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Though xenogeneic acellular scaffolds are frequently used for surgical reconstruction, knowledge of their mechanical properties is lacking. This study compared the mechanical, histological and ultrastructural properties of various native and acellular specimens.

Materials and Methods

Porcine esophagi, ureters and skin were tested mechanically in a native or acellular condition, focusing on the elastic modulus, ultimate tensile stress and maximum strain. The testing protocol for soft tissues was standardized, including the adaption of the tissue’s water content and partial plastination to minimize material slippage as well as templates for normed sample dimensions and precise cross-section measurements. The native and acellular tissues were compared at the microscopic and ultrastructural level with a focus on type I collagens.


Increased elastic modulus and ultimate tensile stress values were quantified in acellular esophagi and ureters compared to the native condition. In contrast, these values were strongly decreased in the skin after acellularization. Acellularization-related decreases in maximum strain were found in all tissues. Type I collagens were well-preserved in these samples; however, clotting and a loss of cross-linking type I collagens was observed ultrastructurally. Elastins and fibronectins were preserved in the esophagi and ureters. A loss of the epidermal layer and decreased fibronectin content was present in the skin.


Acellularization induces changes in the tensile properties of soft tissues. Some of these changes appear to be organ specific. Loss of cross-linking type I collagen may indicate increased mechanical strength due to decreasing transverse forces acting upon the scaffolds, whereas fibronectin loss may be related to decreased load-bearing capacity. Potentially, the alterations in tissue mechanics are linked to organ function and to the interplay of cells and the extracellular matrix, which is different in hollow organs when compared to skin.  相似文献   
To better understand hypercoagulability as an underlying cause for thrombosis, the leading cause of death in the Western world, new assays to study ex vivo coagulation are essential. The zebrafish is generally accepted as a good model for human hemostasis and thrombosis, as the hemostatic system proved to be similar to that in man. Their small size however, has been a hurdle for more widespread use in hemostasis related research. In this study we developed a method that enables the measurement of thrombin generation in a single drop of non-anticoagulated zebrafish blood. Pre-treatment of the fish with inhibitors of FXa and thrombin, resulted in a dose dependent diminishing of thrombin generation, demonstrating the validity of the assay. In order to establish the relationship between whole blood thrombin generation and fibrin formation, we visualized the resulting fibrin network by scanning electron microscopy. Taken together, in this study we developed a fast and reliable method to measure thrombin generation in whole blood collected from a single zebrafish. Given the similarities between coagulation pathways of zebrafish and mammals, zebrafish may be an ideal animal model to determine the effect of novel therapeutics on thrombin generation. Additionally, because of the ease with which gene functions can be silenced, zebrafish may serve as a model organism for mechanistical research in thrombosis and hemostasis.  相似文献   
Distinguishing the relative influence of historic (i.e. natural) versus anthropogenic factors in metapopulation structure is an important but often overlooked step in management programs of threatened species. Biotas in freshwater wetlands and floodplains, such as those in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB)—one of Australia’s most impacted ecosystems, are particularly susceptible to anthropogenic fragmentation. Here we present a comprehensive multilocus assessment of genetic variation in the threatened southern pygmy perch Nannoperca australis (578 individuals; 45 localities; microsatellite, allozyme and mitochondrial DNA datasets), an ecological specialist with low dispersal potential. We assess patterns of spatial structure and genetic diversity in populations spanning the highly fragmented MDB and test whether recent anthropogenic modification has disrupted range-wide connectivity. We detected strong and hierarchical population structure, very low genetic diversity and lack of contemporary gene flow across the MDB. In contrast, the apparent absence of pronounced or long-term phylogeographic structure suggests that observed population divergences generally do not reflect deeply historic natural fragmentation. Coalescent-based analyses supported this inference, revealing that divergence times between populations from the upper and lower MDB fall into the period of European settlement. It appears that the observed contemporary isolation of populations is partly explained by the severe modification of the MDB post-dating the onset of European settlement. Our integrated approach substantially improves the interpretation of how fragmentation impacts present-day biodiversity. It also provides novel contributions for risk-assessing management actions in the context of captive breeding and translocations of small freshwater fishes, a group of increasing global conservation concern.  相似文献   
U. T. Hammer 《Hydrobiologia》1971,37(3-4):473-507
