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The fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici produces AAL-toxins that function as chemical determinants of the Alternaria stem canker disease in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). In resistant cultivars, the disease is controlled by the Asc locus on chromosome 3. Our aim was to characterize novel sources of resistance to the fungus and of insensitivity to the host-selective AAL-toxins. To that end, the degree of sensitivity of wild tomato species to AAL-toxins was analyzed. Of all members of the genus Lycopersicon, only L. cheesmanii was revealed to be sensitive to AAL-toxins and susceptible to fungal infection. Besides moderately insensitive responses from some species, L. pennellii and L. peruvianum were shown to be highly insensitive to AAL-toxins as well as resistant to the pathogen. Genetic analyses showed that high insensitivity to AAL-toxins from L. pennellii is inherited in tomato as a single complete dominant locus. This is in contrast to the incomplete dominance of insensitivity to AAL-toxins of L. esculentum. Subsequent classical genetics, RFLP mapping and allelic testing indicated that high insensitivity to AAL-toxins from L. pennellii is conferred by a new allele of the Asc locus.  相似文献   
We describe a novel modification of the polymerase chain reaction for efficient in vitro amplification of genomic DNA sequences flanking short stretches of known sequence. The technique utilizes a target enrichment step, based on the selective isolation of biotinylated fragments from the bulk of genomic DNA on streptavidin-containing support. Subsequently, following ligation with a second universal linker primer, the selected fragments can be amplified to amounts suitable for further molecular studies. The procedure has been applied to recover T-DNA flanking sequences in transgenic tomato plants which could subsequently be used to assign the positions of T-DNA to the molecular map of tomato. The method called supported PCR (sPCR) is a simple and efficient alternative to techniques used in the isolation of specific sequences flanking a known DNA segment.  相似文献   
The purification and initial characterization of arsenite oxidase from Alcaligenes faecalis are described. The enzyme consists of a monomer of 85 kDa containing one molybdenum, five or six irons, and inorganic sulfide. In the presence of denaturants arsenite oxidase releases a fluorescent material with spectral properties identical to the pterin cofactor released by the hydroxylase class of molybdenum-containing enzymes. Azurin and a c-type cytochrome, both isolated from A. faecalis, each serves as an electron acceptor to arsenite oxidase and may form a periplasmic electron transfer pathway for arsenite detoxification. Full reduction of arsenite oxidase requires 3-4 reducing equivalents, using either arsenite or dithionite as the electron source. Below 20 K, oxidized arsenite oxidase exhibits an EPR signal with g values of 2.03, 2.01, and 2.00, which integrates to approximately 0.4 spins/protein. Since enrichment in 57Fe results in broadening of this EPR signal, the center giving rise to this signal must contain iron. The most plausible candidates are a [4Fe-4S] high potential iron protein center or a [3Fe-4S] center. The EPR signal observed in oxidized arsenite oxidase disappears upon reduction of the protein with either arsenite or dithionite. Concomitantly, a rhombic EPR signal (g = 2.03, 1.89, 1.76) appears which is similar to that of Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] clusters and spin quantifies to one spin/protein.  相似文献   
Summary Lycopersicon pennellii shoots, cultured in vitro for more than a year (type I plants) produced few viable protoplasts in contrast to shoots cultured in vitro for less than five months (type II plants). Ethylene production of both plant types was compared. The low viability of plant type I protoplasts could be correlated with high ethylene production and an increased cell sap osmolality. The ethylene action inhibitor silver thiosulphate improved protoplast yield and viability, especially when using donor tissue, germinated and cultured on medium containing silver thiosulphate (type III plants). Moreover, the choice of cell wall degrading enzymes influenced protoplast viability, since ethylene release was significantly lower using Cellulase R 10 than Cellulysin. All improvements together resulted in an efficient protocol for the isolation and regeneration of Lycopersicon pennellii protoplasts.Abbrevations ACC 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - FW Fresh Weight - Mes -Morpholino ethane sulphonic acid - NMU N-Nitroso-N-Methyl-Urea - PE Plating Efficiency = Number of calli / number of protoplasts x 100% - Pps protoplasts - STS Silver thiosulfate  相似文献   
