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Willingale R  Jones DJ  Lamb JH  Quinn P  Farmer PB  Ng LL 《Proteomics》2006,6(22):5903-5914
We have developed a technique for analysing blood plasma using MALDI-MS with subsequent data analysis to identify significant and specific differences between heart failure (HF) patients and healthy individuals. A training dataset comprising 100 HF patients and 100 healthy individuals was used to search for biomarkers (m/z range 1000-10,000). EWP cartridges when used in tandem with microcon centrifugal filters were found to give the best results. A data management chain including event binning, background subtraction and feature extraction was developed to reduce the data, and statistical analysis was used to map feature intensities on to a common scale. Various mathematical approaches including a simple cumulative score, support vector machines (SVM) and genetic algorithms (GAs) were then used to combine the results from individual features and provide a robust classification algorithm. The SVM gave the most promising results (accuracy 95%, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) score of 0.997 using 18 selected features). Finally, a test dataset comprising a further 32 HF patients and 20 controls was used to verify that the 18 putative biomarkers and classification algorithms gave reliable predictions (accuracy 88.5%, ROC score 0.998).  相似文献   
Multi-proxy studies in palaeolimnology   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Multi-proxy studies are becoming increasingly common in palaeolimnology. Eight basic requirements and challenges for a multi-proxy study are outlined in this essay – definition of research questions, leadership, site selection and coring, data storage, chronology, presentation of results, numerical tools and data interpretation. The nature of proxy data is discussed in terms of physical proxies and biotic proxies. Loss-on-ignition changes and the use of transfer functions are reviewed as examples of problems in the interpretation of data from multi-proxy studies. The importance of pollen analysis and plant macrofossil analysis in multi-proxy studies is emphasised as lake history cannot be interpreted without knowledge of catchment history. Future directions are outlined about how multi-proxy studies can contribute to understanding biotic responses to environmental change.  相似文献   
Morphogenesis of a vascular network requires dynamic vessel growth and regression. To investigate the cellular mechanism underlying this process, we deleted focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a key signaling mediator, in endothelial cells (ECs) using Tie2-Cre mice. Targeted FAK depletion occurred efficiently early in development, where mutants exhibited a distinctive and irregular vasculature, resulting in hemorrhage and lethality between embryonic day (e) 10.5 and 11.5. Capillaries and intercapillary spaces in yolk sacs were dilated before any other detectable abnormalities at e9.5, and explants demonstrate that the defects resulted from the loss of FAK and not from organ failure. Time-lapse microscopy monitoring EC behavior during vascular formation in explants revealed no apparent decrease in proliferation or migration but revealed increases in cell retraction and death leading to reduced vessel growth and increased vessel regression. Consistent with this phenotype, ECs derived from mutant embryos exhibited aberrant lamellipodial extensions, altered actin cytoskeleton, and nonpolarized cell movement. This study reveals that FAK is crucial for vascular morphogenesis and the regulation of EC survival and morphology.  相似文献   
In this study, we describe the identification and in vitro functional activity of a novel multiple domain complement regulatory protein discovered based on its homology to short consensus repeat (SCR)-containing proteins of the regulators of complement activation (RCA) gene family. The rat cDNA encodes a predicted 388-kDa protein consisting of 14 N-terminal CUB domains that are separated from each other by a SCR followed by 15 tandem SCR domains, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. This protein is the homolog of the human protein of unknown function called the CUB and sushi multiple domains 1 (CSMD1) protein. A cloning strategy that incorporates the two C-terminal CUB-SCR domains and 12 of the tandem SCR repeats was used to produce a soluble rat CSMD1 protein. This protein blocked classical complement pathway activation in a comparable fashion with rat Crry but did not block alternative pathway activation. Analysis of CSMD1 mRNA expression by in situ hybridization and immunolabeling of neurons indicates that the primary sites of synthesis are the developing CNS and epithelial tissues. Of particular significance is the enrichment of CSMD1 in the nerve growth cone, the amoeboid-leading edge of the growing neuron. These results suggest that CSMD1 may be an important regulator of complement activation and inflammation in the developing CNS, and that it may also play a role in the context of growth cone function.  相似文献   