Summary Physical aspects including geography, geology, climate, soils, vegetation and lake morphometry of the upper Qu'Appelle River basin have been summarized. The importance of multiple use of this area has been stressed.The lakes were studied during the 1959–1969 period. Only Katepwa Lake showed temperature stratification for any length of time. Ice cover persisted for about five months each year. Buffalo Pound Lake had the lowest mean Secchi disc transparency (0.9 m) while Katepwa Lake had the highest (2.1 m). Light transmissibility tended to be lowest during May and September when wind velocities were highest. The 1 % level of light extinction was usually between 1 and 3 meters depth. The yellow portion of the spectrum penetrated the furthest.Buffalo Pound Lake was the least saline (600–700 mg/l TDS) while Last Mountain Lake was most saline (2000–2400 mg/l TDS). Input from Lake Diefenbaker and heavy spring runoffs effected major decreases in all lakes by May 1969. All lakes except Last Mountain were considerably more saline than during the 1937–1941 period. Variations in anions and cations within and between lakes vary with the total dissolved solids. As salinity increases magnesium, sulphate and chloride increase faster proportionally than other ions. The order of concentration of major cations is Na > Mg > Ca > K while the major anions' order of concentration is SO4 > CO3.HCO3 > Cl.Soluble phosphate levels tend to be lowest in Buffalo Pound Lake. Levels increased sharply in Pasqua Lake below sewage outfalls from Moose jaw and Regina. Subsequently levels decreased in each successive downstream lake. Concentrations increased during the period of study. It was estimated that 594 metric tons of orthophosphate were contributed in domestic sewage in 1966. In addition land drainage contributes considerable amounts of phosphate during spring runoff.Nitrogen-bearing compounds vary in similar patterns as soluble phosphate but with smaller fluctuations. Domestic sewage and land drainage contribute significant amounts but of greater importance may be in situ biological fixation.All lakes were basic with usual pH of 8.4–9.0.From a chemical point of view these lakes are distinctly eutrophic.
Zusammenfassung An fünf Seen des Ober Qu'Appelle Fluszgebietes, Saskatchewan, sind seit 1959 die jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen des Planktons und auch wichtige chemische und physikalische Milieufaktoren studiert worden. In diesem Teil werden die physiographischen Faktoren diskutiert.Dauernde Temperaturschichtung kommt nur im Katepwa See vor. Die 1% Lichtstärke war meistens zwischen 1 und 3 m Tiefe gelegen.Der Salzgehalt der Ober Qu'Appelle Seen liegt zwischen 600 mg/l (Buffalo Pound See) and 2400 mg/1 (Last Mountain See). Die Kationen ordnen sich in der Reihenfolge Na > Mg > Ca > K, die Anionen: SO4 > CO3.HCO3 > Cl. Der pH bleibt meistens zwischen 8.4 and 9.0.Die Phosphatkonzentration ist sehr hoch. Abwasserverunreinigung, verursacht durch die Städte Regina und Moose jaw, ist bedeutsam für Phosphatgehalt in allen Seen auszer Buffalo Pound See. Die Stickstoffkonzentration ist ebenfalls hoch aber schwankt nicht soviel wie das Phosphat.Vom chemischen Standpunkt ausgesehen sind diese Seen sehr eutrophiert.
Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) causes serious damage to pome fruit orchards, and identification of germplasm with heritable disease resistance is therefore crucial. Two dominant SCAR (sequence characterised amplified region) marker alleles (AE10-375 and GE-8019), flanking a previously identified QTL (quantitative trait locus) for resistance to fire blight on ‘Fiesta’ linkage group 7 in apple cultivars related to ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, were screened on 205 apple cultivars. Both marker alleles were present in 22% of the cultivars, indicating presence of the QTL allele for tolerance, and both were lacking in 25%, indicating homozygosity for absence of the QTL tolerance allele. However, 33% had only the marker allele AE10-375, while 20% had only GE-8019, suggesting that some cultivars with the dominant alleles for both of the flanking markers can carry these on separate chromosomes and may lack the QTL allele for tolerance. In 2009 and 2010, terminal shoots of greenhouse-grown grafted trees of 21 cultivars (only 20 in 2010) were inoculated with Erwinia amylovora. ‘Idared’ (susceptible) and ‘Enterprise’ (tolerant) were included as controls. Disease severity for each cultivar was expressed as percentage of necrosis in relation to entire length of shoot, and the ranking of cultivars in 2009 and 2010 was compared with a Spearman rank correlation test, P < 0.01. A relationship between presence of both flanking marker alleles for tolerance and level of fire blight tolerance was confirmed with a Mann–Whitney U-test, P < 0.01 in 2009, and P < 0.05 in 2010. A PCO (principal coordinate) analysis based on band profiles obtained with 12 SSR (simple sequence repeat) loci produced three loose clusters, two of which contained known offspring of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, and one with cultivars that were either unrelated or had an unknown origin. Cases where DNA markers did not predict level of fire blight damage as expected, were, however, as common among descendants of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ as among apparently unrelated cultivars. Obviously the ‘Fiesta’ LG 7 QTL has some predictive value, both for known ‘Cox’ relatives and others, but more efficient markers would be desirable for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   