The Mr 46,000 mannose 6-phosphate specific receptor exists in solution as a mixture of noncovalently associated dimeric and tetrameric forms. The two quaternary forms were separated by sucrose density centrifugation, and their composition was assessed by cross-linking with bifunctional reagents followed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The dependence of equilibrium between the dimeric and tetrameric forms on pH, receptor concentration, and presence of mannose 6-phosphate was studied. The formation of tetrameric forms is favored by pH values around 7, high receptor concentration, and presence of mannose 6-phosphate ligand. Tetrameric forms bind stronger at pH 7 to phosphomannan-Sepharose 4B than dimeric forms. Both quaternary forms dissociate at the same pH from a mannose 6-phosphate affinity matrix. When starting with dimeric or tetrameric forms, the equilibrium between dimeric and tetrameric forms is reached at pH 7.5 and 4 degrees C after 6-8 days. The presence of 5 mM mannose 6-phosphate shifts the equilibrium toward tetrameric forms. At pH 4.5 and 4 degrees C, the association of dimeric to tetrameric forms is negligible, while tetrameric forms dissociate to dimeric forms within 12 h. The results demonstrate that oligomerization is an intrinsic property of MPR-46 that is affected by ligand binding, pH, and receptor concentration.  相似文献   
Ionic fluxes in Na channels of myelinated axons show ionic competition, block, and deviations from simple flux independence. These phenomena are particularly evident when external Na+ ions are replaced by other permeant or impermeant ions. The observed currents require new flux equations not based on the concepts of free diffusion. A specific permeability model for the Na channel is developed from Eyring rate theory applied to a chain of saturable binding sites. There are four energy barriers in the pore and only one ion is allowed inside at a time. Deviations from independence arise from saturation. The model shows that ionic permeability ratios measured from zero-current potentials can differ from those measured from relative current amplitudes or conductances. The model can be fitted to experiments with various external sodium substitutes by varying only two parameters: For each ion the height of the major energy barrier (the selectivity filter) determines the biionic zero-current potential and the depth of the energy well (binding site) just external to that barrier then determines the current amplitudes. Voltage clamp measurements with myelinated nerve fibers are given showing numerous examples of deviations from independence in ionic fluxes. Strong blocks of ionic currents by guanidinium compounds and Tl+ ions are fitted by binding within the channel with apparent dissociation constants in the range 50-122 mM. A small block with high Na+ concentrations can be fitted by Na+ ion binding with a dissociation constant of 368 mM. The barrier model is given a molecular interpretation that includes stepwise dehydration of the permeating ion as it interacts with an ionized carboxylic acid.  相似文献   
Translational control was studied in extracts of Lytechinus pictus eggs and zygotes. We showed that neither mRNA nor initiation factors alone limit translation in these lysates; rather they are together rate limiting. Added globin mRNA was translated in egg and zygote lysates but overall protein synthesis did not increase significantly as the added RNA competed with the endogenous message. The lysates mimicked the in vivo response, since microinjection of globin mRNA into L. pictus eggs similarly competed with endogenous mRNAs. A number of translational components were used to determine if they would stimulate protein synthesis in these lysates. The addition of globin polyribosomes increased the level of protein synthesis. The majority of this increase was due to reinitiation of the globin mRNA, and under these conditions the level of endogenous protein synthesis in both egg and zygote extracts did not change. The addition of crude initiation factors alone did not appreciably alter the rate of protein synthesis in the egg lysates. However, in the presence of added mRNA, these initiation factors stimulated translation two- to fourfold. Of all the initiation factors tested, only the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF, eIF-2B, RF) significantly increased protein synthesis when globin mRNA was present. The addition of an unfractionated initiation factor preparation further stimulated protein synthesis in the presence of added GEF and mRNA, suggesting that a component other than mRNA and GEF was also limiting in these egg lysates. Other initiation factors, including eIF-2, eIF-4A, eIF-4B, and eIF-4F, did not substitute for the component in the unfractionated initiation factor preparation. We propose that alkalinization of the cytoplasm and the subsequent activation of initiation factors and mRNAs contribute to the large stimulation of protein synthesis in echinoid eggs after fertilization. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility that the increase in NADPH at the expense of NAD+, which occurs within 3 min after fertilization, may lead to the activation of GEF.  相似文献   
