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The human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni has a complex life cycle that includes the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata as intermediate host. Within each stage, the parasite synthesizes a wide array of glycoconjugates, exhibiting, in part, unique carbohydrate structures. In addition, the parasite expresses definitive host-like sugar epitopes, such as Lewis X determinants, supporting the concept of carbohydrate-mediated molecular mimicry as an invasion and survival strategy. In the present study, we investigated whether common carbohydrate determinants occur also at the level of the intermediate host. To this end, a structural characterization of hemolymph glycoprotein-N-glycans of B. glabrata was performed. N-glycans were released from tryptic glycopeptides and labeled with 2-aminopyridine. Sugar chains serologically cross-reacting with S. mansoni glycoconjugates were isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography using a polyclonal antiserum directed against schistosomal egg antigens and fractionated by Aleuria aurantia lectin affinity chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Obtained glycans were analyzed by different mass spectrometric techniques as well as by monosaccharide constituent and linkage analysis. The results revealed a highly heterogeneous oligosaccharide pattern. Cross-reacting species represented about 5% of the total glycans and exhibited a terminal Fuc(alpha1-3)GalNAc unit, a (1-2)-linked xylosyl residue, or both types of structural motifs. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the presence of common carbohydrate epitopes also at the level of S. mansoni and its intermediate host.  相似文献   
A growth selection system was established using Pseudomonas putida, which can grow on benzaldehyde as the sole carbon source. These bacteria presumably metabolize benzaldehyde via the β-ketoadipate pathway and were unable to grow in benzoylformate-containing selective medium, but the growth deficiency could be restored by expression in trans of genes encoding benzoylformate decarboxylases. The selection system was used to identify three novel benzoylformate decarboxylases, two of them originating from a chromosomal library of P. putida ATCC 12633 and the third from an environmental-DNA library. The novel P. putida enzymes BfdB and BfdC exhibited 83% homology to the benzoylformate decarboxylase from P. aeruginosa and 63% to the enzyme MdlC from P. putida ATCC 12633, whereas the metagenomic BfdM exhibited 72% homology to a putative benzoylformate decarboxylase from Polaromonas naphthalenivorans. BfdC was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the enzymatic activity was determined to be 22 U/ml using benzoylformate as the substrate. Our results clearly demonstrate that P. putida KT2440 is an appropriate selection host strain suitable to identify novel benzoylformate decarboxylase-encoding genes. In principle, this system is also applicable to identify a broad range of different industrially important enzymes, such as benzaldehyde lyases, benzoylformate decarboxylases, and hydroxynitrile lyases, which all catalyze the formation of benzaldehyde.  相似文献   
The elaC gene product from Escherichia coli, ZiPD, is a 3' tRNA-processing endonuclease belonging to the tRNase Z family of enzymes that have been identified in a wide variety of organisms. In contrast to the elaC homologue from Bacillus subtilis, E. coli elaC is not essential for viability, and although both enzymes process only precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) lacking a CCA triplet at the 3' end in vitro, the physiological role of ZiPD remains enigmatic because all pre-tRNA species in E. coli are transcribed with the CCA triplet. We present the first crystal structure of ZiPD determined by multiple anomalous diffraction at a resolution of 2.9 A. This structure shares many features with the tRNase Z enzymes from B. subtilis and Thermotoga maritima, but there are distinct differences in metal binding and overall domain organization. Unlike the previously described homologous structures, ZiPD dimers display crystallographic symmetry and fully loaded metal sites. The ZiPD exosite is similar to that of the B. subtilis enzyme structurally, but its position with respect to the protein core differs substantially, illustrating its ability to act as a clamp in binding tRNA. Furthermore, the ZiPD crystal structure presented here provides insight into the enzyme's cooperativity and assists the ongoing attempt to elucidate the physiological function of this protein.  相似文献   
According to a recent publication by Thomae, A. V., H. Wunderli-Allenspach, and S. D. Kr?mer (2005. Biophys. J. 89:1802-1811), membrane bilayers are well-permeable to the charged species of aromatic carboxylic acids. At physiological pH, the anions were claimed to be the major diffusing species. In contrast, calculation of the Born energy barrier predicts a 10(5)-fold higher permeability for the uncharged (protonated) form. To test the new model, we now have measured both the current carried by the salicylate anion through solvent-free planar membranes and the amount of protons transported by the neutral species. The corresponding membrane permeabilities of the charged and protonated forms were 4 x 10(-7) cm/s and 1.2 cm/s. These data are in perfect agreement with literature data gathered in the last three decades (compare, e.g., Gutknecht, J., and D. C. Tosteson. 1973. Science. 182:1258-1261). They indicate that the report by Thomae at al. represents an experimental artifact. The well-documented role of neutral species in the permeation process of weak acids and bases across artificial and natural membranes is not in question. Overton still rules.  相似文献   
