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Luk?evi?s, E., Ahlberg, P.E., Stinkulis, ?., Vasi?kova, J. & Zupi??, I. 2011: Frasnian vertebrate taphonomy and sedimentology of macrofossil concentrations from the Langsēde Cliff, Latvia. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 356–370. The siliciclastic sequence of the Upper Devonian of Kurzeme, Western Latvia, is renowned for abundant vertebrate fossils, including the stem tetrapods Obruchevichthys gracilis and Ventastega curonica. During the first detailed taphonomic study of the vertebrate assemblage from the Ogre Formation cropping out at the Langsēde Cliff, Imula River, abundant vertebrate remains have been examined and identified as belonging to one psammosteid, two acanthodian and three sarcopterygian genera; the placoderm Bothriolepis maxima dominates the assemblage. Besides fully disarticulated placoderm and psammosteid plates, separate sarcopterygian scales and teeth, and acanthodian spines, partly articulated specimens including complete distal segments of Bothriolepis pectoral fins, Bothriolepis head shields and sarcopterygian lower jaws have been found. The size distribution of the placoderm bones demonstrates that the individuals within the assemblage are of approximately uniform age. Distinct zones have been traced within the horizontal distribution of the bones. These linear zones are almost perpendicular to the dominant dip azimuth of the cross‐beds and ripple‐laminae and most probably correspond to the depressions between subaqueous dunes. Concavity ratio varies significantly within the excavation area. The degree of fragmentation of the bones and disarticulation of the skeletons suggest that the carcasses were reworked and slightly transported before burial. Sedimentological data suggest deposition in a shallow marine environment under the influence of rapid currents. The fossiliferous bed consists of a basal bone conglomerate covered by a cross‐stratified sandstone with mud drapes, which is in turn overlain by ripple laminated sandstone, indicating the bones were buried by the gradual infilling of a tidal channel. All the Middle–Upper Devonian vertebrate bone‐beds from Latvia are associated with sandy to clayey deposits and have been formed in a sea‐coastal zone during rapid sedimentation episodes, but differ in fossil abundance and degree of preservation. □Agnathans, Devonian, facies analysis, fish, fossil assemblage, palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   
Spontaneous mutant frequency in the male germline increases with age, thereby increasing the risk of siring offspring with genetic disorders. In the present study we investigated the effect of age on ionizing radiation-induced male germline mutagenesis. lacI transgenic mice were treated with ionizing radiation at 4-, 15- and 26-month-old, and mutant frequencies were determined for pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids at 15 days or 49 days after ionizing radiation treatment. Cells collected 15 days after treatment were derivatives of irradiated differentiating spermatogenic cells while cells collected 49 days later were derivatives of spermatogonial stem cells. The results showed that (1) spontaneous mutant frequency increased in spermatogenic cells recovered from nonirradiated old mice (26-months-old), particularly in the round spermatids; (2) mutant frequencies were significantly increased in round spermatids obtained from middle-aged mice (15-months-old) and old age mice (26-months-old) at 15 and 49 days after irradiation compared to the sham-treated old mice; and (3) pachytene spermatocytes obtained from 15- or 26-month-old mice displayed a significantly increased mutant frequency at 15 days post irradiation. This study indicates that age modulates the mutagenic response to ionizing radiation in the male germline.  相似文献   
Two new species of Eimeria were observed in the feces of captive white-tailed deer fawns, Odocoileus virginianus, from Alabama. The first new species was easily recognized because of its small size. Sporulated oocysts are spherical, average 10.2 by 10.0 microm, and lack a micropyle and oocyst residuum. Oocysts contain a polar granule and elongate-ellipsoidal sporocysts that measure 6.7 by 3.1 microm. A Stieda body is present on the sporocysts. Oocysts were observed in the feces, and gamonts and oocysts were observed in the jejunum of a month-old fawn from Minnesota that died from enteritis due to this species. Oocysts of this small species were present in 5 of the 6 white-tailed deer fawns examined. Oocysts of a second new species are ellipsoidal and average 29.5 by 24.6 microm. The oocyst encloses an oocyst residuum, polar granule, and elongate-ellipsoidal sporocysts that average 16.0 by 9.0 microm. A Stieda body and substieda body are present on the sporocysts. Oocysts of the second new species were present in 4 of the 6 white-tailed deer fawns examined. Oocysts of E. ivensae are ovoid or flask-like and average 32.0 by 20.8 microm. The oocyst wall is rough, contains a micropyle, and encloses elongate-ellipsoidal sporocysts that average 16.5 by 7.8 microm. A Stieda body is present on the sporocysts. Oocysts of E. ivensae were present in 4 of the 6 white-tailed deer fawns. Oocysts of E. odocoilei are spherical or slightly subspherical and measure 24.7 by 21.5 microm. They enclose ovoid sporocysts that average 12.7 by 8.8 microm. A Stieda and substieda body are present on the sporocyst. Oocysts of E. odocoilei were present in 4 of the 6 white-tailed deer fawns.  相似文献   
Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) is a conserved human chromatin protein exploited by retroviruses. Previous investigators showed that BAF binds double-stranded DNA nonspecifically and is a host component of preintegration complexes (PICs) isolated from cells infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) or Moloney murine leukemia virus. BAF protects PIC structure and stimulates the integration of salt-stripped PICs into target DNA in vitro. PICs are thought to acquire BAF from the cytoplasm during infection. However, we identified two human tissues (of 16 tested) in which BAF mRNA was not detected: thymus and peripheral blood leukocytes, which are enriched in CD4(+) T lymphocytes and macrophage precursors, respectively. BAF protein was detected in activated but not resting CD4(+) T lymphocytes; thus, if BAF were essential for PIC function, we hypothesized that virions might "bring their own BAF." Supporting this model, BAF copurified with HIV-1 virions that were digested with subtilisin to remove microvesicle contaminants, and BAF was present in approximately zero to three copies per virion. In three independent assays, BAF bound directly to both p55 Gag (the structural precursor of HIV-1 virions) and its cleaved product, matrix. Using lysates from cells overexpressing Gag, endogenous BAF and Gag were coimmunoprecipitated by antibodies against Gag. Purified recombinant BAF had low micromolar affinities (1.1 to 1.4 micro M) for recombinant Gag and matrix. We conclude that BAF is present at low levels in incoming virions, in addition to being acquired from the cytoplasm of newly infected cells. We further conclude that BAF might contribute to the assembly or activity of HIV-1 PICs through direct binding to matrix, as well as DNA.  相似文献   
Four new monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that inhibit human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-induced syncytium formation were produced by immunizing BALB/c mice with HTLV-1-infected MT2 cells. Immunoprecipitation studies and binding assays of transfected mouse cells showed that these MAbs recognize class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Previously produced anti-class II MHC antibodies also blocked HTLV-1-induced cell fusion. Coimmunoprecipitation and competitive MAb binding studies indicated that class II MHC molecules and HTLV-1 envelope glycoproteins are not associated in infected cells. Anti-MHC antibodies had no effect on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) syncytium formation by cells coinfected with HIV-1 and HTLV-1, ruling out a generalized disruption of cell membrane function by the antibodies. High expression of MHC molecules suggested that steric effects of bound anti-MHC antibodies might explain their inhibition of HTLV-1 fusion. An anti-class I MHC antibody and a polyclonal antibody consisting of several nonblocking MAbs against other molecules bound to MT2 cells at levels similar to those of class II MHC antibodies, and they also blocked HTLV-1 syncytium formation. Dose-response experiments showed that inhibition of HTLV-1 syncytium formation correlated with levels of antibody bound to the surface of infected cells. The results show that HTLV-1 syncytium formation can be blocked by protein crowding or steric effects caused by large numbers of immunoglobulin molecules bound to the surface of infected cells and have implications for the structure of the cellular HTLV-1 receptor(s).Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a type C retrovirus and the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia (43, 56, 59) and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis (15, 17, 49, 61). Although HTLV-1 shows tropism primarily for T cells, it can infect a variety of cell types including cells from some nonhuman species (6, 9, 27, 46, 48, 60, 62). Infection by free HTLV-1 tends to be highly inefficient, and the virus appears to be transmitted primarily by the cell-to-cell route (37). The HTLV-1 envelope glycoprotein is synthesized as a 61-kDa precursor which is cleaved into surface (gp46) and transmembrane (gp21) proteins (40, 57). gp46 is thought to serve as the virus attachment protein, as does gp120 for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (40, 57). Although previous reports have identified host cell molecules which might potentially mediate virus binding (9, 14), the cellular receptor for HTLV-1 has not been definitively identified. A recent study in which affinity chromatography was carried out with a gp46 peptide has provided evidence that the heat shock protein HSC70 binds directly to gp46 and may serve as a virus receptor (47).gp21 contains an N-terminal hydrophobic fusion domain and likely serves as a fusion protein similar to HIV gp41 (12, 61). Like many other retroviruses, HTLV-1 can induce syncytium formation between infected cells and certain uninfected cell types (28, 39). However, there are no data to indicate that virus transmission or virus persistence in vivo depends on syncytium formation. It is thought that cell-cell fusion involves the same receptors and occurs in a manner similar to virus-cell fusion. For this reason, HTLV-1 syncytium assays have been used to screen for cell surface molecules that may serve as virus receptors (13, 14, 25, 29). Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against a number of membrane proteins including members of the tetraspanner family (30, 31) have been found to block syncytium formation. My colleagues and I recently reported that expression of the cell adhesion molecule vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) on uninfected cells can confer sensitivity to HTLV-1-mediated syncytium formation (25). In this previous study, we were not able to block HTLV-1 cell fusion with MAbs against the major VCAM-1 counterreceptor VLA-4 (25). Others have reported that MAbs to other adhesion molecules including intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (ICAM-3) also block HTLV-1 syncytium formation (29). We have demonstrated that adhesion molecules also facilitate HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection and syncytium formation (16, 24). Thus, adhesion molecules may be important accessory molecules for retroviruses generally.Earlier studies on accessory molecules involved in HTLV-1 biology have been extended by immunizing mice with HTLV-1-infected cells and screening for MAbs that block VCAM-1-supported HTLV-1 syncytium formation. Four new MAbs that completely block HTLV-1-mediated cell fusion have been generated. The MAbs were all determined to be specific for class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. These MAbs had no effect on syncytium formation induced by HIV-1. Studies on the mechanism by which the MAbs mediate this effect have revealed a novel mode of antibody blockade of virus-induced cell fusion: protein crowding at the infected cell surface resulting in steric blockade of critical receptor-ligand interactions.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope binds CD4 and a chemokine receptor in sequence, releasing hydrophobic viral gp41 residues into the target membrane. HIV entry required actin-dependent concentration of coreceptors, which could be disrupted by cytochalasin D (CytoD) without an effect on cell viability or mitosis. Pretreatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, but not virus, inhibited entry and infection. Immunofluorescent confocal microscopy of activated cells revealed CD4 and CXCR4 in nonoverlapping patterns. Addition of gp120 caused polarized cocapping of both molecules with subsequent pseudopod formation, while CytoD pretreatment blocked these membrane changes completely.  相似文献   
Secretory granules containing a hybrid protein consisting of the regulated secretory protein tissue plasminogen activator and an enhanced form of green fluorescent protein were tracked at high spatial resolution in growth cones of differentiated PC12 cells. Tracking shows that granules, unlike synaptic vesicles, generally are mobile in growth cones. Quantitative analysis of trajectories generated by granules revealed two dominant modes of motion: diffusive and directed. Diffusive motion was observed primarily in central and peripheral parts of growth cones, where most granules diffused two to four orders of magnitude more slowly than comparably sized spheres in dilute solution. Directed motion was observed primarily in proximal parts of growth cones, where a subset of granules underwent rapid, directed motion at average speeds comparable to those observed for granules in neurites. This high-resolution view of the dynamics of secretory granules in growth cones provides insight into granule organization and release at nerve terminals. In particular, the mobility of granules suggests that granules, unlike synaptic vesicles, are not tethered stably to cytoskeletal structures in nerve terminals. Moreover, the slow diffusive nature of this mobility suggests that secretory responses involving centrally distributed granules in growth cones will occur slowly, on a time scale of minutes or longer.  相似文献   
Infectious agents select for host immune responses that destroy infectious nonself yet maintain tolerance to self. Here we propose that retroviruses and other host-antigen associated pathogens (HAAPs) select for the genetic, biochemical, and cell biological properties of alloimmunity, also known as the histocompatibility or tissue rejection response. This hypothesis predicts the major observations regarding histocompatibility responses, including: (i) their existence in animals as diverse as sponges and humans; (ii) extreme polymorphism and balanced allele frequencies at histocompatibility loci, including the human MHC and blood group loci; (iii) the frequency dependent selection of histocompatibility alleles; (iv) the ancient age of many alloantigenic polymorphisms; (v) the high ratio of nonsynonymous mutations to synonymous mutations at histocompatibility loci; (vi) disassortative mating based on MHC alleles; (vii) the inability to explain the existence and continuing selection of histocompatibility alleles by other more conventional biochemical and genetic paradigms; and (viii) the susceptibility of HAAPs, particularly retroviruses such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), to histocompatibility reactions. In addition, the hypothesis that HAAPs select the forms and molecules of alloimmunity offers simple explanations for the evolution of histocompatibility systems over time, the initial selection of hypervariable immune mechanisms, and the genesis of adaptive immunity.  相似文献   
A total of 27 maize-based products destined for human consumption were collected from retail outlets within the city of Glasgow in the UK and were analysed for the presence of aflatoxins using immunoaftinity column chromatography with fluorescence detection and for fumonisins by competitive ELISA. Aflatoxins were detected at a trace level below 4 in eight (30%) of the 27 samples tested, no sample contained aflatoxins at a high level although one sample of sweetcorn did contain aflatoxins at a level of 5-10 Fumonisins were detected in eight (30%) of the samples at levels from 1 to 8mgkg-1 and a further eight samples contained fumonisin at a level below 1 mgkg-1 but above the detectable level. The highest concentration of fumonisins was found in a sample of fine corn meal at 8-12mgkg-1.  相似文献   
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