单相关分析、逐步回归分析和主成分分析。【结果】河西地区原生盐碱地、次生盐碱地与农田土在土壤理化性质和土壤微生物数量等方面均有差异;河西地区土壤较贫瘠,土壤微生物数量较低,且分布有规律性,即原生盐碱土<次生盐碱土<农田土;放线菌、真菌、碱性磷酸酶、脲酶和有效磷5个因子是引起土壤微生物数量、酶活性与理化因子之间相关性的主要因素。【结论】结果证实河西地区盐碱土壤中磷的循环很大程度上影响着土壤微生物数量。  相似文献   
层理鞭枝藻藻红蓝蛋白操纵子F基因的克隆和表达   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
中国植被分类系统修订方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了推动《中国植被志》研编工作, 该文回顾了中国植被分类系统的发展过程和主要阶段性成果, 提出了作为《中国植被志》研编技术框架组成部分的中国植被分类系统修订方案, 对各植被型组及各植被型进行了简单定义和描述, 并针对中国植被分类系统若干问题, 特别就中国植被分类系统总体框架、混交林的界定以及土壤在植被分类中的重要性等问题进行了讨论。1960年侯学煜在《中国的植被》中首次提出了中国植被分类的原则和系统, 1980年出版的《中国植被》制定了分类等级和划分依据等更加完善的系统, 之后《中国植被及其地理格局——中华人民共和国1:1 000 000植被图说明书》和《中国植物区系与植被地理》以及很多省区的植被专著对该系统进行过修订。2017年宋永昌在《植被生态学》中提出了一个分类等级单位调整的方案。本次提出的中国植被分类系统修订方案基本沿用《中国植被》的植被分类原则、分类单位及系统, 采用“植物群落学-生态学”分类原则, 主要以植物群落特征及其与环境的关系作为分类依据, 包含三级主要分类单位, 即植被型(高级单位)、群系(中级单位)和群丛(低级单位); 在三个主要分类单位之上分别增加辅助单位植被型组、群系组和群丛组, 在植被型和群系之下主要根据群落的生态差异和实际需要可再增加植被亚型或亚群系。修订方案包含了森林、灌丛、草本植被(草地)、荒漠、高山冻原与稀疏植被、沼泽与水生植被(湿地)、农业植被、城市植被和无植被地段9个植被型组, 划分为48个植被型(含30个自然植被型、12个农业植被型、5个城市植被型和无植被地段)。自然植被中有23个植被型进一步划分出了81个植被亚型。  相似文献   
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