In tomato, infections by tomato mosaic virus are controlled by durable Tm-22 resistance. In order to gain insight into the processes underlying disease resistance and its durability, we cloned and analysed the Tm-22 resistance gene and the susceptible allele, tm-2. The Tm-22 gene was isolated by transposon tagging using a screen in which plants with a destroyed Tm-22 gene survive. The Tm-22 locus consists of a single gene that encodes an 861 amino acid polypeptide, which belongs to the CC-NBS-LRR class of resistance proteins. The putative tm-2 allele was cloned from susceptible tomato lines via PCR with primers based on the Tm-22 sequence. Interestingly, the tm-2 gene has an open reading frame that is comparable to the Tm-22 allele. Between the tm-2 and the Tm-22 polypeptide 38 amino acid differences are present of which 26 are located in the second half of the LRR-domain. Susceptible tomato plants, which were transformed with the Tm-22 gene, displayed resistance against ToMV infection. In addition, virus specificity, displayed by the Tm-22 resistance was conserved in these transgenic lines. To explain the durability of this resistance, it is proposed that the Tm-22-encoded resistance is aimed at the Achilles' heel of the virus.  相似文献   
Meiotic maturation stimulates a change in the translation of stored mRNAs: mRNAs encoding proteins needed for growth of oocytes are translated before meiotic maturation, whereas those encoding proteins required for cleavage are translated after meiotic maturation. Studies of translational regulation during meiotic maturation have been limited by the lack of translationally active cell-free supernatants. Starfish oocytes are ideal for preparing cell-free translation systems because experimental application of the hormone 1-methyladenine induces their maturation, synchronizing meiosis. We have prepared such systems from both immature and mature oocytes of starfish. Changes in protein synthesis rates and the specificity of proteins synthesized in these cell-free translation supernatants mimic those seen in vivo. Supernatants both from immature and mature oocytes have a high capacity to initiate new translation because 90% of the proteins made are newly initiated from mRNAs. Cell-free supernatants from mature oocytes have a much higher rate of initiation of translation than those from immature oocytes and use the 43S preinitiation complexes more efficiently in initiation of translation. Similarly, we have shown that mRNAs and initiation factors are rate limiting in cell-free translation systems prepared from immature oocytes. In addition, cell-free translation systems prepared from immature oocytes are only slightly, if at all, inhibitory to cell-free translation systems from mature oocytes. Thus, soluble inhibitors, if they exist, are rapidly converted by cell-free supernatants from mature oocytes. The similarities between translation in our starfish cell-free translation systems and in intact oocytes suggests that the cell-free translation systems will be useful tools for further studies of maturation events and translational control during meiosis.  相似文献   
H D Zeller  R Hille  M S Jorns 《Biochemistry》1989,28(12):5145-5154
Corynebacterial sarcosine oxidase contains both covalently and noncovalently bound FAD and forms complexes with various heterocyclic carboxylic acids (D-proline and 2-furoic, 2-pyrrolecarboxylic, and 2-thiophenecarboxylic acids). 2-Furoic acid, a competitive inhibitor with respect to sarcosine, selectively perturbs the absorption spectrum of the noncovalent flavin, suggesting that the enzyme has a single sarcosine binding site near the noncovalent flavin. Several heterocyclic amines have been identified as new substrates for the enzyme. Similar reactivity is observed with L-proline and L-pipecolic acid whereas L-2-azetidine-carboxylic acid is less reactive. Turnover with L-proline is slow (TN = 4.4 min-1) as compared with sarcosine (TN = 1000 min-1). Anaerobic reduction of the enzyme with heterocyclic amine substrates at pH 8.0 occurs as a biphasic reaction. A similar long-wavelength intermediate is formed in the initial fast phase of each reaction and then decays in a slower second phase to yield 1,5-dihydroFAD. The slow phase is not kinetically significant during aerobic turnover at pH 8.0 and is absent when the anaerobic reactions are conducted at pH 7.0. EPR and other studies at pH 7.0 show that the long-wavelength species is a half-reduced form of the enzyme (1 electron/substrate-reducible flavin) containing 0.9 mol of flavin radical/mol of substrate-reducible flavin. This biradical intermediate exhibits an absorption spectrum similar to that expected for a 50:50 mixture of red anionic and blue neutral flavin radicals. A similar long-wavelength species is observed during titration of the enzyme with sarcosine and other reductants. Studies with L-proline suggest that reduction of the enzyme involves initial transfer of two electrons to the noncovalent flavin. The covalent flavin is not required and can be complexed with sulfite without affecting the rate of electron transfer. The initial half-reduced form of the enzyme appears to be rapidly converted to the biradical form via comproportionation of the reduced noncovalent flavin with the oxidized covalent flavin.  相似文献   
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