For many cell types, growth, differentiation, and motility are dependent on receptor-mediated adhesion to ligand-coated surfaces. Focal contacts are strong, specialized, adhesive connections between cell and substrate in which receptors aggregate and connect extracellular ligand to intracellular cytoskeletal molecules. In this paper, we present a mathematical model to examine how focal contact formation affects cellular adhesive strength. To calculate adhesive strength with and without focal contacts, we use a one-dimensional tape peeling analysis to determine the critical tension necessary to peel the membrane. Receptor-ligand bonds are modeled as adhesive springs. In the absence of focal contacts, we derive analytic expressions for the critical tension at low and high ligand densities and show how membrane morphology affects adhesion. Then, focal contacts are modeled as cytoplasmic nucleation centers which bind adhesion receptors. The extent of adhesive strengthening upon focal contact formation depends on the elastic rigidity of the cytoskeletal connections, which determines the structural integrity of the focal contact itself. We consider two limits to this elasticity, very weak and rigid. Rigid cytoskeletal connections give much greater attachment strengths. The dependence of attachment strength on measurable model parameters is quite different in these two limits, which suggests focal contact structure might be deduced from properly performed adhesion experiments. Finally, we compare our model to the adhesive strengthening response reported for glioma cell adhesion to fibronectin (Lotz et al., 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:1795-1805). Our model successfully predicts the observed detachment forces at 4 degrees C and yields values for the number of fibronectin receptors per glioma cell and the density of cytoskeletal connection molecules (talin) involved in receptor clusters which are consistent with measurements for other cell types. Comparison of the model with data at 37 degrees C suggests that while cytoskeletal cross-linking and clustering of fibronectin receptors significantly increases adhesion strength, specific glioma cell-substratum attachment sites possess little mechanical rigidity and detach through a peeling mechanism, consistent with the view that these sites of < or = 15 nm cell-substrate separation are precursors to fully formed, elastically rigid focal contacts.  相似文献   
The white-rot fungi Trametes versicolor SBUG 1050, DSM 11269 and DSM 11309 are able to oxidize diphenyl ether and its halogenated derivatives 4-bromo- and 4-chlorodiphenyl ether. The products formed from diphenyl ether were 2- and 4-hydroxydiphenyl ether. Both 4-bromo- and 4-chlorodiphenyl ether were transformed to the corresponding products hydroxylated at the non-halogenated ring. Additionally, ring-cleavage products were detected by high perfomance liquid chromatography and characterized by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Unhalogenated diphenyl ether was degraded to 2-hydroxy-4-phenoxymuconic acid and 6-carboxy-4-phenoxy-2-pyrone. Brominated derivatives of both these compounds were formed from 4-bromodiphenyl ether, and 4-chlorodiphenyl ether was transformed in the same way to the analogous chlorinated ring cleavage products. Additionally, 4-bromo- and 4-chlorophenol were detected as intermediates from 4-bromo- and 4-chlorodiphenyl ether, respectively. In the presence of the cytochrome-P450 inhibitor 1-aminobenzotriazole, no metabolites were formed by cells of Trametes versicolor from the diphenyl ethers investigated. Cell-free supernatants of whole cultures with high laccase and manganese peroxidase activities were not able to transform the unhydroxylated diphenyl ethers used.  相似文献   
We find that in contrast to strongly adherent, slow moving cells such as fibroblasts, neutrophils exert contractile stresses largely in the rear of the cell (uropod) relative to the direction of motion. Rather than the leading edge pulling the cell, the rear is both anchoring the cell and the area in which the contractile forces are concentrated. These tractions rapidly reorient themselves during a turn, on a timescale of seconds to minutes, and their repositioning precedes and sets the direction of motion during a turn. We find the total average root mean-squared traction force to be 28+/-10 nN during chemokinesis, and 67+/-10 nN during chemotaxis. We hypothesize that the contraction forces in the back of the neutrophil not only break uropodial adhesive contacts but also create a rearward squeezing contractility, as seen in amoeboid or amoeboidlike cells and the formation of blebs in cells, causing a flow of intracellular material to the fluidlike lamellipod. Our findings suggest an entirely new model of neutrophil locomotion.  相似文献   

The biphenyl-degrading Gram-negative bacterium Cupriavidus basilensis (formerly Ralstonia sp.) SBUG 290 uses various aromatic compounds as carbon and energy sources and has a high capacity to transform bisphenol A (BPA), which is a hormonally active substance structurally related to biphenyl. Biphenyl-grown cells initially hydroxylated BPA and converted it to four additional products by using three different transformation pathways: (a) formation of multiple hydroxylated BPA, (b) ring fission, and (c) transamination followed by acetylation or dimerization. Products of the ring fission pathway were non-toxic and all five products exhibited a significantly reduced estrogenic activity compared to BPA. Cell cultivation with phenol and especially in nutrient broth (NB) resulted in a reduced biotransformation rate and lower product quantities, and NB-grown cells did not produce all five products in detectable amounts. Thus, the question arose whether enzymes of the biphenyl degradation pathway are involved in the transformation of BPA and was addressed by proteomic analyses.

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