CNS diseases are often accompanied by changes in the protein composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). SELDI-TOF-MS provides an approach for identifying specific protein markers of disease in biological fluids. We compared the CSF proteomes from patients with neoplastic and reactive/inflammatory CNS diseases to identify potential biomarkers. SELDI-TOF-MS was performed on CSF derived from lumbar puncture of 32 patients, including 10 with CNS malignancies, 12 with inflammatory or reactive conditions, and 10 with unknown CNS disease. Using the SAX-2 (strong anionic exchange) chip, we uncovered three conserved protein peak ranges within each disease category. For neoplastic diseases, we identified conserved peaks at 7.5-8.0 kDa (9/10 samples), 15.1-15.9 kDa (8/10 samples), and 30.0-32.0 kDa (5/10 samples). In reactive/inflammatory diseases, conserved peaks were found at 6.7-7.1 kDa (10/12 samples), 11.5-11.9 kDa (12/12 samples), and 13.3-13.7 kDa (9/12 samples). A protein from the 30.0 to 32.0 kDa peak range found in neoplastic CSF was identified by MALDI analysis as carbonic anhydrase, a protein overexpressed in many malignancies including high-grade gliomas. Similarly, cystatin C was identified in the 13.3-13.7 kDa peak range in non-neoplastic CSF and was most prominent in inflammatory conditions. Our approach provides a rational basis for identifying biomarkers that could be used for detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of CNS diseases.  相似文献   
Long-chain free fatty acids (FFAs) play an important role in several physiological and pathological processes such as lipid fusion, adjustments of membrane permeability and fluidity, and the regulation of enzyme and protein activities. FFA-facilitated membrane proton transport (flip-flop) and FFA-dependent proton transport by membrane proteins (e.g., mitochondrial uncoupling proteins) are governed by the difference between FFA’s intrinsic pKa value and the pH in the immediate membrane vicinity. Thus far, a quantitative understanding of the process has been hampered, because the pKa value shifts upon moving the FFA from the aqueous solution into the membrane. For the same FFA, pKa values between 5 and 10.5 were reported. Here, we systematically evaluated the dependence of pKa values on chain length and number of double bonds by measuring the ζ-potential of liposomes reconstituted with FFA at different pH values. The experimentally obtained intrinsic pKa values (6.25, 6.93, and 7.28 for DOPC membranes) increased with FFA chain length (C16, C18, and C20), indicating that the hydrophobic energy of transfer into the bilayer is an important pKa determinant. The observed pKa decrease in DOPC with increasing number of FFA double bonds (7.28, 6.49, 6.16, and 6.13 for C20:0, C20:1, C20:2, and C20:4, respectively) is in line with a decrease in transfer energy. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed that the ionized carboxylic group of the FFAs occupied a fixed position in the bilayer independent of chain length, underlining the importance of Born energy. We conclude that pKa is determined by the interplay between the energetic costs for 1) burying the charged moiety into the lipid bilayer and 2) transferring the hydrophobic protonated FFA into the bilayer.  相似文献   
Alternative splicing (AS) of pre-mRNAs in higher eukaryotes and several viruses is one major source of protein diversity. Usually, the following major subtypes of AS are distinguished: exon skipping, intron retention, and alternative 3′ and 5′ splice sites. Moreover, mutually exclusive exons (MXEs) represent a rare subtype. In the splicing of MXEs, two (or more) splicing events are not independent anymore, but are executed or disabled in a coordinated manner. In this review, several bioinformatics approaches for analyzing MXEs are presented and discussed. In particular, we revisit suitable definitions and nomenclatures, and bioinformatics tools for finding MXEs, adjacent and non-adjacent MXEs, clustered and grouped MXEs. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms for splicing MXEs proposed in the literature are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   
Fertilization in animals is a complex sequence of several biochemical events beginning with the insemination into the female reproductive tract and, finally, leading to embryogenesis. Studies by Kitajima and co-workers (Miyata, S., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K. (2007) Trends Glycosci. Glyc, 19, 85–98) demonstrated the presence of polysialic acid (polySia) on sea urchin sperm. Based on these results, we became interested in the potential involvement of sialic acid polymers in mammalian fertilization. Therefore, we isolated human sperm and performed analyses, including Western blotting and mild 1,2-diamino-4,5-methylenedioxybenzene-HPLC, that revealed the presence α2,8-linked polySia chains. Further analysis by a glyco-proteomics approach led to the identification of two polySia carriers. Interestingly, besides the neural cell adhesion molecule, the polysialyltransferase ST8SiaII has also been found to be a target for polysialylation. Further analysis of testis and epididymis tissue sections demonstrated that only epithelial cells of the caput were polySia-positive. During the epididymal transit, polySia carriers were partially integrated into the sperm membrane of the postacrosomal region. Because polySia is known to counteract histone as well as neutrophil extracellular trap-mediated cytotoxicity against host cells, which plays a role after insemination, we propose that polySia in semen represents a cytoprotective element to increase the number of vital sperm.  相似文献   
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