Frase H  Hudak J  Lee I 《Biochemistry》2006,45(27):8264-8274
Lon is a homo-oligomeric ATP-dependent serine protease which functions in the degradation of damaged and certain regulatory proteins. The importance of Lon activity in bacterial pathogenicity has led to its emergence as a target in the development of novel antibiotics. As no potent inhibitors of Lon activity have been reported to date, we sought to identify an inhibitor which could serve as a lead compound in the development of a potent Lon-specific inhibitor. To determine whether a nucleotide- or peptide-based inhibitor would be more effective, we evaluated the steady-state kinetic parameters associated with both ATP and peptide hydrolysis by human and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Lon. Although the ATP hydrolysis activities of both homologues are kinetically indistinguishable, they display marked differences in peptide substrate specificity. This suggests that a peptide-based inhibitor could be developed which would target bacterial Lon, thereby decreasing side-effects due to cross-reactivity with human Lon. Using Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Lon as a model, we evaluated the IC50 values of a series of commercially available peptide-based inhibitors. Those inhibitors which behave as transition state analogues were the most useful in inhibiting Lon activity. The peptidyl boronate, MG262, was the most potent inhibitor tested (IC50 = 122 +/- 9 nM) and required binding, but not hydrolysis, of ATP to initiate inhibition. We hope to use MG262 as a lead compound in the development of future Lon-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   
Contrary to the accepted dogma that ATP is the canonical phosphate donor in aminoglycoside kinases and protein kinases, it was recently demonstrated that all members of the bacterial aminoglycoside 2'-phosphotransferase IIIa (APH(2')) aminoglycoside kinase family are unique in their ability to utilize GTP as a cofactor for antibiotic modification. Here we describe the structural determinants for GTP recognition in these enzymes. The crystal structure of the GTP-dependent APH(2')-IIIa shows that although this enzyme has templates for both ATP and GTP binding superimposed on a single nucleotide specificity motif, access to the ATP-binding template is blocked by a bulky tyrosine residue. Substitution of this tyrosine by a smaller amino acid opens access to the ATP template. Similar GTP binding templates are conserved in other bacterial aminoglycoside kinases, whereas in the structurally related eukaryotic protein kinases this template is less conserved. The aminoglycoside kinases are important antibiotic resistance enzymes in bacteria, whose wide dissemination severely limits available therapeutic options, and the GTP binding templates could be exploited as new, previously unexplored targets for inhibitors of these clinically important enzymes.  相似文献   
Atovaquone is an anti-malarial drug used in combination with proguanil (e.g. Malarone(TM)) for the curative and prophylactic treatment of malaria. Atovaquone, a 2-hydroxynaphthoquinone, is a competitive inhibitor of the quinol oxidation (Q(o)) site of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) complex. Inhibition of this enzyme results in the collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, disruption of pyrimidine biosynthesis, and subsequent parasite death. Resistance to atovaquone in the field is associated with point mutations in the Q(o) pocket of cytochrome b, most notably near the conserved Pro(260)-Glu(261)-Trp(262)-Tyr(263) (PEWY) region in the ef loop). The effect of this mutation has been extensively studied in model organisms but hitherto not in the parasite itself. Here, we have performed a molecular and biochemical characterization of an atovaquone-resistant field isolate, TM902CB. Molecular analysis of this strain reveals the presence of the Y268S mutation in cytochrome b. The Y268S mutation is shown to confer a 270-fold shift of the inhibitory constant (K(i)) for atovaquone with a concomitant reduction in the V(max) of the bc(1) complex of ~40% and a 3-fold increase in the observed K(m) for decylubiquinol. Western blotting analyses reveal a reduced iron-sulfur protein content in Y268S bc(1) suggestive of a weakened interaction between this subunit and cytochrome b. Gene expression analysis of the TM902CB strain reveals higher levels of expression, compared with the 3D7 (atovaquone-sensitive) control strain in bc(1) and cytochrome c oxidase genes. It is hypothesized that the observed differential expression of these and other key genes offsets the fitness cost resulting from reduced bc(1) activity.  相似文献   
All T cells are dependent on IL-7 for their development and for homeostasis. Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are unique among T cells in that they are dependent on IL-2. Whether such IL-2 dependency is distinct from or in addition to an IL-7 requirement has been a confounding issue, particularly because of the absence of an adequate experimental system to address this question. In this study, we present a novel in vivo mouse model where IL-2 expression is intact but IL-7 expression was geographically limited to the thymus. Consequently, IL-7 is not available in peripheral tissues. Such mice were generated by introducing a thymocyte-specific IL-7 transgene onto an IL-7 null background. In these mice, T cell development in the thymus, including Foxp3(+) Treg numbers, was completely restored, which correlates with the thymus-specific expression of transgenic IL-7. In peripheral cells, however, IL-7 expression was terminated, which resulted in a general paucity of T cells and a dramatic reduction of Foxp3(+) Treg numbers. Loss of Tregs was further accompanied by a significant reduction in Foxp3(+) expression levels. These data suggest that peripheral IL-7 is not only necessary for Treg survival but also for upregulating Foxp3 expression. Collectively, we assessed the effect of a selective peripheral IL-7 deficiency in the presence of a fully functional thymus, and we document a critical requirement for in vivo IL-7 in T cell maintenance and specifically in Foxp3(+) cell homeostasis.  相似文献   
Cell therapy has enormous potential to restore neurological function after stroke. The present study investigated effects of conditionally immortalised neural stem cells (ciNSCs), the Maudsley hippocampal murine neural stem cell line clone 36 (MHP36), on sensorimotor and histological outcome in mice subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO).Adult male C57BL/6 mice underwent MCAO by intraluminal thread or sham surgery and MHP36 cells or vehicle were implanted into ipsilateral cortex and caudate 2 days later. Functional recovery was assessed for 28 days using cylinder and ladder rung tests and tissue analysed for plasticity, differentiation and infarct size.MHP36-implanted animals showed accelerated and augmented functional recovery and an increase in neurons (MAP-2), synaptic plasticity (synaptophysin) and axonal projections (GAP-43) but no difference in astrocytes (GFAP), oligodendrocytes (CNPase), microglia (IBA-1) or lesion volumes when compared to vehicle group.This is the first study showing a potential functional benefit of the ciNSCs, MHP36, after focal MCAO in mice, which is probably mediated by promoting neuronal differentiation, synaptic plasticity and axonal projections and opens up opportunities for future exploitation of genetically altered mice for dissection of mechanisms of stem cell based therapy.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Plasmodium berghei ookinetes exhibit an apoptotic phenotype when developing within the mosquito midgut lumen or when cultured in vitro. Markers of apoptosis increase when they are exposed to nitric oxide or reactive oxygen species but high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide cause death without observable signs of apoptosis. Chloroquine and other drugs have been used to induce apoptosis in erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum and to formulate a putative pathway involving cysteine protease activation and mitochondrial membrane permeabilization; initiated, at least in the case of chloroquine, after its accumulation in the digestive vacuole causes leakage of the vacuole contents. The lack of a digestive vacuole in ookinetes prompted the investigation of the effect of chloroquine and staurosporine on this stage of the life cycle. Finally, the suggestion that apoptosis may have evolved as a strategy employed by ookinetes to increase the fitness of surviving parasites was explored by determining whether increasing the ecological triggers parasite density and nutrient depletion induced apoptosis. METHODS: Ookinetes were grown in culture then either exposed to hydrogen peroxide, chloroquine or staurosporine, or incubated at different densities and in different media. The proportion of ookinetes displaying positive markers for apoptosis in treated samples was compared with controls and results were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by a Turkey's test, or a Kruskal-Wallis test as appropriate. RESULTS: Hydrogen peroxide below 50 muM triggered apoptosis but cell membranes were rapidly compromised by higher concentrations, and the mode of death could not be defined. Both chloroquine and staurosporine cause a significant increase in ookinetes with condensed chromatin, caspase-like activity and, in the case of chloroquine, phosphatidylserine translocation and DNA fragmentation (not investigated for staurosporine). However, mitochondrial membrane potential remained intact. No relationship between ookinete density and apoptosis was detected but nutrient depletion significantly increased the proportion of ookinetes with chromatin condensation in four hours. CONCLUSIONS: It is proposed that both a mitochondrial and an amitochondrial apoptotic pathway may be involved, dependent upon the trigger that induces apoptosis, and that pathways may differ between erythrocytic stages and ookinetes, or between rodent and human malaria parasites.  相似文献   
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